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Everything posted by Mitradis
I just noticed today: generated without alpha blocks. https://i5.imageban.ru/out/2020/09/08/f594b98959649ad625504d451875c631.jpg
Maybe one of the visitors to this forum will help and better explain the essence of the problem. I tried to do it as best I could. good luck
updated only x86? https://i6.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/12/540bd3d14e7d839e2dee7ba909c3f7f4.png
not true. i posting about what LodGen set objSnowHD block name even if this block dont have vertex colors. not true. i posting about what lodgen has the same approach for models using texture contains in _Options.txt. Force system can't tell the difference if mesh have VC and not have VC. Something like this: List<string> TESTLIST = new List<string>(); TESTLIST.AddRange(File.ReadAllLines("TES5LODGen_Skyrim_Tamriel_Options.txt")); if (TESTLIST.Exists(s => s.Equals(TEXTURENAME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { //you variant set block name to objSnowHD //but i suggest this if (BlockHaveVC) { set block name to objSnowHD } } i need soucecode and i fix this self.
you do not read my posts? all posts have "about the supposed issue". which of this is not clear to you: ? what data do you need? Then I will ask differently: Why lodgen, using _Options.txt, set objSnowHD if model no have VC?
for example: some model have VC and i am want force VC for 8+ cells through _Options.txt file. In this situation i have objSnowHD on some models without VC. it is very simple. I don’t need to explain what is VC and how does it work. i have my own program https://github.com/Mitradis/NifScan i know all this.
for example file norextwallbg1way01_lod_1.nif using textures\lod\NordicTempleExt_LOD.dds texture. This texture containst in _Options.txt. BUT norextwallbg1way01_lod_1.nif dont have VC. As result after generated, block with this model have name objSnowHD BUT THIS BLOCK NO HAVE VC (EVEN WHITE). I don’t know how else to explain it. IsHDTextureMask=mountainslablod.dds IsHDTextureMask=mountainslablod2.dds IsHDTextureMask=mountainslablod2_n.dds IsHDTextureMask=mountainslablod3.dds IsHDTextureMask=mountainslablod3_n.dds IsHDTextureMask=mountainslablod_n.dds IsHDTextureMask=nordictempleext_lod.dds IsHDTextureMask=nordictempleext_lod_3.dds IsHDTextureMask=nordictempleext_lod_n.dds proposing a solution: if mesh file no have VC, EVEN if he have texture which is containst in _Options.txt, for this model do not set block name to objSnowHD.
this https://i4.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/11/9c867cc6d6174d7c78505a2a214a0d76.jpg if one meshe file with VC using texture containst in _Options.txt all okey, but if other file wothout VC using some texture containst in _Options.txt i have this bug.
I understood, but if one texture using in IsHDTextureMask for VC object, and this texture using in non VC object mesh gets a bug... I will have to do a lot of work on sorting and changing texture paths. Is it possible just to set a priority in the program? at the moment _Options.txt requires a lot of manual work.
if i use _Options.txt file, lodgen change name of block to objSnowHD, but do not add white VC for working HD show shader https://i4.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/12/3610e1c06d9df44ef490745c4cbfd8a6.png if i generate without _Options.txt files then block name objSnow https://i4.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/12/bf438c99093fdf31ae1bfe89ed2a9f1b.png adding HD flag (and to Shader Flag 2) in object param does not give a result https://i1.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/12/2bd46410eb8d453883f0d8897f0bdb8b.png plz do something...
Unfortunately new lodgen does not automatically add white VC for snowy objects: https://i4.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/11/9c867cc6d6174d7c78505a2a214a0d76.jpg how fix this if i use _Options.txt? https://i6.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/11/a86961c6b07551d72fb425cafff528a4.png meshes not have VC.
Ah sory plz... i creat TES5LODGen_Skyrim_Tamriel_Options.txt file and add lines: IsHDTextureMask=mountainslablod.ddsIsHDTextureMask=mountainslablod2.ddsIsHDTextureMask=mountainslablod3.ddsnow i have VC.https://i1.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/11/e7142a23619594d93fd36fcbee617c09.pngBut i dont understand this what you mean about "not needed anymore"? And one question more: if texture path something like this "dlc01\lod\seruinswindowslod.dds" or "dlc02\lod\lightmattwall02lod.dds" in file need add only filename or path too?
i still cant generate objects lods 8+ cells size with vertex color: https://i4.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/11/5a63aadbd9752f1bcef960afc1f2a87c.png https://i6.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/11/e2492f216a0b851b8dde356e815eca83.png https://i3.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/11/6e3aeb41d4d50fd3c3861ddfcd373191.png https://i4.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/11/3c2e9df9de51507cb3d2626ba69ab9e5.png https://i4.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/11/4728ca091b1f1a3e59161db4fcc39bca.png aaaaand)) https://i6.imageban.ru/out/2020/07/11/401a657cfdb5ee4aba7b9369a49b77b9.png it seems like a cruel joke. But version 3.1.2 still work perfect lol. How many years to wait for fix?
I asked "Where i can download old versions". If you point blank do not see the difference between the two pictures, then I have nothing to talk about with you. I expected such an unprofessional answer.
Where i can download old versions??? ~the middle 2019. Last versions make terrain textures purple: https://ibb.co/D8KYJqphttps://ibb.co/GpH9f0SI use the same texture set as an example.By the way, the program never learned to save Vertex Colors for lod objects level 2 as TES5LODGEN 3.1.2. Further we go, worse it becomes, lost technology.
If disable occlusion.esp big chance do not load save game with occlusion.esp, game crash on loading. Crashes still have even after resave.
Perhaps some have noticed, if load save game somewhere in a high load place (some town for example), FPS will be fine. But worth making a fastravel wherever and back to load place, FPS down on 6-10 FPS from 60. Moreover, if you moved from the open world, where you moved from, will not be tree LODs and if use "tfc" and move camera to this place, may see the grass on the terrain LOD. Based on the foregoing, I call the gaming community, and in particular skse plugins developers (and anyone who knows how to work with memory), pay attention to it. Possible solution to this problem (no unloading cells and processing cached cells) improve performance and stable game.
- performance
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Yes, its fine file name : as i say: standart generation on 39. Game: Skyrim LE. Tamriel world. I see this gaps(slots\empty joints) and in older versions, just not report. LodGen not report errors.
I will highlight for you what you could not see https://imageban.ru/show/2019/02/22/26f4e403888323539a12208322487b02/jpghttps://imageban.ru/show/2019/02/22/e70568d6ff133e74b8f480e77603697d/pngStandart generetion.
Because of these messages, the programs do not work correctly. Useless message giving false data.