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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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@TwistedMongoloid - Are you certain you've really got all your settings properly optimized?  From video card to ini's to ENB?  From there, you totally don't need to install absolutely everything in the guide.  You can use it as a reference, just make sure you get all the appropriate patches for the mods you are using and then do the CR.  It's really not that hard...  If you don't like the Landscape & Environment section, don't install it.  You can do your own thing.  While I truly appreciate all the effort that has gone into it, as it is right now I prefer EL + EVT like SRLEX, so I use that.  If that's too much for your system, just use SFO 2.5b and the other stuff from SRLE.  Hell, toss a couple of the SRLEX LOTD mods if you like - use Immersive Fallen Trees + More Shipwrecks - as long as you're not doing the tricky merge that LOTD is, I'm fairly certain you can just add these mods, run DynDOLOD and you're good.  

It is a bit assinine to complain about poor performance when clearly many others are using the guide without said issue.  Is it Darth, Paul & Lexy's job to make a guide for your computer?  Or is it your job to adapt the guide to your system.


Personally, I don't use city mods or anything that adds large complex structures to the game world, as in my experience these are the real heavy hitters to performance.  I have a beastly rig (though constrained by Win10/DX9) and I can run just about everything else, but every time I add something like that my performance tanks.  Moon and Star was the last one for me... I probably will install it and play sometime, perhaps on a lighter setup, cause it looks real cool, but I'm trying to build a thing that I can play for a long time with a lot of different characters, so long-term stability is more important to me.  Notice here though I'm not saying 'these mods suck, no one should use them, please take them out of the guide'.  I'm sure other people either see the cost/benefit to using them differently, or simply don't have the same performance issue as me.

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On BYS/AAE... I haven't added AAE yet as I was waiting for this new edition.  Haven't looked through the 'normal' version much yet but I did poke around a bit, and I'm thinking this is the version for me.  With that, I don't see any reason to continue using BYS - they seem to be working at the same problem in different ways, so even though they can work fine together, it seems a bit redundant.  Also those corrupted silver weapons are pretty ugly.  I don't use Heavy Armory or Dawngaurd Arsenal, so the one thing I'd like is a small expanded silver armory mod for myself, but I might add DA + Faction Crossbows and call it a day.

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Ok, thinking that the Mod Index will probably change after mo load list and merges, i believe better to do it when that be finished


Tx again for you help

You can do it by loading only that esp in xedit. Once you've set the index to the record that index will change automatically even when the esp will move in the load order.
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On BYS/AAE... I haven't added AAE yet as I was waiting for this new edition. Haven't looked through the 'normal' version much yet but I did poke around a bit, and I'm thinking this is the version for me. With that, I don't see any reason to continue using BYS - they seem to be working at the same problem in different ways, so even though they can work fine together, it seems a bit redundant. Also those corrupted silver weapons are pretty ugly. I don't use Heavy Armory or Dawngaurd Arsenal, so the one thing I'd like is a small expanded silver armory mod for myself, but I might add DA + Faction Crossbows and call it a day.

Yes i'm inclined to drop BYS aswell since AAE Nightmare is covering most of this but this week i dont have time to test ingame things.
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Yes i'm inclined to drop BYS aswell since AAE Nightmare is covering most of this but this week i dont have time to test ingame things.


While I like the increased arsenal of BYS some of the new weapons are damn ugly, especially the corrupted weapons. Also even though the leveled lists look ok at a cursory glance, I seem to find BYS weapons only very rarely in the loot (only 2 corrupted weapons in more than 100 play hours despite killing countless of vampires). So in practice I think the added arsenal would not be that missed in the end. Dawnguard arsenal and Heavy Armory also largely cover the silver weapon arsenal aspect, and those I actually do find in the loot.


Currently I use modified BYS resistances, but my modifications make them work closer to AAE resistances so in the end I have to ask myself why I don't just use the AAE resistances. Going to check some details with TES5Edit once I get off work, but just dropping BYS might not be that bad of an idea.

Edited by howlingc
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Sorry again me, but thereis no CompanionArissa.esm, so what do we do here?

0000003C Tamriel \ 00000D74 <Cell> \ Persistent \ 000D975A Placed Object <ElvenSword>

  • Conflict Resloution: Use record from CompanionArissa.esm then move NAME - Base from MLU.esp
  • Problem Resolved: Changes from Arissa - The Wandering Rogue and Morrowlooy Ultimate needed to be merged.


removed thanks

I have a DSR patch up for Skyrim Unique Treasures.



thank you

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My mistake, misread a post with multiple quotes. My modified build is running fairly stable with the exception of encountering major battles from immersive patrols, and I am thinking that is a EBT/BFS issue. When I posted earlier, I was meaning to say that I also had an issue with a floating tree outside Solitude. FormID 34008AA8. Not all that good with forums. hopefully below is a link to my screenshot.




Also in this area, there seems to be a conflict between the trees placed by the trees and flora mod, and trees placed by USLEEP. Specifically FormIDs:









i can;t seem to find conflict in xedit. And your pictures dont work... i cant check ingame anything this week so what conflicts do you see?

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My mistake, misread a post with multiple quotes. My modified build is running fairly stable with the exception of encountering major battles from immersive patrols, and I am thinking that is a EBT/BFS issue. When I posted earlier, I was meaning to say that I also had an issue with a floating tree outside Solitude. FormID 34008AA8. Not all that good with forums. hopefully below is a link to my screenshot.




Also in this area, there seems to be a conflict between the trees placed by the trees and flora mod, and trees placed by USLEEP. Specifically FormIDs:









yup, all of these are issues.

I asked the USLEEP guys an they said this was on purpose.

I would just forward the proper USLEEP records, USLEEP disables them and TR Trees re-enables them. USLEEP does this to a lot of trees around the landscape.

As for the floating tree, it can be replanted(subtract about 800 units on the Z axis) or disable/deleted


EDIT: Fixed images in quote, google drive image embedding isn't 100% supported so you got to like the most direct link

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Since the latest performance tweaks SRLE extended has been running smoothly for me in every area, and by this point my current character has been in all four corners of Skyrim and at least travelled past most areas between them. And with the current landscape mod composition the game looks better than ever, especially the Whiterun hold area.


And no I don't have a super computer, although my setup is relatively on the more powerful side of things:


Windows 7

i7-3770K 3.5GHz


GTX 780  3 GB

Starting to think the answer to all of our problems is just installing Win 7. :)

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or you can keep it no need to update if you play now.

What's the cons on keeping both AAE and BYS again? I'm using the Nightmare version of AAE though.

ok evryone I have updated my Modwatch profile to the latest Stable version of things hopefully i didn't miss anything

Thank you Darth. Your modwatch actually are my baseline for checking LO
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