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Hello (again). ::):


I seem to have done something wrong while building and rebuilding bashed patches through MO, but, for some reason, I currently have an 'Unmanaged: Bashed Patch, 0' "mod" at the very top of the left pane which is categorised as Non-MO. I also have the regular bashed patch at the bottom of the left-pane list and all else, as far as I can tell, "as should be", but I don't think the first one should be there?


Also, one of my companion mods, which I have used a hair mod for (the hair mod is one of those merged in the bashed patch), now has a double hair - could it be caused by this?


In case it matters, the Overwrite is empty.


As usually, any help would be appreciated.



15 answers to this question

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  • 0

Check the vanilla data folder for the unmanaged bashed patch. Wrye will copy a blank one there if there isn't one in the left pane. As for the second problem can't say what would cause this.

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Thanks for replying; there is, indeed, such a file in the data folder (1 kb in size) - I assume it should be safe to simply delete it?


As for the second issue, I have a suspicion, but I am not sure if it really is the cause - I use Gamer Poets' instruction video on how to build a bashed patch through MO, and emphasis is put there on that the plugins that will be merged still need to be activated when building the patch, and then deactivated, but left in the plugin list for when rebuilding it, so I had done just that the first time; then, when rebuilding, I think I reactivated them again - could it possibly be that they were somehow 'merged twice'? I also had some of the mods in the list highlighted in red at some point - as I understand, this is caused by identical modification times, and affects load order - so, following the instructions given here https://wryemusings.com/Wrye%20Bash.html#ModsTab, I edited the times (strangely, they have gone back to being the same since, but now the line colour is no longer red for some reason) - but I am not sure if this could have caused it.


Also, a question that might border on silly, but - in the video I see that when right-clicking the bashed patch in the mod list to build/rebuild it, it is unchecked - does it matter whether it is so or not in general?

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The "blank" bashed patch in your Data folder can also be moved into a mod you create inside MO's "mods" folder. Name it as "Default" if you like and when you run WB it should use that one instead. Deleting is also okay if you are truly concerned.


There should be no issue with a mod being merged twice, even if that was possible. All that will mean is the existing records would be overwritten with the identical records of the "second copy". So again, nothing to worry about.

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Hmm - so should the merged plugins be reactivated (ticked) again, then, before rebuilding the patch (or does this say it shouldn't actually matter)?

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What I did so far (by the way, for what it's worth, I am using WB version 306):


1. I deleted the "blank" patch.


2. Since in WB there was a problem with load order - it was "locked", so it changed back to whatever it was previously locked as - I unlocked it, ran BOSS, then locked it again.


3. I rebuilt the bashed patch I already had in place, without deactivating it in either MO or WB - it seems in this case changes are made to the already existing esp, since in Overwrite there was only a Docs folder with no esp, but a change I had made to a tweak (armour shows amulets) did seem to have taken effect.


Admittedly, I left the deactivated/merged esp's unchecked in MO - nonetheless, they sill showed as checked in WB's 'Merge Patches', probably because of previous rebuilds; also, at the start of rebuilding, I was shown a list of plugins - "mergeable, but tagged NoMerge" - to be deactivated, which I did not deactivate; however, I had left them active previously as well, without the double hair problem appearing.


4. I deactivated and deleted the bashed patch in MO, then rebuilt it again - with the merged esps still unchecked, and the NoMerge ones left active - this time there was an esp file in Overwrite, so I created the mod etc. as normally.


All the same, there is no change - things look as before.


Thus, first - would there be a suggestion what to do next, I'd rather avoid experimenting with checking/unchecking things hoping something works; second, I am curious about the NoMerge plugins - should they actually be deactivated prior to building the patch, and why, if they are not going to be merged - I looked through WB's readme pages, but there doesn't seem to be much on this specific topic there.



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Well - I have rebuilt the bashed patch again, from scratch, with the mergeable plugins activated (when rebuilding), and deactivating both them and the NoMerge ones when prompted to - the problem is still there.


I am thinking of reinstalling MO completely, but I am not sure how much would be lost while uninstalling - could anyone possibly advise on this?


Also, I would still appreciate a clarification on the treatment of the NoMerge-tagged plugins by WB.



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As for the re-installing of MO, that is a simple task. Simple back-up the "mods, profiles & downloads" folders and then remove the existing MO install. Replace it with a new install and copy back the saved folders into place.


As for the no-merge tags, I'm not sure. You could post a question in the WB forum.

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Hmm, for some reason, I seem to be unable to edit my previous posts...


Anyway - speaking of the above, would there be a point in switching to MO2 for Oblivion on a 64-bit computer, overall?

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Editing of posts is disabled after 15 minutes as is outlined in the Citizenship Guidelines linked at the bottom-right of every page.


As for switching to MO2 for Oblivion. MO2 is in active development and Oblivion support is receiving some attention but aside from that I see no reason to switch to it. If MO is working well in this instance, why bother? 

  • 0

I had definitely overlooked the 15 minute limit.  ::):


Regarding MO2 - except for the current issue, MO is indeed working OK overall, I was simply wondering if MO2 had any specific marked advantages if I would be uninstalling it (MO) anyway.

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