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  1. Hello friend. I'm playing Oldrim using mod organizer and followed the step guide. I made it through everything and booted up the game but the screen got so dark I couldn't see anything. Tried using enboost injector. Dark display. I tried deleting enboost. Dark display. I deleted bethini files and booted the skyrim launcher to regenerate vanilla ini files, then launched skse through MO. Fixed. What do you think this could be attributed to? It appeared that whatever ini tweaks bethini made, my modded setup didn't like it. Thanks for the handy tool. And my bad if it was something on my end.
  2. Hello friends. I'm struggling to interpret this sentence regarding UIO at the beginning of the UI section: UI Organizer (UIO) is a NVSE plugin that allows UI mods to be installed and uninstalled without having to worry if they have UI elements. If following this guide, it is required to be installed and activated in order for the mods included in this section to play nicely with each other when running the game. It is installed at the end of the section. Do I install UIO first or last after Flashlightnvse? Thank you for this very ambitious and intricate mod setup. It's my first venture into modding NV so it's a welcome challenge and challenging, it is :-] "FINISH...THE F*CKING STORY MAN! What happened? What about the glands?"
  3. Thank you kindly friend. This saved me having to redo hours of generating bash tags. Much obliged.
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