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  1. @Polymorphic You just totally saved my life. Well, okay, at least you saved me from hours and hours of searching for the error. Thanks!
  2. Sorry, must have misread what you wrote regarding generating object LOD in one and terrain LOD in another session. I'll certainly give that a try. Yeah, getting the water LOD to be transparent from below might be tricky. I'll have to think about that. I think the water meshes can't be scaled larger than 10x10, at least that's the restriction I get in the interior cells. Wish we had a IsFullLOD option for worldspace water in the CK,
  3. It's exactly as you predicted. If you use the option file with IgnoreWater=True, you get the mountain LOD underwater, but no water LOD, as seen in the first screenshot. If you don't use the option file, you get the underwater LOD, but the mountains are just triangles, as seen in the second screenshot. Any idea what we can do so we get both water LOD and the mountain LOD underwater? One more issue: the water LOD doesn't seem to have the same transparency as normal water, meaning you still get a cutoff between the two. Is there anything I can do to make that better?
  4. None of the cells have water LOD when you're distant. They just pop in as you get closer. And when you move away, they disappear again. When I check in SSEEdit, all of the CELL records have "Has Water" flagged. Here is what I found in the SSELODGen Log: [00:00] [N79MSSunkenRealm] Land height: -5000, Water height: 0, Scanned: 206 CELL records, Found: 202 LAND records for area [-7,-12] to [6,9] [00:00] [N79MSSunkenRealm] LODsettings: Level 4 to 32 stride 256 from -96,-96 to 0,0 Is that what you needed?
  5. I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're asking, but let me attempt to formulate a bit differently. In the Worldspace window of the Creation Kit of my N79MSSunkenRealm worldspace, the Default Water Height is defined as 0.0000 and the Default Land Height at -5000.0000. I have the LOD Water Type defined the same as the Water, which is N79MS_SunkenRealmWater. When I right-click on any of the cells of that worldspace and select Edit, the Has Water box is checked but grayed out, and the Height is at 0. What are SW or stride coordinates? And how can I look at the lodsettings.lod file? It's binary, and I'm not sure how to view the contents.
  6. Yes, because this worldspace is set underwater, I have the terrain defined at a height of -5000. The water is at 0. This mean all the cells should have water LOD, but they don't. Here are some screenshots. The first two are from underwater, and the last three are seen from above water. In all of them, you can see the sharp cutoff where the visible water tile cuts off. When you move close, the tiles pop in. Any advice or suggestion? I sure would appreciate it!
  7. Part of the new mod I'm currently working on is set in a custom worldspace that is almost entirely underwater. With Sheson's help, I've already been able to resolve a few issues in regard to mountain LOD (I've surrounded the area the player needs to stay in with mountains as a natural barrier). But another issue I'm having is that the water tiles aren't displayed in the distance, and they keep popping in when I get closer (independent of whether I'm above or below the water), which is really annoying, especially since you can only see the mountain peaks that are above water through the water tiles when you're underwater, meaning you can't see the peaks in the distance when you're underwater. Has anyone ever had this issue, or does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve it? Any advice is highly appreciated.
  8. Hi Sheson I'm having a very strange problem. Until recently, everything was running just fine, but in the past month or so I've had this issue that I can't get into any new lands using DynDOLOD without causing a CTD. This means mods such as going to Kirkmore in the "Haafstad and Border to High Rock" mod, Wyrmstooth, Falskaar, and Beyond Reach. Interestingly, I can get to Solstheim, but I haven't tried the Dawnguard "Falmer Valley" since I'm not that far along in the quests yet. If, for whatever reason, I do make it to a new land (if even just briefly), the system CTDs shortly after, and if I attempt to load any saves created in that land, the system CTDs immediately. I'm using MO2, and I also have Open Cities and therefore use the two-step process when running DynDOLOD. I also have a huge load order with more than 400 plugins and over 500 mods. I also use the Ultra Trees setup so I'm using TreeFullFallBack=0. I've tried all the steps you've posted, including all the advice you gave Alastor in the "ctd, ils and impossible to load game when i using DynDOLOD" thread. I also deactivated DynDOLOD and tried getting into the new lands. That works, so it seems the cause needs to be with DynDOLOD somehow (very possibly through an error on my end). What I've done so far is the following (without success, I'm afraid): Upgraded from DynDOLOD SSE 2.59 to 2.69Uninstalled BS Bruma, Haafstad (i.e Kirkmore), Nyhus, Falskaar, Gray Cowl of Nocturnal, Beyond Reach, and Mirai, leaving "only" Wyrmstooth, Clockwork, Temple of Black Rock, and Secret of Dragon Head for test purposes. So far, Clockwork seems to work fine (as does Solstheim), but Wyrmstooth CTDs, as did both Falskaar and Beyond Reach in the end. I haven't tried Black Rock or Dragon Head yet. It seems those mods don't really use DynDOLOD much, though.Started a completely new game and reran TexGen and DynDOLODRan the count_loaded_refs_in_load_order script but only had a little over 300k references, and this with DynDOLOD installedRan DynDOLOD with Temporary=1, and again with Temporary=0, just in caseRan DynDOLOD with TreeFullFallBack=0 and with TreeFullFallBack=1 (looks pretty horrible with TFFB=1, btw)Checked everything for missing NIFsChecked for Errors with SSEEditInstalled the Net Script Framework, but couldn't see anything in the crash dumps (then again, not really sure how to read those, either) It's very possible I missed something obvious, and I'd be glad to post any logs or dumps if it will help. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  9. I have a strange issue that I wasn't too worried about at first, but it's becoming a bit annoying. The thing is that DynDOLOD will randomly stop responding at "creating atlas textures...", meaning the point in time or the world for which the textures are being created will be random. I can sometimes start DynDOLOD two or three times in sequence and it will stop responding at a different point each time. There is nothing remarkable in any of the log entries, and when it does finally complete after a few attempts, everything seems fine. I did read some of the other threads regarding DynDOLOD not responding, but they didn't seem relevant to this situation. A bit more information: I'm in SSE using MO2, and I do have quite a few plugins active, currently 404, many of which are ESLs. I have Open Cities installed, so I'm using the two-step process to generate the LODs. The first step, in which you check "Generate static LOD" and "Create texture atlas" but not "Generate DynDOLOD", is the step in which this always happens. The second step in which you generate DynDOLOD always runs through without any issues. I'm also following WazaLang's 2019 Ultimate Trees Installation Guide, but add the Oldrim Enhanced Landscapes Oaks Standalone and the Beyond Skyrim Bruma Tree Billboards. I delete all the files in the "Edit Scripts/DynDOLOD/cache" directory before I start TexGen. Generating Tree LODs with TreeFullFallBack = 0 or 1 makes no difference. I've also tried rebooting my system before running DynDOLOD, but that's also hit or miss. I'm just taking stabs in the dark here, but it seems there might be a connection with whether I'm doing something else on the PC while DynDOLOD is running. Not quite sure about this, but could that be an issue? For instance, using File Exporer, Task Manager, or just browsing in the internet (I use Google Chrome)? Please let me know if I can provide any further information. Thanks!
  10. Just a little addendum here. When I wrote the post above, I was still using the 2017 Ultimate Trees tutorial. In the meantime, I've regenerated everything using the 2019 tutorial, and now the fallback to full model static object LOD works just fine, even with the Oldrim Enhanced Landscapes Oaks Standalone. Thanks again!
  11. I just wanted to give you some positive feedback. I finally got around to downloading v 2.59 today and went through the two-step process required to generate LOD for Open Cities Skyrim SE. As far as I could see after a few initial tests, all issues regarding stuck LOD textures in the cities have been resolved. My Skyrim looks more wonderful than ever! Thanks for your hard work. I don't know where we'd be without you! Regarding my game installation, I currently have 230 normal plugins (i.e. .esm and .esp files) and 164 .esl files loaded. Yup, that's 394 plugins, so waaaay over the 255 limit. Aren't ESLs great? Okay, I do have an 8GB GTX 1080 and a system with 64 GB RAM, but it's still a lot of textures to load and process. Even so, I usually get between 50 and 60 fps, depending on the area I'm in, and my game is surprisingly stable. Yesterday, I had a CTD after a few hours, but otherwise things are running very smoothly. In regard to trees, I'm following the Ultimate Trees installation published by WazaLang, but instead of full model static object LOD as fallback, I'm just going with billboards. My next step will be to see if I can optimize that. It does look a bit better with the full models. Anyway, thanks again, and I'm looking forward to your next releases. ;)
  12. Hey Sheson! I know it's been a while, but I finally found the time to look into this issue some more...and solved it! Long story short, it had nothing to do with Open Cities, but more with RTFM, or in this case R-AU-TFM (read - and UNDERSTAND - the f***ing manual)! LOL The problem was that I didn't realize DynDoLOD required the results from TexGen, so I didn't add the TexGen archive to MO until after I had run both tools. Kind of embarrassing, to be honest. Anyway, now that I have the steps and order of installation correct, everything is working just fine, and my Skyrim looks absolutely amazing. Thanks! OregonPete
  13. Thanks, Sheson, for the timely response. And sorry, I didn't mean to imply that Open Cities is the culprit. I just wanted to let you know that the process is a bit different since I have OCS installed. So what's the best way to narrow this issue down?
  14. Hi! I use Open Cities in SSE so I'm creating the LODs using the two-step procedure described in the manual and the GamerPoets video. I'm getting CTDs for both Falskaar and Solstheim. To be more exact, as soon as I try to travel to Solstheim via the Northern Maiden, I get a CTD. Same thing with Falskaar: the instant I try to enter the Falskaar world, CTD. If I completely deactivate and remove DynDOLOD, both Solstheim and Falskaar work fine. Interestingly, I'm getting no issues with anything else. Even Beyond Skyrim - Bruma is working just fine with DynDOLOD. Do you need me to post the logs for both steps of the process, or is this already a known issue with Open Cities? Thanks! OregonPete
  15. Not sure if anyone else is having this problem, but I'm on Windows 10, and every time I run DynDOLOD, the pinned entries in my File Explorer Quick Access magically disappear. This can be annoying, since a lot of my productivity depends on getting to these folders quickly. And, of course, it's no fun always having to recreate the entries. Any idea whether this is a Windows bug or a (heaven forbid!) DynDOLOD bug?
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