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Bandit Lines Expansions


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Bandit Lines Expansion by jayserpa
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This mod adds, according to the description, "500 new spliced (voiced) lines to bandits, giving each bandit prototype their own personality and making each of your encounters with them more unique, personal and unexpected". Been testing it since it came out and so far it really does add immersion, since they no longer repeat the same lines over and over while sneaking past or hiding for the perfect time to take the bandits on.

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Haha, another dialog mod! Yes, I've done the same as you BD. It's pretty good so far but I need to quit the habit of rushing to murder bandits and take the time to listen to their more varied banter and comments.

Still can't get enough dialog? Check out More to Say (by abramcf). Caution: this is not a simple dialog expansion mod, it makes a few other changes to some existing NPCs and followers, adds a few other features, and it uses scripts (the large majority of them being unique to the mod, so no conflict). I've recently installed it and I like it so far. I think it's pretty good and well integrated into the vanilla game/lore.

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26 minutes ago, Mousetick said:

Haha, another dialog mod! Yes, I've done the same as you BD. It's pretty good so far but I need to quit the habit of rushing to murder bandits and take the time to listen to their more varied banter and comments.

Still can't get enough dialog? Check out More to Say (by abramcf). Caution: this is not a simple dialog expansion mod, it makes a few other changes to some existing NPCs and followers, adds a few other features, and it uses scripts (the large majority of them being unique to the mod, so no conflict). I've recently installed it and I like it so far. I think it's pretty good and well integrated into the vanilla game/lore.

See what you've done to me, Mousetick? Are you proud of yourself now? Hmm?!

And I already got More to Say when I went on a dialog mod binge after your offending post.

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  • 1 year later...
1 minute ago, Mousetick said:

There's a whole 'Lines Expansion' series from the same MA:

If you like this mod you may want to give the others a try.

I just installed the mod authors Use Those Blankets mod.  Never occurred to me before but yeah it's odd that they don't sleep under blankets in Skyrim.  LOL

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