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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 171


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1 hour ago, Mousetick said:

Thanks for the tip. MajesticMountains_Landscape.esm is enabled at all times and has not been renamed.


MM LOD Pack's FOMOD has options for 'Main' (normal), Darkside and Lightside to go along with the full model textures in the main mod. You may have chosen different options between the two?

Here are my mountainslablod.dds, DynDOLOD Resources > MM LOD Pack > TexGen:


You were correct. I had tested the diffs over a year ago and never changed back to Lightside/ Wow. Never noticed this in game, lol.

Here's mine, same order:


I have the same LO as you  (with my full mod list aside)

Obviously, the LOD texture has no bearing on TexGen. I'm really not well versed on how DynDOLOD works with these resources.

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1 hour ago, DoubleYou said:

Hmmm.... Mine matches nearly perfectly (close enough that you would never be able to tell). Perhaps rerun TexGen? 

Good for you :) I've had this issue for some time and have run several versions of TexGen since it started. Anyway I just reran it now just in case. No improvement, but I confirmed that the config files are loaded:

Loading configuration files
	<path>\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_noalpha_majesticmountains_landscapeesm.txt
	<path>\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\Configs\DynDOLOD_SSE_TexGen_copy_majesticmountains_landscapeesm.txt


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10 hours ago, Mousetick said:

How should I go about troubleshooting this issue: textures/lod/mountainslablod.dds generated by TexGen doesn't match the full model textures at all.

Relevant excerpt of load order (next overwrites previous):

  • DynDOLOD Resources Alpha 27
  • Majestic Mountains
  • Majestic Mountains DynDOLOD 3 LOD Pack
  • TexGen Output

mountainslablod.dds as generated byTexGen is overwriting MM DynDOLOD 3 LOD Pack's version (which itself looks good and matches the full model textures), and is looking like a brighter version of DynDOLOD Resources Alpha's vanilla texture.

TexGen's debug log tells me:

Creating <path>\TexGen_Output\textures\lod\mountainslablod.dds from 9 textures

I don't know where to go from there. Before you ask: yes, TexGen is run with the same load order as above and same as used in-game.

Also noteworthy, for example with meshes/lod/rockl05_lod_0.nif:

  • DynDOLOD Resources's version uses the full model texture textures/landscape/mountains/mountainslab02.dds and it looks correct in NifSkope.
  • MM DynDOLOD 3 LOD Pack's version uses the lod texture textures/lod/mountainslablod.dds and it looks wrong in NifSkope (due to the texture mismatch and overwriting by TexGen).

There are related, repeated questions on the MM comments section that remain unanswered. Could we perhaps get a definitive answer:

  • Is MM DynDOLOD 3 LOD Pack still relevant and up to date, or is it obsolete and should no longer be used?
  • Which should overwrite what between DynDOLOD Resources Alpha and MM DynDOLOD 3 LOD Pack?

Full DynDOLOD logs here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FRT_3cHSuexygEYiytyw-5RTk3SHhH4L/view?usp=sharing


A TexGen config for Beyond Reach overwrites the TexGen config for Majestic Mountains. For now sort MajesticMountains_Landscape.esm to load after arnima.esm so that the TexGen config for Majestic Mountains takes precedence, too.

I will look more into it, but there is nothing  else you need to do about it.

The DynDOLOD documentation https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Majestic-Mountains answers your two questions about the DynDOLOD V3.0 LOD Pack I created:
Download and install the DynDOLOD V3.0 LOD Pack from the mods file section overwriting all of DynDOLOD Resources SE.

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4 hours ago, tooandrew said:

im stumped. all the grass has object bounds via ck now, texgen has configuration files, all the billboards are showing up in texgen preview and it's still not displaying in game. some kinds of grass goes out as far as the eye can see, others pop up as i approach.  i tried disabling ignorelargebillboards, i tried halving the MinGrassModelHeight and  MinGrassModelVolume

i wanted to add GRAS to basesignatures but dyndolod errors out when i do that.

also at one point it made a dyndolod.esm that had ai-overhaul.esp as a master, so that's weird.

when i recal'd bounds with ck it said some of them did not have normal maps https://pastebin.com/u7CPVTS2 - could this be why?  does anyone have any more ideas or am i just crap out of luck on this one?

Go through the No Grass LOD Check List from https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD instead of doing all these weird things.

If "some kinds of grass goes out as far as the eye can see, others pop up as i approach", that either means those grasses that pop-up have no grass LOD billboards or they are not part of the grass cache.

I would assume you should have no problem to identify which grass models/base records/form IDs are missing from the grass LOD to see if their grass LOD billboards exist in the load order and if they show up in the files the No Grass LOD Check List suggests to check etc.

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On 7/26/2022 at 2:52 PM, Mousetick said:

Hi sheson,

Whenever it's convenient for you, could you please update the waterfall lod meshes in DynDOLOD Resources SE for the latest version (2.0) of Water Effects Brightness and Reflection Fix - Realistic Water Two Patch. The fxwaterfallbody*.nif models were updated and their CRC32 have changed.

Thanks in advance.

Added in DynDOLOD Resources SE 3.00 Alpha-28

  • Thanks 1
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1 hour ago, sheson said:

A TexGen config for Beyond Reach overwrites the TexGen config for Majestic Mountains. For now sort MajesticMountains_Landscape.esm to load after arnima.esm so that the TexGen config for Majestic Mountains takes precedence, too.

Oh I see... Now sorted, and solved. Thanks for the quick response! Should I expect that Beyond Reach is going to have mismatched mountain/rocks lod textures then, as it seems the same mountainslablod.dds filename is used for 2 completely different source textures, whether Majestic Mountains or Beyond Reach? I have no idea how Beyond Reach lods are supposed to look, as I've never been "there" yet, so to speak.

1 hour ago, sheson said:

The DynDOLOD documentation https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Majestic-Mountains answers your two questions about the DynDOLOD V3.0 LOD Pack I created:
Download and install the DynDOLOD V3.0 LOD Pack from the mods file section overwriting all of DynDOLOD Resources SE.

Ugh, I swear I looked at https://dyndolod.info/Mods, but I stopped at https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Useful-3rd-Party-Mods and didn't find anything, instead of scrolling down. I'm silly, sorry. Thanks for the confirmation.

That being said, I'm a bit perplexed by the notable quality differences between DynDOLOD Resources and MM LOD Pack. Looking at several lod meshes available in both packs, those in DynDOLOD Resources look much better to me at first glance than the MM LOD Pack ones - they use higher resolution, full model textures, seemingly exhibit better UV mapping, and in some cases, they have more vertices/are more detailed.

A few examples: DynDOLOD Resources > MM LOD Pack




Putting aside the texture differences, it seems to me that the MM LOD Pack is a "downgrade" overall compared to DynDOLOD Resources. What am I missing here? I'd like to hear your take as you're familiar and involved with both.

Thank you much for your attention and help, as always.

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54 minutes ago, Mousetick said:

Oh I see... Now sorted, and solved. Thanks for the quick response! Should I expect that Beyond Reach is going to have mismatched mountain/rocks lod textures then, as it seems the same mountainslablod.dds filename is used for 2 completely different source textures, whether Majestic Mountains or Beyond Reach? I have no idea how Beyond Reach lods are supposed to look, as I've never been "there" yet, so to speak.

Ugh, I swear I looked at https://dyndolod.info/Mods, but I stopped at https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Useful-3rd-Party-Mods and didn't find anything, instead of scrolling down. I'm silly, sorry. Thanks for the confirmation.

That being said, I'm a bit perplexed by the notable quality differences between DynDOLOD Resources and MM LOD Pack. Looking at several lod meshes available in both packs, those in DynDOLOD Resources look much better to me at first glance than the MM LOD Pack ones - they use higher resolution, full model textures, seemingly exhibit better UV mapping, and in some cases, they have more vertices/are more detailed.

A few examples: DynDOLOD Resources > MM LOD Pack




Putting aside the texture differences, it seems to me that the MM LOD Pack is a "downgrade" overall compared to DynDOLOD Resources. What am I missing here? I'd like to hear your take as you're familiar and involved with both.

Thank you much for your attention and help, as always.

Beyond Reach is using that different texture with one LOD model presumably. I haven't checked which worldspace / how often and if the stitched LOD texture is actually used or if it sticks to the full texture for LOD level 4 anyways. Next version the TexGen config for arnima will generate to a different filename and there won't be no filename collision anymore, e.g. load order of plugins will not matter.

LOD models defining full textures is often not what will be used in the object LOD meshes in the end, because they might be replaced by the stitched object LOD textures added to the object LOD atlas in the end, in particular for the higher LOD levels.

Majestic Mountains changes full meshes and their UV.  The corresponding LOD models in the LOD pack reflect those changes and visual compatibility. The LOD models in DynDOLOD Resources SE 3 for the vanilla full models/textures are not matching those changes.

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47 minutes ago, sheson said:

Majestic Mountains changes full meshes and their UV.  The corresponding LOD models in the LOD pack reflect those changes and visual compatibility. The LOD models in DynDOLOD Resources SE 3 for the vanilla full models/textures are not matching those changes.

I understand the need for visual compatibility with Majestic Mountains, aptly provided by the MM LOD Pack, there's no denying that. It's just that, each taken on their own, irrespective of their visual compatibility with MM or vanilla, respectively, many DynDOLOD Resources LOD models look better to me quality-wise than their MM LOD Pack counterpart.

I'm wondering if using a higher resolution mountainslablod.dds texture would help reduce the fuzziness/stretching observed on some MM LOD Pack models? If so, is it possible to instruct TexGen to generate, say, a 1K mountainslablod.dds texture instead of 512x512? If so, could you tell me how to do it for testing purpose?

I'm probably thinking about this wrongly and this is a matter of UV mapping more than resolution, but asking just in case.

Thanks for your input.

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33 minutes ago, Mousetick said:

I understand the need for visual compatibility with Majestic Mountains, aptly provided by the MM LOD Pack, there's no denying that. It's just that, each taken on their own, irrespective of their visual compatibility with MM or vanilla, respectively, many DynDOLOD Resources LOD models look better to me quality-wise than their MM LOD Pack counterpart.

I'm wondering if using a higher resolution mountainslablod.dds texture would help reduce the fuzziness/stretching observed on some MM LOD Pack models? If so, is it possible to instruct TexGen to generate, say, a 1K mountainslablod.dds texture instead of 512x512? If so, could you tell me how to do it for testing purpose?

I'm probably thinking about this wrongly and this is a matter of UV mapping more than resolution, but asking just in case.

Thanks for your input.

The question is not how anything looks in NifSkope but how the generated LOD looks and matches the full models in the game at their usual distances.

As explained at https://dyndolod.info/Help/TexGen, the Base size drop down together with the config files is already supposed to generated LOD textures that have sufficient resolution for the advertised game resolution at default FOV.

Read the linked https://dyndolod.info/Help/Texture-Resolution, which explains this in more detail. Use the MipMapTests INI setting to verify live in the game if any of the generated LOD textures would benefit from a larger resolution. Make sure to not be confused by LOD in the distance that uses LOD textures that TexGen does not update.

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do i need to disable xlodgen generated terrain lod file when running texgen/dyndolod?

do i need to regenerate dyndolod if i use bethini?

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1 hour ago, Azratun002 said:

do i need to disable xlodgen generated terrain lod file when running texgen/dyndolod?

do i need to regenerate dyndolod if i use bethini?

Typically generate terrain LOD meshes and textures with xLODGen before generating the LOD mod with DynDOLOD, as the terrain LOD meshes are used to optimize object LOD meshes.

If you read the rest of the instruction you will notice it does not say anything about the millions of things that should not be done, like there is no mentioned about disabling terrain LOD and no mention of jumping off a cliff etc. So do not do any of that.

As you will notice, there is no mention about changing INI settings requiring updating of LOD on the https://dyndolod.info/Updating page. It is all about plugins and assets.
However, pay attention to https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Skyrim-Special-Edition-Skyrim-Anniversary-Edition#Large-References:
For dynamic LOD to work correctly with the large reference system of Skyrim Special Edition or Skyrim VR, the Large References Fix setting in the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM Main page needs to be checked or unchecked depending on the large reference distance setting. See DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM for details

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5 hours ago, sheson said:

Go through the No Grass LOD Check List from https://dyndolod.info/Help/Grass-LOD instead of doing all these weird things.

If "some kinds of grass goes out as far as the eye can see, others pop up as i approach", that either means those grasses that pop-up have no grass LOD billboards or they are not part of the grass cache.

I would assume you should have no problem to identify which grass models/base records/form IDs are missing from the grass LOD to see if their grass LOD billboards exist in the load order and if they show up in the files the No Grass LOD Check List suggests to check etc.

respectfully, ive read that document until my eyes feel like theyre bleeding, im doing weird things because it has not helped me.

to show that i read it i will address each point individually - maybe you can show me where i am going wrong.

Check in the mod manager that there are ..\Data\Grass\[Worldspace]*.CGID grass cache files for the worldspace in the load order.

they're in there. both cgid and gid forms

Make sure TexGen is generating grass LOD billboards for grasses by checking its log ..\DynDOLOD\Logs\TexGen_SSE_log.txt. Pay attention to error messages and fix them. Double-check the object bounds of the GRAS records in the plugins as explained abov

grep "folkvangr" TexGen_TES5VR_log.txt show 130 billboards generated of the 132 grass entries listed in my config file - more than two types are missing

grep "<Error:" shows one error for 

[00:57] <Error: File not found Meshes\landscape\grass\grass_fieldmisc_03.nif Folkvangr - Grass and Landscape Overhaul.esp Grass_FieldMisc_03 [GRAS:2002B50C]>

fine, didnt come with the mod, so it wouldnt show up in game either. again, more than one grass type missing

Check the grass LOD billboards textures in the TexGen output with an image viewer show grass and are not fully transparent.

the textures are weird. i have never viewed textures before but in windows texture viewer nothing appears at all, while in Basic DDS image viewer i get colorful noise like the attached image. all of the other billboards from skyrim.esm etc behave the same way in these programs, so i guess the programs i have just don't know how to display them correctly?  i found these in textures\terrain\lodgen\folkvangr - grass and landscape overhaul.esp is there an image viewer you reccommend? there are also four dds files for each entry 

Check the DynDOLOD debug log ..\DynDOLOD\Logs\DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug_log.txt contains <Notice: [Worldspace] Gathering grass data for object LOD>

grepping the log shows the following

[01:20] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [Tamriel] Gathering grass data for object LOD>
[02:40] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [DLC2SolstheimWorld] Gathering grass data for object LOD>
[03:05] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [MarkarthWorld] Gathering grass data for object LOD>
[03:16] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [DLC01SoulCairn] Gathering grass data for object LOD>
[03:27] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [DLC2ApocryphaWorld] Gathering grass data for object LOD>
[03:31] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [SkuldafnWorld] Gathering grass data for object LOD>
[03:38] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [Sovngarde] Gathering grass data for object LOD>
[03:47] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [DeepwoodRedoubtWorld] Gathering grass data for object LOD>
[03:51] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [DLC1HunterHQWorld] Gathering grass data for object LOD>
[03:57] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [DLC01FalmerValley] Gathering grass data for object LOD>
[04:04] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [JaphetsFollyWorld] Gathering grass data for object LOD>
[04:07] [DoObjectLOD] <Notice: [Blackreach] Gathering grass data for object LOD>

Check the DynDOLOD log ..\DynDOLOD\Logs\DynDOLOD_SSE_log.txt that there were no errors in the LODGen log and check the LODGen log ..\DynDOLOD\Logs\LODGen_SSE_[Worldspace]_log.txt directly that its last line is Code: 0.

there are no errors whatsoever in the dydndolod log

all of the lodgen logs end in Code: 0

Check the object LOD atlas ..\DynDOLOD_Output\Textures\DynDOLOD\LOD\DynDOLOD_[Worldspace].dds contains some of the grass LOD billboards generated by TexGen.

every texture i look at looks like some variation of the attached image. i can't tell if this particular mess of pixels is mixed in with the big mess of pixels in the dyndolod texture

Check the export file ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_SSE_Export_[Worldspace].txt contains a line like GrassMap=..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_SSE_Grass_Map_[Worldspace].txt. Check that GrassDensity is not 0. If it is very low, grass LOD may be very thin to non-existent.

from LODGen_TES5VR_Export_Tamriel

GrassMap=C:\skyrimvr\dyndolod\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_TES5VR_Grass_Map_Tamriel.txt

GrassDensity=16 (same happened when it was set to 100)

Check that ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\Export\LODGen_SSE_Grass_Map_[Worldspace].txt contains lines with grass LOD billboard texture names and paths in it.

it does.

Open ..\DynDOLOD_Output\Meshes\Terrain\[Worldspace]\Objects\[Worldspace].4.x.y.bto and check visually if there is grass LOD in there. The many tiny X planes will be obvious.

every one i've looked at has the x planes, but there are too many to be looked at individually

To find a BTO that contains grass LOD, set expert=1 and verbose=1 in the ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_SSE.ini to start DynDOLOD in expert mode. Select the worldspace and click Execute LODGen. Once its done, check the LODGen log ..\DynDOLOD\Logs\LODGen_SSE_[Worldspace]_log.txt for lines like "Found z grass placements for LOD level 4 coord [x, y]". Check the BTO for the mentioned coordinates.

i set those settings. ill check that file after i regenerate texgen and dyndolod when this grass cache finishes generating - the ones ive made until now were configured to use the list from the xedit script that lists world areas with grass - im letting it cache the whole game this time, just in case

Screenshot 2022-08-05 182953.png

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