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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. 3. If you are using SSE Engine Fixes as described in the guide, go into the ini and disable the snow sparkle fix. 4. Without seeing it, it may just be normal SSE behavior tbh.
  2. for me personally I may do a bit of a custom mix, not as much as Riften, but I do think a couple things from Windhelm HD look better. like whichever rock/whatever texture covers the chimney in the inn, seems to hide the crappy model underneath better. the other one has such large blocks that it doesn't always look good on smaller areas. anyway I have a few snow compares I'm working on, other than that if there's something you want to see let me know.
  3. Next up we have Noble (guide) and Windhelm HD:
  4. Same as above, just a different spot. I forgot to save in that spot so it's a little off position wise.
  5. Only 2 compares for this one, first is Solitude HD (guide order), second is Noble Skyrim basically, SHD disabled
  6. allright time to go godescalcus up in this piece First up is Riften HD, etc. as laid out in the guide. Second is Noble Skyrim, with Riften HD disabled. Third is a custom blend of the two, based on my preferences. Fourth is the same except I set the saturation on riftenleaves.dds to 50%.
  7. I do like the Just Ice slab but Noble as a whole package for sure is the best. Are those just the frozenmarshice01*.dds? Tamriel Reloaded also covers frozenmarsh* stuff and I am testing that one as well, so I'd like to take a look.
  8. I personally feel like LAL is necessary if you're following a guide of this scale and you want to start a new game without having to do the whole intro. That being said, I remove a lot of the ones you've mentioned specifically, and several (about 25% of the guide) more. The main thing is editing the main CR patch - it still applies to a lot of what I do install, so I find it easier to rip out what I don't need. It's just a matter of removing the records to plugins you don't use, which is covered in the guide's Troubleshooting section. Aside from that, I only use half of the NPC retexture mods so I created my own CR for that, using the existing one as a guide. SSEEdit is your friend (and sometimes enemy).
  9. I dl'ed Tamriel Reloaded and Northern Clouds, hard to tell anything from paint.net (esp because I'd have to rename all of the TRL files to .dds2 to view them, since I don't have Photoshop anymore) but once I finally load up a test game...eventually... The screenshots look really good though. Already using Smooth Sky Mesh, such a small thing but looks so much better.
  10. I see that all the time with mods with FOMOD installers. It's just because there's a step where there's only one option available. Here are the comments on that part of the code in MO: //This is somewhat of a hack. If the author has specified only 1 plugin and the //group type is SELECTATLEASTONE or SELECTEXACTLYONE, then that plugin has to be selected. A note: This doesn't check for if somebody has defined a single plugin group with one of the above types, and then made the plugin unselectable. //They deserve what they get. //Similarly, if they've specfied SELECTATMOSTONE, we might as well give them a checkbox
  11. I think your link got borked somehow. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2163
  12. https://wiki.step-project.com/User:DarkladyLexy/Lexys_LOTD_Troubleshooting#Cleaning_Masters_From_A_Plugin
  13. https://www.patreon.com/kryptopyr/overview?
  14. just a note, it's required for Named Quicksaves - not in the guide (yet?), but it is on the test bench. I personally added to my setup, I hadn't installed AME initially cause I don't care about the achievements (in Skyrim, anyway...WoW was a different story ) but ended up having to.
  15. I actually had the same question and found it a bit earlier: https://modwat.ch/u/Darkladylexy/plugins
  16. So Nexus told me that NVT ENB updated, I wistfully clicked through the screenshots and decided to download the latest 0.343 files (what are we on, like 0.343v9? lol). I dropped just the 2 dlls into the game folder and... it worked? it loaded? what is this I can't even? Time to put this new 8GB beast in my rig... skyrim party weekend inc
  17. If it makes you feel any better, I had literally JUST finished setting up the LE version then I decided to switch to this one. Like two weeks later I said 'hmm, am I crazy? probably. oh well.' I may or may not have just bought a new video card so I can continue the madness in style. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It really does seem much more stable. aside from ENB being an ornery *****.
  18. Ahhh so many posts to catch up on. I had to go to LI for a wedding instead of modding Skyrim on my 3 day weekend I had everything pretty much ready to go but with AOS updating there's a bunch of things I have to redo.... again........
  19. You will have to load the esp (along with all of its masters) in TESEdit, right click on it, Apply Script > Report Masters. It will list the FormIDs of all the references, you'll have to delete the ones linked to masters you want to remove. Once that's done you can right-click on the esp again > Clean Masters.
  20. Slightly OT but, I was reading an interview with Mike Laidlaw (of Bioware/Mass Effect/Jade Empire/Dragon Age) and found this very interesting fact
  21. I have the same issue with the fire pits, I think it is one of the other interior lighting mods that's doing it. Unfortunately I can't get ENB (well, the main .dll for it) to work with SSE, so I'm just using a Reshade preset and dealing with it. (Sort of. Cringing...but dealing.) With an ENB you could definitely adjust the interior lighting with one value alleviate the wall-splatting darkness, I did that in my setup for SRLE.
  22. I've bought stuff from the Bethesda Store online in the past, so earlier today I got an email: Thanks for purchasing from the Bethesda merchandise store. We appreciate your business! In order to better serve you, we recently partnered with a new vendor to bring you an even better experience at gear.bethesda.net. These upgrades include an improved design, an easier checkout, and a heaping helping of new gadgets, gear and merchandise. As part of this upgrade, we kindly ask you to create a new account, as your previous account will not transfer over to the new store. And don't forget to sign up for the new store's email list, so you can be among the first to receive the latest updates and early peeks at new product as it arrives! Thanks again, and enjoy the new store! https://gear.bethesda.net/ Not a ton of stuff on there atm... also no size charts yet (excuse me Bethesda, I am a grown woman, I do not purchase clothing online without a damn size chart!!). There is at least a $10 off code for signing up for the mailing list, if you have an overabundance of money that you're looking to part with
  23. Belated (just sat down at the desktop today) but ty Lexy! Looks like I gotta... smash. one more time. lol
  24. Well at least I wasn't the only one rendered confused (It was also 12:30 am when I did it, so... probably a factor) I think it's one of those things that would benefit greatly from a screen snip (which I'd add but I think I have to reSMASH first). TL;DR I am adding zPatch to the SMASH patch, but not setting it to smash.all.... If that's correct then, you're forgiven, but you're on thin ice!
  25. The guide does recommend making a profile for each merge. I find it makes things much easier in case I need to redo a merge (which I had to do several times for this build). I used to do it all with only one profile, but it wasn't really saving any time and the potential to mess something up is rather high (esp if you do a lot of late night modding x_x). Just wanted to clarify one part of the SMASH instructions... "Highlight everything from Update.esm down to Pre Smash Patch Merged.esp" meaning, include both Update.esm and Pre Smash Patch, yes?
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