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SRLE Extended: Legacy of The Dragonborn

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  On 9/4/2017 at 5:42 AM, DarkladyLexy said:



this usally means VSync is turned off. 

I thought I enabled it through using Nvidia Inspector.  Odd.  iPresetIntervals should be at 0 if I'm using the driver to control VSync, correct?

  On 9/4/2017 at 12:49 PM, Veezy said:

I thought I enabled it through using Nvidia Inspector.  Odd.  iPresetIntervals should be at 0 if I'm using the driver to control VSync, correct?

Just saw Nvidia Inspector edits Special Edition, so I swapped VSync back to enb but I'm still getting the spinning cart during the intro deal.  iPresetIntercals is set to 0 so I'm pretty sure VSync is working properly.  No mods except the prerequisites, ENB Boost, and the two SKSE plugins.  Any other suggestions?

  On 9/4/2017 at 3:23 PM, Veezy said:

Just saw Nvidia Inspector edits Special Edition, so I swapped VSync back to enb but I'm still getting the spinning cart during the intro deal.  iPresetIntercals is set to 0 so I'm pretty sure VSync is working properly.  No mods except the prerequisites, ENB Boost, and the two SKSE plugins.  Any other suggestions?

mmm try setting iPresentInterval=1 and runnig Vsync via ENBosst and not your driver?

  On 9/4/2017 at 3:00 PM, Elektroshock said:

Any thoughts on The Great Equalizer 2? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/86176/? It's an xEdit script that changes the stats of modded Weapons, Armour and Ammo so that they're balanced to WAFR Values. Might be worth checking out.

not tried but those of you that like to test go forth and test it out and let me know.

  On 9/4/2017 at 3:28 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

mmm try setting iPresentInterval=1 and runnig Vsync via ENBosst and not your driver?

Perfect, that fixed it.  


I'm experiencing CTD when leaving the Alternate Start cell using a test character and I'm unsure of what to do now... I'm not getting a crash fixes log either. Am I beyond help?

  On 9/4/2017 at 7:09 PM, Echosong434 said:

I'm experiencing CTD when leaving the Alternate Start cell using a test character and I'm unsure of what to do now... I'm not getting a crash fixes log either. Am I beyond help?

first question what version of Relinker did you use?

Posted (edited)
  On 9/4/2017 at 8:27 PM, Echosong434 said:

I believe the 32 version. Should I try running the 64 version?

no i mean did you use the latest Verison 44 or the older Verison 40 if you used 44 i suggest you delete and use the older Verison 40 as it is more stable

Edited by DarkladyLexy
  On 9/4/2017 at 8:28 PM, DarkladyLexy said:

no i mean did you use the latest Verison 44 or the older Verison 40 if you used 44 i suggest you delete and use the older Verison 40 as it is more stable

I did use the latest, but I just tried as you said and same thing; after activating the bed the screen goes black, I still hear the sounds from the alt start room, then it CTDs.

  On 9/4/2017 at 12:35 PM, SionEnglaid said:

Hello everybody,


First and foremost, thanks to the authors for such a great guide!


I did some modding (100-150 mods in my load order, no major packs or guides) till I quit Skyrim about two years ago. So I have some basic knowledge, but nothing in-depth. Coming back, I realized I couldn't switch to SE without SKSE being released. So I took a look around and found this guide - almost perfect for what I want! Just needs a few tweaks. I have a few questions regarding mod compatibility and performance:


  1. I can add additional sound mods like Sounds of Skyrim after starting a new game to tweak everything to my liking without ruining the save, right?
  2. Are city mods like the Dawn of Skyrim series even an option with such a heavy load order or will they force the Skyrim engine to it's knees? If they are an option, which one might be the most compatible with the lowest performance hit?
  3. Is there any need for the Female Vampires Have Fangs fix or is this out-dated by now? Back when I last modded Skyrim, it was pretty much a staple.
  4. I am thinking about adding Immersive Hold Borders. But I am unsure about the performance hit. It is mostly compatible with Hold Border Banners.

Nrs.2 and 4: I'm definitely not the most experienced modder here but I've been playing with this guide for a while and could share some of what I MAY have learned. I'd avoid mods that add too many NPC's with their own AI. There's some heavy script usage at points here. I've used JK's skyrim because it adds almost no scripts to the main worldspace or any of the major cities, mostly aesthetics. I've seen its critics point out that it adds no new NPCs, no new shops, no new houses etc but personally I think it's a pretty sound approach. Cities are... cities, there's a lot happening there already and mods that add too many new faces and interaction are bound to break at some point (as even the vanilla game will break). JK's Skyrim is more mindful of the fact that people use a combination of mods, not just THAT mod. It actually suggests people use 3dnpc's and the such, as it leaves room for those. As does this guide, by not adding more content that would overload the engine. JK's seems pretty mild, but it does add some load on the graphics. For that reason I'm now trying this LIGHT version of it.


I've also had a bad experience with auto-sorting home mods. Tend to choke those threads if you trigger the auto-sort while something else is happening in the background.

  On 9/4/2017 at 4:25 AM, DodgyBob said:

Also check out the "Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide" by alt3rn1ty on the Oblivion Nexus site.

Says was updated last month on the 10th, so perhaps these might still be of use too   :cool:



Oh hang on - its also on the Classic Skyrim Nexus site and the Skyrim SE Nexus site too!


Just checed out this link and the last line on this doco page says:


"In addition to these, as pointed out on the Nexus documentation page for Wrye Bash, a useful unofficial guide is alt3rn1ty's Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide for Oblivion."


So there you go! That should have your bases covered then!   :;):

That's all well and good, and I thank you for the information. However I'm all setup with a full LOTD list on Mod Organizer. Is there some way I can transfer everything from there to Wrye Bash without taking 3 days to reinstall the entire guide? I want to be ready in case MO does cease to work. (My machine came with Windows 10 so I don't have 7 as a backup)

Posted (edited)
  On 9/3/2017 at 1:52 PM, Rogueleeder said:

Just curious that now Microsoft has announced the 17th of October as the launch for the Fall Creators Update, (Yay for 4GB fix!) how this guide will function when Mod Organzier ceases to work on Windows 10. I've been trying the insider builds every so often and its still broken. Have we got an option to port this all to NMM (and later Vortex)?

  On 9/3/2017 at 4:37 PM, jdsmith2816 said:

Why not learn to use Wrye Bash properly?  No need to worry about MO or NMM at that point. :P

Didn't know MO would no longer work with windows 10. Shouldn't they maintain full compatibility through a "mandatory" update? Regardless, I think WB is the right way to go. This guide needs almost no adjustment to run on pure wrye bash. Been doing it for a while and the only section that can't be performed is relinker (which is tied to MO). If you know which mods shouldn't be merged (that would require relinking) I think you can make it run 100% as well as under MO. I've also disabled the "batch copy assets" option in Merge Plugins Standalone, as I reckon Wrye Bash is pretty unambiguous as to which assets get copied to the data folder, bash tags being the subject I still don't know enough to mess with. It does require you to know each mod you're loading (at least its file structure) as wrye bash doesn't copy file types that it doesn't recognize as related to the game and those will have to be copied by hand. Example: FNIS. But isn't that in the "spirit" of this guide as well, not just cramming your mods into the mod manager but treating each one individually, conflict resolving, etc? You also need to be aware that adding Bethesda original files (which this guide doesn't require, but others do) forces Wrye Bash to recalculate CRC every time it refreshes the installers list, which can be a drag. And you need a tool like BSAOpt to manually extract bsa files, which is not that bad to be mindful of, considering the ever ongoing debate on the subject. My personal experience: I've had noticeably better performance using WB alone. Script lag was crippling from the start with MO and much less so (though still present) with WB. I wish I knew which tools to use to make this an objective claim - which I don't, yet I'm open to suggestions and might try to do some sort of benchmarking if it were useful. I theorize that the plain file system which wrye bash relies on allows for a faster execution than MO's VFS, by cutting off a step in the process, which can become noticeable in extreme load situations. But I'm not qualified to claim that as a fact and some people, Tannin included, have pointed out that issues may also derive from using a mod manager that relies on a manifest file to "know" how to reverse things, like WB does. Could be all down to "properly using" WB, though ;) In short, though I like MO and its unique features, I've been getting to like WB as a powerful mod manager you can ultimately rely on (keep it simple, sort of common-sense wisdom?). As for NMM, the current one, I've had nothing but sorrow there. I've wrecked more than one build in a single wrong click and been unable to repair it... Not in WB, though.

Edited by godescalcus
  On 9/4/2017 at 11:29 PM, Rogueleeder said:

That's all well and good, and I thank you for the information. However I'm all setup with a full LOTD list on Mod Organizer. Is there some way I can transfer everything from there to Wrye Bash without taking 3 days to reinstall the entire guide? I want to be ready in case MO does cease to work. (My machine came with Windows 10 so I don't have 7 as a backup)

You can transfer all the content of the mods folder inside mod organizer to Wrye Bash's "Bash Installers" folder. They will be loaded as projects by wrye bash. I wouldn't even bother to repack them if you have hard drive space to spare, as unpacked folders will be installed/uninstalled much faster. But I strongly advise you against selecting all and installing in one go under wrye bash, although you can do it. I'd always install them one by one while checking the file structure and reviewing the guide for special instructions. But most of the work will be done and in most cases all you'll need to do will be to install each mod under wrye bash. Do check alt3rn1ty's pictorial guide and all the information you can get on wb. Activate the "auto-ghost" option as it will reduce the number of files inside the data folder as you install them (WB may get unstable if you go over the 325 limit of BSA's, ESP's and ESM's set by Beth). Check for mods that appear with a gray background on WB's instalers list, as they contain files or folders that won't be installed automatically. Actually, every folder coming from Mod Organizer will have a metadata file (meta.ini) that's useless and I suggest you remove it. Don't filter out document files, as some mods contain .txt files that wouldn't be copied if that were the case. Instead, manually delete from each mod the files that won't be needed. If you've already installed the full guide under MO, your folders will probably be all clean. If anything appears under gray background, it's very likely that something in the mod needs to be manyally copied. xEdit changes will be directly saved to the plugins contained in the Data folder, and wrye bash will detect the change and give an orange color to the installer, meaning that its contents differ from those of the data folder. If you like, you can re-copy the file from the data folder into the installer, if you trust the changes you've made, or just pack it as a 7zip and add it to wrye bash under the original installer, call it something like "my mod - plugin cleaned" and activate it. I myself love this intricacy as it gives me the same extra confidence as lower level programming - you just know exactly what's happening and what you're doing.


General rule, WB is not ideal for people who want to quickly set up a modded game and play. It requires you to do things thoughtfully and knowing what you're doing. You need to enjoy the process of building your modded game and the detail of it. Which is why I think it fits so nicely with the STEP way.

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