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Posted (edited)

Hey, I get some warnings and I just don't know how to solve them. As mentioned some posts earliere in a few versions of DynDOLOD 3 prior Alpha 39 these warnings weren't detected/shown at all.


[00:10] <Warning: LOD model meshes\dyndolod\lod\enclandmushrooms\mushroom03_lod.nif has same CRC32 as full model Meshes\enclandmushrooms\mushroom03.nif Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh.esp EncLand_Mushroom02 [STAT:22009F09]>

	[00:10] <Warning: LOD model meshes\dyndolod\lod\enclandmushrooms\mushroom04_lod.nif has same CRC32 as full model Meshes\enclandmushrooms\mushroom04.nif Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh.esp EncLand_Mushroom01 [STAT:2200F05E]>

	[00:12] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\tundra01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01tundra_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Tundra01 [STAT:0001608F]>

	[00:15] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool01Sulfur [STAT:000DADE2]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL01:1 - L2_RockPileL01:1 - L1_RockPileL01:1": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab01.dds in rockpilel01.nif -> textures\lod\caverocks01lod.dds in rockpilel01caverocks01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Mini atlas for replacement texture textures\dungeons\caves\caverocks01.dds appears to be different to mini atlas for textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab01.dds for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL01:9": textures\landscape\rocks01.dds in rockpilel01.nif -> textures\lod\cavebaseground01lod.dds in rockpilel01caverocks01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\reachgrass01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01reach_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Reachmoss [STAT:0001ECEB]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateauc_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateauCSulfur [STAT:000897D0]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool02Sulfur [STAT:000897CC]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau02 [STAT:00086789]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateauc_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateauC [STAT:00081396]>

	[00:18] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool02 [STAT:0007D44F]>

	[00:18] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau01 [STAT:0007D448]>

	[00:20] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockAnimalDen01:0 - L2_RockAnimalDen:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockanimalden01.nif -> textures\lod\tundrarocks01lod.dds in rockanimalden01tundrarocks_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockAnimalDenTundraRocks01 [STAT:000C3953]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\coastbeach01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01coast_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Coast01 [STAT:00017CD1]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool01 [STAT:000713C6]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau01Sulfur [STAT:000998CC]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau02Sulfur [STAT:000998C8]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateaucscdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau03SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:020058A1]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02scdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau02SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:0200589F]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01scdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau01SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:0200589D]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateaucscdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau03SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:02005890]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateau02scdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau02SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:0200588F]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateau01scdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau01SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:0200588E]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01volcanic_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm TundraStreamStraight01VolcanicTundra01 [STAT:02004A8E]>

	[00:24] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\pineforest02lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01green_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01PineForest02 [STAT:0005957B]>

	[00:25] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc02\lod\volcanic_ash_03lod.dds in volcanicplateau01volcanicash_lod_0.nif for Dragonborn.esm VolcanicPlateau01VolcanicAsh01 [STAT:04017E9F]>

	[00:25] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc02\lod\volcanic_ash_03lod.dds in volcanicplateau02volcanicash_lod_0.nif for Dragonborn.esm VolcanicPlateau02VolcanicAsh01 [STAT:04017E9D]>[/CODE][/SPOILER]


Here are the DynDOLOD_SSE.log and DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug.log: Logs.rar

Hopefully someone could help me with these kind of errors, especially the 'Textures do not match' ones. I don't exactly know yet, if these would cause some odd behaviors ingame.

Edited by PRieST
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Posted (edited)

With Alpha 120 I get this kind of an issue, a lot of these warnings:


<Warning: Textures do not match for "RockCliff08:0": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in rockcliff08.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockcliff08_lod_0.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_RockCliff08Snow_LightSN [STAT:FE10A83E]>
[00:46] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockCliff08:0": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in rockcliff08.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockcliff08_lod_1.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_RockCliff08Snow_LightSN [STAT:FE10A83E]>

There are much much more...
nothing in my loadorder changed, I just deleted the old output (no clean save needed, as I start a new game either way) and installed the new alpha from ground up.

I didn't had these warnings with alpha 119, so they are new. The resources are up to date, too (they also weren't updated from your side from 119 to 120).
As soon as the run finished successfull I'll give you the logs from this run.

In the past this meant I had to update the resources or similar things, because something was outdated, but because the SE resources are the same, this can't be the case this time or am I wrong?

Edited by PRieST
  • 0
On 3/19/2023 at 11:53 AM, PRieST said:

With Alpha 120 I get this kind of an issue, a lot of these warnings:

There are much much more...
nothing in my loadorder changed, I just deleted the old output (no clean save needed, as I start a new game either way) and installed the new alpha from ground up.

I didn't had these warnings with alpha 119, so they are new. The resources are up to date, too (they also weren't updated from your side from 119 to 120).
As soon as the run finished successfull I'll give you the logs from this run.

In the past this meant I had to update the resources or similar things, because something was outdated, but because the SE resources are the same, this can't be the case this time or am I wrong?

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Textures-Do-Not-Match

Have you doublechecked which mod supplies the LOD model? It is likely a 3rd party LOD model and not from DynDOLOD Resources.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

They are from many different mods.
'minescaffoldtop0sided01.nif' for example is from Static Mesh Improvement Mod, which didn't changed in ages. And again, these warnings weren't there with alpha 119.

Warning: Textures do not match for "MineScaffoldTop0Sided01:13": textures\smim\dungeons\mines\smim_wood_mine_planks.dds in minescaffoldtop0sided01.nif -> textures\dungeons\mines\minewood01.dds in minescaffoldtop0sided01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm MineScaffoldTop0Sided01iceLt [STAT:000DBFF5]

If I stay with that example, the mentioned record isn't overwritten by anything.

Here are the logs: Download

There are also 3rd party LODs present (Majestic Mountains for example), but I used them the same as before, without updating or changing them. The run finished successfully and I only got a summary with a whole lot of the 'Textures do not match' warnings.
Something must have changed between alpha 119 and 120 so now there are these warning which weren't there before.

Edited by PRieST
  • 0
7 minutes ago, PRieST said:

They are from many different mods.
'minescaffoldtop0sided01.nif' for example is from Static Mesh Improvement Mod, which didn't changed in ages. And again, these warnings weren't there with alpha 119.

Warning: Textures do not match for "MineScaffoldTop0Sided01:13": textures\smim\dungeons\mines\smim_wood_mine_planks.dds in minescaffoldtop0sided01.nif -> textures\dungeons\mines\minewood01.dds in minescaffoldtop0sided01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm MineScaffoldTop0Sided01iceLt [STAT:000DBFF5]

If I stay with that example, the mentioned record isn't overwritten by anything.

Here are the logs: Download

As explained, this is about the models, not records. Is the LOD model from DynDOLOD Resources? Is the full model from SMIM?

The full model defines textures\smim\dungeons\mines\smim_wood_mine_planks.dds
The LOD model defines textures\dungeons\mines\minewood01.dds

  • 0
Posted (edited)

The full model for this example line is from SMIM, correct. And the LOD model from DynDOLOD resources.

Maybe you are interested in these logs, this was the last successful run with alpha 119, between these two runs I only added one mod, which isn't related to LODs at all:
119 Logs
The rest is exactly the same, nothing else changed despite of the new lod texture and dyndolod generation.

Edited by PRieST
  • 0
7 minutes ago, PRieST said:

The full model for this example line is from SMIM, correct. And the LOD model from DynDOLOD resources.

Maybe you are interested in these logs, this was the last successful run with alpha 119, between this two runs I only added one mod, which isn't related to LODs at all:
119 Logs
The rest is exactly the same, nothing else changed despite of the new lod texture and dyndolod generation.

From the debug log:
[00:09] [BuildBaseRecords] <Debug: Textures do not match for "MineScaffoldTop0Sided01:13": textures\smim\dungeons\mines\smim_wood_mine_planks.dds in minescaffoldtop0sided01.nif -> textures\dungeons\mines\minewood01.dds in minescaffoldtop0sided01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm MineScaffoldTop0Sided01iceLt [STAT:000DBFF5]>

You should be good because in either case you can see Creating D:\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_Output\textures\lod\smim_wood_mine_plankslod.dds in the log.

I will have to readjust to which log the message is printed to.

  • 0

OK great, if everything will work as intended, I'm fine with it.

Was just irritated because I haven't gotten these warnings before with older alphas.

  • 0

Testing some new LODs and correcting errors, but one error makes no sense.

This seems like a DynDOLOD reporting mistake, but I may not be aware of something not so obvious. The LOD model has the correct-named strings of the full model, and texture paths match. For some reason, DynDOLOD is calling out the string name of the full model, "RockPileL03Wet:8" but it's not even represented in the LOD model:



Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL03Wet:8": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds in rockpilel03wet.nif -> textures\landscape\rocks01.dds in rockpilel03wet_lod_0.nif

Logs with the full/LOD meshes

EDIT: Cancel that^ ... we've found the problem. The RockPileL03Wet:8 string should be the RockPileL03Wet:19 string. Now I'm wondering how DynDOLOD caught that, since neither of these is used by the LOD model. Does the answer lie in the plugin reference?

  • 0
11 hours ago, z929669 said:

Testing some new LODs and correcting errors, but one error makes no sense.

This seems like a DynDOLOD reporting mistake, but I may not be aware of something not so obvious. The LOD model has the correct-named strings of the full model, and texture paths match. For some reason, DynDOLOD is calling out the string name of the full model, "RockPileL03Wet:8" but it's not even represented in the LOD model:



Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL03Wet:8": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds in rockpilel03wet.nif -> textures\landscape\rocks01.dds in rockpilel03wet_lod_0.nif

Logs with the full/LOD meshes

EDIT: Cancel that^ ... we've found the problem. The RockPileL03Wet:8 string should be the RockPileL03Wet:19 string. Now I'm wondering how DynDOLOD caught that, since neither of these is used by the LOD model. Does the answer lie in the plugin reference?

Wrong shapes name/textures will be fixed in the next DynDOLOD Resources version.

The message must be for a different version of the LOD model than the one included in the archive you upload, since that one does not include shape name "RockPileL03Wet:8", while provided full model (which set the MountainSlab02.dds) does.

Mountainslab02.dds is a "HD LOD" texture, which means LOD typically uses the full texture. The UV for HD LOD textures does not need to be limited for the atlas. The vanilla game contains a 3x3 stitched LOD texture for it, which TexGen updates accordingly. If you want to limit the UV of shapes using that texture, the max UV limits are between 0.0 and 3.0 in this case.

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Hi.  I installed latest versions of DynDOLOD Resources alpha 36, DynDOLOD DLL NG alpha 6, xLODGen latest beta and DynDOLOD 3 alpha 126.  I only get 3 textures do not match messages.  I read your information on those messages, but not sure how to actually fix them.  This is the fewest messages I have had with all of your versions.  I also have 2 from 3dnpc, but they don't seem to interfere with anything.  Do you have any pointers in how I can go about fixing them?  I added dyndolod log and the actual 3 messages.  Thank you

DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt 3 Textures do not match.txt

  • 0
5 hours ago, Kansas72 said:

Hi.  I installed latest versions of DynDOLOD Resources alpha 36, DynDOLOD DLL NG alpha 6, xLODGen latest beta and DynDOLOD 3 alpha 126.  I only get 3 textures do not match messages.  I read your information on those messages, but not sure how to actually fix them.  This is the fewest messages I have had with all of your versions.  I also have 2 from 3dnpc, but they don't seem to interfere with anything.  Do you have any pointers in how I can go about fixing them?  I added dyndolod log and the actual 3 messages.  Thank you

DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt 1.34 MB · 0 downloads 3 Textures do not match.txt 836 B · 0 downloads

Use NifSkope to make these changes to the 3rd party LOD assets:

In emlonghousetgc_lod_0.nif change the string Cube.001 to Cube.005 in the header.

In rifthallofkynetgc_lod_0.nif replace the textures for BSTriShape "Roof" / BSLightingShaderProperty / BSShaderTextureSet with the correct ones from the full model textures\architecture\whiterun\wrdragontileblack01.dds and textures\architecture\whiterun\wrdragontile01_n.dds.
Same for riftvilemyrinntgc_lod_0.nif BSTriShape "Roof.002" / BSLightingShaderProperty / BSShaderTextureSet

  • 0

Thank you Sheson.  Never used NifSkope before, but watched some videos on Youtube and was able to fix those 3 texture messages.  Appreciate your guidance on the matter.  Keep up the amazing work.

  • 0
Posted (edited)

Hey hey, I'm looking to fix these errors, can you tell me how to fix 1 or 2 and I can try to do the rest on my own? Just not sure what order to start etc.:


Warning: Textures do not match for "bauernhaus:1": textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\
Warning: Textures do not match for "bauernhaus:1": textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\plast05.dds in bauernhaus06.nif -> textures\architecture\farmhouse\stonewall01.dds in bauernhaus06_lod.nif for summersetisles.esp bauernhaus06 [STAT:0D03E53A]
Warning: Textures do not match for "bauernhaus:2": textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\mbgreyrock.dds in bauernhaus06.nif -> textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\mbbrumawoodpost_dark.dds in bauernhaus06_lod.nif for summersetisles.esp bauernhaus06 [STAT:0D03E53A]
Warning: Textures do not match for "bauernhaus:4": textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\mbintstainewood01.dds in bauernhaus06.nif -> textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\plast05.dds in bauernhaus06_lod.nif for summersetisles.esp bauernhaus06 [STAT:0D03E53A]
Warning: Textures do not match for "bauernhaus:5": textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\mbintstainewood01.dds in bauernhaus06.nif -> textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\mbstallroof01.dds in bauernhaus06_lod.nif for summersetisles.esp bauernhaus06 [STAT:0D03E53A]
Warning: Textures do not match for "bauernhaus:6": textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\mbintstainewood01.dds in bauernhaus06.nif -> textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\xroofa.dds in bauernhaus06_lod.nif for summersetisles.esp bauernhaus06 [STAT:0D03E53A]
Warning: Textures do not match for "bauernhaus:7": textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\steina.dds in bauernhaus06.nif -> textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\plast05.dds in bauernhaus06_lod.nif for summersetisles.esp bauernhaus06 [STAT:0D03E53A]
Warning: Textures do not match for "DLC2CastleGlacier02:0": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds in dlc2castleglacier02.nif -> textures\ec\expeditions\ss\landscape\madstonerocks01.dds in dlc2castleglacier02_lod_dementia_1.nif for Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers.esp EC_SS_DLC2CastleGlacier02_Dementia [STAT:13048262]
Warning: Textures do not match for "DLC2CastleGlacier02:0": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds in dlc2castleglacier02.nif -> textures\ec\expeditions\ss\landscape\madstonerocks01.dds in dlc2castleglacier02_lod_dementia_2.nif for Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers.esp EC_SS_DLC2CastleGlacier02_Dementia [STAT:13048262]
Warning: Textures do not match for "DLC2CastleGlacier03:0": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds in dlc2castleglacier03.nif -> textures\ec\expeditions\ss\landscape\amberstonerocks01.dds in dlc2castleglacier03_lod_mania_1.nif for Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers.esp EC_SS_DLC2CastleGlacier03_Mania [STAT:13048264]
Warning: Textures do not match for "DLC2CastleGlacier03:0": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds in dlc2castleglacier03.nif -> textures\ec\expeditions\ss\landscape\amberstonerocks01.dds in dlc2castleglacier03_lod_mania_2.nif for Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers.esp EC_SS_DLC2CastleGlacier03_Mania [STAT:13048264]
Warning: Textures do not match for "DLC2CastleGlacier03:0": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds in dlc2castleglacier03.nif -> textures\ec\expeditions\ss\landscape\madstonerocks01.dds in dlc2castleglacier03_lod_dementia_1.nif for Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers.esp EC_SS_DLC2CastleGlacier03_Dementia [STAT:13048263]
Warning: Textures do not match for "DLC2CastleGlacier03:0": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds in dlc2castleglacier03.nif -> textures\ec\expeditions\ss\landscape\madstonerocks01.dds in dlc2castleglacier03_lod_dementia_2.nif for Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers.esp EC_SS_DLC2CastleGlacier03_Dementia [STAT:13048263]
Warning: Textures do not match for "DLC2CastleGlacier04:0": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds in dlc2castleglacier04.nif -> textures\ec\expeditions\ss\landscape\madstonerocks01.dds in dlc2castleglacier04_lod_dementia_1.nif for Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers.esp EC_SS_DLC2CastleGlacier04_Dementia [STAT:13048292]
Warning: Textures do not match for "DLC2CastleGlacier04:0": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab02.dds in dlc2castleglacier04.nif -> textures\ec\expeditions\ss\landscape\madstonerocks01.dds in dlc2castleglacier04_lod_dementia_2.nif for Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers.esp EC_SS_DLC2CastleGlacier04_Dementia [STAT:13048292]
Warning: Textures do not match for "RoadChunkS03:0": textures\architecture\solitude\sgrass01.dds in roadchunks03.nif -> textures\landscape\roads\road01.dds in roadchunks03_lod_0.nif for LOTD Exterior Fixes.esp zzz_DBM_Path_3 [STAT:FE0E5802]
Warning: Textures do not match for "RoadChunkS03:0": textures\architecture\solitude\sgrass01.dds in roadchunks03.nif -> textures\landscape\roads\road01.dds in roadchunks03_lod_4.nif for LOTD Exterior Fixes.esp zzz_DBM_Path_3 [STAT:FE0E5802]


Edited by mattski123
fixed formatting
  • 0
On 10/4/2023 at 9:56 AM, mattski123 said:

Hey hey, I'm looking to fix these errors, can you tell me how to fix 1 or 2 and I can try to do the rest on my own? Just not sure what order to start etc.:


Warning: Textures do not match for "bauernhaus:1": textures\summersetisle\architecture\mb\
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Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which entire log and debug log to upload when making posts.


For best results, shapes in LOD models that use stitched object LOD textures should have the same shaders/full textures as the shapes with the same name in full models.

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