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    The Someguy Series for FNV

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  1. The LODGenx64Win.exe file from the archive download is being flagged as infected by Bitdefender antivirus.
  2. Going through the guide, and not all of the options in the "Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus" mod's .ini file were present. Going line by line, and coloring in what's missing (red for missing, green for present). bChristineSkills=1 - Missing bCompanionSuiteEffects=1 - Present bKnockdownExploitFix=1 - Present bMissingDMReturnOptions=1 - Missing bPyromaniacBurningDamageFix=1 - Present bRetroactiveExplosionImmunityFix=0 - Present bReturnToSenderMoraleFix=1 - Missing bStrongerEuclidDeathRay=1 - Present Uncertain if this will have negative effects on the guide. Also, it may be beneficial to take a page out of the SSE/AE guide for the mods which need .ini edits, and create a "CONFIG" mod (ie., have the user create an empty mod in MO, copy the .ini file which needs to be edited and its associated file tree into the new mod, and then edit that - that way, you don't need to go in and redo everything when the mod updates).
  3. New user, came into the forums looking for a fix to this exact issue - might be worth clarifying in the notice that the "Downgrade by Downloading Depots" option in the linked downgrader tool is the one that should be used. As a relative noob, I selected the .exe initially, and because it defaults to merely patching the game ran head first into this error.
  4. I'm really not sure what's causing this, but I'm having some issues with what I can best describe as model/texture transparency. I've attached a screenshot showing the problem, along with my load order, and other than the lack of the FPS Weapon Wheel mod and my use of Nevada Skies instead of FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting, I've followed the F&L guide to the best of my abilities. I would greatly appreciate advice and possible solutions to resolve this issue. Fear and Loathing in New Vegas Load Order.txt
  5. Considering that the optional files are Project Nevada compatibility patches, I went with the "-Project Nevada" optional file, as the others are for either users of Project Nevada Rebalance who aren't using Project Nevada Cyberware for some reason, or users of Project Nevada Cyberware who aren't using Project Nevada Rebalance for some reason.
  6. Unfortunately, I've tried all of the fixes here, including re-downloading the GenerateBashTags.pas and mteFunctions.pas, and nothing seems to correct this error. I'm at my wits end trying to fix this, I would greatly appreciate assistance.
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