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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. v4.04 custom version
  2. Change Log 07/01/16: These will now happen at the end of my day, (after this one that is) Updated main guide - mostly spelliing mistakes (which by now most of you will be awre it not a strong pont of mine).Updated FoMod Section - Now includes pretty pictures for the choices I made.updated MCM Section - Removed pretty pictures and done it in text form (I am still tweaking my MCM's so expect more changes).
  3. thanks for pointing these out I will change them 360 is a mistake I will change it
  4. the solution is to do that but for the MCM Section as I personally feel the FoMod section is more important then showing the options I chose in the MCM menus as everyone customs the MCM menus to there own game. EDIT: FOMOD SECTION UPDATED I HAVE FOR NOW REMOVED THE MCM MENU SECTION
  5. Changes 06/01/15 Added: FoMod Section OK Small issue I seem to hit my limit on images so plans for the FOMOD section will have to change.
  6. togglable helmets could actually be a good idea and the Island Fast Travel is interesting i will test and see if i like them. SKYTest should cover animal for falsakaar
  7. just so you know I have noble skyrim were SRO should be Neo's guide, but your order seem right without look at MO
  8. thanks but I been using noble skyrim happliy for over a year now so I'll stick with that. to be brutally honest I cant even see a difference in parallax and non parallax textures (maybe beause i don't know what i am looking for) i'll install the SRLE SRO verion of Project parallax and see if there is a big difference when i eventually get home
  9. I do not use SRO (Skyrim Realistic Overhaul) at all cos of the fact it requires a working torrent site and sky my provider seems to block them all and I gave up looking
  10. that why I married her.
  11. The main reason I Chose Project Parallax HD2K 1-3 is I was using HD2K texture pack before I tried out noble skyrim and perfed it. I just never changed the parallax option. I am not fully sure if we even need Project Parallax remastered anymore since there now a noble skyrim parallax patch I dont know enough about parallax but since there are 20 non conflicting files in Project Parallax Remastered I just left it in and let Noble Skyrim HD Parallax Patch overwrite Project Parallax remastered. If someone who knows more then me can confirm if we do and dont need Project Parallax Remastered that would be awesome.
  12. so this is want my wife gets upto on her study days is it I see she has created yet more work for me
  13. Looks like my wife has been busy. Here is you daily update Changes Added: Proper Dark brotherhood armor retex - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15698/? (used the 4k black Version)Added: Moonpath to Elsweyr - Realistic Room Rental Enhanced Patch - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57725/? (can't belive I missed this)Added: The Ordinary Women esp Replacer - https://copy.com/RjFDBhLFHhNrvx8n (now has ULSEEP in this replacement esp use this instead of the orginal)Updated: Bijin Merged (now requires Enhanced skyrim faction and Immersive College of Winterhold sorry it's either in here or in the CR) - https://copy.com/jummqKQao7cHJVW1Updated: SRLE Extended Conflict Resoloution (05/01/15) - https://copy.com/boecgdca0G3OnUUz (now DOESN'T needs IW. Bijin merged or the ordinary women to work)Updated Loot Metadata SectionUpdated Mod Required for conflict Resolution (wife just said hey you forgot to update that section, a husbands work is never done to please his wife)last but not least straw poll https://strawpoll.me/6456645Lexy said why not do screenshot for the mods that use FoMods to show what I chose. I think this is good idea I need to work how bests to do this as I don't want to spam the frist post also does anyone know how to put image side by side instead on underneath each other like it currently is in my mcm menu setting section. Now we have replacement esp for the females would you people like that same done for the males (this would mean we could take out males of skyrim and companions improvment out of the CR)
  14. must admit i like the look of Molag Bal's Inferno - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69811/? , and The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64651/? it just I haven't got a character of high enough level to test them out and since I have never played them I don't know if they are any good. to two mod might one for the straw poll I think STAW POLL ON THIS I THINK - THE MAJORITY WILL RULE (it will run until lets say Friday (08/01/16 5pm GMT)) https://strawpoll.me/6456645
  15. Ok Guys and Girlls my wife DarkladyLexy had a good idea about the ordinary women she said it might be better to provide a replacemnt esp with the USLEEP records forwarded cos that all she is doing in the CR.This would mean she could remove the dependancy to that mod from the CR and you can chose whether or not you want to use it. is this something you would like us to do?
  16. Irileth, Tonilia and Lisette should be using the records from the ordinary women mods and not bijin as I perfer the but I will get Lexy to look at it again. I have included some addional quest mods moonpath to elsweyr and summerset Isle, The forgotten city i also plan to add iHelgen Reborn if there are any other you feel should be include as always let me know and i will look at them. Yes someone ask if could include the catergories neo used to make it easier to install which i agree with. What might do is also include just a list of the addional mods on the first post for who those hwo like that. I really dont want to get into having multipule Conflict Resoultions, as for immserive weapons I agree some but not all people may not want it us it so what I might do is get lexy to remove the dependancy to it and only offer the CR without it in future (all the CR does it is give the weapons from IW to NPC's anyway) when a mods majorly conflcit within the guide I will take a straw poll to see if it should be included or not. thanks yes I always consider Neo's guide Number 1 and i have used it for about 18 months now ever since i switched to pc from my xbox 360 I have use the actaul steps before but when I first found Neo's and use that. That was it I don't use anything else but we know Neo's could do with a liitle furthur improvemnet don't we.
  17. lol yes guys i might have look into more merges but I am conscious that some of you might wish to install Nearox Gudie too plus I dont like to high and esp count the whole thing is currently sitting at 205. I might test out a merge of all my added armor mods (My spelling is really bad tonight)
  18. I am looking at crime overhaul, NARC has already been included in the pack now, suspicious city guards and your thoughts are you own are also possbilites need to look at them don't forget I am trying to keep the esp count down lol. if i remember achieve that had some buggy issues but I might be worth looking at again. the compass mods and less instrsive Hud II not really needed as you got IHud all my huds, bathing in skyrim, loot and degradation, frostfall iNeed are all linked and toggable on one hot key so you press it every pops up for like 3 second then disappears
  19. I everyone yet more changes 04/01/16 (PM) Updated Bijin Merged (had a fatal error which should now hopefully be fixed, if you have the older version delete it and redownload, Lexy rebuilt it from the orginal mods and then used merge plugin standalone and then applied USLEEP changes directly to this plugin).Updated CR 04-01-16 (PM)Added Skyrim Skill Interface Re-Texture (Fomod the same as Steps to the ++++User Interface++++ sectionUpdated LOOT Metadata Sectionthinking on adding this to replace dark brotherhood armor Proper Dark brotherhood armor retex - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15698/? what do you guy and ladies think? I Personally like the 2K black version
  20. Changes 04-01-16 updated the whole mod section of the guide (I am much more happier with the way the Mod section looks now)added links to all the "Extended" ModsMoved Archery Gameplay Overhaul to the combat section of the guide (makes more sense it being there)Added Art of the Catch - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65613/? (decided not to wait for last seed cos that going to take a while)Added No animals Report Crime - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68125/? (How did I ever live without this little mod)CR Updated (04-01-16) - https://copy.com/oRECBIhp4Eu8kE6mAdded a brand new MCM Menu Settings Section things I am thinking about Crime Overhauls Huntering Overhauls Hunterborn (may make a reapperance) Horses Revamped - Animations replacing dragon combat overhaul with some less prolematic with the end miraak boss fight (don't know what yet maybe ultimate dragons) maybe a shouts overhaul I am also trying not to go over the top with the ESP count cos I know some of you will be likely want to use Nearox's SRLE: Explorer's Edition (so I am trying to keep it around the 200ish mark, if you do plan on doing this I advise to install his first then what you want from mine as there is a few overlaps) So answers on a post card
  21. i might look at Skycomplete and Viewable Faction Ranks, crime overhaul also Vanilla Creature Retextures and Tweaks" Horses Revamped - Animations, Art of the cath will like be added when Chesko releases Last seed and hunger in the North. I did have Hunterborn installed but I evemtually found it annoying gameplay wise (spending more time clean carcuses and not adventuring). I don't like enhanced camera so I took it out and I wanted try out Ordinator becuase Perkus Maxiums is a right pain compatability wise with SRLE. Archry gameply overhual is currently under animation section maybe I should move it to the combat section. If anyone knows of a decent dark brotherhood armor retexture let me know I am looking out for one
  22. that would be Awesome GrantSP. I am utterly amazed by all the interest in this little guide of mine
  23. That is exactly what I am planning on doing, I used Neo's categories and sloted my mods where they made sense so it shouldn't be to difficult (just might take some time) to do you can always check out my Mod.wat.ch https://www.modwat.ch/u/Darth_mathias which shows my latest Load Order and modlist and ini setting for the Time being, so do expect more updates to main page as I still haven't worked out how to create the guide on it's own Wiki Page yet, I could really do with someone pointing me in the right direction on this EDIT: I have Updated my Modwat.ch to show the categories from the main SRLE in the Mod list section I suggest checking this out while I update the guide (unless Modwat.ch is enough) Main Page Updated Links to the mods I added will come later Changes CR Updated https://copy.com/shQPmAqLiqrpQlWq - (03/01/16) - Upated to latest Mature Skin Texture and Body
  24. Personally I would say Option 2 cos if you can't get a hold of the orginal mod authors you might hit a brick and not be able to continue. At least if you do your own home mod, you can build it the way you want and do whatever you want.
  25. yes SRLE Extended sounds so much better I have renamed the guide to that, as I do see this as an extension to SRLE. Now we actually have a name do you guys think it is worth starting a brand new forum or just keep this one going? I personally dont mind either way I will go with the majority
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