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I'm reading "Guide to ENBSeries" by --JawZ-- now and in PDF file (the manual itself) he wrote:

Enable FPS limit with Nvidia Inspector rather than in the enbseries.ini. For AMD/ATI Cards you could try ATI

Tray Tools to have an FPS Limiter available. I have not had an ATI/AMD card running with ENB so I suggest

you check the ENBDev.com forums for more info from ATI/AMD users. ENB FPS Limiter is buggy and can sometimes cause the FPS limit to be at 16 FPS when it is set to be at 59 FPS.


In ENB version 0.200 it was corrected and works as it should but introduces some stuttering and lag input

experienced by some users, have not tried it myself yet as I find the Nvidia limiter to be adequate or ENB/graphic

driver Vsync.

But in discussion on the Nexus he wrote:

Use the FPS limiter without any V-Sync from ENBSeries, the Game or graphics driver.


As the explanation between V-Sync and a simple FPS limiter is quite extensive I'll redirect you to this link explaining it in detail instead;


I tried both and it seems that with EnableFPSLimit=true and EnableVSync=false a have slightly less stutter and "refraction lines" (i don't know how to describe this, it's a line with shift of picture when moving camera horizontally). But i don't sure.



Are there any suggestions about this? Which method is preferable?


Sorry for my English.

14 answers to this question

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Since it is so driver,and hardware dependent what you experience when playing with these things then experimentation on your end is the only way.


I personally use Vsync from ENB and have no stuttering etc. but other people will have with the same ENB settings, but different drivers etc.



My new general rule of thumb is that EVERYTHING in the enblocal.ini file you need to setup yourself for your system! Most of the stuff is simple trial and error until you get what works for you. Should not take more then one hour tops to go though the entire thing.


Sorry I cant help more! But it literally is impossible to tell ya which settings would be best! If you post your system specs, then perhaps people with similar setups can provide advice!

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Thanks for reply. I have GeForce GTX780 3Gb and latest NVIDIA drivers.


Did you mean that i should use my own enblocal.ini with any preset (exclude antialiasing settings)? Or i should rely on mod author's settings?


And what about EnableUnsafeMemoryHacks? I read that it's not needed with "good drivers" but not sure, what "good drivers" are.

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You should always use your own! The reason some authors still provide any at all is because they think it helps users... but ultimately it just adds a ton of support requests on their posts site due to bad settings. Some do a middle way thing, where they apply a few things but then make a note that people should do certain settings on their own etc... also adding to confusion.


The unsafe memory hacks, are mainly for older AMD and nvidia drivers that had some issues. If you can do without it then all the better.

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About ReservedMemorySizeMb and VideoMemorySizeMb: I have a 12 Gb RAM and 3 Gb VRAM and tried many different values, but it seems no difference, even between ReservedMemorySizeMb=256 and ReservedMemorySizeMb=1024, VideoMemorySizeMb=3072 and VideoMemorySizeMb=8192.


I can't see differences with less or more freezes, crashes, stutter, etc. I mostly played with ENB 229-240.


And last versions of many presets for ENB>=240 in their default configs uses lower values of ReservedMemorySizeMb, 256 or even 128. Is it intended? Is there a changes in memory management in last ENB versions? (i didn't noticed this in news on enbdev.com)


And about ENB 243. I experienced much more freezes now (especially when loading savegames in exterior world), but i'm not sure, that it caused by latest ENB or my game just going to pieces after 300 hours of playing and 70 levels. Does anybody noticed such behavior in ENB 243?

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243 is already outdated, we are at 244 now with extra optimizations... in general this is all that has been going on lately. Depending on your card then this might or might not cause issues.


As for the general issue, then if no value helps no matter what, then try to reduce the general texture load. It might just be that you are asking too much of your rig.

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It turns out that I have been looking at this exact issue for a few days now and am adding our "official" instructions to the STEP 2.2.8 guide now.


Basically, if you have a high end video card that is capable of pushing frame rate beyond the monitor refresh rate at least some of the time if not more frequently, then it is worthwhile to cap frame rate to 2/3 of the monitor refresh rate, enable triple buffering, and set vsync to "always on". Do as much as possible using the graphics software and turn off ENB and Skyrim INI redundancies.


For low to mid end cards, this is all optional and should be done only if performance is unaffected (i.e., FPS do not suffer more than a frame or two on average).


The ATI and Nvidia wiki guides are updated to reflect this advice.

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I have a GeForce GTX 780 with 3 Gb VRAM and don't experience any performance problems now (i have installed only STEP recommended 1K retextures).


I don't understand the meaning of ReservedMemorySizeMb and VideoMemorySizeMb, because it doesn't make any visible effects for me.


z92969, and what "ATI and Nvidia wiki guides" did you mean? I couldn't find this. Is it an article about "Nvidia inspector"?


And about freezes: strangely the culprit is "Warburgs 3D Paper World Map". Now i often can't load saves made in exterior, game just freezes on loading (not infinite loading screen, just freeze, Safety Load don't help). But i can load another save (preferably made in interior location) and then load this problematic save. Now i got a 100% freeze when loading save in volcanic area in Eastmark and tried to investigate the problem. I tried to change ENB settings, disable ENB at all and even disable (in MO) all retextures, but game always freezed loading this save. Then i uninstalled "Warburg's map" mod and could load save in 5 of 5 tries. Even with all retextures, ENB and "A quality world map" mod. I don't understand this, it's just a paper map!


Sorry for possible offtopic about this freezes.

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You should definitely limit FPS and follow the advice of the Nvidia Inspector guide on this tab.


It has nothing to do with performance for your card and everything to do with quality (remove microstutter with maximized FPS and avoid screen tear, optimize AA in for Skyrim, etc).


Can't help you with the mod troubles, Im afraid. You should post on the mod thread or in support & troubleshooting on that topic.

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Thanks for the reply.


Warburg's paper map mod is definitely not a culprit of my freezes on loading. Disabling it helps once, but new save, made without this mod (even without any map mods) freezes again. Posted on Nexus...

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Hey, sorry that I had to necro this post but since the search function is broken I had to rely on Google and this is the only thread I found. 

I've just finished with my STEP Core build and it runs pretty smoothly. I have a GTX 770 4GB and a steady 60 to 50 fps. However, in a few select locations frames drop to the 40 frames zone (in one case - a certain spot in Markarth - even to 37). Per se this isn't a problem of course but in these special places I also experience some micro stutter. Should I cap my fps via Nvidia Inspector to 40 (my monitor refresh rate is 60)? Is there no way to keep the 60 fps in the other locations? :P

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Some locations are much more performance intensive than others. There is not much you can do to improve your FPS there. Although if it occurs in grassy/forest areas, try setting iMinGrassSize=40 or iMinGrasSize=50 and see if it improves.


You can always try out to limit FPS to just above the minimum FPS you noticed and see if your experience improves. Personally I prefer to have a FPS limit.

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Some locations are just beyond repair... no amount of FPS capping or vsync etc is going to help with it. If there are not any visible indication of what eats the performance (such as grass or forests etc.) then it is most likely one of two things. 

A: Some mesh have some issues with shadows which cause a massive slow down in FPS. 

B: something is rendered out of sight which cause the slowdown. 


It can be other things... but unless I was able to reproduce the same situation then it would be hard for me to diagnose. 

If it is shadow related then you can try to lower your shadow resolution in skyrimprefs.ini and see if you get a massive boost in performance in the same location. 

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