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Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback

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Thanks, Neo.  I must have sped through that part pretty quick since I had merged them before so I just did it again with the new name.  I redid it as you've instructed in the guide and everything seems to be working great now.  I'll be sure to read more carefully next time.   :O_o:


The current version of NPC Knockout Overhaul needs a BUM rule as it is not recognised by BOSS. Should we be using the (Protected) install option  so that essential NPCs can't be killed?

  On 6/29/2014 at 6:22 AM, DanielCoffey said:

The current version of NPC Knockout Overhaul needs a BUM rule as it is not recognised by BOSS. Should we be using the (Protected) install option  so that essential NPCs can't be killed?

Fixed the addition of the BUM rule. Sorry must have not saved.


As for (Protected), it basically makes all unique NPCs protected even if they have outlived their usefulness (i.e. quest complete or don't have a quest). This does not affect protected/essential status in the normal sense it just makes it so more people can only be killed by you.

  • +1 1
  On 6/29/2014 at 6:56 AM, Neovalen said:

As for (Protected), it basically makes all unique NPCs protected even if they have outlived their usefulness (i.e. quest complete or don't have a quest). This does not affect protected/essential status in the normal sense it just makes it so more people can only be killed by you.

Sorry, but what do you mean by "in the normal sense"?  Will having them protected still guard against npcs dying before they should, if in a quest, or just dying at all, such as merchants who don't get away from a bandit, dragon, etc... or are there problems that you foresee occuring with this option selected?  Also, I noticed that there is a small conflict with Thieves Guild Requirements which, while not a part of SRLE, is a part of STEP so many people probably have it and where you placed NPC knockout it is now before TGR.  I'm certainly not literate in all of the records a mod can have so I'm not sure if it will make a difference but I was wondering what you think (if you don't care about TGR that's cool, I know it's not a part of SRLE so I thought I'd ask but I know you're busy and can't check every mod outside of SRLE.  This one is a part of STEP, however, so I wasn't sure if that was something you checked against.)




I don't foresee a problem with the option selected, I just prefer my NPCs be allowed to die when they aren't needed anymore. That being said, had an odd experience with the 2.0 version of NPC Knockout (was able to loot a bandit twice) so I left a note on the authors mod page to get his take. Basically was able to loot while unconscious, kill and loot same stuff again.

  • +1 1

I must admit I am getting used to the Knockout effect in gameplay. I don't use it myself (yet) to bypass NPCs but the way it changes how Followers work is interesting. I have taken to keeping Healing Touch hotkeyed so that when something KOs Arissa I can chuck her a heal, yell at her and get her back into the fight. It also means searching among the bodies to find which one is her. As I am low level, the only difference between the appearance of her corpse and the bandits is the name.

Posted (edited)
  On 6/28/2014 at 7:09 PM, Neovalen said:


  On 6/27/2014 at 8:00 PM, Astakos said:
@ Neo:


I think this one should be added to CR:


Skyrim.esm Cell Block 6 Sub-Block 7 00015230 <PinepeakCavern01>



Will investigate and adjust as needed, thanks for the report.

Edit: Updated. Its only a small skylight but its there none the less. :D


Hi again Neo,


Regarding the above mentioned conflict and CR guide's instructions:


Block 6 > Sub-Block 7 > 00015230 PinepeakCavern01
Conflict Resolution: Use record from ELE-Interior Lighting Merged.esp then move the DATA - Flags and XCCM - Sky/Weather from Region record from Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp.
Problem Resolved: Fix from unofficial patches were not properly forwarded and Enhanced Lighting for ENB did not take into account a skylight.


I think XCCM is a typo and you meant to use XEZN - Encounter Zone, yes?


Thanks!  ::):

Edited by Astakos
  On 6/28/2014 at 10:33 PM, cybexgames said:



When I compared my SR Conflict Resolution.esp to yours that I just downloaded, I found the following edits in yours:


Block 6 > Sub-Block 7 > 00015230 PinepeakCavern01

  LTMP - Lighting Template

  [REFR:8C02D634] (places RoomMarker [sTAT:0000001F] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of DLC1DawnguardHQ01 "Fort Dawnguard" [CELL:03001DBA])


  XCIM - Image Space

  JZDG_Int_Sun_LT [LGTM:8C02D636]


These do not appear in the Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp.


Also, I think there might be a typo as I think you meant to use the XEZN - Encounter Zone instead of the XCCM - Sky/Weather from Region

Fixed, sorry guys! At least it was right in the downloadable patch. :D Documentation fail.

  On 6/29/2014 at 9:33 PM, thaiusmle said:

1.2.8 now

Edit - Revert back to 1.2.6 for now

This. From what I've read 1.2.6 is the safest for now as we at least know 100% what the problem is and have mitigated it.


Hi Neo,


Are u using the latest CoT-Dawnguard patch that has been updated the past few days?


If so, have you encountered any problems with the merged esp or in-game?


Just asking though...have not updated it yet as I just realized there was such an update released! (damn Nexus tracking!!  :angry:  )


Thanks!  ::):


This may be slightly off topic, but I will ask anyway. 

Regarding SkyProc patcher in general such as 

  • Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp
  • ASIS.esp
  • ReProccer.esp

Will there be any problem using TES5edit to sort their masters? Your guide indicates that should be fine with ASIS (only NPC Enchant Fix) and Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp. I am very curious about ASIS (Full) and ReProccer. Will try to fine information elsewhere as well.

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