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Anyone here got any experience with SKGE and/or NLVA as possible VW/ENB replacements?

I use NLVA with SRLE:E.  I really like the way it looks.  Vividian seems to me like theres some kind of dank cloud everywhere, I can't quite describe it well.  I just never really liked the way it looked in screenshots.


To install it as the mod author suggests, you first install VW, then deactivate the VW esp (set it to optional in MO).  Then install NLVA, and the NLVA esp deals with weathers.  No patches required for AOS or Falskaar or anything like that.  Then you grab the NLVA enb files and install them per usual.  I use it with ELE (interior only) and Relighting Skyrim.  I do not use ELFX.


If the inside is too dark, open up the enb console in game (shift enter), go to effect, then look for Gamma Interior.  It's default set to 1.3 or something.  Drop it to 1.2 or 1.1 and the insides look much better.  


I am also including a screenshot of the relevant MO entries, just so you can see how it looks for my screen:


Link if the image does not work: https://i.imgur.com/X4JuGUe.png

Edited by Dresner
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Yeah, the Increased Weather Variety optional if you want it has different plugins based on the style you want and the sound mod you use. Recommended Heavenly with AOS (hide or delete the others).


Also you need the Mindflux particle patch and subsurface scattering patch. It's included in Vividian but you need to download it seperately for NLVA. There is a link on the NLVA nexus page. Install those patches in the same place in the left pane as Neo has you install Vividian (so that SMIM and Ruffled Feather and others override them).


Edit: The NLVA description page has pretty good install instructions for all of this. It is not as hard as we are making it out to be. :-P

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Has there been any thoughts to adding Legacy of the Dragonborn?  I want to start a skyrim play through but I think I'm stuck on having DBM in it.   With a load out as feature rich as SRLE:E I'm unsure as to how well I personally could slot it in without things breaking.

yes i decided against but i know it has and can be done but it is a lot of work.


this guy has done but with base https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaHO2M49jtr28CV0Of1RbMhQhmR3_yVS-

Edited by Darth_mathias
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And is NLVA any more compatible in terms of using other ENBs? I really like the look of the Bleak/Unbleak and Grim & Sombre series but they aren't likely to play well with VW even if I follow the conversion guide.


I believe so. It just overwrites the vanilla weathers and is basically using Vivid Weathers for the textures. Maybe the mod page has more details, or you could ask Mega.


Has there been any thoughts to adding Legacy of the Dragonborn? I want to start a skyrim play through but I think I'm stuck on having DBM in it. With a load out as feature rich as SRLE:E I'm unsure as to how well I personally could slot it in without things breaking.

You would need to do a bunch of conflict resolution in xEdit. Also some things like Book Covers Skyrim are already included in LotD.

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Same thing here. I am thinking he may have removed it.

Hopefully he hasn't cos that's the main reason I've kept Vigor hopefully its just bugged I got a message out to him hopefully we will get a answer soon.




Running, no longer drain stamina biggrin.gif Now it reduce stamina generation by 100%. If you are above 50% stamina you can still regenerate stamina while running, but slower then normal.


not sure i like this.

Edited by Darth_mathias
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Hey, this is probably not the correct place to post this (especially as I don't explicitly follow the guide) but peoples here seem to be pretty good at troubleshooting...  I'm having a weird texture/mesh issue at the College of Winterhold - not using ICoW to be clear, just using a texture replacer; HQ College of Winterhold







Anyone have an idea what's going on here?  Those squares are actual objects being placed there as best I can tell - formID for one of them is 00107F4A, They're called FXSnowDriftFlat and are present in Skyrim.esm but not overwritten by anything... I believe USLEEP adds XLRL Location reference to one of them, but that's all I've got.

Also to throw it out there - while I like the concept of Stamina drain while running/jogging, the game mechanics arent really built for it.  Give me an athletics skill where I can actually affect that drain and we're talking, but as it is just draining stamina at a uniform rate that you can't influence doesn't contribute much to gameplay IMO.

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*Edit looking at some vanilla shots of the College I can see that they're supposed to be little snow patches with uneven edges, but are appearing as full squares for some reason... ?

I'm using Real Snow as a texture replacer but I've been using it for quite some time and never seen these oddities before.  Was using ICoW but took it out, noticed these after that.

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Anyone here got any experience with SKGE and/or NLVA as possible VW/ENB replacements?

I don't mind not having 500 weathers personally. I'm planning to use NLVA+Tetrachromatic for NLVA+Relighting Skyrim+Lanterns of Skyrim for  in my next playthrough. I did not find interiors too dark personally. Granted I did only check out Bleak Falls Barrow.




I was happy to drop ELFX because I don't like the flickering smoke problem.

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