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When I press play in mod organizer, it just says MO is locked while the executable is running TESV.exe, but then it just disapears. I tried running the skyrim launcher, it reaches the launcher, but then once I click play again, MO is locked while the executable is running TESV.exe repeated again. I can run Skyrim through steam perfectly fine, I can also run the SKSE loader in my Skyrim root file fine, but just can't launch TESV.exe with MO. I would like to know am I doing something wrong?

Why is it not working?

Recommended Posts

  • 0

I ran both, same result.


Sorry for the late reply, for some reason I couldn't access to this page.




uExterior Cell Buffer=36
















SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information.


sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa

sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa



















2\title=Skyrim Launcher









The mod organizer log is too long


  • 0

Create a new post and post your log there, but before that remove all the lines in your MO ini that I have highlighted in your post.

Explicit entries for the basic executables are not needed as MO reads these from the registry.

  • 0



INFO (14:08:18.0490): Windows 6.2 (workstation)
INFO (14:08:18.0490): hook.dll v2.7.5
INFO (14:08:18.0490): Code page: 1252
INFO (14:08:18.0490): injecting to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe
INFO (14:08:18.0490): using profile Default
INFO (14:08:18.0490): data path is D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data
INFO (14:08:18.0490): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dawnguard"
INFO (14:08:18.0490): using mod "*Unmanaged: HearthFires"
INFO (14:08:18.0491): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dragonborn"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aaa" maps to "Skyrim - Misc.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aab" maps to "Skyrim - Shaders.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aac" maps to "Skyrim - Textures.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aad" maps to "Skyrim - Interface.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aae" maps to "Skyrim - Animations.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aaf" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aag" maps to "Skyrim - Sounds.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aah" maps to "Skyrim - Voices.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aai" maps to "Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aaj" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aak" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes1.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aal" maps to "Skyrim - Patch.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aam" maps to "Skyrim - Textures0.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aan" maps to "Skyrim - Textures1.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aao" maps to "Skyrim - Textures2.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aap" maps to "Skyrim - Textures3.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aaq" maps to "Skyrim - Textures4.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aar" maps to "Skyrim - Textures5.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aas" maps to "Skyrim - Textures6.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aat" maps to "Skyrim - Textures7.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aau" maps to "Skyrim - Textures8.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aav" maps to "Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aaw" maps to "Update.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aax" maps to "Dragonborn.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aay" maps to "HearthFires.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): "aaz" maps to "Dawnguard.bsa"
INFO (14:08:18.0808): resource list: aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz
INFO (14:08:18.0808): working directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim
INFO (14:08:18.0809): injection done
INFO (14:08:19.0254): archive list limit removed at 00AFEE53
INFO (14:08:19.0691): Windows Exception (c0000005). Origin: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe" (687b21). Last hooked call: void *__stdcall CreateFileW_rep(const wchar_t *,unsigned long,unsigned long,struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *,unsigned long,unsigned long,void *)



  • 0

A c0000005 is a access violation. Basically this means the program tried to access something it wasn't allowed to or couldn't due to a broken file or something blocking it.


First, disable your antivirus program and try it again. If it works, your antivirus is blocking the access. You'll need to add the executables to your exception list.


If that doesn't work, try verifying your local cache in Steam for Skyrim. Be aware this will undo any cleaning you did to the masters, so hopefully you have those saved in MO. Else, you'll have to clean them again.


If that fails, I would run a SFC scan:

  1. Start Button
  2. Type: CMD
  3. Right click on CMD.exe and run as admin
  4. Type: SFC /scannow

This scans your windows files to make sure nothing is corrupted with them and attempts to fix anything it finds.


If those don't work, you can try this: https://www.wiki-errors.com/wiki-errors.php?wiki=c0000005

Be sure you run your virus scanner on it before running that program as I've never used it before.

  • 0

That last line in the log is nothing to worry about, it occurs in almost every run and is not an error as such, hence the INFO header for it.

Open your 'Settings' in MO and ensure your "Log Level" is set to 'Debug'. Run Skyrim again and post that log please.


However the entire block of your log is regarding: TESV.EXE and not SKSE_LOADER.EXE. Are you sure you are running the game by calling SKSE from MO and not the game itself?

  • 0

That last line in the log is nothing to worry about, it occurs in almost every run and is not an error as such, hence the INFO header for it.

Interesting fact. I was unaware. Checked my own logs to verify. Those errors are not usually benign when dealing with programs. Usually programmers would want to eliminate them.


Carry on and ignore my suggestions besides checking to make sure your antivirus isn't interfering.

  • 0

I didn't run SKSE loader, I was trying to run the game from MO.


But here's the log when I run SKSE loader.




INFO (13:37:00.0474): Windows 6.2 (workstation)
INFO (13:37:00.0474): hook.dll v2.7.5
INFO (13:37:00.0474): Code page: 1252
INFO (13:37:00.0474): injecting to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe
INFO (13:37:00.0474): using profile Default
INFO (13:37:00.0474): data path is D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data
DEBUG (13:37:00.0475): mods are in "D:\Mod Organizer\mods"
INFO (13:37:00.0475): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dawnguard"
INFO (13:37:00.0475): using mod "*Unmanaged: HearthFires"
INFO (13:37:00.0475): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dragonborn"
DEBUG (13:37:00.0476): reading BSA Dragonborn.bsa
----------- LOG END -----------
DEBUG (13:37:00.0614): reading BSA HearthFires.bsa
DEBUG (13:37:00.0625): reading BSA Dawnguard.bsa
DEBUG (13:37:00.0696): indexing overwrite
DEBUG (13:37:00.0696): update vfs took 0 seconds
DEBUG (13:37:00.0696): data path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aaa" maps to "Skyrim - Misc.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aab" maps to "Skyrim - Shaders.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aac" maps to "Skyrim - Textures.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aad" maps to "Skyrim - Interface.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aae" maps to "Skyrim - Animations.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aaf" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aag" maps to "Skyrim - Sounds.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aah" maps to "Skyrim - Voices.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aai" maps to "Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aaj" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aak" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes1.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aal" maps to "Skyrim - Patch.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aam" maps to "Skyrim - Textures0.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aan" maps to "Skyrim - Textures1.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aao" maps to "Skyrim - Textures2.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aap" maps to "Skyrim - Textures3.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aaq" maps to "Skyrim - Textures4.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aar" maps to "Skyrim - Textures5.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aas" maps to "Skyrim - Textures6.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aat" maps to "Skyrim - Textures7.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aau" maps to "Skyrim - Textures8.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aav" maps to "Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aaw" maps to "Update.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aax" maps to "Dragonborn.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0696): "aay" maps to "HearthFires.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0697): "aaz" maps to "Dawnguard.bsa"
INFO (13:37:00.0697): resource list: aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz
INFO (13:37:00.0697): working directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for CreateProcessA installed at 74D66BE0 (trampoline at 01F20000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for CreateProcessW installed at 74D4E320 (trampoline at 01F30000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for LoadLibraryExW installed at 74D4A2B0 (trampoline at 01F40000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for LoadLibraryW installed at 74D4DC30 (trampoline at 01F50000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for LoadLibraryExA installed at 74D4D600 (trampoline at 01FF0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for LoadLibraryA installed at 74D58500 (trampoline at 02110000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for FindFirstFileExW installed at 73F0C090 (trampoline at 02120000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for FindNextFileW installed at 73F0A1F0 (trampoline at 02130000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for FindClose installed at 73F150A0 (trampoline at 02140000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetFileAttributesW installed at 73F0C7A0 (trampoline at 02150000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetFileAttributesExW installed at 73F19140 (trampoline at 03A50000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for SetFileAttributesW installed at 73F37AF0 (trampoline at 03A60000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for CreateFileW installed at 73F0A5C0 (trampoline at 03A70000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for CreateFileA installed at 73F1D600 (trampoline at 03A80000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for CreateDirectoryW installed at 73F19BB0 (trampoline at 03A90000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for DeleteFileW installed at 73F35330 (trampoline at 03AA0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for DeleteFileA installed at 73F34340 (trampoline at 03AB0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for CloseHandle installed at 73F0AD80 (trampoline at 03AC0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 73F1E0D0 (trampoline at 03AD0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for SetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 73F2ECC0 (trampoline at 03AE0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for MoveFileA installed at 74D57450 (trampoline at 03AF0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for MoveFileExA installed at 74D8C8C0 (trampoline at 03B00000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for MoveFileW installed at 74D4E550 (trampoline at 03B10000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for MoveFileExW installed at 74D4E640 (trampoline at 03B20000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringA installed at 74D545D0 (trampoline at 03B30000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringW installed at 74D540B0 (trampoline at 03B40000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructA installed at 74D8A5B0 (trampoline at 03B50000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructW installed at 74D8A710 (trampoline at 03B60000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA installed at 74D8A580 (trampoline at 03B70000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW installed at 74D53DE0 (trampoline at 03B80000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionA installed at 74D8A4F0 (trampoline at 03B90000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionW installed at 74D53E10 (trampoline at 03BB0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntA installed at 74D54190 (trampoline at 03BC0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntW installed at 74D53D10 (trampoline at 03BD0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionA installed at 74D8A8F0 (trampoline at 03BE0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionW installed at 74D8A940 (trampoline at 03BF0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringA installed at 74D53C70 (trampoline at 03C00000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringW installed at 74D46C80 (trampoline at 03C20000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructA installed at 74D8A990 (trampoline at 03C30000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructW installed at 74D8AAE0 (trampoline at 03C40000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for OpenFile installed at 74D8B930 (trampoline at 03C50000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for CopyFileA installed at 74D52F10 (trampoline at 03C60000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for CopyFileW installed at 74D59F60 (trampoline at 03C70000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for CreateHardLinkA installed at 74D66B80 (trampoline at 03C80000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for CreateHardLinkW installed at 74D66BA0 (trampoline at 03C90000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetFullPathNameW installed at 74D59B50 (trampoline at 03CA0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetModuleFileNameA installed at 74D4DAB0 (trampoline at 03CB0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetModuleFileNameW installed at 74D4CEA0 (trampoline at 03CC0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for SHFileOperationA installed at 75F142F0 (trampoline at 03CD0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for SHFileOperationW installed at 75D8D070 (trampoline at 03CE0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetFileVersionInfoW installed at 73471550 (trampoline at 03CF0000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetFileVersionInfoSizeW installed at 73471530 (trampoline at 03D00000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for NtQueryDirectoryFile installed at 7710E920 (trampoline at 03D10000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): hook for GetFileVersionInfoExW installed at 734714F0 (trampoline at 03D20000)
DEBUG (13:37:00.0697): all hooks installed
INFO (13:37:00.0697): injection done
DEBUG (13:37:00.0880): get file attributes: C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Skyrim.INI -> D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\Skyrim.INI: 20
INFO (13:37:01.0182): archive list limit removed at 00AFEE53
DEBUG (13:37:01.0331): createfile w: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Skyrim\.\Plugins.txt -> D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\Plugins.txt (80000000 - 3) = 000002C0 (0)
DEBUG (13:37:01.0626): Data\Update.INI doesn't exist, no further queries
DEBUG (13:37:01.0627): first access to data
DEBUG (13:37:01.0627): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aaa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Misc.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Misc.bsa
DEBUG (13:37:01.0637): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aab -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Shaders.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Shaders.bsa
DEBUG (13:37:01.0637): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aac -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Textures.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Textures.bsa
DEBUG (13:37:01.0645): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aad -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Interface.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Interface.bsa
DEBUG (13:37:01.0645): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aae -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Animations.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Animations.bsa
DEBUG (13:37:01.0649): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aaf -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Meshes.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Meshes.bsa
DEBUG (13:37:01.0659): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aag -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Sounds.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
DEBUG (13:37:01.0663): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aah -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Voices.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Voices.bsa
DEBUG (13:37:01.0695): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aai -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa
DEBUG (13:37:01.0695): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aaj -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa
INFO (13:37:01.0696): Windows Exception (c0000005). Origin: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe" (687b21). Last hooked call: void *__stdcall CreateFileW_rep(const wchar_t *,unsigned long,unsigned long,struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *,unsigned long,unsigned long,void *)



  • 0

Select SKSE from the list of executables in MO and then run that. Any mod that requires SKSE to function will of course fail if it is not loading.


ps. The 'access violation' is, I believe, a result of poor exit code handling. Could be improved but it doesn't affect the game as it only occurs on game exit when nothing can go wrong with your saves.

  • 0

I ran SKSE from the list of executables.


I can run Skyrim perfectly with SKSE if I launch it from the Skyrim root folder, but if I launch it from MO this happen.

  • 0

In post 9 the log is from running TESV.exe, not the skse loader. This line shows that, INFO (13:37:00.0474): injecting to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe. If you ran the skse loader the line would end with skse_loader.exe.


You need to exit MO, find the MO logs folder, usually ModOrganizer\logs, in version 1.3.11 of MO and delete any logs there. Run MO and run SKSE from MO. Let everything run even if it crashes and exit MO. You should have at two files in the log folder, mo_interface.log and ModOrganizer.log. Post the contents of those files here.

  • 0

mo interface



18:52:50 [D] ssl support: 1
18:52:50 [D] Working directory: D:\Mod Organizer
18:52:50 [D] MO at: D:\Mod Organizer
18:52:50 [D] initializing core
18:52:51 [D] initialize plugins
18:52:51 [D] looking for plugins in D:\Mod Organizer\plugins
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "bsaExtractor.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "checkFNIS.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "diagnoseBasic.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "gameFallout3.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "gameFalloutNV.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "gameOblivion.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "gameSkyrim.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "iniEditor.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "installerBAIN.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "installerBundle.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "installerFomod.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "installerManual.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "installerNCC.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "installerQuick.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "NMMImport.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "previewBase.dll"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "pyCfg.py"
18:52:51 [D] loaded plugin "proxyPython.dll"
18:52:51 [D] downloads after refresh: 1
18:52:51 [D] game path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim
18:52:51 [D] managing game at D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim
18:52:51 [D] setting up configured executables
18:52:51 [D] configured profile: Default
18:52:51 [D] validating login cookies
18:52:51 [D] initializing tutorials
18:52:51 [D] loaded language en-GB
18:52:51 [D] interface Hamachi seems to be up (address: 2620:9b::1942:4550)
18:52:51 [D] displaying main window
18:52:51 [D] D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\modlist.txt saved
18:52:51 [D] retrieving credentials
18:52:52 [D] user is not premium
18:52:54 [D] D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\initweaks.ini saved
18:52:54 [D] D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\plugins.txt saved
18:52:54 [D] D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\loadorder.txt saved
18:52:54 [D] D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\lockedorder.txt saved
18:52:54 [D] D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\archives.txt saved
18:53:45 [D] D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\initweaks.ini saved
18:53:45 [D] D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\lockedorder.txt saved
18:54:05 [D] save D:/Mod Organizer/webcache/cookies.dat
18:54:05 [D] D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\initweaks.ini saved
18:54:05 [D] D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\lockedorder.txt saved
18:54:05 [D] save D:/Mod Organizer/webcache/nexus_cookies.dat



ModOrganizer log



INFO (18:53:45.0802): Windows 6.2 (workstation)
INFO (18:53:45.0802): hook.dll v2.7.5
INFO (18:53:45.0802): Code page: 1252
INFO (18:53:45.0802): injecting to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\skse_loader.exe
INFO (18:53:45.0802): using profile Default
INFO (18:53:45.0802): data path is D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data
DEBUG (18:53:45.0802): mods are in "D:\Mod Organizer\mods"
INFO (18:53:45.0802): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dawnguard"
INFO (18:53:45.0802): using mod "*Unmanaged: HearthFires"
INFO (18:53:45.0802): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dragonborn"
DEBUG (18:53:45.0804): reading BSA Dragonborn.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:45.0938): reading BSA HearthFires.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:45.0950): reading BSA Dawnguard.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:46.0021): indexing overwrite
DEBUG (18:53:46.0021): update vfs took 1 seconds
DEBUG (18:53:46.0021): data path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaa" maps to "Skyrim - Misc.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aab" maps to "Skyrim - Shaders.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aac" maps to "Skyrim - Textures.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aad" maps to "Skyrim - Interface.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aae" maps to "Skyrim - Animations.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaf" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aag" maps to "Skyrim - Sounds.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aah" maps to "Skyrim - Voices.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aai" maps to "Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaj" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aak" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes1.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aal" maps to "Skyrim - Patch.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aam" maps to "Skyrim - Textures0.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aan" maps to "Skyrim - Textures1.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aao" maps to "Skyrim - Textures2.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aap" maps to "Skyrim - Textures3.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaq" maps to "Skyrim - Textures4.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aar" maps to "Skyrim - Textures5.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aas" maps to "Skyrim - Textures6.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aat" maps to "Skyrim - Textures7.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aau" maps to "Skyrim - Textures8.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aav" maps to "Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaw" maps to "Update.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aax" maps to "Dragonborn.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aay" maps to "HearthFires.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaz" maps to "Dawnguard.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): resource list: aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz
INFO (18:53:46.0021): working directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim
DEBUG (18:53:46.0021): hook for CreateProcessA installed at 74D66BE0 (trampoline at 013C0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0021): hook for CreateProcessW installed at 74D4E320 (trampoline at 02B20000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0021): hook for LoadLibraryExW installed at 74D4A2B0 (trampoline at 02B30000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0021): hook for LoadLibraryW installed at 74D4DC30 (trampoline at 02B40000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0021): hook for LoadLibraryExA installed at 74D4D600 (trampoline at 02B50000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0021): hook for LoadLibraryA installed at 74D58500 (trampoline at 02B60000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for FindFirstFileExW installed at 73F0C090 (trampoline at 02B70000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for FindNextFileW installed at 73F0A1F0 (trampoline at 02B80000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for FindClose installed at 73F150A0 (trampoline at 02B90000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetFileAttributesW installed at 73F0C7A0 (trampoline at 02BA0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetFileAttributesExW installed at 73F19140 (trampoline at 02BB0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for SetFileAttributesW installed at 73F37AF0 (trampoline at 02BC0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for CreateFileW installed at 73F0A5C0 (trampoline at 02BD0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for CreateFileA installed at 73F1D600 (trampoline at 02BE0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for CreateDirectoryW installed at 73F19BB0 (trampoline at 02BF0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for DeleteFileW installed at 73F35330 (trampoline at 02C00000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for DeleteFileA installed at 73F34340 (trampoline at 02C10000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for CloseHandle installed at 73F0AD80 (trampoline at 02C20000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 73F1E0D0 (trampoline at 02C30000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for SetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 73F2ECC0 (trampoline at 02C40000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for MoveFileA installed at 74D57450 (trampoline at 02C60000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for MoveFileExA installed at 74D8C8C0 (trampoline at 02C70000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for MoveFileW installed at 74D4E550 (trampoline at 02C80000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for MoveFileExW installed at 74D4E640 (trampoline at 02C90000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringA installed at 74D545D0 (trampoline at 02CA0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringW installed at 74D540B0 (trampoline at 02CB0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructA installed at 74D8A5B0 (trampoline at 02CC0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructW installed at 74D8A710 (trampoline at 02CD0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA installed at 74D8A580 (trampoline at 02CE0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW installed at 74D53DE0 (trampoline at 02CF0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionA installed at 74D8A4F0 (trampoline at 02D00000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionW installed at 74D53E10 (trampoline at 02D10000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntA installed at 74D54190 (trampoline at 02D20000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntW installed at 74D53D10 (trampoline at 02D30000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionA installed at 74D8A8F0 (trampoline at 02D40000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionW installed at 74D8A940 (trampoline at 02D50000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringA installed at 74D53C70 (trampoline at 02D60000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringW installed at 74D46C80 (trampoline at 02D70000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructA installed at 74D8A990 (trampoline at 02D80000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructW installed at 74D8AAE0 (trampoline at 02D90000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for OpenFile installed at 74D8B930 (trampoline at 02DA0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for CopyFileA installed at 74D52F10 (trampoline at 02DB0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for CopyFileW installed at 74D59F60 (trampoline at 02DC0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for CreateHardLinkA installed at 74D66B80 (trampoline at 02DD0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for CreateHardLinkW installed at 74D66BA0 (trampoline at 02DE0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetFullPathNameW installed at 74D59B50 (trampoline at 02DF0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetModuleFileNameA installed at 74D4DAB0 (trampoline at 02E00000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetModuleFileNameW installed at 74D4CEA0 (trampoline at 02E10000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for SHFileOperationA installed at 75F142F0 (trampoline at 02E20000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for SHFileOperationW installed at 75D8D070 (trampoline at 04F50000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetFileVersionInfoW installed at 73471550 (trampoline at 04F60000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetFileVersionInfoSizeW installed at 73471530 (trampoline at 04F70000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for NtQueryDirectoryFile installed at 7710E920 (trampoline at 04F80000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): hook for GetFileVersionInfoExW installed at 734714F0 (trampoline at 04F90000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0022): all hooks installed
INFO (18:53:46.0022): injection done
DEBUG (18:53:46.0024): create process (a) D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\\TESV.exe - null (in null) - hooking
DEBUG (18:53:46.0041): hooks removed
INFO (18:53:46.0044): Windows 6.2 (workstation)
INFO (18:53:46.0044): hook.dll v2.7.5
INFO (18:53:46.0044): Code page: 1252
INFO (18:53:46.0044): injecting to D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe
INFO (18:53:46.0044): using profile Default
INFO (18:53:46.0044): data path is D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data
DEBUG (18:53:46.0044): mods are in "D:\Mod Organizer\mods"
INFO (18:53:46.0044): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dawnguard"
INFO (18:53:46.0044): using mod "*Unmanaged: HearthFires"
INFO (18:53:46.0044): using mod "*Unmanaged: Dragonborn"
DEBUG (18:53:46.0045): reading BSA Dragonborn.bsa
----------- LOG END -----------
DEBUG (18:53:46.0178): reading BSA HearthFires.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:46.0189): reading BSA Dawnguard.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:46.0268): indexing overwrite
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): update vfs took 0 seconds
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): data path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aaa" maps to "Skyrim - Misc.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aab" maps to "Skyrim - Shaders.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aac" maps to "Skyrim - Textures.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aad" maps to "Skyrim - Interface.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aae" maps to "Skyrim - Animations.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aaf" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aag" maps to "Skyrim - Sounds.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aah" maps to "Skyrim - Voices.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aai" maps to "Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aaj" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aak" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes1.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aal" maps to "Skyrim - Patch.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aam" maps to "Skyrim - Textures0.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aan" maps to "Skyrim - Textures1.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aao" maps to "Skyrim - Textures2.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aap" maps to "Skyrim - Textures3.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aaq" maps to "Skyrim - Textures4.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aar" maps to "Skyrim - Textures5.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aas" maps to "Skyrim - Textures6.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aat" maps to "Skyrim - Textures7.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aau" maps to "Skyrim - Textures8.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aav" maps to "Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aaw" maps to "Update.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aax" maps to "Dragonborn.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aay" maps to "HearthFires.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): "aaz" maps to "Dawnguard.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0269): resource list: aaa,aab,aac,aad,aae,aaf,aag,aah,aai,aaj,aak,aal,aam,aan,aao,aap,aaq,aar,aas,aat,aau,aav,aaw,aax,aay,aaz
INFO (18:53:46.0269): working directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for CreateProcessA installed at 74D66BE0 (trampoline at 01F20000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for CreateProcessW installed at 74D4E320 (trampoline at 01F30000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for LoadLibraryExW installed at 74D4A2B0 (trampoline at 01F40000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for LoadLibraryW installed at 74D4DC30 (trampoline at 01F50000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for LoadLibraryExA installed at 74D4D600 (trampoline at 039D0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for LoadLibraryA installed at 74D58500 (trampoline at 039E0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for FindFirstFileExW installed at 73F0C090 (trampoline at 039F0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for FindNextFileW installed at 73F0A1F0 (trampoline at 03A00000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for FindClose installed at 73F150A0 (trampoline at 03A10000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for GetFileAttributesW installed at 73F0C7A0 (trampoline at 03A20000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for GetFileAttributesExW installed at 73F19140 (trampoline at 03A30000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for SetFileAttributesW installed at 73F37AF0 (trampoline at 03A40000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for CreateFileW installed at 73F0A5C0 (trampoline at 03A50000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for CreateFileA installed at 73F1D600 (trampoline at 03A60000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for CreateDirectoryW installed at 73F19BB0 (trampoline at 03A70000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for DeleteFileW installed at 73F35330 (trampoline at 03A80000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for DeleteFileA installed at 73F34340 (trampoline at 03A90000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for CloseHandle installed at 73F0AD80 (trampoline at 03AA0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for GetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 73F1E0D0 (trampoline at 03AB0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for SetCurrentDirectoryW installed at 73F2ECC0 (trampoline at 03AC0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for MoveFileA installed at 74D57450 (trampoline at 03AD0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for MoveFileExA installed at 74D8C8C0 (trampoline at 03AF0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for MoveFileW installed at 74D4E550 (trampoline at 03B00000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for MoveFileExW installed at 74D4E640 (trampoline at 03B20000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringA installed at 74D545D0 (trampoline at 03B30000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0269): hook for GetPrivateProfileStringW installed at 74D540B0 (trampoline at 03B40000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructA installed at 74D8A5B0 (trampoline at 03B50000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetPrivateProfileStructW installed at 74D8A710 (trampoline at 03B60000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA installed at 74D8A580 (trampoline at 03B70000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW installed at 74D53DE0 (trampoline at 03B80000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionA installed at 74D8A4F0 (trampoline at 03B90000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetPrivateProfileSectionW installed at 74D53E10 (trampoline at 03BA0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntA installed at 74D54190 (trampoline at 03BB0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetPrivateProfileIntW installed at 74D53D10 (trampoline at 03BC0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionA installed at 74D8A8F0 (trampoline at 03BD0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for WritePrivateProfileSectionW installed at 74D8A940 (trampoline at 03BE0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringA installed at 74D53C70 (trampoline at 03BF0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for WritePrivateProfileStringW installed at 74D46C80 (trampoline at 03C00000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructA installed at 74D8A990 (trampoline at 03C10000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for WritePrivateProfileStructW installed at 74D8AAE0 (trampoline at 03C20000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for OpenFile installed at 74D8B930 (trampoline at 03C30000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for CopyFileA installed at 74D52F10 (trampoline at 03C40000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for CopyFileW installed at 74D59F60 (trampoline at 03C50000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for CreateHardLinkA installed at 74D66B80 (trampoline at 03C70000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for CreateHardLinkW installed at 74D66BA0 (trampoline at 03C80000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetFullPathNameW installed at 74D59B50 (trampoline at 03C90000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetModuleFileNameA installed at 74D4DAB0 (trampoline at 03CA0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetModuleFileNameW installed at 74D4CEA0 (trampoline at 03CB0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for SHFileOperationA installed at 75F142F0 (trampoline at 03CC0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for SHFileOperationW installed at 75D8D070 (trampoline at 03CD0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetFileVersionInfoW installed at 73471550 (trampoline at 03CE0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetFileVersionInfoSizeW installed at 73471530 (trampoline at 03CF0000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for NtQueryDirectoryFile installed at 7710E920 (trampoline at 03D00000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): hook for GetFileVersionInfoExW installed at 734714F0 (trampoline at 03D10000)
DEBUG (18:53:46.0270): all hooks installed
INFO (18:53:46.0270): injection done
DEBUG (18:53:46.0468): get file attributes: C:\Users\user\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Skyrim.INI -> D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\Skyrim.INI: 20
INFO (18:53:46.0733): archive list limit removed at 00AFEE53
DEBUG (18:53:46.0838): createfile w: C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Skyrim\.\Plugins.txt -> D:\Mod Organizer\profiles\Default\Plugins.txt (80000000 - 3) = 000002F0 (0)
DEBUG (18:53:47.0058): Data\Update.INI doesn't exist, no further queries
DEBUG (18:53:47.0060): first access to data
DEBUG (18:53:47.0060): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aaa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Misc.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Misc.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:47.0069): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aab -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Shaders.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Shaders.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:47.0070): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aac -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Textures.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Textures.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:47.0077): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aad -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Interface.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Interface.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:47.0077): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aae -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Animations.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Animations.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:47.0081): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aaf -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Meshes.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Meshes.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:47.0091): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aag -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Sounds.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Sounds.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:47.0096): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aah -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Voices.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Voices.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:47.0126): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aai -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa
DEBUG (18:53:47.0126): createfile bsa not rerouted: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\aaj -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\DATA\Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa -> D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\data\Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa
INFO (18:53:47.0126): Windows Exception (c0000005). Origin: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\TESV.exe" (687b21). Last hooked call: void *__stdcall CreateFileW_rep(const wchar_t *,unsigned long,unsigned long,struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *,unsigned long,unsigned long,void *)


  • 0

When I look at the logs just posted it looks like Files from Skyrim SE.


[spoiler=Your file match files in Skyrim SE]INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaj" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aak" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes1.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aal" maps to "Skyrim - Patch.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aam" maps to "Skyrim - Textures0.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aan" maps to "Skyrim - Textures1.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aao" maps to "Skyrim - Textures2.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aap" maps to "Skyrim - Textures3.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaq" maps to "Skyrim - Textures4.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aar" maps to "Skyrim - Textures5.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aas" maps to "Skyrim - Textures6.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aat" maps to "Skyrim - Textures7.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aau" maps to "Skyrim - Textures8.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aav" maps to "Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaw" maps to "Update.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aax" maps to "Dragonborn.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aay" maps to "HearthFires.bsa"
INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaz" maps to "Dawnguard.bsa"





I have to ask, is this MO2 and Skyrim SE or did I miss something somewhere?

  • 0

When I look at the logs just posted it looks like Files from Skyrim SE.


[spoiler=Your file match files in Skyrim SE]INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaj" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aak" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes1.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aal" maps to "Skyrim - Patch.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aam" maps to "Skyrim - Textures0.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aan" maps to "Skyrim - Textures1.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aao" maps to "Skyrim - Textures2.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aap" maps to "Skyrim - Textures3.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaq" maps to "Skyrim - Textures4.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aar" maps to "Skyrim - Textures5.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aas" maps to "Skyrim - Textures6.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aat" maps to "Skyrim - Textures7.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aau" maps to "Skyrim - Textures8.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aav" maps to "Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaw" maps to "Update.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aax" maps to "Dragonborn.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aay" maps to "HearthFires.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaz" maps to "Dawnguard.bsa"





I have to ask, is this MO2 and Skyrim SE or did I miss something somewhere?

Good catch! ::):

  • 0

When I look at the logs just posted it looks like Files from Skyrim SE.


[spoiler=Your file match files in Skyrim SE]INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaj" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes0.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aak" maps to "Skyrim - Meshes1.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aal" maps to "Skyrim - Patch.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aam" maps to "Skyrim - Textures0.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aan" maps to "Skyrim - Textures1.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aao" maps to "Skyrim - Textures2.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aap" maps to "Skyrim - Textures3.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaq" maps to "Skyrim - Textures4.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aar" maps to "Skyrim - Textures5.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aas" maps to "Skyrim - Textures6.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aat" maps to "Skyrim - Textures7.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aau" maps to "Skyrim - Textures8.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aav" maps to "Skyrim - Voices_en0.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaw" maps to "Update.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aax" maps to "Dragonborn.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aay" maps to "HearthFires.bsa"

INFO (18:53:46.0021): "aaz" maps to "Dawnguard.bsa"





I have to ask, is this MO2 and Skyrim SE or did I miss something somewhere?

Yes, very good catch. I think we all missed something. ::):

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