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Everything posted by Darth_mathias

  1. ok thanks i will definatly give it a go maybe later tonight daugther has hoemwork to finish otherwise she will be in trouble.
  2. OK since I use a one handed keyboard to play I am finding I am running out of hotkeys fast, so maybe somthing like more hotkey please might make an apperance.
  3. the seem to yes. what i have found myself doing is disabling WAA Realistic encumbrance system just so i can move normally; and swithcing out of my heavy armor just so i can move quicker. so i actaully currently have 2 set of armor one light one heavy and swicthing between the using the group hotkeys in SKYUI
  4. already updated Vigor didn't know interesting NPC's had been updated. you might want to check the chnage log for other things i have tweked today. I have actually been able to just sit down and play the game today few annoying thinsg but early levels so hey ho One thing i am finding really, rerally annoying is the movement speed from Weapons and armors attributes. FPS is 99% of the time around 60FPS (it does drop in a few plays but i find it perfectly playable) no CTD no ILS; was able to play for about 5 hours today. so things are stable (at least for now) EDIT: Ok just heard back from the Mod Author of Revenge of The Enemies Pacthes and he say we only need Rebirth Monster - HLE SIC Patch.esp So I can now tell my Wife that I was right and she was wrong lol.
  5. i must admit that i am not 100% sure on this. I can't check at the moment my daughter is using the main machiine for her homework that she has left very late as usual. Edit: looking in TES5Edit it looks like both Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp and Rebirth Monster - HLE SIC Patch.esp both pretty much covers the same things so I say we dont need Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp. If someone with better knowledge then me knows differently then please say so. Edit 2: I have a question out to the mod author about this as i am a little unsure about this
  6. no cos I belived it is merged in with Rebirth Monster - HLE SIC Patch.esp (unless I am wrong about this).
  7. I decided o Riverside Lodge REDUX - Buildable Edition for my home of choice in whiterun much more fun, then to just rock to a house oh there the key now it's mine without anywork to get.
  8. hey everyone Dreadflopp has updated his CACO Patches
  9. so it would appear that my suggestion of having the DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB set to 896 is incorrect was in dead mans drink CTD 2 and ILS 3 times so increased to 1024
  10. my skyrim folder which houses skyrim, MO, All tool is currenly 85GB. Downloads to a seperate drive.
  11. I would first recommend running memory block log and taking a look at what going on there.
  12. right I am there took me a bit longer then i throught it would but todays changes: Removed Immersive Horses (Now included in SRLE Base)Removed Craftable horse binding (Now included in SRLE Base)Removed Extra CACO Compatibility Patches - Skyrim Immersive Creatures (Not needed anymore)Added Fading Pride for My WarmaidensAdded Dreadflopps CACO PatchesUpdated CACO Patches Merged - SRLE ExtendedUpdated SRLE Extended Conflict ResolutionUpdated Intergration GuideUpdated SRLE Extended Conflict Resolution Guide yes the DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB will be very much system dependant.
  13. you should be able to Right Click and use save link as option. since it does not appear to be zip file, my system saved it as an esp file
  14. Interesting can I ask what causes the crash e.g. are you zoning or is it just random? Did you do a complete rebuild of the merges or just add to the existing ones? also can I ask what GPU you have got cos maybe you've hit your limit. try running memory block logs to see if your hitting your limit. If so back then off and few things like DynDolod, I personallly run at medium setting not high. also remove My warmaidens and CACO 3DNPC Patch one by one and test play for a bit and see which one of those mod could be causing you to crash.
  15. would everyone please note that have changed the following the in SKSE.ini section of the main guide: [Memory] DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=896 if it was at 1280 you should be able to reduce it now because of Vivid Weathers and it's ENB aren't as heavy. I am still testing and I might be able to reduce even more.
  16. yes mine was 12.5MB
  17. ahh right I actually find this feature of ordinator to be a bit hit and miss for me. Sometimes I get the perks back but most of the time I don't maybe I am not doing the update procedure correcly. I know there is something you and craft a scroll at a cooking but it requires 5 Daedra Hearts. Personally i wish it was a MCM feature
  18. I am currently suffering serve drop frames in dawnstar now when I wasn't before. at the top of the steps near Morskom Easte looking out towards the mountains. It was like 31fps here is a screenshot i took: This could be because I have now included Morskom Estate or it could be the fact it is foggy and snowing.
  19. Personally I think lag into the skill menu some of us are suffering is just general script lag and it just showing how script heavy things are and maybe We alll need a rethink on some mods currently in the guide and do we really need them all.
  20. thats right throught I had already hidden that in MO but apprently not. Think Neo should add to the guide to not install this file.
  21. you should be fine
  22. mmm interesting maybe we need a loot rule for that. Edit: added loot rule: BijinAIO-2016_3.1.esp - Load After MatureSkinComplexions.esp
  23. looks like the flashes from smelters is back can't remember what i did to get rid of it; Any suggestion would be helpful.
  24. i know its lighter but for me more (and the characters Races I normally play) more anoying. I can really only go by what I play
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