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Everything posted by Mator

  1. How the mods are installed in MO isn't really something Mod Picker (the websites) has any relevance to. The desktop application would be where something like this would come into practice. Currently the desktop application only installs a single version of mods, which is what most users would want, I think. Your use case is very specific, and I don't think it's something that needs to be built. Most users want to use a single mod list for a single playthrough, and the desktop application enables that. On the site itself you can just add those mods to each pack and then specify all of the mod options for the pack + base. Created? I don't really understand this question. FOMODs have no significance on the Mod Picker website - everything is converted into generic "mod options" within the database, with associations set up so we can emulate how files are installed for the purpose of conflict detection. The Mod Picker Utility installs mods per the mod option selection on the mod list being set up (you can select mod options for each mod in the mod list by clicking the gear by it in edit mode). I don't see a question here. If patches are being merged there should be no need to "copy general assets" during the merge, so the option can be disabled for that merge. Again, I don't see a question here. Are you asking for a way for Mod Picker to automate the removal of certain records from certain ESP files? It's possible, but I don't see it happening any time soon. There are other priorities. Honestly, it sounds to me like what you really need to do is just distribute a modified version of the ESP file for the mod list in question. Get the required permissions from the mod author(s) and either have them add the modified ESP to the mod as a mod option OR create a separate mod with the ESP file.
  2. The error message is accurate. The mod was uploaded to Mod Picker prior to her opt out, which caused it to be hidden.
  3. Elianora opted out of Mod Picker.
  4. I pride myself on resolving bugs quickly. Please keep reporting them and I will keep fixing them! :)
  5. That sounds like a bug, I'm looking into it. I've been able to recreate it, so I should be able to fix it soon. EDIT: Fixed.
  6. Will check out the mod list in a bit. EDIT: Didn't run into any issues enabling mod options, and the SMIM merged plugin was already in the plugins list. That's possible. I'll take a look and see if I can fix that.
  7. 1. We have that. It's on the Details tab. 2. It could be several things. Send me the link to your mod list and I'll troubleshoot.
  8. Yes. The way the system is currently set up only mod authors, curators, site staff, and users with the "Helper" role can update mods on the site. I can give you the helper role to make this easier in the future, because you're a pack author it makes sense to me. (currently TechAngel is the only user with the helper role). I'll update that analysis for you though. EDIT: Analysis updated, helper role granted.
  9. I think you can just ignore that then. The mod author probably recommended against using the merged patch because it is in many ways buggy, and forwards things in an odd fashion. You could ask the author for more information. Smash should handle it perfectly. If you wanted to be extra safe you could apply the Bash.All setting to the Scarcity ESPs. Feel free to shoot me an email or PM whenever you feel up for it. :) I do think if we get to the point of you making a video I will need to make a Nexus Mods page for Mator Smash.
  10. Oh, poke me if you're going to do that and I can help a bit. I can't take credit - this was put together by users of Mator Smash who wanted to help make it easier to learn. :) Nope, Mator like "Mah-tore". Rhymes with core, four, and shore. I'm not planning on switching to SSE any time soon. I don't think it's worth it unless SKSE64 rolls around.
  11. Mator Smash for Retards Mator Smash Basics Mator Smash Quick Start
  12. Can you link the Discord?
  13. Lots of discussion over here on the subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/6gpzho/creationclub_bethesda_announces_paid_mods_at_e3/ Overall, there's a lot of mixed messaging going on here. I don't think we should grab our pitchforks and torches just yet, but it's hard to tell exactly what Bethesda's going for here. I personally feel cynical, and perhaps cautiously optimistic. Make of it what you will, it'll ultimately come down to the details of Bethesda's curation process. This could be alright... or it could be effectively the same as the Steam Workshop. We're just going to have to wait and see.
  14. Sounds like a bug to me!
  15. Please read any of the posts in this thread. The answer is yes, I recommend using it, and yes it supersedes Wrye Bash. This has been stated exhaustively.
  16. The v0.9.4 script is an extremely old and outdated xEdit script which is no longer intended to be used in any capacity.
  17. First question: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/6ep07a/mator_smash_for_retards_as_requested_by_some/dicpznm/ Second question: Smash.All handles more things, Bash.All is equivalent to running Wrye Bash with all mods tagged properly. Bash.All is a bit more stable, it's a safer choice.
  18. You can use whatever suits your fancy. Mator Smash is mostly safe to use, though you should always check the patch after generation in xEdit to verify it did things to your expectations.
  19. This is completely doable. However, depending on your timing you may be better off waiting. I'm currently making a DLL wrapper for the xEdit framework, and will be following that up with a rebuild of the xEdit application in Javascript with Electron. This new xEdit "frontend" will be called zEdit, and will have much better patching capabilities than what is currently possible with xEdit scripting. The current timescale is fairly uncertain, but I wouldn't expect anything usable for at least another month.
  20. Yes but, that's not BSAs counting toward the ESP limit, which is what was asked. Of course ESPs count towards the ESP limit. Honestly though, the question was pretty ambiguous so I have no idea what was actually being asked. Maybe your answer was what he was looking for.
  21. With Fallout 4 and SSE you can associate multiple BSAs with a single ESP file. With all games using BSA files you can load arbitrary BSAs by adding them to the sResourceArchiveList or sResourceArchiveList2 in your Skyrim INI file. It is entirely possible to set the game up to load more than 255 BSA files.
  22. To my knowledge: no, of course not. BSAs are not ESPs/ESMs. They are loaded and processed by an entirely different mechanism. I haven't tested, but I've never heard of there being a limit on BSA files.
  23. Ok, I'll get you all dialed in. :) EDIT: I added you to the Beta Tester group in the Discord. You'll need to make an account on Mod Picker as well so I can give you access to set up mod lists. Let me know once you've made an account. :)
  24. We've started a private beta for the Mod Picker Utility (which is what will be used to set up Mod Lists from Mod Picker). If any STEP staff members want to participate please join the Mod Picker Discord and let me know.
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