DarkladyLexy Posted October 1, 2018 Author Posted October 1, 2018 On 10/1/2018 at 9:06 AM, ShadowMonkey987 said: I think this would be a good addition to the guide. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20272this is what I have been waiting for will need to check the conflicts first thou let me get OMEGA Finished before looking at new stuff. The Latest LOOT update has thrown a spanner in the works a little. 1
ShadowMonkey987 Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 On 10/1/2018 at 11:25 AM, DarkladyLexy said: this is what I have been waiting for will need to check the conflicts first thou let me get OMEGA Finished before looking at new stuff. The Latest LOOT update has thrown a spanner in the works a little.No worries.
Smokingjoe1982 Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 With all the changes happening, I decided a fresh install was in order. Am noticing something odd with LOOT though. It keeps putting USSEP at the bottom of the ESMs, only being above LOTD, but below everything else. If memory serves me, I thought USSEP was always under the UHDAP mods, up near the top of the ESMs. I assume this is a behavior caused by the LOOT update, but am curious if this is safe to ignore, or if there is some way to fix it if it's not ok.
LukeCreed13 Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 On 10/1/2018 at 12:11 PM, Smokingjoe1982 said: With all the changes happening, I decided a fresh install was in order. Am noticing something odd with LOOT though. It keeps putting USSEP at the bottom of the ESMs, only being above LOTD, but below everything else. If memory serves me, I thought USSEP was always under the UHDAP mods, up near the top of the ESMs. I assume this is a behavior caused by the LOOT update, but am curious if this is safe to ignore, or if there is some way to fix it if it's not ok.Yeah, Lexy said that the latest LOOT update has changed some things, I'll probably wait until the major overhaul is over so I can start modding the game.
DarkladyLexy Posted October 1, 2018 Author Posted October 1, 2018 On 10/1/2018 at 12:11 PM, Smokingjoe1982 said: With all the changes happening, I decided a fresh install was in order. Am noticing something odd with LOOT though. It keeps putting USSEP at the bottom of the ESMs, only being above LOTD, but below everything else. If memory serves me, I thought USSEP was always under the UHDAP mods, up near the top of the ESMs. I assume this is a behavior caused by the LOOT update, but am curious if this is safe to ignore, or if there is some way to fix it if it's not ok.I think it is OK.
Shadriss Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 And this is why I'm waiting until I get the "All-Clear" from the Dark Lady Construction Company to enter the building... obviously, it's still under construction, and there have been unforeseen delays. In the meantime, I have SWTOR, and if it takes long enough, I'll have AC: Odyssey to keep me occupied until the dust settles and the building is furnished. Of course, the wife is chomping at the bit to get back into Skyrim (which means I am as well...) but, eh, what can you do?
ribbs23 Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 On 9/30/2018 at 7:37 PM, Smokingjoe1982 said: Posted Yesterday, 08:37 PMLilikeSound, on 30 Sept 2018 - 8:29 PM, said: On 9/30/2018 at 7:29 PM, LilikeSound said: I have a question about conflict resolution. Should we just leave the conflicts as is and let the resolution patches in the guide sort it out, or should we try to resolve them ourselves? For example, the Orc strongholds 1k billboards conflicts with Dyndolod resources. Should I let the orc stronghold textures overwrite, or hope that a conflict resolution patch will sort it out? That was just an example, ofc there are lots of conflicts in any loadout.As long as you follow the guide, and don't add anything extra, Lexy and her team sort out all the conflicts for you by the end of the guide. If you add any extra mods over and above the guide, then you would be responsible for the conflict resolution of those mods yourself. I'd like to ask if the same applies where, say I don't use all the mods in the guide can I still use the conflict resolution mods, I know I would have to remove any dependencies, but is it easy (relative) to find and remove entries that I wouldn't need? I'm guessing not, or would it be 'easier' to just not use them and create new ones? I'm not experienced with SSEEdit but would like to learn it more. I add a lot of other mods, but I leave out the Needs mods and I go a different way with the NPC retexture mods. Otherwise I follow the guide I'd like to ask if the same applies where, say I don't use all the mods in the guide
Swed_Dr_Plastic Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 In one of MXR's last Skyrim mod shows he showed off Truly Absorb Dragonsouls, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91566/?tab=files, where would be the optimal placement for it in the mod list?
Shadriss Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 (edited) On 10/1/2018 at 2:14 PM, ribbs23 said: I'd like to ask if the same applies where, say I don't use all the mods in the guide can I still use the conflict resolution mods, I know I would have to remove any dependencies, but is it easy (relative) to find and remove entries that I wouldn't need? I'm guessing not, or would it be 'easier' to just not use them and create new ones? I'm not experienced with SSEEdit but would like to learn it more. I add a lot of other mods, but I leave out the Needs mods and I go a different way with the NPC retexture mods. Otherwise I follow the guide I'd like to ask if the same applies where, say I don't use all the mods in the guide That depends... mostly on which mods you don't use. Some of them are required masters in those CRs. They can be cleaned (and a procedure for doing so can be found at the bottom of the main guide page, under Troubleshooting) of these masters, and it should be relatively simple to do so. Anything you add, of course, has to be handled by you, but that kind of goes without saying. On 10/1/2018 at 2:17 PM, Swed_Dr_Plastic said: In one of MXR's last Skyrim mod shows he showed off Truly Absorb Dragonsouls, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91566/?tab=files, where would be the optimal placement for it in the mod list?Interesting concept in that mod... not sure about it's balance, but the theory behind it seems workable. To your question itself, I tend to place anything not 'of the guide' at the end of the load lists (left pane... I let LOOT sort the actual files, as normal) unless there is a reason not to. It's going to be mostly trial and error to find working placements. Given that there is no ESP file (judging from the description), I'm thinking it won't matter where you put it - it's likely just a SKSE script, so shouldn't matter. Edited October 1, 2018 by Shadriss
itskingx Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 On 10/1/2018 at 2:17 PM, Swed_Dr_Plastic said: In one of MXR's last Skyrim mod shows he showed off Truly Absorb Dragonsouls, https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91566/?tab=files, where would be the optimal placement for it in the mod list?that mod is kinda useless with ks dragon overhaul 2 doing literally everything that mod does.
ribbs23 Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 (edited) On 10/1/2018 at 2:29 PM, Shadriss said: That depends... mostly on which mods you don't use. Some of them are required masters in those CRs. They can be cleaned (and a procedure for doing so can be found at the bottom of the main guide page, under Troubleshooting) of these masters, and it should be relatively simple to do so. Anything you add, of course, has to be handled by you, but that kind of goes without saying. Interesting concept in that mod... not sure about it's balance, but the theory behind it seems workable. To your question itself, I tend to place anything not 'of the guide' at the end of the load lists (left pane... I let LOOT sort the actual files, as normal) unless there is a reason not to. It's going to be mostly trial and error to find working placements. Given that there is no ESP file (judging from the description), I'm thinking it won't matter where you put it - it's likely just a SKSE script, so shouldn't matter.Thanks Shadriss, I will check out Troubleshooting sounds like exactly what I need EditJust Had a look and it is exactly what I'm looking for, step 4. looks a bit daunting but I want to learn SSEEdit, this will help.Thanks again man Edited October 1, 2018 by ribbs23
DarkladyLexy Posted October 1, 2018 Author Posted October 1, 2018 hey, guys, Guide has been updated so check the changelog still got a few more more merges to do but I am out of time today they will be sorted tomorrow. 1
AthlonAI Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 (edited) On 10/1/2018 at 3:06 PM, DarkladyLexy said: hey, guys, Guide has been updated so check the changelog still got a few more more merges to do but I am out of time today they will be sorted tomorrow.Hi Lexys, It seems that NPC Retexture Merge SSE is still version 1.09 instead of 1.10 as in your last changelog... Is it right? Thanks. Edit : To be clear it said 1.10 on nexus but file downloaded is named 1.09... Just to confirm it's the good one! Edited October 1, 2018 by AthlonAI
Ea9le1 Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 (edited) I'd like to thank all the authors for putting this together. I've been modding Skyrim LE and SSE (more recently) for a long time, never quite getting round to playing it again. This time is no exception, however with the help of this guide I'm getting closer to the ultimate goal. I have a few questions and suggestions though: Is it worth converting some of the smaller mods that have no dependants / patches to ESL? Lock Overhaul for example. EDIT: It should in theory be possible to convert those with dependants to ESL and change the masters for the patches.Is it worth (rather than merging patches) converting to ESPlite? (ESPs with compacted form IDs, tagged as ESL) This is fairly easy, and there is now a script for the beta release of SSEdit that identifies ESPs that can be converted, either by just adding the ESL flag, or by renumbering and compacting formIDs prior to doing so.. . . Which brings me on to my final question / query:As there is now a move to OMEGA, would you please consider the following patch compendium by Quinn?https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18369These can be installed as ESPlite plugins and seem to cover many of the mods installed as part of your guide. (Thought it might free up some esp space?) Thanks once again. I'd happily contribute to the author's beer and wine fund if pointed in the direction of where I can do so? PS. If all of this sounds like too much work, and if anyone is happy to do some testing I'm happy to convert a few ESPs to ESPlite or ESL and stick them in a dropbox? Edited October 1, 2018 by Ea9le1 1
AthlonAI Posted October 1, 2018 Posted October 1, 2018 (edited) Hi Lexy, Another one in LOTD Patches Merged : There is this line near the bottom: SFCO - LotD Patch.esp - Lexy LOTD Merged Patch version.esp - (Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches SE) Should we understand that it's two plugins : SFCO - LotD Patch.esp (and) OMEGA MLU LOTD Patch - Lexy LOTD Merged Patch version.espCan you confirm please or the second one is a typo as it should be the first one at the beginning of the merge ? Thanks for all your hard work Edited October 1, 2018 by AthlonAI
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