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Everything posted by Deathwing514

  1. So I just spotted this mod on Nexus, and was curious if anyone in the STEP community tried out this plugin. The Author states "I have been using this for a while now (week+) and seems like game is more stable. Haven't had problems with my save games. Post your results here, it would help. Especially comparisons with and without plugin if you are doing tests. You can turn each individual fix on / off in the SKSE/Plugins/CrashFixPlugin.ini, default settings recommended but if you have problems with something and you know what you're doing you can change. If you want to see exactly what crashes are fixed (with addresses) and a small explanation of my best understanding of the crash then check the INI file. This plugin is meant to fix some common crashes AFTER you have followed STEP guides and sensible modding rules! It does not fix problems that come from modding irresponsibly or conflicts between mods.: He seems to promise a more stable game, and if he truly does speak the truth, It could resolve a lot of common CTD's that many people experience. However, I am skeptical, and wanted to hear the STEP communities thoughts on this plugin. Link: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/72725/?
  2. Alright after trying out the beta tonight, I am quite disappointed by this game. While it does have the Elder scroll feel to some extent, it also strips down everything that made the series so great. Personally, I feel like the game is having a identity crisis and doesn't know if its trying to be a MMO or a Elder scrolls game. The battle mechanic feels very clunky and the range weapon such as the bow ruined my experience of this game completely. The bow just doesn't have any depth and weight behind it, like it does with the main series. In addition to the poor mechanics, the MMO part is also suffering because the game was built around consoles instead of the PC. (sound familiar Skyrim players and its quite ironic for an MMO) The fact that I cant point and click in the main game (besides the UI) feels like I am limited to my control scheme. This truly feels like I am playing a ported version of an MMO from consoles than the other way around.
  3. Thank you so much for everyone that has responded so far. Like roosrat, I have been told that removing mods could potentially break your game, but never found an answer with adding mods. It is great to hear the community thoughts regarding this issue, and will help my understanding on which mods are safe to add mid game.
  4. Dear Step Community, I have searched long and hard regarding this issue, but cant seem to find a definitive answer regarding my question at hand. Many step members have advised that when your starting your first complete play-through, it is highly recommended not to alter your mod list in any way. So my question in hand is: Is it safe to add mods such as textures, houses, & armor mods that do not have any script mid-game in my complete play through? Or Will this cause issues such as CTD/corrupt saves? I really want to complete skyrim and finally beat a elder scroll game instead of going halfway and quitting (I am talking about you Oblviion/mods) Any help regarding this question would be greatly appreciated and I am eagerly awaiting for your reply. =)
  5. menko2, I would suggest that you activate each mod 5 at a time, till you see which one is the cause of your ctd, instead of blindly turning off 1 mod at a time that you think is the cause.
  6. Alright ladies and gentlemen, great news for us AMD users. Yesterday, AMD released its new beta drivers that states: Performance improvements for the AMD Radeon HD Series The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim® - improves performance up to 9% In other related news, AMD released a press release that stated that future beta updates will see an increase for skyrim performance even more so. I dont know about you guys, but I am defiantly going to install these drivers as soon as I get home. Any performance boost will make my game even more smoother and allow more breathing room for other tweaks. On A Personal Excitement news, not related to Skyrim I have a source in the GT staff that states that GTA 5 will be coming to the PC by the end of this year or early next year. They will also include a version for the PS4 & Xbox One. These sources have been confirmed with the recent leak from NVIDIA and GTA Hiring Team.
  7. Couple of questions, 1. Are you using an ENB? 2. Are any of your textures 2048? 3. What exactly is your VRAM, as you dont state it in your opening? The best way I to find the exact problem of your fps loss is by taking nearox advise and turn off each mod 5 at a time. Sooner or late, you will see which mod is causing your major fps loss and thus find a solution to your problem. Now regarding your smim not working properly, I would suggest a manual installtion at this point.
  8. Here are a couple of tweaks that I would like you to try. 1. Turn off Grass Shadows in SkyrimPrefs. 2. Use a FPS Limiter and set it to 60 and turn off Vertical Sync. 3. Change Shadows to High or configure it to be 2048 on the shadowmapresolution. Also Change the interior/exterior shadow distance to 2800 4. Turn off Anti Aliasing Let me know if these tweaks helped you in solving your fps problem.
  9. I will personally let you know which mods will cause CTD/Freezes. Burn Freeze Shock : Has been proven by STEP/Nexus members alike that this mod does cause freezes/CTD. Deadly Spell Impact : Skyrims engine does not seem to like high res decals which was stated by the author isoku. (However, this mod does work 100% if you delete the esp and use the medium version) Warzones Civil Unrest: Abandoned and has alot of dirty edits which causes the game to be unstable. Proven to CTD your game. I have many more, but will add them later because of time constraints at the moment. Regarding script latency, I would recommend Convenient Horses as it includes a script tester which will run in the background to see how heavy your script use is. I have talked with the author through Personal Message, and he has stated from our conversation that keeping the script latency below 100 would be recommended.
  10. @Salvador Thanks for the tip. Ill defiantly take your advice and disable the vysnc and also overclock my CPU to see if it fixes my issues. Now regarding the Multi Core Tweak that you mentioned. I am still on the fence if those ini tweaks actually do anything, but for testing purposes I will try those tweaks out and see if it actually improves my fps at all. @Aiyen During my testing process, I did indeed turn off shadows entirely and found it wasn't the source of the problem. Considering I am using shadows on High instead of Ultra (which has a signification fps impact) and lowering my exterior/interior shadow distance to 2800. It doesn't seem likely that the shadows setting is the cause of my major fps dip in those specific areas. It is also surprising to me that I can notice the lag between 50 to 60, when in most games it wouldn't be an issue. It seems skyrim is a special beast that doesn't follow the same rules compared to the other PC games in the market. @torminater What type of benchmarking were you looking for? Did you want me to do a benchmark with all of my settings on low? PS: For further information regarding my setup I am using the Performance/Basline version of STEP (1024k textures)
  11. Alright so this is kind of weird and I am not sure if this is exclusive to AMD users or what. I average at 60+FPS in most of the game, but in some areas, such as the top of the stairway of whiterun, the entrance of whiterun, and other specific areas in the game, my fps takes a major hit to the 50's. So, what I tried doing was lowering every single setting and then raising it one at a time to see which is causing the most performance hit. I lowered absolutely everything and saw that I was getting a constant 60FPS until I increased the "Object Fade" setting. I literally could put every setting to the lowest possible but keep "Object Fade" up and it would be lagging. I did some googling around and could not find any solution to this issue. I actually looked up what the performance hit is if you increase object detail, and everywhere that showed it was a minimal performance hit. Does anyone else have this issue? If I have the fade setting any higher than like 3 it drops my FPS down substantially. Here are my specs: CPU: i5 2500k 3.5ghz Graphics: AMD 7950 3GB Memory: 8GB RAM 1600 HardDrive: SSD 128GB Any help in this area would solve the only performance issue I have with the game.
  12. To all STEP Members, If anyone is currently using this mod, I would like to warn you that this mod seems to have been broken since 1.8 While most of the functions do work, there are some script issues and command issues that will not work properly in your game. Also, popular follower mods, such as Interesting NPC, Inconsequential NPC, Vilja, Cerwin, etc seem to have issues when using their mods with UFO. If anyone wants the same functionality and full compatibility with these popular mods. (including Convenient Horse) I would like to recommend Amazing Follower Tweak which has been updated to the latest patch and works flawlessly with the mods that I have listed.
  13. The keyword there is few crashes. Like many of us on STEP, we strive to make our games CTD free as much as possible. Also adding immersive patrol or monster mod, doesnt seem necessary as this mod already handles new lore friendly enemies, and adds new spawning enemies/NPC on the road like immersive patrol. And dont get me started with Skyrealistic (one of my formerly most loved Mod)
  14. While this mod does look VERY appealing and immersive, it is not worth the CTD chance that many have stated on both step & nexus.
  15. So I found this gem of a mod this morning and wanted to test its stability. To my surprise, after playing for 5 hours straight this evening, I found that this mod did not crash on me during my lengthy playthrough. I just want to inform the community that this mod does not cause any CTD by itself. I have done some extensive testing in different fps heavy regions, such as A. The Tundra outside of Whiterun B. The Heavy forest outside of Rifeten C. The Mountains near Winterhold. If by any chance you are getting CTD, its probably these issues 1. Hardware (vram issue, driver installed improperly, etc) 2. Mod Conflict 3. Using too many script heavy mods. ( Skyrim was never meant to support 5-10 heavy scripted mods running at once) @EssArrBee I know your joking about using all those mods together, but for the people who didnt see through this sarcasm, DO NOT use all those mods together. Maybe use two max, unless you want a non stable game. (which for me is no ctd)
  16. So has it been confirmed that this mod does cause some sort of CTD? I would love to use this mod in my final playthrough, but want to make sure it is stable. BTW, to michaelrw When you had your crashes, did you have skyrim flora overhaul regular edition installed or basic?
  17. Thanks for the tip tech, After looking at all the shrub files, I found my culprit in the meshes/grass folder named tundrashrub. After deleting that file, the red shrub that you see above in my pictures disappeared in my game. Now the tundra and the word is beautiful once again.
  18. Hey everyone, So I have been trying to tweak my game to look a certain way and SFO red shrub grass has been a eyesore in my eyes. If any of you fellow Step members can help me find the specific file in the SFO folder, I would be grateful Here is the grass that I want to remove. Â Thanks again, and I eagerly await for your reply. =-)
  19. Just want to inform you guys, that I asked the author about using his mod only for his textures, and this is his response. Question: Hi dDefinder1 First I want to start off by saying I have mad respect for this beautiful mod. However, i am currently in the process to eliminate mods that are script heavy such as yours but would love to continue using your blood textures. Now my question is: Is this possible? Would I be able to use this mod without the scripts? and if the answer is yes, how would i go about it? Thanks, and I eagerly await for your reply =-) Author Response: You going to have to delete about 90% of the mod to use the textures that vanilla uses. Delete everything, this includes the bsa and the plugin file. Leave the textures inside the gore folder and the following files. decalsbloodsplatter01.dds (this file is already included in the vanilla folder) decalsbloodsplatter01_n.dds decalsbloodsplatterblend01.dds decalsbloodsplatterblendaltalpha.dds screenbloodalpha01opt.dds screenbloodcolor01opt.dds Hope this helps the STEP community for their future endeavors
  20. I do want to chime in and update my test on the software from my previous post. Like I said it did work as intended, but there was a huge deal breaker for me when using the software that made me uninstall it right away. During my 2 hour test run, I did notice that my game had microstutter every 5 minutes, which also caused my sound to break for a second. I realized that cleanmem was responsible for these microstuter, as I set my timer to clean every 5 minutes. So I do want to inform anyone that had this issue and didnt know where it was coming from.
  21. UPDATED So I recently came upon this guide on nexus and was curious if it would actually improve my performance. Like many of you, I was skeptical about his guide and didn't really believe a software like cleanmem would actually benefit or improve my performance. However, after installing this so called cleanmem, and actually doing some extensive testing in heavy fps area's, I did notice an improvement on my game being a little bit more smoother. Now I do want to emphasize that my game was already at 60fps constant (dropping to 59 sometimes) and I am below 2.5 on my vram. My game runs perfectly fine without this program, but during the running in third person, it isn't as smooth as it is with cleanmem. This is just from personal experience and I will not make a judgment call and state that this software will work as intended for every individual. All I can say, is try it for yourself and follow his guideline. If it works Great, If it doesn't, no harm done (uninstall the program)
  22. I would advocate that smile HD and Realistic teeth should not be incorporated in STEP. The reason being, both these textures are so miniscule to the experience of skyrim that even with this mod installed, one would not notice the difference unless they went out of their way to look at someones teeth. Why add more textures to the game where it is not needed.
  23. I agree with Z on this one that we should not incorporate this into STEP. I just cant imagine any player who is playing skyrim, going out of there way to look at their teeth or the NPC's. I would use the motto, less is better for this one.
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