Going through the guide, and not all of the options in the "Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus" mod's .ini file were present. Going line by line, and coloring in what's missing (red for missing, green for present).
bChristineSkills=1 - Missing
bCompanionSuiteEffects=1 - Present
bKnockdownExploitFix=1 - Present
bMissingDMReturnOptions=1 - Missing
bPyromaniacBurningDamageFix=1 - Present
bRetroactiveExplosionImmunityFix=0 - Present
bReturnToSenderMoraleFix=1 - Missing
bStrongerEuclidDeathRay=1 - Present
Uncertain if this will have negative effects on the guide.
Also, it may be beneficial to take a page out of the SSE/AE guide for the mods which need .ini edits, and create a "CONFIG" mod (ie., have the user create an empty mod in MO, copy the .ini file which needs to be edited and its associated file tree into the new mod, and then edit that - that way, you don't need to go in and redo everything when the mod updates).