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Likewise, I was actually going to tweet Chesko and see if he'd hint at how long for RS before I start trying to figure out how to add the VW weathers to the list of recognised weathers.


So HTML is working so far using some jquery stuff:



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How do you guys like Recorder regarding lore ? I heard her talking about Chocobos at the Riverwood inn and it put me off...

Recorder, while a good follower mod, was just too immersion breaking for me.  I've been looking for a replacement for her.  Maybe I'll give Vilja a go since she does as prevously stated, "have interactions" with Inigo.


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hey Everyone the day of reckoning is upon me (a week earlier the expected) it is moving time for me and Lexy which means I will be offline for a while. But don't fear the guide will be maintained by user paul666root who has kindly agreed to look after things in my absence. I will be back as soon as I can in the mean time in the immortal words of the High Lord Gopher "Have Fun".

Edited by Darth_mathias
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     Okay guys.  I'm locking my load order and I am going to do a "complete" playthrough.  Finally.  I'm going to play an Imperial female War-Priest, based off of No Snakes aLive's War-Priest build from Tamriel Vault.  Mace in one hand, Restoration spells in the other. I plan on 3-5 acolytes (followers) with whom I can heal, direct, and command whilst I dole out blunt force trauma to mine enemies.  All in the name of Mara.


     I plan on: destroying the Dark Brotherhood (no murdering my emperor), thwarting Ulfric's coupe d' etat, blocking Alduin's attempt at menu expansion in Sovngarde (wish I could give Durnheviir a vacation), cleanse Skyrim of it's Sanguinare Vampiris epidemic, eliminate that heretic Miraak, and finally; crusade to eliminate the artifacts manifested by the Daedric Lords and annihilate them by throwing them into the Aetherium Forge. 


     If you've read all this, thanks for your indulgence.  I leave you with the following excerpt from John Prine and Steve Goodman:

'I hate graveyards and old pawn shops, for they always bring me tears, I can't forgive the way they've robbed me of my childhood souvenirs".

Edited by Kneph13
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hey Everyone the day of reckoning is upon me (a week earlier the expected) it is moving time for me and Lexy which means I will be offline for a while. But don't fear the guide will be maintained by user paul666root who has kindly agreed to look after things in my absence. I will be back as soon as I can in the mean time in the immortal words of the High Lord Gopher "Have Fun".

I am in the process of moving as well. Crazy time. 

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Darth_mathias, on 05 Jul 2016 - 9:36 PM, said:

hey Everyone the day of reckoning is upon me (a week earlier the expected) it is moving time for me and Lexy which means I will be offline for a while. But don't fear the guide will be maintained by user paul666root who has kindly agreed to look after things in my absence. I will be back as soon as I can in the mean time in the immortal words of the High Lord Gopher "Have Fun".

hey darth,

thx for all the hard work you & everyone else on this forum is doing; it's awesome ::):

dunc001, on 06 Jul 2016 - 01:21 AM, said:

Modwat:ch updated


CR on CLARALUX/ELFX/RLS took me about three hours last night - soooo many lights!  All done now and on to the easier stuff tonight.  Should be play testing before the weekend...

hey dunc,

your SRLE: E: LKS guide looks amazing :woot:

almost exactly what I'm looking for in my build!

seems well organized, properly modded, CR'd and even the sink scrubbed clean of any bugs ::P:

are you planning to publish your CR KS.esp?

what kind of rig are you running this on?

how's your 3 ini files: skyrim/preferences/enb look? maybe there's room for FPS improvement?

have you considered using SMC mod for improved visuals?


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