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Everything posted by DivineWind

  1. And also with LOTD Patches Merge.esp, the instructions say "Please note the Bash Tag update is ONLY required if you do the merge yourself" but when I check in Wrye Bash it only seems to be automatically adding the RELEV bash tag and not the others, should I manually add all the bash tags on the list or is there some reason not to do that?
  2. Ive almost finished following the guide, thanks so much for all the great work. I just have a question about the High Level Enemies Merge. After merging, textures and meshes have been moved into the following folders within the new mod: \textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\HLE Merged.esp\ \meshes\actors\character\facegendata\facegeom\HLE Merged.esp\ Just wondering if I should rename these folders back to High Level Enemies.esp after renaming the merged esp file in order to keep compatibility or will the files still work with the new folder names?
  3. After finishing the guide is it safe to load all the mods in TES5edit and sort the masters? Quite a few are out of order, I just wanted to check this wont cause any problems. I got an error trying to sort Aurlyn.esp but when I selected all espc except for that it seems to work.
  4. Also Hoth has a patch esp for UFO in its main folder, I guess we dont install this or does it work with EFF too?
  5. Hey Darth, I just saw some guy outside helgen with a messed up helmet (non ICH version, mod added helmet). I think you need the Improved Closefaced Helmets Patch for Helgen Reborn. And you should remove the Campfire optional from Vigor as it will get merged in bash patch and overwrite changes from CACO-Vigor patch.
  6. Ok I guess I can give that a try but it will take along time to go through all the characters... Is this the case with males too? I have removed any mods not included in SRLE and SRLE Extended to match it completely. Is there any other mod to change NPCs in there? https://postimg.org/image/46jlga10j/
  7. Ive done that now, but the problem is happening with lots of npcs (I think some of the ones modified by Ordinary Women and Males of Skyrim). It is not too severe and only some are really noticable, but it looks like the body and the head are a slightly different tone which creates seams (either the body or the head looks a bit too red). https://postimg.org/image/ypc69nmr3/ https://postimg.org/image/pg9zzjdv3/ https://postimg.org/image/mh33cf4dr/ https://postimg.org/image/ylicteh9r/ These pictures arent the best examples but I can look for some better ones later. Does your game look like that/any idea how to fix it?
  8. Hey I tried to follow your guide exactly and it is at the current version but I am still getting neck seams. https://postimg.org/image/bk2p7hknl/ https://postimg.org/image/57njxnhld/ https://postimg.org/image/4fkvygde9/ Anybody know what I may have done wrong?
  9. I would like to suggest you add a landscape texture mod to support full parallax terrain to be loaded before Vivid Landscapes. Personally I use Skyrim HD - Terrain Parallax Tribute 1K version and think that is great but I also recommend looking at aMidianBorn Landscapes which might be better suited to this pack, they are both different styles, but equally well suited to this pack and I think either makes a very nice improvement. If you dont want to use parallax terrain, maybe you should tell users to set fixparallaxterrain=false in the ENB as there are currently too many textures not compatible with it.
  10. Hey wouldnt it be best to also use the MiniArmorsCollection - UNPB version of Merta Assassin Armor?
  11. Ok thanks. I've got full SRLE set up with current version of your guide now :). My last question is why do you remove NPC Knockout Overhaul? Is it incompatible or you just dont like it?
  12. Hey Darth, you say to not install the scripts/source folder of Crime Overhaul, I did that but the same folder is also inside the bsa which gets unpacked... Just to be sure, should I delete that unpacked folder too?
  13. Why do you use UNPB version for Daedric Reaper Armor instead of UNPB-BBP version which I assume is also compatible with SRLE?
  14. You should add AutoSave manager. It allows for timed autosaves without risk of save game corruption like with standard autosaves. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34842/?
  15. Can we use the real shelter patch for JKs cities with JKs LITE or is it redundant without the full version?
  16. Hey Dreadflopp, did you install the optional Ammunition Fix for WAA?
  17. Also WATER Plants has recently been added to SRLE, does anyone know if the Moon and Star - WATER Plants compatibility patch will be needed?
  18. I am using SRLE with explorers edition and full MMO. Can somebody please clarify which patches to install for Immersive Citizens? (confused about the ELE patch mostly because it is not used in SRLE but is used in STEP)
  19. Hey Nearox, thanks for making this guide, I've been hoping for something like this for a while. Why do you not include the ETAC - Immersive Citizens patch?
  20. Thanks for the response that sounds good. I love your packs, thanks for all the great effort!
  21. Warning:Do not use any patches for Cloaks of Skyrim if you use Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade 1.7. They are no longer needed with this version. Does this warning mean not to use the Conflict Resolution patches relating to Cloaks of Skyrim (ie 410 Cloak of Skyrim - STEP Core) or only refering to the replacement plugins on the CCOR page (ie Cloaks.esp)?
  22. Sorry if this has been answered but I couldn't find it... Do we still use the Frostfall patch for CCOR version 1.7beta? I see we no longer need the patches for the cloaks mods but CCO-Immersive Creatures patch is still relevant (correct me if I'm wrong).
  23. Should we still use the CCO-Frostfall patch if we are using CCO v1.7beta? I have done a full install of MMO with SRLE and it was specified in your guides to keep using the CCO-Immersive Creatures patch and exclude the two patches for the cloaks mods, but I can't see what to do with Frostfall patch. Thanks for your help.
  24. Thanks for the reply. Maybe it is just that, but I think there is another problem because it didnt look like this on an earlier instalation of SRLE (with an older version of vivid landscapes and the seperate mod version of moss rocks. I managed to make it much better by installing the moss rocks patch from "rocking stones and mountains" (original mod) overtop of SRLE install. I was thinking maybe the moss rocks patch in vivid landscapes AIO needs to be updated if there were changes in updates to the Ruffled Feather or something, but if other people dont have the same problem that mustn't be right. Either way I'm happy enough how it is now but will keep an eye out for anything else mentioned about this.
  25. Here is a picture, but the problem only really becomes obvious when in movement, the whole texture warps and changes as you move around it.
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