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  1. Silly comment here, but if you're using a test save, would your test save happen to be reliant upon any previous mods that you're changed or deleted? Or, is your test save based upon a vanilla version? Also, have you attempted a play-through with a new game?
  2. I found a typo!! Cause...I actually read the Bethini recommendations page!! GrassUsers may choose their preferred settings. STEP recommends the following: Uncheck [Removed Grass]Grass Wind Speed [Default]Grass Density [40]Grass Diversity [7] In the actual program it is shown as Remove Grass. Yeah. I read that too. <<Tried not to sound sarcastic and rude, yet attempt might have backfired from watching too many sarcastic speaking main characters from Anime.>>
  3. I'm not running the patch. I'm running the patched executable.
  4. OK, fresh install. DLC are not cleaned. Installed NVSE, it worked through MO, and outside of MO. Downloaded and installed 4GNV. Does not work inside or outside of MO. I went through each line of the guide upto the installation of 4GBNV.
  5. OK, I decided yesterday to start a new play through of New Vegas so I started out with a clean install. Which for me means that the dlc's are cleaned and I have only NVSE and Wrye Flash in the main Steam Directory along with NVEC. Currently, when I attempt to start the game up using 4GBNV, the one reccomended in the guide, I have an instant CTD. This is strange as I have had the program working before with no problems at all. In fact, the only differences are updated mod files that I downloaded and that is all. The only .ini tweaks I have done are the ones posted in the guide as well as using Bethini with a high setting along with "reccommended .ini tweaks" ticked.
  6. OK. I've been following this guide darn near almost mod-by-mod. The only mods that I did not download were the ones for the DLC retex...and that's mainly because I dislike mediafire. That, and my laptop hates downloading from there as well. Now, my question is for the Ghouls Hires Retexture pack. I'm using the Roberts Male Bodybase...However, the instructions for it say to only download the Breezes body base option... Why? (obviously, I downloaded the option for the bodybase I have.) Perhaps some editing needs to be done for that section, unless that bodybase version is needed for another mod somewhere later on in the modlist?
  7. Well, this isn't a "Bug"... However it is a typo which the section of the page that it is on is protected from editing or I would have fixed it myself. The location is on the aMidianBorn Content Addon page: https://wiki.step-project.com/AMidianBorn_Book_of_Silence#Recommendations Here is a screenshot of the location upon that page: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzMEAkWoq89EcjRwd0hHOE13dnM/view?usp=drivesdk Heh, for some odd reason, it didn't like me linking to the picture itself and only showing the image. Go figure.
  8. The creator/uploader of fINIp3 on Nexus has hidden it as of whenever the author changed it on Nexus. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21741/? The reason given by the author is: Use BethINI: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69787 ​​The page located here: https://wiki.step-project.com/User:Kelmych/Fallout3_INIs should be updated to reflect this change. Just a thought.
  9. Perhaps edit it with a bolder and slightly bigger font when it comes to something like that. Even I forgot it and I've been modding these selected games ever since the beginning.
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