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[WIP] Mator Smash





Mator Smash


GamerPoets Video - For v0.4.1



Mator Smash is now available on Nexus Mods. 

Nexus Mods Mod Page



As of v1.0.0, Mator Smash has a "Quick Patch" button

As of v0.5.1, Mator Smash will copy records with "errors" in them (such as unresolved/unexpected references)

As of v0.5.0, Mator Smash has new algorithm features and is more stable.

As of v0.4.1, Mator Smash merges redundant plugins properly.

As of v0.4, Mator Smash now produces complete record prototypes

As of v0.3, Mator Smash supports Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE

As of v0.2.2, Mator Smash allows you to modify tags on plugins from within the program.

As of v0.2.1, Mator Smash has Smash Settings for Skyrim for every Bash Tag Wrye Bash offered for Oblivion.




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Mator Smash is an application built on the xEdit framework developed to replace the primary functionality of Wyre Bash - the creation of patch files to combine (or merge) conflicting overrides to overcome Bethesda's "Rule of One". Wyre Bash used to provide this functionality in the days of Oblivion through the usage of bash tags, keywords that would be put in the description of the mod that would then tell Wyre Bash what types of records it should try patching. However, the current status is that Wyre Bash only provides this for a handful of record types for Skyrim, and this has been the case for quite a while now. There are several users (most notably Sharlikran) who have been working to update Wyre Bash's codebase to work with Skyrim, but it's been an uphill battle. As of now, it's not certain whether Wyre Bash will ever offer the same functionality it did in the days of Oblivion for Skyrim mods. That's where Mator Smash comes in.


Why is this necessary?
As per Skyrim's "Rule of One", any two mods that modify the same record but in different ways will conflict with each other in a way that can't be resolved asides from the creation of a compatibility patch. Because the number of Skyrim mods exceeds 40,000, there is no conceivable way to manually build enough compatibility patches to make every possible load order (or even a small fraction of them) work with each mod operating as intended. Mator Smash automates the most important part of the task of compatibility patch creation - the combining of conflicting edits. This is something that we've been needing for a very, very long time.


How does it work?
Warning: technical jargon ahead. Where Wyre Bash has separate procedures for the patching of individual record types, Mator Smash has a few generic procedures for the patching of ALL record types. This means that Mator Smash has, with very little development effort, achieved the capacity to patch more records than Wyre Bash has ever been capable of patching. This is achieved through a recursive traversal method which traverses override record structure, comparing subrecords between a master record, a source override record, and a destination override record. Upon the basis of this comparison, certain subrecords are written to the destination record while others are skipped and others are deleted from it.


Development Status
I began development of Mator Smash as a standalone application built on top of the xEdit API 10/18/2015. Here's the GitHub repository. Check out the design folder in the repository for various files relating to my design process. I'll be live streaming most of my development on livecoding.tv. I'll be streaming mainly on weekends 9:00AM-9:00PM PST. Because of major code reuse from merge plugins standalone, smash will be entering public beta very soon.

Mator Smash is currently available as a proof of concept script (which is slow and lacking in features/a clean user experience). You can download v0.9.4 of that script here. This script can currently correctly patch a massive number of different types of records. FAR MORE than Wyre Bash or any other currently available solution, and more than any solution that has ever existed for Skyrim or any other game.


Implemented Features

  • Dynamic, flexible settings: Smash settings are comprised of a tree which has information on how records/subrecords should be handled. This will allow users to control how a patch is created on a per-subrecord basis. This will make smash relevant regardless of the nature of the mods being patched, or the game the mods come from. Each node (record/subrecord) will have the following data associated with it-
    • Process: Whether or not smash should process this node and perform conflict resolution for it if a conflict is found.
    • Preserve Deletions: If a mod deletes an element inside of this node, that deletion will be preserved in the generated patch.
    • Treat as single entity: If a mod overrides any subrecord in this node, the entire node will be replaced with that mod's version of it.
    • Chaining: Linking allows you to copy multiple side-by-side elements when any one of those elements changes.
    • Override Deletions: Allows a plugin to restore deleted elements.
    • Force Value: Forces values from a particular plugin to be used, and only allows plugins which require this plugin to perform further conflict resolution on affected records.
  • Tags: As of v0.2.1, all Bash tags that were offered with Wrye Bash for Oblivion are now available for Skyrim.  Smash will automatically detect tags and apply smash settings to the plugins that have them, assuming you have smash settings that correspond to the tags.
  • Managed smashed patches: Patches you build will be tracked in the program, so you can quickly and easily rebuild them when your load order changes. You can also have multiple patches for your load order, if you feel that is desirable.
  • Multi-language support: I built a really clean, extensible, and easy to use language system when I developed Merge Plugins Standalone. Smash will use the same language system to support multiple languages out-of-the-box. As a translator, all you have to do is make a text file to create a translation and have users install it in their lang folder. The rest is handled by the program.
  • Fast and easy setting creation: Select some plugins to build a setting to specifically handle the conflicts they are capable of creating in a load order.  Toggle or set flags for multiple nodes at once.  Select similar nodes in a setting tree.  Conflict resolution has never been quite so powerful, flexible, and easy.


Planned Features

Smash is now pretty much feature complete.  Further development energy will be spent on porting it to a zEdit application mode, zSmash, which will include a new, streamlined workflow.

  • +1 3

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Posted (edited)

Yes that would be better, but have a look at Coblis


Use the "Choose file" button, then try the different eyesight types, monochromacy is the worst case scenario. Shapes and contrast help.


If the selected profile can be distinguished for all of those cases, you have cracked it ..





For all the "Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide" images, I found after a lot of research the following palette was good for a few colour blind people who helped me test it (there are a surprising amount of people in our communities that have varying degrees of red / green colour blindness)




(Its also not so harsh for normal sight, some colour blind friendly palettes can be horrible)


In use for monochromatics (and red blind protonopia) dont use the third and fourth colours adjacent to each other ..







But there are more palette choices which contrast well enough ..







Shapes can also give more help to present choices, this image needed shapes for the selection key, contrasting colours would not have worked too well with a limited palette.


Waruddar from the old Wrye Bash team (CBash programmer) was rg colour blind


Anyway I am rabbling .. Feel free to use anything from the above, my research was done for the community and meant to be used by anyone (now buried somewhere on the old Bethesda forum).

Edited by alt3rn1ty
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I think I may just move colors out into a configuration file or something, because making everything colorblind friendly is likely to make it ugly for everyone else.

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  On 6/17/2017 at 6:17 AM, GamerPoets said:

... just throwing it out there that there's a semi insane but glad to be helpful video creator out there who will be happy to create certain things for certain topics if certain people ever want them at certain times. Generally he needs certain things to be taught to him like he's a child because this certain person takes a while to grasp things lol but ... he really does like being helpful = ) 

(GP has graduated from having issues to full blown subscriptions)


I would like to see you update the intro video to the newly released version, than do single segment videos (single segments can be updated easier if needed than long videos covering multiple subjects) such as using merged plugins alongside Mator Smash, How to compare the Smash Patch in TESEdit5 and how to tell if Mator Smash may have missed forwarding records, ect. I feel the more topics you can cover with this tool the better and they should range anywhere from novice to advanced. 


​On a side note you have the best tutorials out there in my opinion. I would love to see you do a series on building conflict resolution patches starting with the basics and working your way up to more advanced builds.

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The thing that needs to be kept in mind when I create tutorials is that every minute of view-able content takes me 2 to 4 hours of my life to learn(research/question/test)and create(text,voice,gather footage,edit)... so even shorter tutorials need a lot of time spent thinking them out (and in many cases more time... if I'm going to create an entire series on one topic I need to write out all of the videos a head of time to make sure I'm not repeating myself except where necessary and not finding something out by the time I create video 5 that should have been a part of video 1 and now cause a remake of an entire set of videos)  . Conflict resolution is something that I'm learning how to present now in a different form. Since Smash will ultimately become a part of zEdit (as well as merge plugins) any content that I create for those programs today will be obsolete when zEdit incorporates then and Mator cause it official (this is also why I didn't dive deeper into Smash after that first video... time) = ) I have to pick and choose my battles and make sure that whatever I create can "live" as long as possible before it becomes obsolete. 

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  On 5/16/2018 at 10:00 AM, haseoXtheXscion said:

Is there not supposed to be a merge option in the most recent version? Or did I somehow install it wrong somehow? Using MO2 by the way.

See the changelog in the OP or the FAQ section on the Nexus Mods mod page.

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Posted (edited)

I just noticed I am getting the following Smash fails when generating the Smash Patch.  The Smash Patch does complete however.  I am using Smash through MO2 and with DarkladyLexy's SRLE Extended LotD SSE


Fails[0]: Exception smashing record: MUSCombatBoss03CG [MUST:00000F7E] : Access violation at address 008874C6 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000000
Fails[1]: Exception smashing record: [COBJ:3E02393D] : Access violation at address 008874C6 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000000
Fails[2]: Exception smashing record: [COBJ:3E02393E] : Access violation at address 008874C6 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000000
Fails[3]: Exception smashing record: [COBJ:3E02393F] : Access violation at address 008874C6 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000000


Fail 0 is apparently from Smash not being able to forward BSHeartland.esm changes into the Smash Patch.  I was able to do this in SSE Edit.


Fails 1-3 are referencing Immersive Armors Daedric Lord Boots, Cuirass, and Gauntlets.  3E however is Ordinator in my load order and those Form/Reference IDs do not exist.  Immersive Armors is 3F and the Daedric Lord Boots, Cuirass and Gauntlets have Form/Reference IDs of 3F02393A, B and C. 


I have also run the Great Equalizer (included in the guide) and the Pre-Smash Patch includes the Great Equalizers changes as overrides over Immersive Armors and Morrowloot Ultimates record changes.


Is this a load order issue or something else and can I correct it?  It won't let me attach the Smash Log.  I zipped it but it says it is too large.  Here are the sections where the errors occur:


[spoiler=Smash Log]


[1409] Copying record AVMagickaRateMod "Vampire Lord" [AVIF:00000646]
Smashing override from: Dawnguard.esm, master: Skyrim.esm
Smashing override from: Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp, master: Dawnguard.esm
[1410] Copying record MUSCombatBoss03CG [MUST:00000F7E]
Smashing override from: Dawnguard.esm, master: Skyrim.esm
Exception smashing record: MUSCombatBoss03CG [MUST:00000F7E] : Access violation at address 008874C6 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000000
Smashing override from: BSHeartland.esm, master: Skyrim.esm
[1411] Copying record [CELL:00006F86] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C] at -38,17)
Smashing override from: Dawnguard.esm, master: Skyrim.esm
Smashing override from: Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp, master: Dawnguard.esm
Smashing override from: RelightingSkyrim-FULL.esp, master: Dawnguard.esm

[7665] Copying record IAShieldYsgramor "Shield of Ysgramor" [ARMO:3E02146F]
Smashing override from: LOTD Patches Merged.esp, master: Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
[7665] Copying record IAShieldYsgramor "Shield of Ysgramor" [ARMO:3E02146F]
Smashing override from: Pre-Smash Merged.esp, master: MLU Patches Merged.esp
[7666] Copying record IARDaedricLordBoots [COBJ:3E02393D]
Smashing override from: LOTD Patches Merged.esp, master: Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
Exception smashing record: [COBJ:3E02393D] : Access violation at address 008874C6 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000000
[7666] Copying record IARDaedricLordBoots [COBJ:3E02393D]
[7667] Copying record IARDaedricLordCuirass [COBJ:3E02393E]
Smashing override from: LOTD Patches Merged.esp, master: Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
Exception smashing record: [COBJ:3E02393E] : Access violation at address 008874C6 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000000
[7667] Copying record IARDaedricLordCuirass [COBJ:3E02393E]
[7668] Copying record IARDaedricLordGauntlets [COBJ:3E02393F]
Smashing override from: LOTD Patches Merged.esp, master: Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp
Exception smashing record: [COBJ:3E02393F] : Access violation at address 008874C6 in module 'MatorSmash.exe'. Read of address 00000000
[7668] Copying record IARDaedricLordGauntlets [COBJ:3E02393F]
[7669] Copying record IWCRuefulAxe "Rueful Axe (replica)" [WEAP:440478C8]
Smashing override from: LOTD Patches Merged.esp, master: Immersive Weapons.esp
Smashing override from: Pre-Smash Merged.esp, master: LOTD Patches Merged.esp



Edited by Kneph13
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I'll look into this Kneph, thanks for the report.  For now you can just ignore the failures/forward things manually (you can use your own plugin asides from the smashed patch so you don't have to repeat the edits every time you regenerate the smashed patch).


I've deleted your post on the other thread (try not to create duplication like that please!).


- Mator

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  On 6/6/2018 at 1:20 AM, Mator said:

I'll look into this Kneph, thanks for the report.  For now you can just ignore the failures/forward things manually (you can use your own plugin asides from the smashed patch so you don't have to repeat the edits every time you regenerate the smashed patch).


I've deleted your post on the other thread (try not to create duplication like that please!).


- Mator

Sorry about that, that was an error on my part, wrong thread and when I realized it it was too late.

  • 0

Not exactly sure where to report this, I am using Mator Smash 1.0.2, and the smash.all setting failed to carry through BODT - Body Template data on ArmorElvenGildedCuirass "Elven Gilded Armor" [ARMO:0001392A].  The only change I made to the smash.all setting is that I linked Object Bounds to Model, which honestly I feel you should do as default (as if the model changes, obviously the object bounds would be different).  Interestingly, this appears to be the only record where this occurs (the other armor records in Smash Patch have Body Template data).  Mator Smash was only dealing with 3 mods for this record, Skyrim.sm, UnlimitedBookshelves.esp, and Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp.  Here is a pic:




Sorry regarding the size, I can't figure out the optimal image size for display here!


Additionally, has anybody figured out good smash settings for Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp, Cutting Room Floor.esp, CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp, Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp, and Weapon and Armor Fixes_Remade?  Mator smash doesn't grab everything out of USLEEP and I can't figure out the settings to make the program treat any change that WAFR makes as paramount.  I am thinking I need to make a whole new setting for WAFR, but don't know where to start...


  • 0

I have seen BODT errors myself, and needed to manually patch the record.

The BODT problem is a know bug (or "issue") in Mator Smash.



For USLEEP what I do is :

1. For mods which are older than USLEEP, or have not been updated for USLEEP, I manually propagate the USLEEP changes into the mod.

2. Set USLEEP as a master for the mod - this lets Mator Smash know that you don't want to merge USLEEP changes with the mod, you want the mod to overwrite USLEEP and win the conflicts.

  • 0
  On 5/7/2018 at 11:28 PM, GamerPoets said:

The thing that needs to be kept in mind when I create tutorials is that every minute of view-able content takes me 2 to 4 hours of my life to learn(research/question/test)and create(text,voice,gather footage,edit)... so even shorter tutorials need a lot of time spent thinking them out (and in many cases more time... if I'm going to create an entire series on one topic I need to write out all of the videos a head of time to make sure I'm not repeating myself except where necessary and not finding something out by the time I create video 5 that should have been a part of video 1 and now cause a remake of an entire set of videos)  . Conflict resolution is something that I'm learning how to present now in a different form. Since Smash will ultimately become a part of zEdit (as well as merge plugins) any content that I create for those programs today will be obsolete when zEdit incorporates then and Mator cause it official (this is also why I didn't dive deeper into Smash after that first video... time) = ) I have to pick and choose my battles and make sure that whatever I create can "live" as long as possible before it becomes obsolete. 

Is this Michael?  All I can say is you vids are canonical and yes I can see why each minute takes a long time to make.  Its like you read from a prepared script.  There is no way to be that articulate or dense with information with a seat-of-your-pants approach.  And . . . Mator Smash is a tool from a well established pedigree that will have a long life and wide use so any updates you can make I think is well worth the time for the community.  There isn't full documentation yet like there is for Merge Plug-Ins and I am stuck trying to figure out how to make a small Smashed Patch for a group of plug-ins prior to merging.  I have the entire game Smashed Patch process down fine but this other . . .


My trial experiment - removing the target esps from the large Smashed Patch first and adding them to a new patch of their own ended up still 'green' not 'blue' after running the patch and a 'fail in the right pane.  No idea what i did wrong . . .

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Hey Mator,


just wanted to drop by and thank you for creating this! Proper Bash/Smash/Mash patching was dearly missed by me in Skyrim. It is surprising how many people like to give modding advice and have no idea how entries work btw :)


Is there a tag and Loot implementation? That could simplify conflict resolution for a lot of people!





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