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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. pretty much any changes to plugins (esps) I redo at the very least bash patch, ASIS and DSR patchers
  2. you should actually be fine doing that.
  3. yes Nvidia Broke SMAA with the latest driver update i discovered this when i changed to Vivid weathers and choose the SMAA option.
  4. then I am sorry to i don't know I am not having any issue loading saves only thing I can suggest is try disabling steam overlay and any other overlay and save twice before you exit; cos this sound like skyrim is just throwing a wobbly to me. unless anyone else wishes is chime in with suggestions. On an unrelated note new GPU Dispacthed should be here hopefully tomorow or Friday can't wait I hate having to use the intergrated graphic on my motherboard cant do very much with it.
  5. ok thanks for letting me know i will adjust things within the guide
  6. no i belive EL only uses the billboards from RAT; the mod itself is still needed.
  7. it was dropped until Chesko has updated it cos parts were incompatible with Vivid Weathers same a true storms.
  8. ok everyone It is HIGHLY Recommended to turn off Dragon Assults in the deadly dragons MCM menu and let DCO handle those sort of things.
  9. it shoudl be i proberly just forgot about it lol. I always turn of all overlay while playing any game not just Skyrim Grey face errors are i believe facegen realited. have you tried redowloading the mods? just does this happen froma save you made or an auto save?
  10. I have actually bitten the bullet a got a Zotac GTX 980 Ti 6GB AMP! Edition (the deal was very good £450)
  11. I am already personally use Long Lost Smelters of Skyrim but i didn't think people would want it in but f you guys do then i'm sure I can add it in the others never tried but i will however all mods testing and playing is now put on hold for a few days until my new graphics card show up. It might be a good idea to bump the drinking fountain mod to Neo for use with base.
  12. just brought myself a new graphics card which means I am going to be poor for a while lol. got a Zotac GTX 980 Ti 6GB AMP! Edition (the deal was very good £450) so going to flog my GTX 970 Strix once it turns up. ALL MOD TESTING AND PLAY TESTING IT PUT ON HOLD FOR A FEW DAYS UNTIL MY NEW GRAPHICS CARD TURNS UP SO PLEASE BEAR WITH ME.
  13. I am thinking exactly the same replacing my GTX970 strix with a GTX980ti but then again pascal GPU will be out soon so might wait
  14. Thanks Greg I will correct this, I totally understand your pain regarding dyslexia I suffer from it hence why I constantly have to edit posts after I have posted them so they make sense.
  15. this is my firepit in Morthal https://www.mediafire.com/view/wmbbe4y999tanb5/20160314210030_1.jpg
  16. well if i did add it back in I would get rid of Simple Drop Lit Torches
  17. it does discount that the orginal post could be wrong.
  18. it might but the main reason i never used wearable lanterns wasn't cos i disliked the mod it just i was always either an argonian or a khajiit thus I usually used preadator vision
  19. no this edit is correct taken from here: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/8987-skyrim-project-ini-spini-by-doubleyou/?p=149880
  20. done now to sort out dinner for my ladies
  21. no edynacio is right the guide does actually say to install CACO hunterborn patch: Special Installation: Do not install the following file(s) and/or folder(s): Main File / Update File: CACO - CREDITS and PERMISSIONS.txtCACO Patches Optional: _CACO_Patches_README.txtCACO_AlternateNames.espCACO_Disparity_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)CACO_ETaC_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)CACO_GreyCowl_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)CACO_MightyMagick_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)CACO_RND*.esp (Not Using This Mod.)CACO_SkyrimImmerisveCreatures_Patch.esp (Using the +DLC2 version of this patch.)CACO_UniqueBooze_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)CACO_USKP_Patch.esp (Not Using This Mod.)the CACO Hunteborn is not part of his do not install list but I can only asume this is a mistake on Neo's part as Hunterborn IS NOT in the guide.
  22. that is actually genius however don't have a mic at the moment. to bad the mod is also hidden at the moment
  23. ok just have a quick look and there 2 full and basic so need to work which one i should use but can can't get on the main machine at the moment
  24. no i didnt and now i've got every stable I don't really want to mess with things to much now.
  25. I didn't see cos i wasn't looking for it but now I will be on the look out.
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