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GUIDE W3R: The Wild Hunt Revisited (Witcher 3)
thommaal replied to Neovalen's topic in Unsupported Game Guides
Weird. Just to be sure: You did add to the "general.ini" in the bin/config/base folder of your witcher installation the following line, right? If you have a non-English keyboard, the key to activate the console might be hard to find. AFAIK, it's the 'ö'-key on a German keyboard. It can also be the '@' and '§'. -
GUIDE W3R: The Wild Hunt Revisited (Witcher 3)
thommaal replied to Neovalen's topic in Unsupported Game Guides
Have you tried to add the schematics via console? The enhanced boots should be -
The questline finished fine. There were a few situations when the next quest-stage could not start due to .. well, it's F3, but every single problem could be solved either by going back to an older save or with the console. You might consider mentioning in your guide the one incompatibility between Crimson Caravan and Big Town Overhaul and how to solve it via the console since it's the one hiccup that cannot be remedied by replay. Something like: Mod incompatibility: If you use Big Town Overhaul and Crimson Caravan together, a Regulator Brahmin will get stuck in the Big Town fence during one quest. Solution: Get the reference.id of the brahmin by pointing the mouse at it while in the console. Move around the fence and type into the console: prid <reference.id> moveto player The brahmin will teleport to the player at the other side of the fence and continue its run.
At one point you have to fight Super Mutants who are attacking the regulators at a bridge. The dialogue afterward doesn't trigger reliably. I had to do the fight three times before I could proceed with the next quest stage (I didn't want to set it manually to avoid unintentional consequences). And a later sub-quest (find another of the Famous Five, Victoria Persaud) is unfinished. Even though I talked to the family and found her, the quest remained in my quest queue. I have not yet finished the search for all the Five, so I don't know yet, if that means I can't finish the quest regularly.
Well, no reset of any kind has managed to get the broken quest back on track. The residents still act as if Shorty made it but not Red. But at least I don't have to deal with frequent messages about states of unconsciousness. So, that's something. I'd recommend to play this quest in one go and see if everything has worked out alright for you. If it didn't you won't lose much progress at least.
"The Famous Five" quest, which is part of the "Crimson Caravan" mod, leads to a subquest called "Regulator Country" which triggers after you have met one of the Five, Robert Foster, in Minefield, followed him to the Scrapyard and helped him overcome the regulators that were chasing him. The goal of the subquest is the liberation of another member of the Famous Five and for that you need to follow a Regulator Brahmin that leads you from the Scrapyard to the location where he is held. Problem: The Brahmin eventually tries to follow the road next to Big Town which is usually accessible but now cut off by the fence which is part of the "Big Town Overhaul". The Brahmin finally gets stuck in the fence and won't move. The problem can be solved via the console but such a solution is definitely immersion breaking.
Since it might be interesting for other players, here is what I have done so far: 1. Easy solution via CompleteAllObjectives (failed) I reset the quest (resetquest 00014e94) and simply tried to complete it via CompleteAllObjectives <base id> / CompleteQuest. That didn't work. The residents expressed their unhappiness with the situation and Red & Shorty lay dead in the streets of Big Town. When I tried to revive them, they collapsed instantly again. 2. Elaborate attempt by setting the quest stages. (Failed) So, after resetting the quest once more, I manually set the quest stages as indicated by the Wiki. That failed too. When talking to Flash, the dialogue offered only the options to admit failure or tell him that Shorty had made it but not Red - though both bodies lay still on the ground in Big Town. That's why I set the proper variables manually at any quest stage (there are far more, btw, than indicated by the WIKI which doesn't list plenty of stages and variables that follow the initial rescue operation) in the next attempt. Yet, Red and Shorty stayed dead, though the residents in Big Town were congratulating me for saving the town from the Super Mutant threat and everyone acted as if the dead ones were still alive. Waiting for a cell reset didn't help - R & S stayed dead. 3. Next steps I assume that Red and Shorty need to vanish from Big Town first - after a reset of the quest and before starting it again - so that they can be alive in the end. This might happen automatically when the cells reset ... so, I am going to wait it out and see if this has the desired effect. If this doesn't work, I will add them manually to the proper locations at the start of the quest.
Weird problem. Since I have been to Big Town and saved Red & Shorty, I get frequent messages that its residents (Bittercup, Kimba etc.) are unconscious. When I first got the message, I teleported there almost immediately to see what was going on - but the expected Mutant attack wasn't underway. Nothing was going on. Interestingly, only the original residents of Big Town were unconscious, all the added ones (by mods) were fine. I went back to an older save, played on, and soon enough, the original residents were unconscious again. When I start a game, the residents might be walking about - but sooner or later, I get the now dreaded message again and again and again and again ... Does anyone know what triggers this and how to either solve the problem or circumvent it? At the very least I want it out of my message queue as those endless reminders make it hard to see any other - more relevant - news. Addendum: One observation might be relevant. The expected mutant attack after I got back to the town with Red & Shorty didn't occur. At that time, I thought "Big Town Overhaul" had changed that but maybe the quest line is now messed up and I need to manually set a stage to get things back to normal ...?
Fallout3.exe fose_loader.exe - won't launch from MO
thommaal replied to perrob's question in Mod Organizer Support
The advanced reports done by my firewall have confirmed its interference. It became suspicious of the MO => fose calls and, consequently, started to block any call to 3rd party tools. I'll look into it a bit more, but I doubt that the answer to the why will be of any interest to the MO developers.- 15 replies
Fallout3.exe fose_loader.exe - won't launch from MO
thommaal replied to perrob's question in Mod Organizer Support
That was my first suspect too - but I haven't found any evidence that my AV has interfered in any way. But my firewall (Private Firewall) might be involved, even though every critical component in process and application management is explicitly allowed to work freely. Yet, when I closed my LAN connection and shut down the firewall, fose started - at first. A second attempt was not successful. A third one was .. and so on. Still, I reset the firewall to its default settings - but to no avail. And uninstalling the Skyrim MO and reinstalling the F3 MO to another location wasn't successful either. There is obviously some weird interference that only gets troublesome with the F3-MO combination but I have yet to figure it out.- 15 replies
Fallout3.exe fose_loader.exe - won't launch from MO
thommaal replied to perrob's question in Mod Organizer Support
In the past couple of days, I have also experienced the more and more frequent problem that FOSE won't start through MO. I always get the message that a component of the loader doesn't work anymore. At first, the loader started whenever I had done a restart of my PC. But since yesterday, that workaround has stopped .. working. And it doesn't matter which profile I use or how few mods are involved - even a default profile with just the DLCs fails to get going. And yes, Fallout starts without any problem outside of MO, even when I use the "fose_loader.exe". OS: Win7 64bit; MO: v1.3.11 Actually, after some experimentation, no exe starts by now via MO, not Wrye Flash, nor LOOT, nor the fallout.exe. Curiously, I have no trouble whatsoever with my 2nd MO that deals with Skyrim.- 15 replies
It looks like your new entry "Collision Meshes FO3 Pack" shows mixed up hyperlinks: The "FO3_pack25.08.15.7z"-package is linked through Collison Meshes FNV, and the link for the "Collision Meshes FO3 Pack" points to the package: "FNV_pack25.08.15.7z". And a little layout glitch: The new headline is integrated into the layout of your installation information for the previous entry: "Precision Collision - Clutter".
1.3.10 and Nexus automatic login
thommaal replied to CovertSlinky's question in Mod Organizer Support
I can login, check for updates, execute them etc. I can't, however, add new exes manually -- but that problem is already known. It might be relevant that I kept my old "ModOrganizer.ini". -
Not Kelmych. Still, the recommendations done within the packs you'll find here at STEP are usually diligently researched by the author -- and feedback reduces the error rate even more. As far as I can see, Kelmych is right with his recommendations, and no one has objected to them yet. That doesn't mean you can be totally sure the cleaning of a specific mod won't add some problem to your game (I doubt that anyone has drawn a thorough before-after manual comparison of all the changes in all the mods -- correct me if I'm wrong), but the few comparisons I have made, show plenty of advantages to an uncleaned mod list. Regardless, if you happen to stumble upon a problem through cleaning -- please, do report it!
Funny thing happened while trying out different characters with the pack: Butch killed me at my birthday party. He just didn't stop attacking and was unkillable, of course. Was I tempted to do a setessential 0 in his case. I have no idea if this is pack-specific but it's the first time this happened in any of my playthroughs.
I have installed your pack, and it works fine so far. While discussing FO3LODGen, you write: The first time I tried to start F3 after following your guide I had, of course, totally forgotten to check the archives afterwards and, naturally, I crashed. Easy enough to figure out what I had missed -- but it might still be a good idea to add that little bit of information to your instructions to avoid any head scratching.
I don't see "Use Water Data" under flags, just "Use Map Data". I guess the problematic entry was removed in version 1.9.3.
I take it you have never worked in the, well, data security sector? One example of known backdoors in routers An article about this backdoor and some more Europol's 2014 iOCTA (Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment) NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and others The problem is not to point out vulnerabilities and their (ab)use, the problem is to stop once you get going, because there is already so much known, even to the public. The vulnerabilities demonstrated in symposia of experts are often astonishing and not often closed.
[spoiler=Off Topic] The number of backdoors at present known by the data security sector is so high that no one in his right mind considers a networked system safe. They exist in programs, operating systems and - worse - within the hardware that is meant to protect your data. Many backdoors were added by programmers not out of nefarious reasons: they were convenient during development and stayed helpful to assist clients. Other backdoors are the result of sloppy coding, plenty are bugs. Some are in there from the start, others are added with updates or by third party tools, plugins, apps etc. Intentional as well as accidental backdoors are discovered by organizations and individuals with a wide range of motivations to know about their existence. Some intentions are reputable, many are not. In the past decade, organized crime has grown into a major concern with regard to networked systems, very little data can still be secured. Those organizations explore vulnerabilities themselves, or pay others to do so - or simply buy information from: underpaid data entry monkeys, disgruntled or greedy employees, vulnerable agents and executives, and so on and on and on. Even if - for some reason - you think that government agencies have the right to ignore the privacy and data security of every single person on this world, no matter where and when - the methods used are far too valuable to not excite the curiosity of other parties that you definitely don't want to be interested in your data or - rather - the data that is linked to you. So, what?, you might ask. Realize this: that data creates a persona of you, it doesn't reflect you, it isn't you. But every single agency that deals with data associated with that persona will evaluate you, the person, by its values. Every survey and processing error is potentially harming you, every modification by unknown parties, whatever the reason for it, has definitely a potential to harm you. Worse, you have practically no power over the data that creates the persona that is used to judge you, because you have almost no knowledge and definitely no control whatsoever of the data in all the networked systems. Everyone who has ever had his identity stolen, for example, knows that the consequences last a lifetime, which makes those people victims three times over. And there are more every year. You - we all - are subjects of such systems, not partners, not clients, not citizens. Definitely not its sovereign. As you can see, the validity of the argument, that you have nothing to hide, is based on the wrong presumption that what is known about you is what is true. But it's wrong for more reasons than that: - the argument suggests that an interest in privacy is motivated by criminal intentions, and someone without those can do without privacy. However, don't you have other motivations to keep something private? Do you never do anything embarrassing or intimate that should only be known to you or the people you choose to trust? Privacy secures dignity. - the argument also reverts a centuries old basic assumption of the state of law: that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. "Nothing to hide" suggests that everyone is - at least - a suspect until proven innocent. The police, of course, works under that assumption, and with good reason. But we have a name for countries that treat their citizens like the police - and that name is not democracy. - Even if you have indeed nothing at all to hide - that doesn't mean you have nothing to fear. Whenever you have no control about an influence that has some serious impact on your life, you depend on the good intentions of unknown parties, as well as their responsible behaviour and respect for your interests above other ones. - You should also be wary about the impact on behaviour of citizens within a system where nothing is hidden: How should anyone blow the whistle about abuse of influence and power without at least temporary anonymity? How should journalists still work with sources when their identity is known? How should anyone do anything politically inconvenient with fear of repercussion? If nothing can be hidden, self-censorship supplements or even supercedes outside control. Even if everything known about you is absolutely true and doesn't leave out any valid information, that doesn't mean, it can't harm you, because you might deal with someone whose interests are furthered by (ab)using that truths against you. The ""nothing to hide"- argument up-ends another basic rule of democracy: that governments need to be transparent while the citizens are their well-informed sovereign.
Mod Organizer not opening SKSE
thommaal replied to The_Filthy_Spaniard's question in Mod Organizer Support
Ah, yes, it's extremely easy to miss that in AVG, and also in Norton. Could be a good idea to call attention to security programs in a trouble-shooting guide. Thanks for pointing out the culprit; that kind of feedback is invaluable. -
Mod Organizer not opening SKSE
thommaal replied to The_Filthy_Spaniard's question in Mod Organizer Support
1. I hope you won't mind, if I want to make sure that your SKSE is installed properly. When you click with the right mouse button on the installed SKSE in the left window of MO and choose the entry "information" in the newly popped up window, another window opens where you can look at the "Filetree". Does it look like that? > scripts > SKSE meta.ini Here's a screenshot: If your filetree doesn't at least show a script-folder (the SKSE-folder is manually created after the initial installation to add the SKSE.ini in its proper place), something is wrong. In that case, I'll shamelessly point you to a post that deals with the SKSE installation procedure in MO. 2. If the installation is correct, try to start a vanilla + SKSE profile in MO: only the base game + DLCs,original inis+ SKSE 3. Btw, take a look at the log that MO creates when it starts - do you get error messages? 4. If SKSE isn't working with the mentioned profile, take a look at the "skse.log" You'll find it in: Documents > My Games > Skyrim > SKSE Add it to your answer. If it's very long, please, delete it and start the vanilla + SKSE game anew. The new log should be much shorter. 5. Check your security programs Make sure that no security program (antivirus, firewall etc.) has (partially) blocked the correct functioning of MO. Especially the ones that allow you to control specific processes associated with a program can turn into a problem. It's highly unlikely given your description - but checking doesn't hurt. 6. Re-install MO If you want to be sure that your installation isn't messed up, deinstall the old one but PRIOR to that - backup your downloads-folder (!) [very important if you don't want to spend hours downloading your mods again] - backup the mods-folder (unless you want to re-install them anyway) - ensure that your overwrite-folder is empty, otherwise save it - I prefer to create new profiles but you could back them up as well, especially when you have manually edited inis for SWeetFX, ENBoost, ENB etc. => Don't install your new MO in program files. 7. Since Skyrim works properly, I very much doubt that its files are a problem. But you could still verify their integrity in STEAM (when I had to re-download more and more files, it was a sure sign that my SSD was dying and data corruption had set in - to name just one totally unrelated problem that can lead to files not working any longer). -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
thommaal replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
An installation of "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1" (Express or Professional) or the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributable packages" (x64 or x86) might cause this; see here: https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2717426 https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2519277 If that's your problem, you should be able to solve it the following way: 1. Uninstall the mentioned packages via "Programs and Features". 2. Now install the Windows SDK. When you come to the "Installation Options" menu, UNCHECK the "Visual C++ Compilers" and the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2010" components. 3. Install the SDK 7.1 patch (unless it's already included in the latest package, I haven't done it in awhile): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=4422 4. Reinstall the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributable packages: x64: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=14632 x86: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555 Might work. -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
thommaal replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Wait, didn't you say, you weren't using any mods/utilities, just vanilla? Od did you reactivate Another Start to see if it works that way? Did you then start via SKSE? -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
thommaal replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
Have you checked the integrity of the downloaded game files in STEAM? One or more might have become corrupt. ADDED: And how do you start the new game? -
Skyrim Revisited Pre-Release Feedback
thommaal replied to Neovalen's topic in Skyrim Revisited (retired)
So, you only use the base game + the official DLCs as well as the originally created inis and crash with a new game?