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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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Is this backward, again with You Hunger?


Loot Metadata Update Required:
EnhancedLightsandFX.esp - Load After You Hunger.esp


Seems like it should be the other way around?


Sorry to keep butting in here as Lexy's the only one with real answers, but I'm in transit with nothing better to do (and I do use both of these mods, exactly as the guide implements them).


This is a great example of learning to resolve conflicts yourself; I get why you'd think to load YouHunger after, however let's think about consequences; if there is a conflict between the two, which is more important? All YouHunger does is remove food from the world. ELFX moves lights/light boxes, changes color values, etc. If ELFX is last there will probably be some food where it shouldn't be, according to YouHunger. However if ELFX is last, you might get floating lights, messed lighting, incorrect color values, etc.


Perhaps, but all the other 'metadata' notes put it on the first mod that you change even if the mod it's talking about doesn't exist yet.  It's put in a weird place in the guide is all.


... I'm not sure what you mean by 'perhaps'. I just gave you a rather definitive answer. I'd bet money that YouHunger isn't even CR'd in the guide at all, it is simply allowed to be overwritten by anything that needs to. There are sooooo many conflicts, and it still removes tons of food from the world. Even attempting to CR it is a fools errand.


I can't speak to how the metadata info is distributed in the guide, but understanding this stuff is really worthwhile when attempting to manage a massive modlist such as this one, guide or no.


... alright.  One key question.  I'm only a novice at modding Skyrim still, but am learning.  Would it be wiser to follow the guild to the letter first and only THEN add extracurricular stuff like Wyrmstooth and other alternate things I like?


Probably be a better experience in general, right?  Then after I enjoy the guide as is, sine it's all interwoven together to stop conflicts, and add extra stuff later...?

Posted (edited)

This is exactly what I was getting at.  Everybody, no matter how large and complete the guide is, wants to add their own little touches.  The simple truth is though, you can't properly do that without having a good understanding of MO (specifically the conflicts tab) and xEdit.  Otherwise you can't troubleshoot conflicts except for offloading the responsibility onto others - who are already doing a lot of work maintaining a huge guide.  Even then, they may have diverged in ways different than you want, and won't necessarily be able to provide good answers.

* and with a guide this large, adding stuff can be tricky.


For Wyrmstooth specifically, it was once in the guide and I'm sure there are at least a couple here that still use it.  Never have myself so I can't say, though I doubt there's much to worry about...

Edited by baronaatista

... alright. One key question. I'm only a novice at modding Skyrim still, but am learning. Would it be wiser to follow the guild to the letter first and only THEN add extracurricular stuff like Wyrmstooth and other alternate things I like?


Probably be a better experience in general, right? Then after I enjoy the guide as is, sine it's all interwoven together to stop conflicts, and add extra stuff later...?

As for me I just add them while playing since then I can test it while playing, if I don't like it I'll just make a note to remove it in my fixed load order.

So this will sort like my testing profile which I don't care if it is corrupted and such because I'm just testing it anyways but if it runs well that's a plus for me.


I've been adding around 20 more mods since I start a new game and removed 7 mods I think so far.

This is exactly what I was getting at. Everybody, no matter how large and complete the guide is, wants to add their own little touches. The simple truth is though, you can't properly do that without having a good understanding of MO (specifically the conflicts tab) and xEdit. Otherwise you can't troubleshoot conflicts except for offloading the responsibility onto others - who are already doing a lot of work maintaining a huge guide. Even then, they may have diverged in ways different than you want, and won't necessarily be able to provide good answers.

* and with a guide this large, adding stuff can be tricky.


For Wyrmstooth specifically, it was once in the guide and I'm sure there are at least a couple here that still use it. Never have myself so I can't say, though I doubt there's much to worry about...

The bad stuff about modding, you'll never have enough mods. You just wanted to add more and more.


Actually it is not that tricky, you just add a mods check for conflicts in MO if it is conflicting you maybe wanted to know what it conflicting with and how it works just to give you an idea of what's happening. And the last thing is use xEdit to solve any conflicting records. I've been adding almost 50 mods since I finished the guide and make my own CR for my extra mods.

... I'm not sure what you mean by 'perhaps'. I just gave you a rather definitive answer. I'd bet money that YouHunger isn't even CR'd in the guide at all, it is simply allowed to be overwritten by anything that needs to. There are sooooo many conflicts, and it still removes tons of food from the world. Even attempting to CR it is a fools errand.


I can't speak to how the metadata info is distributed in the guide, but understanding this stuff is really worthwhile when attempting to manage a massive modlist such as this one, guide or no.

Last time I checked I noticed some of the YouHunger records indeed are overwritten by something else which makes the foods still showing up. Ended up forwarding YouHunger record myself on my own CR.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


I took a break while the updated guide got smoothed out and now I am going back over what changed. I got to Enhanced Lighting and FX and post installation where you edit CWIELnFXPatch.esp but the closest number under temporary is 0503D42F instead of 0403D42F. I noticed also that the number is italicized for some reason. I don't know why I have such a hard time with Tes5edit, I just get confused with it sometimes. Maybe it's because I am over 50 and my brain isn't as sharp as it used to be. Anyway, whatever help is apreciated.


I took a break while the updated guide got smoothed out and now I am going back over what changed. I got to Enhanced Lighting and FX and post installation where you edit CWIELnFXPatch.esp but the closest number under temporary is 0503D42F instead of 0403D42F. I noticed also that the number is italicized for some reason. I don't know why I have such a hard time with Tes5edit, I just get confused with it sometimes. Maybe it's because I am over 50 and my brain isn't as sharp as it used to be. Anyway, whatever help is apreciated.

The 2 digit in front is ELFX load order, so if you're ELFX is at 04 then it will be 0403D42F. You can see the mod index at the beginning of the esp when you load up xEdit.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Posted (edited)

@Reddvilzz - 'Actually it is not that tricky'; That also, is exactly my point.  It's tricky if you are a novice and not working to understand the tools properly.  Once you do understand them though, a whole world opens up to you.  I started as a complete novice - could barely understand how to navigate file paths.  Thanks to working my through many guides; STEP, SRLE, SRLEX: LOTD, Dreadflopps' Packs, Fear & Loathing in New Vegas, Mythic Dawn, I am now able to completely manage my own install - I have 480 mods currently installed and did my own CR entirely.  I basically follow this thread and the guide to keep me up-to-date with a variety of things, and with all the users here they often catch or propose things I had missed before.

*I'll add here; I was really resitant to learning early on.  I kept telling myself 'I just want to play the game, I don't want to spend all this time learning about modding tools & practices'.  But the guides, they give you the sweet taste of large, integrated installs... they beckon you further and further, like Sirens! More! I want more mods! I want them to work seamlessly together! More!!! lol.


I was just trying to emphasize the value of learning the tools properly.


Also don't get me wrong.  This thread is wonderful because of the helpful community and the fact that people can ask questions and find answers is really great.

Edited by baronaatista
Posted (edited)

* I hope I'm not coming off as disrespecting the guide here, or anyone at all.  I really love mods, modding, this great STEP community and so on.  And I find it amazing the dedication of people like Darth, Lexy, Paul and JD, TechAngel, Dreadflopp, Essarbee, all the great moderators here, for the love god Sheson, Zilav, Sharlikran, ianpatt, behippo and the rest of the script extender team, all the contributors on this thread... I could go on and on.  Enai, Chesko, Arthmoor... I really find it all amazing - It was these guides and this community that enabled me to design my own perfect little vision of Skyrim... or at least, to continue tinkering and 'get there' one day, lol!  I will have a long playthrough... someday...

Edited by baronaatista

Is this backward, again with You Hunger?


Loot Metadata Update Required:

EnhancedLightsandFX.esp - Load After You Hunger.esp


Seems like it should be the other way around?

no that is correct if You look at You Hunger all it does is adds a "disabled flag" to food in xedit. So if You load You Hunger loaded after ELFX a lot of the lighting would be vanilla.

I have tried my best to conflict resolve but i sure there some i have missed and this goes back to what baronaatista was saying about learning the tools.


I took a break while the updated guide got smoothed out and now I am going back over what changed. I got to Enhanced Lighting and FX and post installation where you edit CWIELnFXPatch.esp but the closest number under temporary is 0503D42F instead of 0403D42F. I noticed also that the number is italicized for some reason. I don't know why I have such a hard time with Tes5edit, I just get confused with it sometimes. Maybe it's because I am over 50 and my brain isn't as sharp as it used to be. Anyway, whatever help is apreciated.

well actually it load order dependent on the location of ELFX so technically the guide should be xx03D42F (i will change that). It also in italics cos xedit edit is say there is wrong with it and whats wrong it has the wrong Formid hence why we get you to change it.


... alright.  One key question.  I'm only a novice at modding Skyrim still, but am learning.  Would it be wiser to follow the guild to the letter first and only THEN add extracurricular stuff like Wyrmstooth and other alternate things I like?


Probably be a better experience in general, right?  Then after I enjoy the guide as is, sine it's all interwoven together to stop conflicts, and add extra stuff later...?

I too was a novice once we all were and very impatient to do the steps and learn the tools but it worth it in the long run; A background to my modding experience.


I was watching my Boyfriend (who is now my hubby) playing Skyrim on his Xbox 360 (and playing along as well) when we got stuck on something (can't remember what now) looked up on youtube discovered Gopher, started watching his Stiv lets play (something everyone should experience). I thought wow it looks so much better on PC so I got Darth to build a PC and we brought the game of Steam during a sale. I followed Gophers modding tutorials, then discovered STEP, then discovered STEP Packs (so Dredflopps stuff) then found Neo's SRLE (never looked back).


SRLE Extended LOTD came about cos Darth was bored of Dragon Age Inquisition and wanted something to do so he reinstalled SRLE (for the umpteenth time) and wanted to added extra mods. He started a little forum post which grew and grew and eventually (after a lot of encouragement from me a nagging from his daughter) gave birth to SRLE Extended. People were on at him about integrating LOTD into it so he decided after much persuasion from me and his oldest daughter to take the plunge and a month before the birth of our twins Darth started to write the SRLE Extended LOTD guide. When the girls were born Paul and JD took the reins and got it to stable a place; went off and created there amazing SLRE LOTD requiem guide. After Christmas 2016 Nozzer said he wished the guide was Standalone (we use to require you to have SRLE Base installed first but that was getting more difficult) so he started that which spurred me and Darth back into action. Since I have more time then Darth to maintain things (due me now being at home during the day and working nights cos of the kids) I have kept it up with the Help of Nozzer. But I couldn't do this without the community I mostly do it now for you guys it's you that keep me going to constantly tweak and improve things and in areas I never thought about.


I freely admit I have never actually completed Skyrim myself (I have watched all of Gopher's Richard Lets play thou). 

  • +1 2

Aw shucks... The Divine Miss Lexy gives me credit. I am not worthy I am not worthy!!!!


As a general point and I've said it before: :)


The guide is exactly that. A guide. It's what myself, Lexy and Darth like to use in our games. It's not meant to be the definitive bible of Skyrim mod lists, and never will be. If you happen to like our base flavour, but wan't to add a few extra herbs and spices, go for it. It's your game and you want to play it.


2 points stem from this though:


1) Keep in mind you want to actually PLAY the game. Get out there and shove a two hander through some bandit's wishbone. Stick an ice spike in some bear's brain box. Continually adding and tweaking is fun, but it's not the end game. Keep the end point in sight as you mod. Playing the game. :)


2) We do our best to work in suggestions. There's a few in there already. Not everything is to our tastes, or is simply going to be more work to fit in than we deem fit to attempt, etc. Don't let that stop you tossing it into your game. Toss it in, take a peek at it in xedit, see what it's overwriting and decide if you like that idea or not. But again, keep in mind 1) above. No point modding Skyrim to within an inch of it's life if you go 'phut' every time more than 2 NPC's are on screen at once. :) Also realise that there's some mods we won't be familiar with and really won't be able to support you much with. If that happens, look around Nexus. VERY likely someone's had the same issue as you.


Darth, Lexy and myself are all stoked you're enjoying our work. And psst... this MIGHT all show up on SSE soon as well. Be very afraid...

  • +1 2


Darth, Lexy and myself are all stoked you're enjoying our work. And psst... this MIGHT all show up on SSE soon as well. Be very afraid...

*Silently jumps on hype train*



Darth, Lexy and myself are all stoked you're enjoying our work. And psst... this MIGHT all show up on SSE soon as well. Be very afraid...

:doh: think you and I might break up one of these days (only joking you know I still love you).


*Silently jumps on hype train*

You'll be waiting for a while yet :;):

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