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  On 11/25/2024 at 2:11 AM, NoCleverness said:

As the title says, using DynDOLOD renders the game unplayable because the game freezes soon after loading in. I know it's DynDOLOD because the freeze disappears when I disable the .esm and .esp. The relevant crash log can be found here. The DynDOLOD logs are too large to paste, with the debug log being 118Mb.


Moved to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread. read the first posts and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs how to zip and use a file service to upload large log files when making posts.

The papyrus log is not a crash log. However, the log messages from the script engine can still help determine issues.

The messages seem to indicate that you may be using the wrong version of DynDOLOD papyrus scripts for the save, maybe removed DynDOLOD DLL or replaced the DynDOLDO output without doing a clean save. See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Clean-Save and https://dyndolod.info/Updating

  On 11/25/2024 at 6:44 AM, sheson said:

Those buildings are most likely not LOD but full models. Test if they remain after disabling all LOD with tll in console as explained in https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Rudimentary-Troubleshooting

If they are full models the problem has nothing to with LOD or DynDOLOD. This is probably because of invalid shader settings, missing textures, related to parallax etc.


Using the tll console command, the issue is still present.  I had read in a previous post that this may have something to do with a missing 'p' texture.  Since this is a problem that seems to affect objects that are unrelated (farm house and rock clusters under certain trees), I'm going to guess that this is a problem with another mod that somehow affected LOD generation and not with Dyndolod itself?  I'm going to investigate how to find specific textures in Vortex as looking in xEdit didn't really help... I'll post back here when I find a solution in case someone in the future has a similar issue.  Thanks again for your help.


Posted (edited)

@sheson Sorry about that, I'll zip the appropriate logs and send them. I also did the clean install, but in-game throws up an error saying it can't load NG_Worlds.txt, and I don't know what that means.

Edited by NoCleverness
Tried to quote, but forum wouldn't let me.
  On 11/25/2024 at 3:50 PM, NoCleverness said:

Sorry about that, I'll zip the appropriate logs and send them. I also did the clean install, but in-game throws up an error saying it can't load NG_Worlds.txt, and I don't know what that means.


The papyrus log shows that this is not a clean update. The save was not cleaned as explained in https://dyndolod.info/Help/Clean-Save.

The message can't load DynDOLOD_NG_Worlds.txt means, that you changed the load order after generating LOD by installing DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts after generating the LOD patch.

Read and follow https://dyndolod.info/Installation-Instructions, which explains to install DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts before generating LOD.
Pay attention to the explanations in https://dyndolod.info/Generation-Instructions#Prerequisites how to clean and error check the load order before generating LOD.

Make a clean save.
Generate the LOD patch for the current load order and install it.
Then start the game and test everything works for a new game / coc riverwood.
Then the clean save made in an interior should load without an error shown in the game or in the papyrus logs.

  On 11/25/2024 at 4:00 PM, sheson said:

The papyrus log shows that this is not a clean update. The save was not cleaned as explained in https://dyndolod.info/Help/Clean-Save.

The message can't load DynDOLOD_NG_Worlds.txt means, that you changed the load order after generating LOD by installing DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts after generating the LOD patch.

Read and follow https://dyndolod.info/Installation-Instructions, which explains to install DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts before generating LOD.
Pay attention to the explanations in https://dyndolod.info/Generation-Instructions#Prerequisites how to clean and error check the load order before generating LOD.

Make a clean save.
Generate the LOD patch for the current load order and install it.
Then start the game and test everything works for a new game / coc riverwood.
Then the clean save made in an interior should load without an error shown in the game or in the papyrus logs.


I re-tried making a clean save, and I think I found the problem. For some reason, MCM won't let me disable DynDOLOD. The option is greyed out, and I can't click it.

  On 11/25/2024 at 6:50 PM, NoCleverness said:

I re-tried making a clean save, and I think I found the problem. For some reason, MCM won't let me disable DynDOLOD. The option is greyed out, and I can't click it.


If it is greyed there is no dynamic LOD for the location and DynDOLOD is not active. If it is not active, it does not to be deactivated anymore.

See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Clean-Save
1. Deactivate DynDOLOD from the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM if available. Wait for the deactivation message.
3. Check the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM that DynDOLOD is still deactivated if available or use the wait menu to wait 24 game hours.
If for any reason the first four steps are not possible, remove the DynDOLOD output as per step 5, load whatever save should be cleaned and go into an interior and then continue with step 7.

Simply proceed with the steps as explained to make a clean save.



How do i go about adding a new underside to my existing setup? i'm getting todd rays through mountains and houses and i realized that i forgot to change the DoubleSidedTextureMask= line in .ini file.

in the terrain underside section on the installation page it's mentioned that i could generate a new underside by running DynDOLOD again and uncheck everything else, then points me to update section for info on merging it. i'm a brick head, i'm clueless on how to do that.

from what i've noticed so far, my only other issue right now is with distant waterfalls. they are so bright i can see them from just about anywhere, and they stand out a bit in world map view. 


lastly, i'm also sometimes a impatient brick head. so i only used ssEDIT to auto-clean the plugins DynDOLOD told me i were required to clean during during installation(Update, Dawnguard, Heartfires and beafarmer). LOOT in vortex have recommended me to clean exactly 1 plugin from "wild edits" in maybe 3 years i've used it so i never do. Should i just run auto clean on all my plugins (excluding Unofficial patch maybe), and is that okay to do with DynDOLOD installed? 

Thanks all, any help and insight is much appriciated!

  On 11/30/2024 at 6:11 PM, Mahtyo said:


How do i go about adding a new underside to my existing setup? i'm getting todd rays through mountains and houses and i realized that i forgot to change the DoubleSidedTextureMask= line in .ini file.

in the terrain underside section on the installation page it's mentioned that i could generate a new underside by running DynDOLOD again and uncheck everything else, then points me to update section for info on merging it. i'm a brick head, i'm clueless on how to do that.

from what i've noticed so far, my only other issue right now is with distant waterfalls. they are so bright i can see them from just about anywhere, and they stand out a bit in world map view. 


lastly, i'm also sometimes a impatient brick head. so i only used ssEDIT to auto-clean the plugins DynDOLOD told me i were required to clean during during installation(Update, Dawnguard, Heartfires and beafarmer). LOOT in vortex have recommended me to clean exactly 1 plugin from "wild edits" in maybe 3 years i've used it so i never do. Should i just run auto clean on all my plugins (excluding Unofficial patch maybe), and is that okay to do with DynDOLOD installed? 

Thanks all, any help and insight is much appriciated!


Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which logs and debug log to upload when making posts.

The old DynDOLOD output is still active as a mod and when you install the new out as a mod to the mod name for the for the already existing output, MO2 will ask you to replace, merge or rename. Select merge. No idea about Vortex but since you use it, you should know how it works. Files can also be moved from the output folder to the mod folder with a file manager like Explorer, simply overwrite any existing old files with the ones from the new output.

To update object LOD meshes with doublesided flag, edit the export file(s) for the desired worldspace to update, insert the exact same line e.g. DoubleSidedTextureMask=mountain,mtn as you set it in the DynDOLOD INI to the top of the export file, start in expert mode and "Execute LODGen". See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Expert-Mode#Execute LODGen

See https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Waterfalls. See https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots how to make useful screenshots with more informative console when reporting visual issues in the game.

For a stable load order, all plugins containing deleted references should be cleaned. https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Deleted-Reference
DynDOLOD only reports plugins with deleted large references since that hinders the LOD patch generation. Crashes because of deleted references or issues from ITMs / conflicts in other plugins are typically not erroneously attributed to DynDOLOD. A stable and properly made load order is the requirement the game to work and also for the LOD patch generating. How to do this is explained by proper modding guides since decades. As explained in https://dyndolod.info/Generation-Instructions#Prerequisites, it is best to do whatever needs to be done for load order to work properly before generating the LOD patch. Undeleting deleted references afterwards is fine. Removing ITMs should not cause issues either, but the ITM record might have been copied to the LOD patch plugins. In the unlikely case that is an issue it can be manually resolved in xEdit. Also see https://dyndolod.info/Updating

Posted (edited)

TexGen is running fine on launch and isn't crashing, I just find it odd that my old TexGen Output contains the following folders:


-creation club





-enderal (which I don't actually play with or have installed)






Upon updating my Lodgen Output and updating DynDOLOD and its requirements, my new TexGen Output is only generating the following:






I cannot seem to find a reason why it is only generating significantly less that it was before.  This doesn't seem intended but maybe I am missing something with the update?


I should add that both were generated using DynDOLOD 3 alpha, just different versions.  I had updated my DLL NG and Resources prior to running TexGen


I am currently thinking I misunderstood xLODGen instructions and generated Tree and Object lods with xLODGen, which is preventing new ones to be made by TexGen.

Edited by ExquisiteLemon
Version History Added
  On 11/30/2024 at 7:07 PM, ExquisiteLemon said:

TexGen is running fine on launch and isn't crashing, I just find it odd that my old TexGen Output contains the following folders:


-creation club





-enderal (which I don't actually play with or have installed)






Upon updating my Lodgen Output and updating DynDOLOD and its requirements, my new TexGen Output is only generating the following:






I cannot seem to find a reason why it is only generating significantly less that it was before.  This doesn't seem intended but maybe I am missing something with the update?


I should add that both were generated using DynDOLOD 3 alpha, just different versions.  I had updated my DLL NG and Resources prior to running TexGen


I am currently thinking I misunderstood xLODGen instructions and generated Tree and Object lods with xLODGen, which is preventing new ones to be made by TexGen.


Moved to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread.
Read the first post/and or  https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which TexGen log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Typically generate and install terrain LOD meshes and textures with xLODGen before generating the LOD mod with DynDOLOD, as the terrain LOD meshes are used to optimize object LOD meshes.

TexGen generates textures from full textures. For rendered textures and LOD billboards it uses full models or special models. TexGen does not care about terrain LOD meshes or terrain LOD textures or grass cache files.
Any existing old files in the output folder will be overwritten by the new files with the same path and filename.

  On 11/25/2024 at 7:49 PM, sheson said:

If it is greyed there is no dynamic LOD for the location and DynDOLOD is not active. If it is not active, it does not to be deactivated anymore.

See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Clean-Save
1. Deactivate DynDOLOD from the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM if available. Wait for the deactivation message.
3. Check the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM that DynDOLOD is still deactivated if available or use the wait menu to wait 24 game hours.
If for any reason the first four steps are not possible, remove the DynDOLOD output as per step 5, load whatever save should be cleaned and go into an interior and then continue with step 7.

Simply proceed with the steps as explained to make a clean save.


Sorry about the late reply, I haven't had access to my computer for a while since it needed some work. As soon as I get it back, I'll try to get the clean save again.


Hello, I've been using DynDOLOD for quite a bit. There seems to be a warning for a texture that do not match, controller block, and duplicate reference ignored for LOD (although the Summary of Messages only shows "Textures Do Not Match" as the error"). This error occured after I tried to install the mod "Lux Via", and it seems that these new warnings are related to the Lux Via meshes. I tried to look for a patch from its patch hub or anything like that and I came out empty. Also found one of the repliers here mentioning the same warning, but is not providing the needed info so he is left ignored. Any help will be appreciated.

DynDOLOD SSE Log (cut) : https://paste.ee/p/kYzOzhttps://ufile.io/jipe1obv for full file

DynDOLOD SSE Debug log https://ufile.io/pcv9wj8c

  On 12/4/2024 at 1:45 PM, Trelleon said:

Hello, I've been using DynDOLOD for quite a bit. There seems to be a warning for a texture that do not match, controller block, and duplicate reference ignored for LOD (although the Summary of Messages only shows "Textures Do Not Match" as the error"). This error occured after I tried to install the mod "Lux Via", and it seems that these new warnings are related to the Lux Via meshes. I tried to look for a patch from its patch hub or anything like that and I came out empty. Also found one of the repliers here mentioning the same warning, but is not providing the needed info so he is left ignored. Any help will be appreciated.

DynDOLOD SSE Log (cut) : https://paste.ee/p/kYzOzhttps://ufile.io/jipe1obv for full file

DynDOLOD SSE Debug log https://ufile.io/pcv9wj8c


There are outdated LOD models in the load order or full models have been replaced without providing updated LOD models.
If and only if there are obvious differences of the textures between full models and LOD models, the log messages can aid in quickly finding the reason. ... If there are no obvious differences of the textures between full models and LOD models, then noting else needs to be done.

A LOD model might be using animation or other features that are not supported by object LOD.
Either create a dedicated object LOD model without animation or in order to keep the animation create the appropriate mesh mask rules to use the full model for dynamic LOD or create a dedicated dynamic LOD model instead.

Texture paths and filenames can be edited and controller blocks removed with NifSkope. Typically is up to mod author to provide proper models and LOD models.

A duplicate reference adds the same model at the same position, rotation and scale as another reference.
Showing the same model twice with exactly the same properties is just wasting resources, in case of animated objects or trees it might even be visually noticeable.
LOD is only generated for the first encountered reference.

The duplicate reference can be removed with xEdit. Typically it would be up to the mod to remove duplicate references.

Warning messages inform about issues that should be fixed. If they are ignored there might be visual or game play issues.

These are easily fixable issues that are not game breaking and the visual impact is probably minimal. In fact the rope should be removed from the "LOD" model - which is not really a LOD model, just stripped down version full model. The catapult has lots of orphaned nodes that could be removed, too. The mod should address these in the next update but the are not urgent by any means. I would be more concerned about the performance impact such "LOD" models could potentially mean if they were used a lot.


I have tested Skyrim with ultra lods - fitrs load was ok 60 FPS on (i9 - 14900k + 4070ti) but after 15 minetus processor all the time trying unload lods from the cache and failed FPS in the same place drop down to 43 after to 32 and boom i gave to save and exit after i woke up the game again was 60 fps, at the same place.
Grafic card was loaded at 63% only processor about 15%

  On 12/4/2024 at 4:35 PM, MAX said:

I have tested Skyrim with ultra lods - fitrs load was ok 60 FPS on (i9 - 14900k + 4070ti) but after 15 minetus processor all the time trying unload lods from the cache and failed FPS in the same place drop down to 43 after to 32 and boom i gave to save and exit after i woke up the game again was 60 fps, at the same place.
Grafic card was loaded at 63% only processor about 15%


Read the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which logs and debug log to upload when making posts.

Is this post some really bad automatic translation based on poor understanding how the game works?

See https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Rudimentary-Troubleshooting and https://dyndolod.info/FAQ#Performance

DynDOLOD is a LOD patch generator that does not change how the game or LOD game works. If the game is overloaded with too much stuff, including too many complex/high resolution assets, meshes and textures that require lots of resources in the active cells or the LOD areas , the performance will suffer. That is a load order, settings hardware problem.

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