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So I've been researching a couple days and i think I've tried just about everything that everyone recommended. so i'll elaborate a bit more. i use MO2 and everything was working great a few days ago, and suddenly the tools won't detect any mod plugins, coincidentally after a windows 10 update. mods work in game however.

what I've done so far:

update all tools, MO2, and F4SE. all tools have designated folders under my C drive. MO2 base directory is located in C drive, and all MO2 paths are set to that. (none of the programs are in my game folder or programs folders).  FO4 is on D drive. I've deleted local appdata for loot and MO2. disabled gamebar. all mod related folders have admin privileges, and excluded from AV


any other suggestions would be much appreciated..

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Should the base directory folder be located inside of the mod organizer folder? 


Now that I look at my other installs, it can stay there.




edit: I assume the virtual file system is supposed to put Mod plugins inside of the games data folder without them actually being saved there. With that said, can I edit Loot.ini and force a path to "C:\Fallout 4 directory", or is it supposed to detect the mod plugins in "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\data". I'd imagine if i did i'd be able to the all the mod plugins, just none of the core game plugins.

The installed mods in MO are in their own mods folder. When you press run MO presents the mods to the game or any other executable run from MO. If a program run from MO can't see the mods then the VFS is not working. MO will see any ESP or ESM installed in the games data folder and it will appear as a Non-MO mod.



You probably have done this already, but give this another try. I would try a new instance either from the Skyrim SE Nexus page or github. Use the Zipped pre-installed version from the Nexus if you go there. Unblock the archive and extract to a different drive if you have one or a new folder on C drive. Run MO and make sure you use a portable install. This will set the directories to the MO2 location. Create a new profile and install a mod and see if this makes any difference.

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Your base directory, the directory where MO2 is installed, is C:/Fallout 4 directory.


The managed game is at D:/SteamLibrary/staemapps/common/Fallout 4.


From the log I see that the data path is “C:/Mod Organizer 2” and the Working directory is also “C:/Mod Organizer 2” when they should be D:/SteamLibrary/staemapps/common/Fallout 4. This is possibly from another install of MO.

I was initially thinking the same thing because I thought these should point to the game's data folder as well, so I just deleted the logs and ran LOOT from a working version of Mod Organizer 2.1.6. I repeated the same test but ran SKSE this time and my logs show the data path and Working directory pointing to the Mod Organizer folder as well, so I don't think this is the issue. At least I haven't noticed any issues with this instance of Mod Organizer with the STEP 2.10 profile. One caveat is that this was originally a 2.1.4 version that I keep updated to the semi-latest dev builds.

16:31:51 [D] Starting Mod Organizer version 2.1.6 pre-alpha revision 3dbfba9
16:31:52 [D] ssl support: 1
16:31:52 [D] data path: F:/Games/Skyrim/MO2.1.6
16:31:52 [D] Working directory: F:\Games\Skyrim\MO2.1.6

On point I find curious is that the usfvs debug log is empty and this seems to indicate either antivirus software or Windows 10 or something is blocking Mod Organizer from loading or initializing usvfs. What I find really confusing is why the virtual file system allegedly works in the game but it doesn't work with LOOT or xEdit... although I'm assuming the plugins really are working in the game and the usvfs log is empty because usvfs is blocked.

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Here's a potentially stupid question that I'm smacking my forehead for not asking before... are you by chance running LOOT or xEdit as an administrator? The reason I ask is because Windows forbids a user process from hooking a process with administrative privileges.

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I actually did have admin privileges on loot, but unfortunately revoking admin didn't solve it. Also i gave admin after plugins disappeared hoping that it would fix it, but that's good to know for future reference so i know what not to do in my scenario.


when i launch the game every mod (from what i can tell) is working still; weapons, armor, character, environment, gameplay. Just with severe performance loss and extremely long load screens. probably bc i deleted the loot files from "C:\Users\MyPC\AppData\Local\LOOT" that i originally setup before this occurred.


It was really bizarre because everything was working and the game ran meticulously (before deleting local loot files) the night before; fast load times, no ctds and steady 40fps over Boston. (turned collision of, went through truestorms settings, spamming things with lots of visual/lighting fx. trying to crash the game). Then the next day i was playing and wanted to edit something and discovered the tools stopped working for no apparent reason.


so i installed the archived versions of LOOT and MO onto the D drive, ensuring to unblock each. created a portable instance, set base directory inside of "D/Mod Organizer 2", installed dummy.esp and loot still won't show it. Didn't run as admin. getting the same "[warning]: Blocking load of resource" from loot, and empty usvfs logs still.

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I use bitdefender, and there's currently no conflicts there.. i think. At least i excluded all folders related to modding (game, base directories, LOOT/xEDIT, local files...). i also added rules for loot and MO2 in my windows firewall. Is there anything else that could be blocking it?

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I have to say I am stumped.


If you have Winzip or 7zip installed on your system you can set them up as an executable and run them from MO. You can navigate to the data folder from inside to see if they can see the installed ESPs and ESMs.


In looking over the pictures I noticed that FO4edit is at version 3.2.1. You can try installing the current beta, 3.2.62 Experimental from Github. The same for LOOT.

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ahh no luck, im gonna go ahead and reformat my pc. thanks for sticking with me guys, really appreciate the help! it'll probably be a couple days before i get everything back up and running, but i'll let you know if i encounter the problem again. this time around i'll try to make everything more organized, get rid of windows fluff, and follow all setup instructions to a T so i can avoid user/windows related issues.

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Good luck with that.


I thought of something else, do you have any programs that have an in-game overlay like Steam in game overlay, which you should disable. Things to look at are GeForce Experience overlay, Any Video card overclocking utility and if you have a Logitech mouse or keyboard there is a chance the gaming software install has installed Overwolf another game overlay.

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