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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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A question about bashed patch on Leveled NPC records.

In my bashed patch I only have 6 records for the Leveled NPC is this correct?


I was reading something related to OBIS and High Level Enemies and OBIS's author said about the bashed patch will make them compatible.

While I check on xEdit there are lots of Leveled NPC records on both mods but it is only 6 of them included in Bashed Patch.


Both have Relev and Delev tag on them already.


Ok Boys and girls, i cannot merge mods at present with merge stand alone tool. Get socket error # 10054, connection reset by peer. tried to contact tool creator, as has others, on nexus mod page under posts and bugs..but no response. There must be other tools to use. Tried xedit, but the first - animals merge, again get error in unit "mergeplugins" on line 222:undeclared identifier "constructokcancelbutton".Checked the mods for errors and xedit says all clean. Any ideas....Berndaroy

  On 10/2/2016 at 3:50 PM, berndaroy said:

Ok Boys and girls, i cannot merge mods at present with merge stand alone tool. Get socket error # 10054, connection reset by peer. tried to contact tool creator, as has others, on nexus mod page under posts and bugs..but no response. There must be other tools to use. Tried xedit, but the first - animals merge, again get error in unit "mergeplugins" on line 222:undeclared identifier "constructokcancelbutton".Checked the mods for errors and xedit says all clean. Any ideas....Berndaroy

set the argument -offline to the executable in MO and you can merge again. Server is offline

Posted (edited)

We don't use xEdit because standalone version is faster and easier to use.


If you're having the tcp error the mergeplugins backend probably crashed.  Try clearing the settings from your merge plugins profile it'll default the online features to off again... This is the way you fix the same problem with mator smash.



Oh, leave it up to paul to school me again... that looks to be an easier way of doing what i was saying. :D

Edited by jdsmith2816

Guys thank you for the fast response. Never occurred to me that you could set the argument to offline for merge tool in MO....besides which i was distracted by the find of Pauls reqtified page!!!!!!!!!


Cheers Berndaroy

  On 10/2/2016 at 4:51 PM, jdsmith2816 said:

We don't use xEdit because standalone version is faster and easier to use.


If you're having the tcp error the mergeplugins backend probably crashed.  Try clearing the settings from your merge plugins profile it'll default the online features to off again... This is the way you fix the same problem with mator smash.



Oh, leave it up to paul to school me again... that looks to be an easier way of doing what i was saying. :D

I still use the xEdit script. Guess I'm just old and stuck in my ways....  ;)

Posted (edited)

The below updates/additions to my modular patches are relevant to peoples SRLE LOTD load orders.


Sorry for the frequent posts... USLEEP updating a few days ago prompted me to go through and look at everything again normally I wouldn't be putting updates in here but people seemed interested.  


I haven't yet looked at CELL/NPC_/QUST/WEAP/WRLD records but will get to them later in the week.


added arthville__usleep
updated elfx__usleep
updated dbm__usleep
updated undeath__usleep
updated cowi__ccf
Edited by jdsmith2816
  On 10/2/2016 at 1:29 PM, jdsmith2816 said:

Added/updated the below usleep patches






  On 10/2/2016 at 7:25 PM, jdsmith2816 said:


The below updates/additions to my modular patches are relevant to peoples SRLE LOTD load orders.


added arthville__usleep
updated elfx__usleep
updated dbm__usleep
updated undeath__usleep
updated cowi__ccf

And where do i find these? i dont see them in the guide.

  On 9/30/2016 at 11:11 PM, jdsmith2816 said:


You can look below and use whatever you find useful... literally no expectation of support is given. ;)  If you have questions and I have time I'll answer... just don't be upset if I don't.  Some may be useful.. a-lot is minor stuff..



Posted a few pages back as people were looking for patches to various things.

  On 10/2/2016 at 5:36 PM, paul666root said:

Leveled Lists has lots of records in the bashed patch. Leveled NPCs are few.

Is it 6 to be exact? I feel it a bit weird when seeing Leveled NPCs only contain a few records meanwhile like OBIS have lots of Leveled NPCs.


By the way, the guide mostly just about cosmetics changes right no new mods or updated mods?

Posted (edited)
  On 10/3/2016 at 12:53 AM, reddvilzz said:

Is it 6 to be exact? I feel it a bit weird when seeing Leveled NPCs only contain a few records meanwhile like OBIS have lots of Leveled NPCs.


By the way, the guide mostly just about cosmetics changes right no new mods or updated mods?

yes i think it a little werid too i have 9 recrd for level NPCs in my bash patch need further investigating.

As for the guide for now yes only cosmetic change to the wiki unless I spot a mod has been updated.

however Paul's Requiem guide has given me idea for new mods I would like to add which is never good :^_^:

Edited by Darth_mathias
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