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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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No problem. I can do that. :)

Thank you, and I see you already applied in on the update news :)

Hi there, have a excellent day, I allowed myself to edit and delete in the Integrating page the following: Dreadflopps Modular Patches - SRLE Extended LOTD (MOD MERGED IN ACTIVE IN MO) in Gameplay section, since reading here is stated that was only needed for MLU/MUS, and being confuse if doesnt appear in the updated guide. Hope have done well, Kudos.

Yes you are allowed as long as you don't delete the whole guide though. You'll face darth's wrath [emoji14]

that would be helpful darkside but i think it might best to drop the no extra spawn version unless i get in contact with Atakos a see if he will update but anyway i have started my rebuild so i will likely be updating the CR as some point in the next few days.

I'm assuming the no spawn from the SkyTest integration project is different from Astakos's version?

So I don't need to make the change myself? Just wait for the new upload?

Well from what I've see the errors are pretty much easy to fixed if you have some spare time to do it. I'm assuming when you open that records you'll see what it should have been in there. Or just use the new one provided by @darkside.


It is probably caused by clean master option in tes5edit I think. Been through this a lot every time I clean master for my patches.

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OK guys it look like the recording project that I was working on has officially fallen through (don'tyou just love Bitching and complaining muso's) which means now I have some time on my hands to sort stuff out with the guide so I guess I am coming out of my self-imposed retirement. I have started my update/rebuild luckily I had all the mods backup but I forgot backup my MO profile data (stupid Darth) so please bear with me i will get there in a few days

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@Darkside And everyone else for that matter

I am not really planning on adding anything new now don't really see any point with SSE out. All i am planning on doing to gettig my own game back to into a workable state taking a look at the CR and possible maintaining stuff until i am ready for my a new SSE guide.


but if they are simple texture mods or fixes to stuff we already have i will take a look and may add.

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@Darkside And everyone else for that matter

I am not really planning on adding anything new now don't really see any point with SSE out. All i am planning on doing to gettig my own game back to into a workable state taking a look at the CR and possible maintaining stuff until i am ready for my a new SSE guide.


but if they are simple texture mods or fixes to stuff we already have i will take a look and may add.

Thank you very much. 

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Out of curiosity does anybody else find the grass in landscape merge still overpowering in game. Find lot of grass in caves, growing through forsworn beds etc. Also very noticeable around Lakeview estate area(building chest swamped/lost in grass. I'm thinking of maybe removing unless there's a way to tone it down, which would be a pity, as besides amount and height in game, looks stunning



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When I run LOOT, the CR patch ends up up being moved in the load order.. likr do:


SRLE Extended LOTD - Conflict Resolution.esp
SRLE Extended LOTD - NPC Retextures - Core - Conflict Resolution.esp
SpiceOfLife - Forts.esp
BetterQuestObjectives - Patches.esp
Shor's Stone.esp
Soljund's Sinkhole.esp
FarmhouseChimneys - Merged.esp
Snazzy Overhaul Patches Merged.esp
Arthville Patches Merged.esp


Which means Snazzy is overwriting the CR. Any ideas why this might be happening and what I can do to keep the CR patch where it belongs (other then moved it every time I run LOOT).

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When I run LOOT, the CR patch ends up up being moved in the load order.. likr do:


SRLE Extended LOTD - Conflict Resolution.esp

SRLE Extended LOTD - NPC Retextures - Core - Conflict Resolution.esp

SpiceOfLife - Forts.esp

BetterQuestObjectives - Patches.esp

Shor's Stone.esp


Soljund's Sinkhole.esp

FarmhouseChimneys - Merged.esp

Snazzy Overhaul Patches Merged.esp

Arthville Patches Merged.esp



Which means Snazzy is overwriting the CR. Any ideas why this might be happening and what I can do to keep the CR patch where it belongs (other then moved it every time I run LOOT).

i will look at the loot meta data stuff when i get to that point, in the mean time try this:


RealisticWaterTwo.esp - Set global priority to 75

ELE_Legendary_Fs_Lite.esp - Set global priority to 76

SRLE Extended LOTD - Conflict Resolution.esp - Set global priority to 77

SRLE Extended LOTD - NPC Retextures - Core - Conflict Resolution.esp - Set global priority to 78

Scarcity - Less loot mod.esp - Set global priority to 79

Scarcity - 8x Loot Rarity.esp - Set global priority to 80
Scarcity - 6x Merchant Item Rarity.esp  - Set global priority to 81
Edited by Darth_mathias
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You can try my esp here https://ufile.io/a7e25 Please report back if you got any errors.


Ok, this is for you, darkside:


1. Using original "SRLE Extended LoTD - Conflict Resolution (No DCO)" after everything setted up properly in LO: CTD after around a minute in the selecting character part of Alternate Start.

2. Using original "SRLE Extended LoTD - Conflict Resolution (No DCO)" PLUS "SRLE Extended LOTD - NPC Retextures - Conflict Resolution": CTD after around a minute in the selecting character part of Alternate Start.

3. Using your "SRLE Extended LoTD - Conflict Resolution (No DCO)": no CTD after coc whiterun, going interiors, exterior, running, water, etc. 15 minutes playing.

4. Using your "SRLE Extended LoTD - Conflict Resolution (No DCO)" plus the original "SRLE Extended LOTD - NPC Retextures - Conflict Resolution", no CTD, same testing than above, 15 minutes playing.


Hope is useful for you, thanks for the .esp.

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