Darth_mathias Posted October 17, 2015 Posted October 17, 2015 (edited) PLEASE NOTE WITH SRLE EXTENDED LEGACY OF THE DRAGONBORN NOW IN BETA I HAVE DECIDED THAT I WILL LONGER BE UPDATING THIS GUIDE. Welcome to SRLE Extended: you can find the Wiki page Here: https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_ExtendedPLEASE NOTE THIS GUIDE IS FOR THOSE ALREADY FAMLIAR WITH NEOVALEN'S SRLE I STRONGLY ADVISE TO INSTALL THAT FIRST BEFORE INSTALLING THIS. First things first I must acknowledge that this collection of Mods would not exist without the hard work of Neovalen and his excellent Skyrim Revisited Legendard Edition Guidehttps://wiki.step-project.com/User:Neovalen/Skyrim_Revisited_-_Legendary_Edition, this guide use that as a base. The aim of this guide is to try and make furthur changes to the base SRLE to help improve the visuals and gameplay without sacrificing to much performance and I think I have a nice balance here. IF YOU PLAN ON ADDING THIS GUIDE AND USING MY CR THEN PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A BASE SRLE AND YOU HAVE TESTED IT FOR ANY ISSUES BEFORE STARTING. PLEASE NOTE THE GUIDE ON FORUMS WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED INSTEAD TO FIND LATEST INSTALL ORDER INFOMATION GO HERE: https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Darth_mathias/SRLE_Extended_and_SRLE_Intergration#Install_Order mods used (In the Order they appear in my MO) Reveal hidden contents SKSE Scripts 1.07.03OneTweak - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40706/? (only needed if you play Skyrim in Windowed mode)+++++Unofficial Patches++++Unmanaged: DawnguardUnmanaged: HearthFiresUnmanaged: DragonbornUnofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition PatchUnmanaged: HighResTexturePack01High Resolution DLC 1 OptimizedUnmanaged: HighResTexturePack02High Resolution DLC 2 OptimizedUnmanaged: HighResTexturePack03High Resolution DLC 3 OptimizedUnofficial High Resolution Patch+++++Resource Mods++++EatingSleepingDrinking - KuNeruNomu -FileAccess Interface for Skyrim Script - FISSPapyrusUtil - Modders Scripting Utility Functions+++++Other Fixes++++Auto Unequip AmmoEnchantment Reload FixDragon Stalking FixFollower Trap SafetyFuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14884/?Horns Are ForeverNo Animals Report Crimes - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68125/? (use the Dawnguard and Dragonborn and Falskaar Version)Point The WaySkyrim Project OptimizationSmart SoulsWiseman303's Critter Fixes+++++User Interface++++SkyUIBlocksteal Redux - Prevents accidentally pick upExtended UISkyrim Skill Interface Re-Texture (Fomod the same as Steps https://wiki.step-project.com/Skyrim_Skill_Interface_Re-Texture#Recommendations)+++++Heads Up Display++++A Matter of Time - A HUD clock widgetBetter MessageBox ControlsImmersive HUD - iHUDLock Overhaul - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29979/?Main Font ReplacementmoreHUDNo Poison DialoguesSmaller CursorYOT - Your Own Thoughts - https://www.nexusmods...im/mods/50349/?+++++Character Creation++++RaceMenu+++++Dialogue and Follower Control++++Better Dialogue ControlsExtensible Follower FrameworkFace to face conversation+++++New Followers++++Arissa - The Wandering Rogue - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53754/?Arissa Customizer - UNP - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/67219/? (See FoMod Section)Hoth - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24666/?INIGO - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40960/? (Advised by Mod Author to leave BSA Packed)InigoMCM - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70035/? (LOOT Metadata Update Required see below)Recorder - Standalone Fully Voiced Follower - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68683/?Recorder Customizer - UNP - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69086/? (See FoMod Section) Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54527/?Sofia Customizer Redux - UNP - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61348/? (See FoMod Section) +++++World Map++++Atlas Map Markers for Skyrim Blackreach Dawnguard and Dragonborn+++++The World Of Skyrim - Dynamic LOD++++Vanilla Skyrim LOD BillboardsDynDOLOD 1.46 - Sobek+++++World Expansions++++FalskaarFalskkar OptimizedMolag Bal's Inferno - https://www.nexusmods...im/mods/69811/?Molag Bal's Inferno - Billboards - https://www.nexusmods...im/mods/62698/?Moonpath to Elsweyr - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9782/?The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal - https://www.nexusmods...im/mods/64651/?Gray Cowl of Nocturnal Alikr Flora Overhaul - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64752/? The Forgotten City - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70219/?Summerset Isle - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68406/?Summerset Isle LOD Billboards - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62698/?WyrmstoothWyrmstooth Optimized+++++Modified and Expanded Quests++++Alternate Start - Live Another LifeCutting Room FloorImmersive College of Winterhold - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36849/? (Error while trying to unpack the BSA so leave it packed, See FoMod Section)College Days - Winterhold - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56699/? (I used the Musetrigger Version)Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22650/?Even Better Quest Objectives - SRLE ExtendedEven Better Quest Objectives Merged - SRLE ExtendedGildergreen RegrownProvincial Courier ServiceThe Choice is Yours - Fewer Forced Quests - Improved Dialogue OptionsThe Notice BoardThe Notice Board - FalskaarThe Paarthurnax DilemmaThieves Guild Requirements - No Auto Quest Start BrynjolfTiming is Everything - Quest Delay and Timing ControlWyrmstooth - Tweaks and Enhancements+++++Weather Systems++++Climates of Tamriel Patches - SRLE Extended+++++ENB Related Data Files+++++Vividian ENB Merge - SRLE Extended Version (I Used the vivid performance verison with SMAA you will also need the Summerset Isle Patch)+ENB Terrain Parallax FixELE - Lite+++++General World Improvement++++The Ruffled FeatherNo stretchingStatic Mesh Improvement ModNobleSkyrimMod HD-2K - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45807/? (Used Instead of Skyrim Realistic Overhaul, Also install the NSM - SMIM Patch)Enhanced Lights and FX (Moved ELFX - Exteriors to the Optional ESP Section in MO)Project Parallax RemasteredNoble Skyrim HD Parallax Patch - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71400/?Relighting Skyrim FULL - Tailored for ELFXImmersive Content - Realistic Outdoor Lights - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68454/? (See FoMod Section)++++Clutter and Miscellaneous++++Animated ClutterBarenziah's GloryLeanWolf's Better-Shaped and Armed TalosBLOODSTONE CHALICE REBORNBook Covers SkyrimBook Covers Skyrim - Lost LibraryEASIER LOCKPICKING - Without Cheating - Nordic RetextureLeanWolf's Improved Enchanter Candle MeshesGemling Queen Dragon ClawsHold Border BannersHQ PaperPELTAPALOOZA - Pelts of Skyrim ExpansionProper Torch Wield - Hold your torch away from your face - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69368/?Realistic Boat BobbingRealistic HD FoodRen's HD Shrines by RengelRetexture for SoupRevamped Alchemy Lab HDRUGNAROKRUSTIC ALCHEMY and ENCHANTING TABLESRUSTIC DRAGON CORPSE - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65663/? (you wont need Bloody Dragon Bones Or Enhanced HD Dragon Bones 2k v1.6a) RUSTIC CLUTTER COLLECTIONRUSTIC COOKING STATIONRUSTIC OVEN - HearthfiresRUSTIC POTIONS and POISONSRUSTIC SOULGEMSSeptim HDStunning Statues of SkyrimSubliminal Traps 2 - NMM Installer by KevkasThe Notice Board Redefined - New Meshes and TexturesWeathered Road SignsWhite Phial Replacer+++++Landscape and Environment++++A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map - With RoadsaMidianBorn Caves and MinesaMidianBorn Solstheim LandscapeAsh RocksDeathbell HD - All-New Textures (2K-1K)Better Falskaar and Wyrmstooth Map With RoadsDROPSDynamic snow For MapEmbers HDEnhanced Night SkyrimHD Enhanced TerrainHD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit for HearthfireHigh Quality LODsLightning during Thunder StormsMoon GlowNorthfire's Skidmarks 1K-2KPilgrims Delight - High Hrothgar Shrine RetexturesReal IceReal Skyrim Snowflakes - Vivid Snow Realistic Aspen Trees - (PLEASE NOTE RAT Billboads are NOT NEEDED as these are included with Enhanced Landscapes)Enhanced Landscapes Merged - SRLE Extended - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68782/? (see Fomod & Merge Instructions below)Realistic Smoke and EmbersRealistic Water Two MergedRUSTIC MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONESRUSTIC NORDIC MURALSSerious HD Retexture SkyrimTelvanni RebornTreesHD_Skyrim_VariationUpgrade and fix for TreesHD by PfuscherUltimate HD Fire EffectsVividian ENB Extended MergedVivid Landscapes - All in OneVivid Landscapes - Castle VolkiharWEBS extendedWiseman303's Flora FixesWonders of WeatherFences of Skyrim - No more flickering fences - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58980/?+++++Effects++++Alternate Summoning VisualsBurn Freeze Shock EffectsDeadly Spell ImpactsEnhanced Blood TexturesFootprintsSOUL+++++Expanded Cities, Towns, and Villages++++Books of SkyrimCrime Overhaul - https://www.nexusmods...im/mods/71531/?+++++Vanilla Creature Retextures and Tweaks++++Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer PackHigh-Res Dartwing (Dragonfly) TextureLepidoptera Of SkyrimPondFish and Salmon Replacer - texture+++++Animal Companions and Mounts++++Immersive Horses - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64067/? (Remove Convenient Horses and Dawnguard Rewritten Arvak - Convenient Alsvid Patch See FoMod Section)Craftable Horse Barding - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64069/?Dawnguard Rewritten - Arvak+++++New Creatures and Encounters++++Deadly DragonsDragon Combat Overhaul - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32597/? (has a bug at the last miraak this needs to removed that added after the fight)Skyrim Immersive CreaturesASIS+++++Beards, Brows, and Hair++++More Realistic HairSuperior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures+++++Scars, Tints, and Warpaints++++Better Makeup for SKSEFaces Merged - Sobek - (See merge instructions below)XCE - Warpaint and Dirt+++++Skin and Body++++Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstylesCover Khajiits - Female VersionFAR - Forgotten Argonian RootsKhajiit body replacer for UNP and CBBEMature Skin 2 UNP(B) 7BASE CBBE VANILLARS Children OverhaulRS Children MergedUNP BLESSED BODY- UNPB REDUX PROJECT+++++Animation and Skeleton++++360 Walk and Run Plus - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34508/? (See FoMod Section) ã€DSAMG】Dragon Soul Absorb More GloriousD13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendlyFores New Idles in Skyrim - FNISHDT Physics ExtensionsImmersive AnimationsBlocking Animation PackDual Wield Improved AnimationNo Spinning Death AnimationRealistic Ragdolls and Forceã€WWLMG】Greybeard Meditation - DynamicXP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended+++++NPCs and Behavior++++Bring Out Your DeadFollower Commentary Overhaul - FCOGuard Dialogue OverhaulHigh Level Enemies 1.6 SIC EditionHolidaysImmersive Citizens - AI OverhaulImmersive PatrolsOBIS - Organized Bandits In SkyrimSkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10175 (THIS NEEDS CLEANNING WITH TES5EDIT)SkyTEST Integration Project - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/46495/? (If using my CR only install SkyTEST Immersive Creatures, If not you will need SKyTEST USKP as well) Respectful Guard AnimationsWet and Cold+++++The Armory of Skyrim - Dynamic Patches++++Dual Sheath Redux+++++Vanilla Item Retextures and Tweaks++++aMidianBorn Blade of WoeaMidianBorn Book of SilenceaMidianBorn Book of Silence - Content AddonaMidianBorn Hide and Studded HideaMidianBorn imperial light and studdedaMidianBorn Iron and Banded ArmoraMidianBorn Scaled ArmoraMidianBorn Steel ArmoraMidianBorn stormcloak officer armourApophysis Dragon Priest MasksBetter Circlets HQ V1o1LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons - All in One InstallerEotW The Dawnguard - Textures Re-masteredEcthelionOtW Mage Equipment OverhaulGemling Queen JewelryImproved closefaced helmetsMage Outfit Texture Overhaul (HD 2K) - MOTO - With Schools of MagicNew Jewels for CircletsNightingale Prime HDNightingale Weapons Retexture - Carbon FiberProper Dark brotherhood armor retex - https://www.nexusmods...im/mods/15698/? (used the 4k Black Version)RUSTIC CLOTHING - 4K and 2K TexturesUltraHD - Stormcloak and City GuardsSkaal clothes HD revivalStormcloak Armor Revival - HD and 4K texturesThieves Guild Armor HD revival+++++NPC Retextures++++Males of Skyrim - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61937/? (LOOT Metadata update required, use this esp replacer https://copy.com/Z6ZxdOxRJa7RWzhGCompanions NPC Improvement - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68527/? (LOOT Metadata update required, use this esp replacer https://copy.com/zGAMT904CiYdsO6hThe Ordinary Women - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70547/? (Use this esp Replacer https://copy.com/RjFDBhLFHhNrvx8n, LOOT Metadata update required) Bijin Merged - (SEE MERGE INSTRUCTION BELOW)Bijin Warmaidens - Private Lydia Version - (SEE FOMOD & MERGE INSTRUCTION BELOW)Bijin Merged Customizer - UNPB - (SEE FOMOD & MERGE INSTRUCTION BELOW)+++++UNP Blessed Body Vanilla Armor Conversions++++UNP Dawnguard ArmorsUNP Dragonborn ArmorsUNP Female ArmorsTroubleMakers Clothing - UNPB UNP BBP BBPx TBBP MTM HDT-PE Female Body ReplacerTroubleMakers Forsworn Armor - Customizable UNPB and BBP also BBPxLore Friendly and SemiSkimpy Armors - UNPB-BBP+++++New Items++++Cloaks of SkyrimDaedric Reaper Armor - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69138/?Immersive ArmorsImmersive Weapons - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27644/? (Remove JaySuS Swords)Faction Crossbows - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58704/?Merta Assassin Armor UNP - CBBE - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60195/? (use the HDT High Heels System NOT required. Version)Northgirl Armor UNP and the Retexture from clethcleth and Gamwich - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38053/?UNP Rogue Armor HD - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71178/?Winter Is Coming - Cloaks+++++Recipe and Stat Changers++++Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16225/?Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul PatchesComplete Crafting Overhaul RemadeClothing and Clutter FixesLoot and Degradation - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55677/?Weapons and Armor Fixes RemadeImperious - Races of Skyrim - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61218/?+++++General Sound Improvement++++Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2Heart of the Beast - Werewolf Sound and Texture OverhaulBard Songs Overhall - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54384/?+++++Basic Needs and Survival++++Art Of The Catch - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65613/?Bathing in Skyrim MergedCampfire - Complete Camping SystemFrostfall - Hypothermia Camping SurvivaliNeed - Food, Water and SleepPumping Iron - Dynamic Muscle Growth - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29476/?Real Shelter - Full Release - Sobek+++++Combat and Traps++++Archery Gameplay Overhaul - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69033/? Combat Evolved - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56147/?Dual Wield ParryingEnemy AI OverHaul---Revenge Of the Enemies---No Scripts Version - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40491/?Traps Make Noise - More Dangerous TrapsSmart Cast - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43123/?VioLens - A Killmove ModWiseman303's Trap Fixes+++++Economy++++RealisticRoomRental-EnhancedImmersive Wenches - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51189/?Skyrim Coin Replacer ReduxTrade and Barter+++++Perks and Leveling++++Skyrim -Community- UncapperUncapper for Ordinator - Custom Version - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68720/? (See FoMod Section)Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68425/?Ordinator - WAFR and CCOR patch - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70055/?CACO-Ordinatored - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70272/? (Merged Version)+++++Travel++++Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships - Overhauled+++++Vampires, Werewolves and Bears, Oh My++++Better Vampires 7.1Predator Vision - Vampire Werewolf and Khajiit - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22274/? (Recommeded to install this post character creation and have left Alternate start dungeon)Moonlight Tales - Werewolf and Werebear Essentials+++++Compatibility Patches++++Extensible Follower Framework Compatibility CollectionAdded: Moonpath to Elsweyr - Realistic Room Rental Enhanced Patch - https://www.nexusmods...im/mods/57725/?Skyrim Immersive Creatures - Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade Patch+++++Player Homes++++Rayek's End Revisited (Mazz's End) - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71081/?Windstad Mine - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57879/?+++++Conflict Resolution++++SRLE Conflict Resolution - 20-12-15 (My Version, Removed ELFX - Exterior Records from Neo's pre made patch)SRLE Extended Conflict Resolution - 09-01-16 - https://copy.com/okbznzQM0HvD0j4h+++++Skyproc Patches And Other Stuff++++DynDOLOD TexGen - SRLE ExtendedDynDOLOD - Worlds Output - SRLE ExtendedSRLE Extended Profile FoMod SettingsCustomizers by ClearanceClarence (PLEASE NOTE ALL CUSTOMIZERS ARE BASICALLY THE SAME SO I CHOSE TO USE JUST ONE RECORDER) Reveal hidden contents PLEASE NOTE SOFIA NOW HAS UPDATED BODY TEXTURES SO USE MATURE 2.12 FOR HER EVERY ELSE IS THE SAME PLEASE NOTE ONLY RECORDER USES EYES OF BEAUTY ALL OTHERS SELECT NONE PLEASE NOTE THIS IS FOR RECORDER ONLY Immersive College Of Winterhold Reveal hidden contents No Snow Under Roof Reveal hidden contents Immersive Content - Realistic Outdoor Lights Reveal hidden contents THIS OTPION IS ONLY NEEDED IF NOT USING JK'S OR ETaC THESE OPTIONS ARE NEDDED BY EVERYONE Enhanced Landscapes Reveal hidden contents PLEASE NOTE IF YOU USE SKYRIM FLORA OVERHAUL THEN SELECT THAT OPTION IN LODGEN BILLBOARDS SECTION OF THE FOMOD Immersive Horses Reveal hidden contents 360 Walk and Run Plus Reveal hidden contents POST INSTALLION REMOVE THE FOLLOWING FILES FROM BOTH THE FEMALE AND MALE ANIMATIONS FOLDERS:mt_runBackward.HkXmt_runBackwardLeft.HkXmt_runBackwardRight.HkXmt_walkBackward.HkXmt_walkBackwardLeft.HkXmt_walkBackwardRight.HkX Uncapper for Ordinator - Custom Version Reveal hidden contents LOOT Metadata Update Required: Reveal hidden contents Cutting Room Floor.esp - Load After Enhanced Landscapes - Merged.esp (Add To Existing List)Combat Evovled.esp - Load After Immersive Weapons.espInigoMCM.esp - Load After Inigo.espImperious - Races of Skyrim.esp - Load After MatureSkinComplexions.espCACO - Ordinatored.esp - Load After CACO - Patches.espCompanions_Improvement.esp - Load After Males of Skyrim.espBijin Merged.esp - Load After Companions_Improvement.espBijin Merged.esp - Load After the Ordinary Woman.espSRLE Extended Conflict Resolution.esp - Load After SR Conflict Resolution.esp Mod Merges using Merge Plugins Standalone Reveal hidden contents ENHANCED LANDSCAPESFiles to merge:Enhanced Landscapes.espEnhanced Landscapes - Solstheim.espEnhanced Landscapes - Marsh Pines.espEnhanced Landscapes - Oaks.espEnhanced Landscapes - DLC Patch.espMerge name:----- Enhanced Landscapes MergedFilename:Enhanced Landscapes - Merged.espFACESFiles to merge:Beards.espBrows.espTheEyesOfBeauty.espThe Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.espNB-Scars.espMerge name:----- faces MergedFilename: Faces Merged.esp Armor MergedFiles to merge:RougeArmorHD.espNorthgirl.espFaction Crossbows.espMerta Assassin Armor.espMerge name:----- Armor MergedFilename: Armor Merged.espYOT - Your Own ThoughtsFiles to merge:YOT - Your Own Thoughts.espYOT - Better Vampires.espYOT - Frostfall Module 3.0.espMerge name:----- YOT - Your Own Thoughts MergedFilename: Your Own Thoughts Merged.esp Manual MergeBIJIN Merge Reveal hidden contents STEP 1: Download and install Bijin Warmaidians https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40038/? (use the loose UNP Version)Download and install Bijin Warmaidians Private Lydia Version (DO NOT MERGE INTO BIJIN WARMADIANS FOLDER YOU MUST CREATE A NEW MOD)Download and install Bijin Wives UNP https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63473/?Download and Install Bijin NPC https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71054/?Download Bijin Merged.esp from here https://copy.com/jummqKQao7cHJVW1 THIS VERSION ALSO SHOULD CONTAIN THE ALEA WAREWOLF FIX. STEP 2: Create a new folder Called Bijin Merged STEP 3:Open Bijin WARMADIANS folder and move the textures and meshes folders (ONLY DO NOT COPY THE ESP) to the newly created Bijin Merged Folder.Open Bijin Wives folder and move the textures and meshes folders (ONLY DO NOT COPY THE ESP) to the newly created Bijin Merged Folder.Open Bijin NPC folder and move the textures and meshes folders (ONLY DO NOT COPY THE ESP) to the newly created Bijin Merged Folder. The folder structure should look like this: Bijin Merged / meshes / actor / character / ...and then the list of unique characters for War, Wives, NCP with their specific Facegendata (you get the idea) as the same for textures. ONCE YOU HAVE COPIED THESE ASSETS THE REMAINING 3 ESPS CAN BE SAFElY DELETED THESE ARE NOT NEEDED ANYMORE AT THIS POINT THE FOLDER SHOULD ONLY CONTAIN TEXTURES AND MESHES NO ESP STEP 4Move Bijin Merged.esp (the one you downloaded in Step 1, Line 5) to the newly Created Bijin Merged Folder which should now contain all the textures and meshes.AT THIS POINT THE FOLDER SHOULD CONTAIN ALL TEXTURES & MESHES AND A ESP. STEP 5 Move Bijin Merged to the MO Mods Folder STEP 6 Activte Bijin Merged in MO left hand pane.Activate Bijin Warmaidians Privte Lydia Version STEP 7 LOOT Metadata Update Required:Bijin Merged.esp load after Companions_Improvement.esp STEP 8 LOOT Metadata Update Required: BW Lydia.esp Load After Bijin Merged.esp at the point download the bijin customizers if desired.this should be it you're done. (hopefully I haven't missed anything lol of course I missed stuff). Only needed if you have installed and removed dyndoload and Skyproc prior to installion of this mod Step 9: Re Run Dyndolod as per SRLE Guide Step 10:Re Run Skyproc Patchers as per SRLE Guide Manual MergeBIJIN Customizer Merged Reveal hidden contents Step 1:Download and install Bijin Warmaidian Customizer - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66952/?Download and install Bijin Wives Customizer - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66894/? Step 2:During FoMod installation Seletct UNPB and New feet and New hand meshes (this is all you need if you want body textures select what you want) Step 3:Create a new folder called Bijin Customizer Merged Step 4:Move all Textures and Meshes folders from Bijin Warmaidian customizer and Bijin Wives Customizer into the newly created Bijin Customizer Merged folder Step 5:Activte Bijin Merged Customizer in Mod Organizer Step 6:you can now deactive Bijin Warmaidian customizer and Bijin Wives Customizer as these should have been merged Mods Required For Conflict Resolution Reveal hidden contents Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthfires.esmUnoffical Skyrim Legendary Edition patch.espFalskkar.esmSkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Preadtors.esmCutting Room Floor.espMatureSkinComplexions.espOBIS.espBook Covers Skyrim.espAOS.espDeadlyDragon.espOrdinator - Perks of Skyrim.espImmersive Citzens - AI Overhaul.espELE_Legendary_Fs_Wt_Lite.esp MCM Settings (These are the Setting I Use so your will likely be Different Reveal hidden contents Archery Gameplay Overhaul HotKeysRemove Projectiles - OEnhanced Skyrim Factions: The Companions Guild PresetsPreset Reasonable - 24 Quests - Click APPLY THIS PRESETMiscellaneousTrainnigOffered Only Daytime In Yard - EnabledImmersive Horses Horses Activation ActionsStanding Activation - RIDESneaking Activation - OPEN INVENTORYMounted Activation - DISMOUNTHorse OptionsLast Horse Fast Travel - ENABLEDFast Dismount Weapon Draw - ENABLEDLast Horse Ridden Horse HotkeysWhistle Key - GMounted Horse HotKeysFast Rear Dismount Key - EHerd HotkeysHerd Follow - GImmersive Wenches Less NPC'SNo Default Travelling Wenches - ENABLEDNo Vampire Wenches - ENABLEDLoot and Degradation GeneralLootLess Leveled Loot - ENABLEDDegradationPlayer Degradation Rate - 2ServicesEquipment Repair Kits - ENABLEDExtraWeapons 2Toggle Widgets - K3 SecondsWidgetStyle - ALPHA/PERCENTAGE BASEDContextual - ENABLEDPredator VisionKeysNightVision Activation Key - VPredator Vision Activation - H Activation SoundsNightvision - SOUND 2Predator Vision - SOUND 2CheatsGive Character Predator Vision - ENABLEDSofia Follower Sofia SettingsComents Frequency - 4.5 HOURSCombat Class - LIGHT RANGERCombat Style - RANGED If there are any mods you feel would go well with this collection of mods to help futhur enhance and improve game experience then please leave me a comment and either me or my wife will look into them. This little "Addon" and the conflict Resoultion will be maintain by Darth_mathias (me) and my wife DarkladyLexy so any questions then post them here and please don't bug Neovalen about them since he doesn't maintain this collection thanks. Edited July 21, 2016 by Darth_mathias
Pretendeavor Posted October 25, 2015 Posted October 25, 2015 (edited) Of these mods I use the following mods in my load order too: Reveal hidden contents The Ordinary WomenImmersive College of WinterholdFaction CrossbowsNo Snow under the RoofApocalypse - The Spell PackageDeadly CombatCombat Evolved (only part of it, can't remember which parts i left out..)Apocalypse - The Spell PackageOrdinator - Perks of SkyrimApocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.espWAFR CCOR Ordinator PatchDaedric Reaper ArmorCACO-OrdinatoredSofiaSofia Customizer The main thing I had to watch for in my conflict resolution were conflicts with records that touch npcs (The Ordinary Women, so probably also the Bijin mods). Ordinator has a few conflicts with trade & barter and with AOS, the AOS records can be patched and I let Trade & Barter 'win' over Ordinator. Apocalypse should work fine, but both Apocalypse & Ordinator add many new things to the game, maybe there are bugs that don't show up in TES5Edit. I can't think of any though.. Things like Daedric Reaper Armor shouldn't conflict with anything, I have many armor and weapon mods merged into 1 esp (mostly ones that just add items, without quests/scripts). Faction Crossbows touches Leveled Lists, you could check your Bashed Patch to see if everything worked out well. I haven't yet played with Sofia, but I think it should work fine. I chose to have Arissa with me on my last playthrough, I'm thinking of picking Sofia (or Inigo) for my next. Patches to keep in mind:- Deadly Combat has an ASIS patch- No Snow under the Roof has a Better Dynamic Snow Patch (see also REGS instructions)- Immersive College of Winterhold has a patch for ELFX and Apophysis (see also REGS instructions) Then I have a question for you... how does the game look with Noble Skyrim installed? Better than SRO? I currently still use SRO and have Skyrim HD Lite installed after it (only using a couple of textures). I wonder if I should try out Noble Skyrim, I hear it is very underrated Edited October 25, 2015 by Pretendeavor
thorgal Posted October 25, 2015 Posted October 25, 2015 which AV files did you use for Automatic variants ?
Darth_mathias Posted October 26, 2015 Author Posted October 26, 2015 (edited) On 10/25/2015 at 11:39 AM, Pretendeavor said: Patches to keep in mind:- Deadly Combat has an ASIS patch- No Snow under the Roof has a Better Dynamic Snow Patch (see also REGS instructions)- Immersive College of Winterhold has a patch for ELFX and Apophysis (see also REGS instructions) Then I have a question for you... how does the game look with Noble Skyrim installed? Better than SRO? I currently still use SRO and have Skyrim HD Lite installed after it (only using a couple of textures). I wonder if I should try out Noble Skyrim, I hear it is very underratedyes i have no snow under roof better dynamic patch I have merged them into one file so that why i s forgot tro mention thati do have the ELFX patch for immersive college of Winterholdi forgot about the ASIS patch didn't think it was needed as i only use the enchantment fix I have not found any major bugs in my CR as of yet, but Granted I havn't actually play the game properly in ages and not planning on unitl frostfall 3.0 is out. If anyone is using my CR which is has updated (link to down load at the top) then I would like to hear feedback on any issue found. I have never used SRO (never been able to locate a woking torrent file) I always used HD2k Instead but I really like noble skyrim especially the darker wood texture of building the best thing to do is download it and have a look yourself the only issue is in doesn't have parallax textures (not sure if HD2K Lites does either) On 10/25/2015 at 3:23 PM, thorgal said: which AV files did you use for Automatic variants ?i am using the 3 av package from main page i disabled the pink Mammoth from Sounaipr AV PortsI disabled from Insanity Sorrow Sekeevers Var 03, Var 04, Var 07, Var 08, Var 13 and Var 14. also my CR has been updated Edited October 26, 2015 by Darth_mathias
Darth_mathias Posted October 28, 2015 Author Posted October 28, 2015 I have decided to drop Jayus Sword and put in Immersive Weapons in instead.
Darth_mathias Posted October 29, 2015 Author Posted October 29, 2015 well bugger brand SSD with skyrim aand my SRLE Build has just died and i've lost everything (stupidly no backup) so let the rebuild madness being
Pretendeavor Posted October 29, 2015 Posted October 29, 2015 (edited) Auch, that is bad luck. The Samsung EVO 850? Good luck setting everything up again! I also use Immersive Weapons, I'm liking it. Recently saw https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70937/? appearing on the Nexus, might be a cool addition to the mod. Also, before you start a new char take a look at https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70959/? It's an expansion for Alternate Start, looks interesting! Edited October 29, 2015 by Pretendeavor
Darth_mathias Posted October 29, 2015 Author Posted October 29, 2015 (edited) On 10/29/2015 at 11:58 AM, Pretendeavor said: Auch, that is bad luck. The Samsung EVO 850? Good luck setting everything up again! I also use Immersive Weapons, I'm liking it. Recently saw https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70937/? appearing on the Nexus, might be a cool addition to the mod. Also, before you start a new char take a look at https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70959/? It's an expansion for Alternate Start, looks interesting!thanks but I should know better to keep a backup so my fault. i notice these as well and was going to take a look i'll add them when i get back to that point.sent it back thismorning and eBuyer (the company I brought is from) has already sent out a new one which will be here tomorrow. So rebuild over the weekend whille watchig the rugby final I think. Maybe i'll during this new install I will add to here the options I chose in Fomod installers for the added mods and the merges i will do as well. Edited October 29, 2015 by Darth_mathias
Darth_mathias Posted October 31, 2015 Author Posted October 31, 2015 (edited) Decided to drop Skyrim Flora overhaul the FPS is hit is to much or my likeing I have added moonpath to Elswer, Moonpath ELFX Patch Summerset Isle, Summerset Isle COT Patch, Summerset Isle Billboards Merged ELFX PathcesELFX ExteriorsELFX DawnguardELFX DragonbornELFX Moonpath Edited November 1, 2015 by Darth_mathias
Darth_mathias Posted November 2, 2015 Author Posted November 2, 2015 (edited) On 10/29/2015 at 11:58 AM, Pretendeavor said: Auch, that is bad luck. The Samsung EVO 850? Good luck setting everything up again! I also use Immersive Weapons, I'm liking it. Recently saw https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70937/? appearing on the Nexus, might be a cool addition to the mod. Also, before you start a new char take a look at https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70959/? It's an expansion for Alternate Start, looks interesting!so after long hard 3 day slog my skyrim is rebuilt and back to where it was before my SSD died I have merged a few mods removed one or 2 from the base SRLE and installed a few more. but it is back and happy now to back it up. Also the CR Has been updated to my latest Version if anyone is using it a recommend downloading it. Edited November 4, 2015 by Darth_mathias 1
Ardhes Posted November 8, 2015 Posted November 8, 2015 Just out of sheer curiosity, how hard was it, to fit Ordinator and for example a follower like Inigo into the SRLE. When I finally fixed the last minor problems i have with my current setup, i am looking for some overhaul since the standard Skyrims perks are too borring for my taste. =)Would like to put Requiem into it, but atm i am not comfortable with this task, maybe i#ll try it with the standard STEP guide and fit it in, we will see.
Darth_mathias Posted November 8, 2015 Author Posted November 8, 2015 (edited) On 11/8/2015 at 4:58 PM, Ardhes said: Just out of sheer curiosity, how hard was it, to fit Ordinator and for example a follower like Inigo into the SRLE. When I finally fixed the last minor problems i have with my current setup, i am looking for some overhaul since the standard Skyrims perks are too borring for my taste. =)Would like to put Requiem into it, but atm i am not comfortable with this task, maybe i#ll try it with the standard STEP guide and fit it in, we will see.inigo doesn't conflict with SRLE i suggest geting the Inigio MCM mod too https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70035/?Ordinator have a few conflicts with trade and barter (set rule in loot load after Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp) then is only 2 perks that need Resolution.grab the Ordinator - WAFR and CCOR patch (unfortunaly at the moment not using USLEEP) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70055/?I chose the personal version Grab CACO-Ordinatored https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/70272/?also you'll want Custom Uncapper for Ordinator https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68720/? I suggest before adding any mods on top of SRLE you test that it is stable what I do play the game from helgen through to the first dragon fight. I have a CR at the top it is the most update version before i Added USLEEP to my game. my current load order is also pre USLEEP. If enough people request it I willl add links to the mod is used at the top. Edited November 8, 2015 by Darth_mathias 2
Ardhes Posted November 8, 2015 Posted November 8, 2015 Alright thank you, i will run a test. Still have my candle light "problem" and 1 -2 Q, waiting for Neovalen, but i guess i can run a test anyways. I'll guess i will run in some issues. Learned alot through my first modding attempt - You guys were really helpful ^^
Darth_mathias Posted November 8, 2015 Author Posted November 8, 2015 (edited) On 11/8/2015 at 5:47 PM, Ardhes said: Alright thank you, i will run a test. Still have my candle light "problem" and 1 -2 Q, waiting for Neovalen, but i guess i can run a test anyways. I'll guess i will run in some issues. Learned alot through my first modding attempt - You guys were really helpful ^^one thing I forget to mention with regard to Ingio, I did have a weird mesh issue when you first meet him in riften jail and after speaking with the mod author he suggested to leave it packed in the BSA. I also left Warburgs 3D paper map packed in a BSA too. Edited November 8, 2015 by Darth_mathias
Darth_mathias Posted November 12, 2015 Author Posted November 12, 2015 (edited) my have updated my CR for USLEEP and is up to date the the lastest SRLE as of today 12/11/15 https://copy.com/mTvgp1gAookaeHni Edited November 27, 2015 by Darth_mathias
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