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Everything posted by paul666root

  1. wow there even the tech is out to get to you :D
  2. it says RUSTIC FORSWORN and near the CORE tag it says RUSTIC CLOTHING. I think that is the mistake.
  3. because that is for SSE and this is an Oldrim guide lol
  4. Your error IS NOT in the esm is in the CR Look at your screen here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3riatwzvcyazmpo/Sin%20t%C3%ADtulo.png?dl=0
  5. don't delete anything from the game esms.... right click on the SRLE Extended CR and click Jump to... only there you need to remove. Anyway i see you didn't install Ordinator aswell... why did you use this guide if you remove so many important mods ?
  6. as i said i think you need to remove the whole record from RACE and not just that actor effect. (from the left pane in xedit)
  7. don't know and i won't be doing any more guess work without info....
  8. i think you may need to remove there the whole record and not just that actor effect. I don't know what you want to do there since you dont share much info here... but i presume the whole record there is dependent on the mod you didn't install and you can't remove just that. That's why you dont have the remove option...
  9. filter or no filter the brain fills quite fast the missing words
  10. yes I will assist you if you want to create a SSE guide but i will not openly get involved into it since i don't have the time as i used to. I'm sure JD will also help.
  11. Exactly how techangel said. Bash installers folder can be found in the Skyrim Special Edition Mods folder usually created when you install WB. And by mods he means the archives you need to download manually from nexus. They will show in WB in the Installers tab. There right click on the mod and then Install option. Don't delete any archive on the Bash Installers folder as those are needed by WB to auto check what overwrites what. I would also recommend to unpack the mods and extract the BSAs as then WB will be able to detect what files get overwritten as WB does not read inside a BSA and then repack into archives.
  12. this is great we were merging like hell to drop under 90 plugins for that problem.
  13. actualy i got a full modded SSE setup that's almost like SRLE Extended guide you followed minus LOTD. SSE is very enjoyable with current modding scene and it's not only "looking pretty". SKSE64 don't think will ever come out if you wait on that... look at this list on the first post here: https://forum.step-project.com/topic/12152-skyrim-special-edition-enhanced/ anyway Diana was looking after the guide setup with help from JD. I know JD also moved to SSE with me and don't think the guide will be updated for the mods since it's no point to it as we don't play Oldrim anymore... Requiem guide is the most up to date and if you encounter any problem with it just ask here and we will help if we can without having to install the game ofcourse.
  14. The reqtified guide is more up to date regarding mods. The difference can be read on the YASH mod page and on the Requiem mod page. See which one you like. I don't play Oldrim anymore i switched to SSE.
  15. ELFX Exteriors does the nights so dark. Drop that and it will be better.
  16. yea i tried to look at mator smash but still ended up fiddling in xedit... :D
  17. and you could go all the way to the end and see no problems but that's because this setup is so big that you can't check everything ingame in a single playthrough... you wont see the problems only in xedit and then know where to look ingame. also as you said 2-3 hours is very little advancement to the game.
  18. he didn't. this is his guide https://wiki.step-project.com/Pack:Deleveled_Loot it is pointless to add bash tags on the unmerged esps since you will merge them and then add again bash tags to the merged esp... MP does not carry over any bash tag set with WB so why to add them. if you would merge them into the bashed patch then it is another thing... i didn't wanted to get into this since i don't work on any guide now... but i really really hate this ideea that if an author says this and that you should do like that.... why...? can't you think for yourself as how it is better? this is why i don't use bashed patch... it's better to fix the leveled lists by hand and what i don't know JD does :D
  19. yes but he did not merged those into a separate merge. I think he merged them into the BP only.
  20. I didn't use a bashed patch for quite a while now but i think those bash tags are not necessary since they will be added to the merged esp anyway. DELEV and RELEV are added for mods that delete from lists and those that modify lists. those could be there from the time when those patches were merged into the bashed patch and not into a separate merged mod. anyway there is no harm if you did before and after :)
  21. yes i did say this plenty of times. I added a warning on the OP now.
  22. first post is the last modlist.
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