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This mod would seem suited in STEP core.



This mod makes almost all named/unique NPCs protected. No more failed quests cause of dragon or vampire attacks. It covers Vanilla Skyrim and Download Content NPCs: Dragonborn, Dawnguard, Hearthfire. It is completely free of scripts.


This Mod is now up to date with USLEEP 3.0.5.


Nexus Link:



The author of "Immersive Citizens-AI Overhaul" made his to be compatible. The following taken from Immersive Citizens FAQ:


Run for Your Lives: No, there is no benefit in using it in conjunction with this mod, as it is redundant. If you want to add an additional safety then I recommend to use NPCs Protected Redux.


Well, it makes pretty much all unique NPCs immortal (unless the players chooses to slay them), so it's not very immersive. People live, people die, that's the way of life.


Immersive Citizens already overhauls the NPCs behaviour, so people are less likely to die as they should flee from battle when the attacker is too powerful.


Maybe it's worth considering if you use mods that make the game a lot harder like Sands of Time, Revenge of the Enemies, etc. But for Step Core I don't see the need for such a mod.


There's a right way to do this and a wrong way. The only NPCs that should not die are quest givers.


The wrong way is simply ticking the Essential box for the NPC in the CK and calling it good. This makes NPCs immortal...forever. This is only done for really essential NPCs and some followers.


The right way is to set them as essential until their quests are completed. Set the NPCs up as aliases in their quests and make the alias essential just during the quest. After the quest is complete, the essential status is dropped from the NPC and they can be killed as usual.


I haven't looked into this mod to know what it is doing.


So I looked into the mod and it's basically just marking NPCs as protected; meaning they won't die unless the player kills them. This isn't the best solution for STEP since main of these NPCs should be able to die once their attached quests are completed.

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