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Everything posted by tsc0815

  1. Thanks for your work. Much appreciated :).
  2. Hi, For my own modded setup I've made following change to "MonoPNSetupQuestScript": scn MonoPNSetupQuestScript begin GameMode if GetGameRestarted ;Stole Lists VendorContainerTorresREF.additemhealthpercent MonoUniqueWattzLaserPistol 1 1 1 ;Trait Lists ListAddForm NVImprovedHoldoutWeapons PNxEWeapWattzLaserPistol ;Mods Store Lists LeveledListAddForm VendorWeaponModsGunsTier4 RSChineseSniperRifleMod01 1 1 1LeveledListAddForm VendorWeaponModsGunsTier4 RSChineseSniperRifleMod02 1 1 1LeveledListAddForm VendorWeaponModsGunsTier4 RSChineseSniperRifleMod03 1 1 1LeveledListAddForm VendorWeaponModsEnergyTier1 MonoWattzPistolMod01 1 1 1LeveledListAddForm VendorWeaponModsEnergyTier2 MonoWattzRifleMod01 1 1 1LeveledListAddForm VendorWeaponModsEnergyTier3 MonoWattzRifleMod02 1 1 1 ;CaliberX Cartridge Activation ;startquest CaliberActivateQuest762R set CaliberActivateQuest.iActivateCaliber762x54mmR to 1 ; Caliber to activateset CaliberActivateQuest.iActivateCaliber to 1 ; control variable to enable activation of calibers stopquest MonoPNSetupQuest endif end Hope that puts you in the right direction. I am unsure whether this is the correct way to do it as I have yet to finalize my modded game setup to test it. I was going off the Caliber version 5.04 readme file.
  3. I have to add that I left out Millenia's textures for the time being. Including IMPACT RH_IS+FWE+WMK+All DLCs.esp in my load order I have now 40 conflicts in the weapons category left of which I had to manually modify 26 to include in a custom patch which is the very last in my load order. This is just to give an idea of how much work would be required if one were to mend the conflicts on an individual level. Covering all possible mod combinations in out-of-the-box patches is a lot more complicated, of course.
  4. Just a heads-up as it took me a while to figure this one out: Ragdoll overhaul is causing the torso part of humanoids to not be targetable in VATS. Also no blood decals show up where they should on the torso. The non-collision version of Ragdoll overhaul seems to be fine. Also I'm going through some armor meshes at the moment to have them show blood decals where apporpriate according to this post: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/725582-adding-wounds-for-dimonized-females-and-breezes-males/ Making a custom patch in FO3Edit for Impact wasn't much of a hassle as far as I remember. Just a few conflicts with EBT, EVE and some weapons. The RH_FWE_Bridgde.esp is from the original RH_Ironsights mod. I added it to my load order for the time being and it doesn't seem to be that much out of line with the rest of the FWE stats for weapons as far as I can see in FO3Edit. But it would be more efficient to remove that dependency from the Impact compatibility patch, yes. Another thing: I think the RH Ironsights - FO3RA Bridge needs to be put after Re-Animated. I'm not sure. It shows overriding files in MO though.
  5. Yes. At the end of the guide I have the following files in my (physical) ..datafoseplugins directory: FOSE_EnhancedCamera.dll FOSE_EnhancedCamera.ini hook.dll mo_path.dll nvac.dll sr_Fallout_Stutter_Remover.dll sr_Fallout_Stutter_Remover.ini
  6. Thanks from another german, aswell. Really annoying when you just put a metric ton of stuff into a locker and then hit A.
  7. This is what I did: - Rename Fallout3.exe to Fallout3ng.exe - Copy fose_loader.exe to Fallout3.exe - Edit that Fallout3.exe with a hex editor and change the first instance of Fallout3.exe to Fallout4.exe - Change the load mechanism in Mod Organizer to Script Extender under Settings - Tab Workaround - Make sure there's a hook.dll and mo_path.txt under ../FOSE/Plugins - Install NVAC and Fallout Stutter Remover Files directly into ../FOSE/Plugins(circumventing the VFS) and deactivate the two in MO I was able to load the game with FOSE and Steam overlay either through Steam or by launching FalloutLauncher.exe directly in Windows explorer. Launching the game through Mod Organizer left me without the Steam overlay, regardless of wether I used FalloutLauncher.exe of fose_loader.exe. I'm not far into the guide(installed ui mods and unofficial patches) yet but it seems to be working thus far. Loaded up a savegame at the vault exit and had the installed mods initialize and work correctly from what I can discern.
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