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  On 4/24/2015 at 6:52 PM, Octopuss said:

I hope Chesko won't simply leave everything. He has just deleted his reddit account, which doesn't have to mean anything, but something tells me there is a chance of this thing being too much for him and he'd just disappear. That would suck a LOT.


He also deleted his twitter account. It's probably because of all the attacks he's been getting.

  On 4/24/2015 at 7:37 PM, CJ2311 said:

He also deleted his twitter account. It's probably because of all the attacks he's been getting.

I sincerely hope that the attacks stop, and that both Chesko and Isoku continue to mod. The loss of these authors would be felt tremendously by the community. Though they made a mistake (in my opinion) supporting this endeavor, I do not think they should be held hostage by it. If they pull out from the workshop and resume providing their work freely on the Nexus or on their own site, I fully support people sending donations to them if they can for all the hours of enjoyment received.

  • +1 4

Well people are actually sending Chesko donations right now after his announcement to quit the workshop. That means at least not everyone's being hostile.


On a side note, here's some pretty bad news, because that's just what we needed.




People are disgusting. I said some bad **** in past and I trolled (even further down the years), but what I am seeing over the past 24 hours is just horrible. Of course, it's the internet. But you know what, this is bad even for internet and the power of anonymity.

  On 4/24/2015 at 7:51 PM, CJ2311 said:

Well people are actually sending Chesko donations right now after his announcement to quit the workshop. That means at least not everyone's being hostile.


On a side note, here's some pretty bad news, because that's just what we needed.



Wonder if he's just read the announcement and not the backlash yet. That would be my guess if he is expecting people to be "hyped up" rather than "sharpening pitchforks".

  • +1 1
  On 4/24/2015 at 7:51 PM, CJ2311 said:

Well people are actually sending Chesko donations right now after his announcement to quit the workshop. That means at least not everyone's being hostile.


On a side note, here's some pretty bad news, because that's just what we needed.



I really hope he meant to say it will ALSO be for sale on Steam, because otherwise he must be a masochist who wants a piece of the *********

  On 4/24/2015 at 7:53 PM, Octopuss said:

People are disgusting. I said some bad **** in past and I trolled (even further down the years), but what I am seeing over the past 24 hours is just horrible. Of course, it's the internet. But you know what, this is bad even for internet and the power of anonymity.

I dont know why they think they are anonymous, one warrant and the police could track the IP to the home of the person posting. Its not like Steam or your Internet Provider is going to protect that information from someone who wants it legally.

  • +1 1
  On 4/24/2015 at 7:51 PM, CJ2311 said:

Well people are actually sending Chesko donations right now after his announcement to quit the workshop. That means at least not everyone's being hostile.


On a side note, here's some pretty bad news, because that's just what we needed.



Looks like someone's missed the memo about the direction the wind seems to be blowing.


Here's something from the SkyUI thread, I am severely disappointed:



schlangster 738 kudos 974 posts

@TheRunner PD

Well... currently, the plan is the following:
- Upload new version for minimum $1 (pay-what-you-want) on SW.
- Keep old version for free as it is on both Nexus and SW.
- Service provider split would go to Nexus to support the site even if I can't host the free version there.
- Any changes to core infrastructure like MCM flows back to the free version as well, so I won't try to force you to upgrade or pull any other stupid stunt like that.

Some more background:
Two years ago after released what was supposed to be the final SkyUI version 4.1, because I no longer had that much time to put into it and I felt it was time to move on. Then, couple of weeks back, I was invited to take part in the test group and prepare something for the launch. That prompted me to start working on a SkyUI update, because the crafting menus were still left to do and I know there's demand for them. It's the kind of task that requires someone with a decent technical background to work on annoying stuff full-time for a couple of weeks - something neither me nor anyone else was willing to do up to this point. But: Doing it for the potential of money was fine, so there we go.

I didn't make the launch date, because I'm also a contributor for SKSE, so I knew that it was going up on Steam and I wanted to wait for that. At this point, I still assumed the major hurdle would've been making everything work with a few clicks. I don't particularly regret missing it, considering the immense *********. Didn't really see that coming. I saw it similar to an app store where nobody freaks out when you upload a paid app. Either people buy it or they don't.

So these are the facts. Currently, I'm still waiting anyway. I'll return the donations from today once I figured out how that works, so no need to feel tricked there. And I suppose now we are at the point where you will explain to me why I should mod and what modding is all about.
On the other side of the coin, the guys producing Warzones 2015 just put out their statement. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9494

Looks like he still didn't get the memo.

I am not spending a single f*ing buck in the Workshop. I'll gladly send him five bucks directly. Someone knock some sense into him.

  • +1 1
Posted (edited)


Thank you everyone very much for your outpouring of support. It means so much more than you know.


I have taken every mod I have ever published off the Workshop, and it will stay that way. The Nexus files will remain; in the end, this is the community that has supported me every step of the way. Arissa is currently hidden until we decide what to do.


I have deleted many of my accounts and will be leaving the modding community for a time. I don't know how long.


Thank you again.

There goes Arissa. ****. I've waited a year to finally play it, and it seems I might not even get a chance, ever.

Edited by Octopuss
Posted (edited)
  On 4/24/2015 at 8:21 PM, Octopuss said:

There goes Arissa. ****. I've waited a year to finally play it, and it seems I might not even get a chance, ever.

Edit: Sauce plz?


Thankfully I grabbed her previous version before all this went down but I was looking forward to the update along with Frostfall 3.0 so much.


This has been a complete ****-show. The main villains of the piece, imo, are Valve and Bethesda for this joke of a venture. Chesko may have been misled/naive and but he did not deserve the sheer amount of bile that went with the backlash. Add to that the way Valve's legal is screwing him on his decision to bow to consumer pressure...


What much else is there to say? This is hardly the end of the world as we know it, or any of the other hyperbolic *****-fitting that the keyboard warriors on Steam and the Nexus have been making it out to be, but the loss is great if losing modders like him is the outcome.

Edited by hazelwolf
  On 4/24/2015 at 7:55 PM, Hazado said:

I dont know why they think they are anonymous, one warrant and the police could track the IP to the home of the person posting. Its not like Steam or your Internet Provider is going to protect that information from someone who wants it legally.

Unfortunately, if the last eight months have demonstrated anything, it's that law enforcement has a hard time taking online threats seriously. This is changing but probably not fast enough to do Chesko and Isoku any good.


Are you kidding?  The abusive idiots who are "protecting" this community are the ones driving these modders away.  While Valve and Bethesda may not be acting particularly noble (they do appear to have taken Chesko's mods down in the end, though), why don't we stop blaming them for all the crap the community is bringing on itself.


And did you fully read schlangster's comment?  It sounds like the ONLY reason we're even getting a SkyUI update is because of the financial incentive.  It's not something they were planning to do and then just decided to release it as a paid mod.  You aren't losing out on something you could have otherwise had for free.  The update was planned only after finding out there was some additional incentive for investing several weeks of their time into making it.  The update would not exist at all if it wasn't for this move. 

  • +1 4
Posted (edited)

And now that Chesko has publicly backed out, stated how Valve legal team screwed him, and then stated that he is leaving the scene for a while altogether - people are going to be even more pissed at the Steam Workshop.  Honestly, I find it all kind of amusing.  Mainly because I know how badly the backlash is going to hit the company who tried to **** everyone (including the mod authors with the SW's poor pay plan) with this move to monetize modding.

Edited by oqhansoloqo
  • +1 1

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