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Everything posted by Skinripper

  1. Hello, Thank you for this very helpful utility. It works great on my games (with the exception of "Fallout New Vegas"). For FNV, the only change made is to the Gamma level, it's set to 1, other than that the Fallout.ini and Fallout prefs.ini are still IDENTICAL to each other. Am I doing something wrong or are they meant to be that way? Also not sure if this is related to BethINI, but my tilde ~ key does not bring up console even though it's set to bAllowConsole=1 in both ini's.
  2. get the following error everytime I open MO2, program does not crash, but I don't know if this is causing me any problems I don't see. "failed to initialize plugin D:///ModOrganizer2/plugins/pycfg.py: an unexpected C++ exception was thrown in python code" I went to bug reporting webpage but for some reason was unable to post to the forum/report, https://issue.tannin....zer/issues/open
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