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I'm pretty sure, but knowing me I screwed something up.


I downloaded StableuGridsToLoad, got the enblocal.ini that fit my videocard VRAM and put it in the skyrim folder along with enbhost.exe, and the d3d9.dll file was already there (I think from RCRN, but it's date is from 12/3/11 which is odd.). I modified the SKSE.ini with







and replaced the skse_steam_loader with the one from the OP.


Did I do everything correctly?


Get the latest DLL, enbhost.exe and enblocal.ini (and modify the latter accordingly) files from https://www.enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.html


It seems like I just needed to replace the d3d9.dll. A couple notifications popped up at the start and Task Manager had enbhost.exe. Thanks for the help guys.


The only thing that sucks is that now that I've disabled Safety Load I seem to be getting infinite loading screens again. Safety Load doesn't have issues with it being uninstalled does it?


It seems like I just needed to replace the d3d9.dll. A couple notifications popped up at the start and Task Manager had enbhost.exe. Thanks for the help guys.


The only thing that sucks is that now that I've disabled Safety Load I seem to be getting infinite loading screens again. Safety Load doesn't have issues with it being uninstalled does it?

No harm in trying. If you are getting ILS, what do you have to lose?



Also, my fullscreen or windowed skyrim is not crashing when alt-tabbing.

This is the one maddening thing that I would like to resolve. I use Alt+Tab to bring up VMMap or Process Hacker (skyrim is running and I hear the audio still) and then attempt to Alt+Tab back into Skyrim. First try gives me black windowed mode (still hear Skyrim audio up to this point). The secont Alt+Tab results in TESV process crash.
I figured out the Alt+Tab issue:


Skyrim Performance Monitor causes the crash when attempting to Alt+Tab back into the game, when the "Attempt support for custom D3D9.dll" experimental option is enabled. When either disabled and/or "Save mode" is enabled, the counters do not appear in game, and Alt+Tabbing works without issue. Untick the d3d9.dll compatibility box to disable in-game counters whilst allowing for normal data logging and graph update. Only the in-game counters are incompatible with Alt+Tabbing.


I assume that this is caused by a hooking issue with d3d9.dll or with TESV itself.


Regardless, it has nothing to do with the skse mempatch hack and everything to do with d3d9.dll compat with SPM.


hellianos, how's it going for you, and what are you all using? I have the same rig as you, "1GB vram and 6gb of triple channel ram."


Are you benefiting from this?


I've read this entire thread (okay, I skimmed a few pages :happy: ) and it's still unclear to me whether ENBoost is required or not. According to ENBoost install instructions I don't have enough VRAM to run ENBoost (I also tried it a few months back and it didnt seem to do anything for me).


However, I get frequent ILS and some CTDs using a pared down STEP install, with only a few custom picked mods thrown in, so I'm hoping this (or something) might help.. eager to start a new playthrough but I need a bit more stability first.

While you may be having issues with ENBoost, even with 32-bit arch and/or limited RAM, ENBoost should increase your mem-management capacities due to the memory offload behavior from TESV process to enbhost process. Perhaps you need to play with some of the enblocal.ini settings under [Memory]? Depending upon your video card make and VRAM, the ENBoost mod contains several presets. Getting this working has apparently helped others with similar hardware limitations.

Heh, well.. pretty definitive test here. My game won't even load normally from the first default autosave at the Helgen scene. I install this, and it loads every time. Reproduced this every time - ILS without, loads in about 30 seconds with it. So I guess that means it works without ENBoost. :)


Will report back later if things continue going well.

Thanks for confirming that ENBoost is not a requirement for efficacy of this fix.

Yes. I gathered as much but I was wondering about the how it does so and what kind of returns it gives.


Basically, 95% are reporting this fixed all issues. 4% are still reporting an occasional issue but much improved. 1% are reporting it did nothing. Of that 5%, it's most likely that most issues are resulting from mod incompatibilities from what we can tell. Nearly all posting with simple or STEP mod lists are helping to erect the statues.


Sent from my Moto X using Tapatalk.


No fancy charts or numbers here. Just playing.

Background: ugrids 5/36 for the last year, changing the uGrid to anything higher results in freeze or CTD 50 % of the time when crossing cell borders.

Note-changing the buffer to any number than standard for the selected uGrid results in CTD.

Been using Safety Load for a couple months, this helped, but having SkyUI menu artifacts, and if I don't immediately get out of the menu, CTD.

Along comes Sheson, wow, to bad I'm stupid and can't follow his instructions.

Thank You Neovalen, hey, he even let's me change the memory block size.


First Run: uGrids 5 (still CTD if I change the buffer to anything other than 36), memory blocks 512/256. 3 hrs, YES! But wait, there is a small not terribly noticeable stutter, even though my fps counter shows 26-43 fps.


Second Run: uGrids 9/100 (still the same issue with the buffer), 1 hr, still have the stutter.


3rd Run: uGrids 9/100 memory blocks 768/512. Still good to go but stutter is maybe a little less noticeable, fps @ 26-43 depending where I'm at and looking.


How high can I go, 19, WoW, can't play at 6-11 fps though (exterior, don't know what interior is).


So back to uGrids 9, mblocks but let's change the mblocks to 1024/768. CTD at start.


All together, uGrids 9 with mblocks set at 768/512 has got me through more than 32 hrs of no CTD or freeze game play. But what about the stutter? Changing the limiter and adaptivequality to match my monitor refresh and it's gone.

Did notice that my cpu and gpu temps are up about 4 Celsius, (68/65).


266 mods (236 esm/esp) + ENB


Windows 7 Home Premium

i7 3770 (non K)

4X4 Corsair Vengeance 1333 (xmp'd to 1600)

Gigabyte GTX680OC 4GDR

1TB @7200 HDD


Sheson I don't know to curse you or thank you. I did try playing at uGrids 7. 5 minutes, this sucks, NOPE, NOPE, NOPE I want my terrain back. 9 it is.






Also, my fullscreen or windowed skyrim is not crashing when alt-tabbing.

This is the one maddening thing that I would like to resolve. I use Alt+Tab to bring up VMMap or Process Hacker (skyrim is running and I hear the audio still) and then attempt to Alt+Tab back into Skyrim. First try gives me black windowed mode (still hear Skyrim audio up to this point). The secont Alt+Tab results in TESV process crash.
I figured out the Alt+Tab issue:


Skyrim Performance Monitor causes the crash when attempting to Alt+Tab back into the game, when the "Attempt support for custom D3D9.dll" experimental option is enabled. When either disabled and/or "Save mode" is enabled, the counters do not appear in game, and Alt+Tabbing works without issue. Untick the d3d9.dll compatibility box to disable in-game counters whilst allowing for normal data logging and graph update. Only the in-game counters are incompatible with Alt+Tabbing.


I assume that this is caused by a hooking issue with d3d9.dll or with TESV itself.


Regardless, it has nothing to do with the skse mempatch hack and everything to do with d3d9.dll compat with SPM.

For me, SPM has worked different with different ENB versions as well as different SweetFX versions. SweetFX 1.51 for instance does show the SPM counters, but SweetFX 1.3 doesn't. It is indeed a hooking issue which I contacted the SPM author about some time ago and he said it is hard to make it work for every d3d9*.dll... SO you may be lucky or unlucky depending on the version you use.


Heh, well.. pretty definitive test here. My game won't even load normally from the first default autosave at the Helgen scene. I install this, and it loads every time. Reproduced this every time - ILS without, loads in about 30 seconds with it. So I guess that means it works without ENBoost. :)


Will report back later if things continue going well.

Thanks for confirming that ENBoost is not a requirement for efficacy of this fix. I can confirm this as well. However I do suspect that the reason ENBoost is listed as a requirement is because the mempatch essentially adds 256mb (or more) to the TESV.exe process, which would result in people hitting the 3.1gb limit earlier if the ram (derived from vram in d3d9) is not offloaded to enbhost.exe. At least that's how I understood it so far. Correct me if wrong.

This is awesome, no more stuttering. WE KILLED HIM.

  'Crimson13 said:
So all in all would you guys recommend doing what the Skyrim Stability Guide says' date=' or are there any disagreements/changes you say are worth keeping/using?[/quote']

You can trust the guide, and it's using SSME (same guy that made NVAC for FONV) so you don't have to touch SKSE at all. I guess OP is going to be edited soon.

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