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Everything posted by jdsmith2816

  1. Any plans to update the latest DDL 3.0 with Enderal SE support in the near future?
  2. Could I convince one of you awesome people to PM me a link to the latest Undeath Classical Lichdom? It'd be greatly appreciated. :)
  3. ********. You broke your setup and, even with one of the easiest to follow and best written guides to help and all of the people out there willing and able to assist, were still somehow unable to get things working. If you don't like the concept of the mods he chose to add that's one thing... but don't go hating on his stuff instead of taking responsibility for your own modding failure.
  4. At this point you should consider using Ultimate Skyrim by Belmont Boy rather than my outdated guide. It will still work but it requires much more end-user capability and experience than most possess at this point. Having said that... to address your actual question... just use Blended Roads instead.
  5. I suggest using Ultimate Skyrim by belmontboy as he's currently updating it for Requiem 2.0 You can find more information at /r/ultimateskyrim
  6. Edit is disabled after 15 minutes. Good luck with the rest of the guide. I hope you wind up with something you can enjoy. :)
  7. When I set TextureMemoryBudget=4096 with my 8GB 1080 I get very blurry textures and the texture slider is reset to low. Dragging it back up to max fixes all the textures in game but that sets it back to 1600 it seems.
  8. I keep seeing "Plugin.txt" you are really talking about "Plugins.txt" right? It's just a typo? Because if the file is really called "Plugin.txt" then that would explain why it's not working...
  9. Kordac you're not seeing the load order change because it already changed the very first time you pasted the file in. The message you're seeing is simply WB telling you the plugins.txt had mods listed that you don't have installed... Which is an accurate statement since you haven't finished the guide yet..
  10. It's been a year since the last guide update. I don't plan on doing any work on this until after Requiem 2.0 releases. There have been some people within the last month or so completing the guide with success so it must still be relatively relevant...
  11. People were asking for some visuals of the guide... here ya go I'm a terrible picture taker but it should give you some ideas. Those are all of Cyrodiil I'll take some of the Morrowind side tomorrow. I need to look into a bit of optimization soon to make sure that when things spike it still stays in a playable range. Cyrodiil is almost good enough but the morrowind side needs some love. I play at 3440x1440 so I'm punished pretty hard right out of the box heh. For sure. My Open-MW is basically the Cynderal guide tweaked as appropriate. I like what I ended up with and using MO it was pretty straight forward. I couldn't quite get modset working with mlox at the time so I simply temporarily pasted all of my esp and esm over into the morrowind dir and ran mlox to generate the load order. I applied it the load order from mlox using the OpenMW launcher and let modset automatically manage the data= entries based on MO left pane.
  12. OpenMW is already totally playable as far as the questlines are concerned, performs great, looks great and is compatible with all standard mods. By standard I mean mods not depending on third party extensions like MWSE, MCP and MGXE. This leaves you with actually the bulk of the morrowind mod catalog available to use right now. It's possible to configure modorganizer and mlox to work with OpenMW as well to keep things familiar. Look up a tool called modset on the morrowind nexus. A good guide exists at /r/tes3mods for really pimping it out visually and installing a few quest mods as well. It could definitely be improved upon but it's a really good starting place for getting your toes wet with OpenMW. I don't think it's wise to continue investing time into the original Morrowind now that OpenMW has reached critical mass.
  13. Nope but we do need to add configuration instructions.
  14. Not really... Overwrite order is important. Some things are being used just for the meshes they provide while another overwrites with different textures for instance... Or one mod provides a significantly wider base of textures while a second one only updates a handful but those handful are a really nice improvement over the ones in the first mod... etc There are no truly redundant mods in that section. Having said that almost all of it is totally optional so user is free to slim things down.
  15. Try to do an external installation.. If you are on installer tab and right click the column headers it'll have something about monitor external installations.. click it, click the button so it starts to scan... wait till it finishes scanning.. then extract the archive directly into your data dir.. click the button to say you're done.. and it'll pull all the files that were added into a newly extracted project that you could rename and manage as normal. That generally works when all else fails.
  16. OCR in and of itself is not performance intensive on any relatively modern GPU... It barely registers beyond the vanilla cities. You should do actual tests of vanilla then vanilla + ocr and report back. With morrowinds cities all being open it would feel strange having to load screen into oblivion cities and it just adds a nice feel to the game. Having said that... anyone's obviously free to not install mods like city overhauls if they don't want them. :D
  17. I'm not totally sure why but WB just arbitrarily has problems installing some archives... If you figure out what causes it I'd be eternally grateful :P When it strikes me I can generally just extract it then add to Bash Installers as a folder and install fine from there. Sometimes it'll then let me pack to archive and install as well... sometimes not.
  18. I don't feel that there's going to be any positive out come to continuing the conversation so this will be my last response regarding it. I obviously stepped on a nerve and I apologize for that... I just want you to understand that while you felt my initial post was over the top that I feel your response was over the top... We'll just have to accept that we don't see eye to eye here and move on. Hopefully future interaction, if any, can remain civil.
  19. PEBKAC literally means problem exists between keyboard and chair (edit for clarity... I accidentally typed computer instead of chair)... as in a personal problem only you are experiencing... it was tongue in cheek... maybe a bit dry... obviously you don't appreciate or share my humor. I'm glad you resolved your issue and I hope the solution works.
  20. Whoa, let's keep it civil. I in no way attacked you.. I simply suggested that it sounds like a problem strictly on your end to be figured out... I highly doubt it's a WB bug and it's not an issue with the instructions of the guide... Thus I have to assume PEBKAC until some other evidence arises... If it turns out to be a WB issue or something in the guide then I'll be the first to admit I was wrong.. Maybe it's best that I refrain from responding to guide users in Diana's thread.
  21. I've always installed wafr -> ccf -> ccor left pane and right pane.
  22. WB appears to be working fine for me. I think there's some PEBKAC going on in this case. Nothing wrong with that.. happens to everyone...
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