Mousetick Posted September 6, 2023 Posted September 6, 2023 DynDOLOD 3a143 Test version for Parent > Child copies of references with dynamic LOD I've completed my testing. Here's an updated checklist with some corrections to markers I got wrong the first time, and my annotations on the results: Reveal hidden contents Markarth -37,4 - dunReachcliffExitMarker [REFR:000DE164] >> Hidden by mountains Markarth -39,6 - DragonMoundReach01_Disable [REFR:000FDB1F] >> Hidden by mountains Markarth -40,1 - CaravanMarkarthCampEnable [REFR:001030E2] >> Hidden by mountains/terrain Markarth -39,0 - [REFR:00094BF4] (no Editor ID, CW Siege Imperial Camp) >> OK, too far, only dynamic LOD visible Riften 35,-20 - DragonMoundFallForest02Marker [REFR:000FDB32] >> Too far, hidden by terrain Riften 36,-24 Riften 36,-25 Riften 37,-23 Riften 37,-24 - TG02GoldenglowGuardsEnabler [REFR:000B6311] *** Can't see anything among all the trees Riften 39,-24 - TG07WreckEnabler [REFR:000C04C6] >> Not visible, stuff is underwater I think Riften 42,-20 - CWRiftenImpCampEnabler [REFR:0008FA4B] >> Hidden behind terrain/landscape Riften 42,-21 Riften 42,-22 - CWRiftenAttDefEnabler [REFR:0008F99A] >> OK Riften 41,-22 Riften 42,-22 - CaravanRiftenCampEnable [REFR:0010311B] >> OK Riften 42,-29 - DragonMoundFallForest01_Disable [REFR:000FDAD8] >> Hidden behind mountains Riften 42,-31 - DragonLair07ClutterEnableMarker [REFR:0005EFC3] >> Too far, hidden behind mountains/trees Riften 44,-29 Riften 45,-28 - dunForelhostSonsEnable [REFR:00090F0A - dunForelhostDisableMarker [REFR:0010F8D5] >> Hidden behind mountains Riften 46,-21 - DA06ExtClutterEnableMarker [REFR:000C216C] >> Hidden below terrain Riften 46,-31 - dunPOIFallForestBurningHouseEnableParent [REFR:000CF36F] >> Too far, hidden behind mountains Solitude -12,31 - SlighthouseFireOff [REFR:00062832] >> Doesn't work Solitude -8,26 Solitude -9,26 - MS07IcerunnerEnableMarker [REFR:0004B55D] >> OK Solitude -12,26 Solitude -13,26 - KatariahEnableMarker [REFR:0007265C] >> OK Solitude -12,21 Solitude -13,21 Solitude -13,22 - dunFolgunthur_ExteriorResetEnableMarker [REFR:000860C2] *** Doesn't seem to ever be used in-game (i.e. everything always enabled) >> OK Solitude -17,24 Solitude -18,24 - CaravanSolitudeCampEnable [REFR:00104AD6] >> OK Solitude -20,22 Solitude -20,23 Solitude -21,22 Solitude -21,23 - SolitudeSonsCampEnabler [REFR:00034899] >> Too far and hidden by trees/landscape Solitude -23,21 - CWGarrisonEnableMarkerSonsCampHaafingar [REFR:00095777] >> Too far hidden by terrain Solitude -20,19 - DragonMoundTundraMarsh02Marker [REFR:000FDAD4] >> Too far hidden by trees Whiterun 12,-4 Whiterun 12,-5 - CWGarrisonEnableMarkerSonsCampWhiterun [REFR:00095872] >> Too far hidden by mountains Whiterun 0,-4 - mq104FXDragonAttackEnablerRef [REFR:000D3FB3] >> Too far, can only see dynamic LOD *** Unable to really test due to mod putting walls in front of fire Whiterun 5,-5 Whiterun 5,-6 Whiterun 6,-5 - CWSiegeAttackCampEnableMarkerSonsWhiterun [REFR:0008680C] >> OK Whiterun 3,-3 - CaravanWhiterunCampEnable [REFR:0010372F] >> OK Whiterun 4,-4 - CWWhiterunAttackSiegeEnabler [REFR:00045855] >> OK Whiterun 4,-1 - CWWhiterunExtDisableOnly [REFR:000FC87D] >> OK Whiterun 11,3 - DragonMoundTundra02Marker [REFR:000FDB11] >> Can only see dynamic LOD from Dragonsreach Porch >> Have to exit/reenter Dragonsreach Porch to see dynamic LOD changes after toggling marker Windhelm 26,12 Windhelm 27,12 Windhelm 27,13 - CWGarrisonEnableMarkerMonsterFortKastav [REFR:0005E8AC] >> Hidden behind mountains Windhelm 30,14 - dunStillbornBackEnableMarker [REFR:000D2001] >> Hidden behind mountains Windhelm 33,6 - CaravanWindhelmCampEnable [REFR:00103774] >> OK Windhelm 35,13 - CWGarrisonEnableMarkerSonsCampWinterhold [REFR:00052948] - dunPOICampWinterholdAltEnableMarker [REFR:0007F892] >> Could not test, view messed up by occlusion planes Windhelm 35,16 - TG05CampEnableMarker [REFR:000644D8] >> Too far, hidden by terrain Windhelm 35,5 Windhelm 35,6 Windhelm 36,5 Windhelm 36,6 - [REFR:000BE270] (no Editor ID, CW Siege Imperial Camp) >> OK, too far, dynamic LOD visible only, barely due to terrain Remarks: I had to disable collision to climb above walls or buildings for most of the verifications but always stayed within the city bounds. For Markarth, it appears Parent > Child copies of dynamic references were made even though ScanParent=0 in DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_MarkarthWorld.ini. This allowed me to test them, but the fact they were made seems like a bug? Beside checking the references with enable parent above, I looked around the periphery of cities and everything looked OK. I didn't find anything visually broken. I think I'm going to switch to NoCellsWithNAVM=0 for Riften next time, to get more trees directly behind the walls and fix the view towards the docks from the canal. I found a small issue with a Cutting Room Floor house copy (object LOD, not dynamic LOD) in Whiterun but I need to investigate more before I can report the problem. Next steps: I'm going to regenerate the plugins with the update you uploaded this morning, and take a look at the initially disabled references.
sheson Posted September 6, 2023 Author Posted September 6, 2023 On 9/6/2023 at 4:49 PM, Mousetick said: For Markarth, it appears Parent > Child copies of dynamic references were made even though ScanParent=0 in DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_MarkarthWorld.ini. This allowed me to test them, but the fact they were made seems like a bug? Expand Upload the log and debug log to properly report the supposed bug.
Mousetick Posted September 7, 2023 Posted September 7, 2023 On 9/6/2023 at 8:50 PM, sheson said: Upload the log and debug log to properly report the supposed bug. Expand Over there: Attempting to run the latest test version uploaded to Mega produces a Range Check exception. Logs:
Mousetick Posted September 7, 2023 Posted September 7, 2023 On 9/6/2023 at 4:49 PM, Mousetick said: I found a small issue with a Cutting Room Floor house copy (object LOD, not dynamic LOD) in Whiterun but I need to investigate more before I can report the problem Expand So it's not really a DynDOLOD problem: The house in question is located in Whiterun exterior (Tamriel). It uses WRHouseWind01 [STAT:0003CDE3] as the base model, and WRDragonDoor01 [DOOR:000252C7] for its door. Both of which are normally found only inside Whiterun. WRHouseWind01 [STAT:0003CDE3] has LOD but WRDragonDoor01 [DOOR:000252C7] doesn't. So Parent > Child results in the house being copied to WhiterunWorld, but not the door. I guess one solution could be: Add a rule to give LOD to WRDragonDoor01 [DOOR:000252C7] but I'm worried the door LOD could clash with DynDOLOD Resources' LOD model for WRHouseWind01 [STAT:0003CDE3], which already has the door built-in. wrhousewind01_lod_0.nif
sheson Posted September 7, 2023 Author Posted September 7, 2023 On 9/6/2023 at 4:08 PM, redshift87 said: After the very first run, I added my personal custom rules (mostly for mods that don't have LOD objects like Eli's Skaal Village and to remove LOD for a few plants I don't care to see). I'll include my preset file that has those custom rules just in case it's helpful. I have been using those same rules for quite awhile now. Tried again with the new .exe you provided and got a range check error this time. Oddly, my log file did not update but debug file did: Expand Check if this test version runs through If not upload new log, debug log and bugreport.txt if it exists.
sheson Posted September 7, 2023 Author Posted September 7, 2023 On 9/7/2023 at 3:15 AM, Mousetick said: Over there: Attempting to run the latest test version uploaded to Mega produces a Range Check exception. Logs: Expand This test version should fix scanning Markarth with ScanParent=0 Is the range error 100% repeatable?
redshift87 Posted September 7, 2023 Posted September 7, 2023 On 9/7/2023 at 3:08 PM, sheson said: Check if this test version runs through If not upload new log, debug log and bugreport.txt if it exists. Expand That fixed it for me, thank you sheson! Run completed successfully this time, and everything I checked in-game looked great too.
Mousetick Posted September 7, 2023 Posted September 7, 2023 On 9/7/2023 at 3:16 PM, sheson said: This test version should fix scanning Markarth with ScanParent=0 Is the range error 100% repeatable? Expand I only tried once. The new version ran successfully to completion. Thanks.
Lavitz Posted September 7, 2023 Posted September 7, 2023 Hey All. I'm getting this TexGen error Error: File not found textures\landscape\ I get no more info than this line, most errors at least tell you what mod it is in relation to as far as I've seen before. I don't know what this is about as I've never had it come up before, I don't have any mods installed that cover this texture so I've no idea what this is about, It's almost like its missing from the vanilla game files too, otherwise TexGen would have fallen back on that file or am I wrong? Losing my mind over this as i can't find any ref online to this specific texture.
sheson Posted September 8, 2023 Author Posted September 8, 2023 On 9/7/2023 at 9:45 PM, Lavitz said: Hey All. I'm getting this TexGen error Error: File not found textures\landscape\ I get no more info than this line, most errors at least tell you what mod it is in relation to as far as I've seen before. I don't know what this is about as I've never had it come up before, I don't have any mods installed that cover this texture so I've no idea what this is about, It's almost like its missing from the vanilla game files too, otherwise TexGen would have fallen back on that file or am I wrong? Losing my mind over this as i can't find any ref online to this specific texture. Expand Moved to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha forum. Read the first post and/or which TexGen log and debug log to upload when making posts.
Mousetick Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 DynDOLOD 3a143 Test version for Parent > Child copies of references with dynamic LOD Fix for scanning Markarth with ScanParent=0 confirmed in new test version. -- So I'm peering through the DynDOLOD plugins and identifying the initially disabled references that would need testing. Houston, we have another problem We forgot about the opposite scenario: a reference with dynamic LOD is initially enabled, then disabled later in-game. The child copy remains perpetually enabled. For example, the Solitude Lighthouse fire: [REFR:0007526C] (places SlighthouseActivator [ACTI:000622F0]) [REFR:00062832] (places SlighthouseFireOff [STAT:0001A0B4]) These 2 references are not linked together by an Enable Parent, they're toggled independently. Here's the bit of Papyrus code that does it, during the related quest: ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_14 Function Fragment_14() ;BEGIN CODE alias_MS07LighthouseFireOff.GetRef().enable() alias_MS07LighthouseFire.GetRef().Disable() [...] alias_MS07LighthouseFire.GetRef().Disable() is not going to affect the child copy: skyrimesm_07526C_SolitudeWorld_DynDOLOD_PARENT_DynDOLOD_NOLOD [REFR:5908ED4A] (places SlighthouseActivator "Solitude Lighthouse Fire" [ACTI:000622F0]) remains enabled. Possible solution: extend the previous solution of linking the child copy to the parent reference via Enable Parent, to all copies of references with dynamic LOD. As discussed before, this requires the parent reference to be persistent, but that theoretical limitation should have no impact in practice for references that are toggled via script, as they must already be persistent. Thanks.
sheson Posted September 8, 2023 Author Posted September 8, 2023 On 9/8/2023 at 7:53 AM, Mousetick said: DynDOLOD 3a143 Test version for Parent > Child copies of references with dynamic LOD Fix for scanning Markarth with ScanParent=0 confirmed in new test version. -- So I'm peering through the DynDOLOD plugins and identifying the initially disabled references that would need testing. Houston, we have another problem We forgot about the opposite scenario: a reference with dynamic LOD is initially enabled, then disabled later in-game. The child copy remains perpetually enabled. For example, the Solitude Lighthouse fire: [REFR:0007526C] (places SlighthouseActivator [ACTI:000622F0]) [REFR:00062832] (places SlighthouseFireOff [STAT:0001A0B4]) These 2 references are not linked together by an Enable Parent, they're toggled independently. Here's the bit of Papyrus code that does it, during the related quest: ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_14 Function Fragment_14() ;BEGIN CODE alias_MS07LighthouseFireOff.GetRef().enable() alias_MS07LighthouseFire.GetRef().Disable() [...] alias_MS07LighthouseFire.GetRef().Disable() is not going to affect the child copy: skyrimesm_07526C_SolitudeWorld_DynDOLOD_PARENT_DynDOLOD_NOLOD [REFR:5908ED4A] (places SlighthouseActivator "Solitude Lighthouse Fire" [ACTI:000622F0]) remains enabled. Possible solution: extend the previous solution of linking the child copy to the parent reference via Enable Parent, to all copies of references with dynamic LOD. As discussed before, this requires the parent reference to be persistent, but that theoretical limitation should have no impact in practice for references that are toggled via script, as they must already be persistent. Thanks. Expand This test version removes the IsInitiallyDisabled condition. So if the source reference is persistent and has no enabled parent itself, it is used as enable parent for the copy.
Lavitz Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 Hey All. I'm getting this TexGen error Error: File not found textures\landscape\ I get no more info than this line, most errors at least tell you what mod/file it is in relation to as far as I've seen before. I don't know what this is about as I've never had it come up before, I don't have any mods installed that cover this texture so I've no idea what this is about, It's almost like its missing from the vanilla game files too, otherwise TexGen would have fallen back on that file or am I wrong? Losing my mind over this as I can't find any ref online to this specific texture.
sheson Posted September 8, 2023 Author Posted September 8, 2023 On 9/8/2023 at 6:03 PM, Lavitz said: Hey All. I'm getting this TexGen error Error: File not found textures\landscape\ I get no more info than this line, most errors at least tell you what mod/file it is in relation to as far as I've seen before. I don't know what this is about as I've never had it come up before, I don't have any mods installed that cover this texture so I've no idea what this is about, It's almost like its missing from the vanilla game files too, otherwise TexGen would have fallen back on that file or am I wrong? Losing my mind over this as I can't find any ref online to this specific texture. Expand Moved to the DynDLOD 3 Alpha thread. You already posted this before. See It is pretty much guaranteed that the requested log files contain more than that line.
Lavitz Posted September 8, 2023 Posted September 8, 2023 On 9/8/2023 at 6:13 PM, sheson said: Moved to the DynDLOD 3 Alpha thread. You already posted this before. See It is pretty much guaranteed that the requested log files contain more than that line. Expand Apologies for double posting, I've gone back to read the first post and attached the requested files. Can't find ..\DynDOLOD\bugreport.txt, not there. Let me know if this I'snt the correct info, I appreciate your time on this matter. TexGen_TES5_Debug_log.txt TexGen_TES5_log.txtFetching info...
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