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Disable/Enable .esps in Mod Organizer with Bashed Patch



I have been following the Fear and Loathing Step Guide and I have installed all my mods with mod organizer.  I followed the instructions given on how to make a bashed patch with Wrye Flash and I created one.  As seen below in the picture, 5 of my files were merged and 1 was imported into the bashed patch.


I now have my bashed patch in the left pane of mod organizer.  Should I disable all the .esps in the left pane of mod organizer that were either merged or imported into the bashed patch?  Or should I leave those .esps enabled for it to function properly?


14 answers to this question

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Yes... The left side should remain with them enabled.

The way it looks like is what it should...

Everything(what F&L guide says) in the left pane remain enabled


The right pane have everything enabled exact what wrye bash merges...

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Those 'Merged' esp should automatically disable themselves.

The pic is shown correctly

The green plus in WryeBash means not active but present in bashed patch or something of the sort


In MO you should see all of those green plus and the purple dot disabled BUT they are still present in the bashed patch




The purple dot means more/less the same as the green plus... Just a little different and way cooler

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In my mod organizer those merged esps are automatically disabled in the right pane where LOOT sorts the plugins, as shown in the picture below.  However, in the left pane those merged esps are still enabled.


Are you saying that the bashed patch automatically disables those esps when I launch the game, even if they are still enabled in the left pane?


Or should I move those enabled esps in the left pane into the optional esps tab?  I am assuming that I should not deactivate the mods entirely because the bashed patch still needs the texture and sound files.


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Make sure you aren't confusing a checked mod in the left hand pane with a loaded *.esp in your load order. This is not actually what that means.


Esp/esm files are activated and sorted in the right-hand pane and LOOT will show those results correctly and they will correlate with what MO has shown, and vice versa.


The left-hand pane is showing which MODS are loaded. Note I said "mod" not "esp". Mods, as you are aware, contain resources like meshes, textures, menus, etc. When a MOD is checked in the right-hand pane it is merely showing those resources are available for use in the game.


So you may have installed a mod that is only providing textures, like the Hi-Res DLC, that doesn't need an esp to be used. That means it is unchecked in the right-hand pane but checked in left-hand pane.


The mods you bashed probably still provided resources to be useful and they will still need to made available, ie checked, in the left-hand pane.

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  On 10/8/2014 at 8:31 PM, hishutup said:


In MO you should see all of those green plus and the purple dot disabled BUT they are still present in the bashed patch

Hi, I'm following the STEP instructions to create the bashed patch, but once it's done and I quit WB, there are no changes in the right pane (plugins) of MO. All of them are checked as they were before. The bashed patch appears in the overwrite folder, and the html file in it tells me which changes should have happened, but haven't.


Should I uncheck the plugins manually? Thanks.

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If your bashed patch was enabled when you were redoing it then the plugin in MO's right pane has been updated. If there was no active bashed patch in MO's list then it should appear in the 'Overwrite'.


Do not judge change simply by timestamp or other OS level methods. Look at the plugin in xEdit to verify what has been added/removed.

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  On 12/18/2017 at 1:59 AM, GrantSP said:

Look at the plugin in xEdit to verify what has been added/removed.

When I load the bashed patch in xEdit, it also gets loaded: skyrim.esm, skyrim.exe, update.esm, the DLCs, USLEEP, Cutting Room Floor, CCOR, Parathurnax Dilemma.


How can I find out the contents of the bashed patch? Thank you.

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When I expand bashed patch there are sections which include elements, but it doesn't show any list of included ESPs.


What I would like to know is why the plugins aren't getting unchecked automatically, since the bashed patched seems to be created correctly.


If there's no solution, how do I know which plugins should I manually uncheck from looking at the html output?


Thank you. :)

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I think you're confusing bashed and merged patches. Any records in your bashed patch are simple edits of those in other plugins, those original plugins need not be removed from your load order.

A bashed patch is a simple plugin that manages differences in records from different plugins so that your game uses the correct set, not necessarily the last set of records. ie. those that would have won a conflict.

A merged patch is what the name implies, a patch of two or more plugins into one that is used to lower the number of active plugins in your load order. 

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You're right, I'm a little lost. I'm following these instructions.


The last step says:

9. During the patching, WB disabled several mods. Only re-enable WM Trap Fixes.esp and BetterQuestObjectives.esp.


Does this mean that I should expect some mods (right pane) to be disabled automatically in MO? Because it ain't happening to me.


However, you said that the bashed patch shouldn't disable plugins. Are the instructions wrong?


Thanks again~

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If the options you choose require disabling plugins, WB will do that. If your options don't require it then there will be none disabled. Bashed patches are different for each user so the instructions aren't wrong, just specific to one case.

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The options I checked are Merge Patches, Import Names, Import Stats, Tweak Settings, and Leveled Lists, as the guide says. In the Mergeable Mods section to the right there are 20+ plugins listed. Then I select build bashed patch and when it's done I enable the bashed patch, quit WB, and MO doesn't deactivate any plugin.

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