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Beginner with numerous questions





I'm an old hand at installing mods but a complete beginner when it comes to both S.T.E.P. and Mod Organizer.  I have a large number of general questions I'm hoping someone might be able to help me with.  I'll start off with a two or three and then return with more as we go along, so as not to overwhelm the thread.  Any other beginners with questions are welcome to hop in and ask here as well!


1) I'm in the process of installing of installing S.T.E.P Core -- or is it S.T.E.P 2.2.8?  the nomenclature's a bit confusing to me -- but I intend to use Frostfall, Realistic Needs, Hunterborn, etc.  There's another S.T.E.P. pack that's explicitly designed around these mods (Immersion and Survival, I believe).  Should I install S.T.E.P. Core first, and then add the Immersion Pack?  Or should I just install the Immersion pack alone?


2) I ask this because I'm in the process right now of installing dual-sheath redux following S.T.E.P. Core, and the specific instructions regarding the support mod XP32 Maximum Skeleton say that the settings for that mod are specific to using Cold and Rain, and not to Frostfall.  There's no link to any instructions concerning how to configure the XP32 mod if you are using Frostfall.  So -- what options should I select if I am going to use Frostfall?


4) I've downloaded and installed Dual-Redux and then some of the patches, but the patches are red print with a little warning star that says "installed version 2014-02-23, newest version 1.6 beta"?


3) Why does S.T.E.P. have such a strict download/install order if BOSS is just going to restructure everything afterwards?

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I'm an old hand at installing mods but a complete beginner when it comes to both S.T.E.P. and Mod Organizer.  I have a large number of general questions I'm hoping someone might be able to help me with.  I'll start off with a two or three and then return with more as we go along, so as not to overwhelm the thread.  Any other beginners with questions are welcome to hop in and ask here as well!


1) I'm in the process of installing of installing S.T.E.P Core -- or is it S.T.E.P 2.2.8?  the nomenclature's a bit confusing to me -- but I intend to use Frostfall, Realistic Needs, Hunterborn, etc.  There's another S.T.E.P. pack that's explicitly designed around these mods (Immersion and Survival, I believe).  Should I install S.T.E.P. Core first, and then add the Immersion Pack?  Or should I just install the Immersion pack alone?


2) I ask this because I'm in the process right now of installing dual-sheath redux following S.T.E.P. Core, and the specific instructions regarding the support mod XP32 Maximum Skeleton say that the settings for that mod are specific to using Cold and Rain, and not to Frostfall.  There's no link to any instructions concerning how to configure the XP32 mod if you are using Frostfall.  So -- what options should I select if I am going to use Frostfall?


4) I've downloaded and installed Dual-Redux and then some of the patches, but the patches are red print with a little warning star that says "installed version 2014-02-23, newest version 1.6 beta"?


3) Why does S.T.E.P. have such a strict download/install order if BOSS is just going to restructure everything afterwards?


Mods come with more than just plugins which is what BOSS sorts. The install order covers everything else that inst a plugin.

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So I've just downloaded and installed the Main Font Replacement mod. I then started the game with SKSE through MO and my fonts were unchanged. I went back into MO and discovered that there was another file called Magic Cards (the font I had chosen) so I installed it as well. That led to a CTD. I then removed the first plugin (Main font replacement) -- still CTD. Then I removed the Magic Cards plugin -- still CTD. I can launch the game with SKSE normally, but if I try to launch it through MO it crashes.


What am I doing wrong?

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I could really use some help with this crashing issue, if anyone has any suggestions. I've tried reinstalling both plugins, uninstalling them, running BOSS (it finds no errors), manually deleting the contents of the mod -- all to no avail.

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Well, I solved it the old fashioned way -- I unchecked every mod and then reactivated them in groups of 5 until I located the problem. It turned out to be Disease Discriptions.


I've encountered still another problem though -- I've downloaded static mesh improvement, but MO doesn't seem to be able to install it?

Btw, how does one go about installing mods with "no game data on top level"?

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Sorry but that is why the staff has taken the time and effort to create and write those guides. They are there for those that need to learn more about specific programs, can do so without taking a lot of our time explaining information that is already readily available to those that are willing to put out the effort to read and learn.

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? Sorry about what?


One of the major problems I'm having atm, due my inexperience, is sheer information overload. I would have read the manual myself if I could have found it, but I'm just completely overwhelmed by the complexity of mod installation. NMM is simple; click and install. Run BOSS, play.


MO is simple too, probably, once you get the hang of it; but I've been working on installing S.T.E.P. now for about 7 hours (so far), and I'm only half-way through the core list so far.


Anyway, I wasn't being sarcastic -- any help is appreciated, and I'll gladly read necessary documentation (within reason) if I can find it.


Can I ask a quick question though -- I think I understand how to manually install a mod in MO now that I've read through the manual's install instructions. MO seems to react if a mod isn't accompanied by an .esp, even if the actually directory set-up is correct. I need to right click on the red X icon and select "ignore missing data," to get those sorts of mods to work, once I've installed them, have I understood correctly?

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3) Why does S.T.E.P. have such a strict download/install order if BOSS is just going to restructure everything afterwards?


I must admit, I have asked myself the same question since STEP has officially adopted MO - it could be clearer in the guide that it's mod order which is important (ie priority in MO left pane) that matters, not install order.


Edit: yes, I understand the difference between mods and plugins.....

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Install order is very different and distinct from plugin load order. Mod installation order governs what overwrites what when written to the data directory, but plugin load order dictates what overrides what during game run time.


The former is somewhat confounded by MO, since it actually causes overwrites to be equivalent of overrides, but that is beside the point.


Install in the order of the guide and just let BOSS sort the plugins

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So....now that I'm beginning to understand MO, and working through S.T.E.P., can anyone advise om my previous question in the OP, regarding XP32 Maximum Skeleton? Should I just install it using the set up for Frostfall, and ignore installing Wet and Cold when I get to that point?

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Can I ask a quick question though -- I think I understand how to manually install a mod in MO now that I've read through the manual's install instructions. MO seems to react if a mod isn't accompanied by an .esp, even if the actually directory set-up is correct. I need to right click on the red X icon and select "ignore missing data," to get those sorts of mods to work, once I've installed them, have I understood correctly?


You shouldn't have a any red X's next to any mods if you installed them correctly. I just completed the STEP:Core install and I had none. You've probably not restructured some mods correctly at install. There are several mods that their folder structure is not set up correct via the authors; however, these are easily corrected at install. If you install a mod and MO warns you that the structure is "not good" or "bad", then you'll have to restructure that mod. Usually these are mods that have the other folders besides the Data folder in the file structure. Such as:

  • Mod Archive

    • 1024x1024

    • Data
  • 2048x2048

    • Data
Here you can see the mod archive actually has two subfolders in it. One for the 1K version of the mod and one for the 2K version. Each subfolder has a Data folder within it. This is not a structure that MO can handle automatically; thus, MO asks for your input to correct the structure. If you wanted to install the 1K version of the mod, you would simply right-click on the Data folder under the 1024x1024 folder and choose "Set as Data". This will tell MO to ignore the other folder (2048x2048), you'll see MO restructure the files according to your choice and then it'll give you "Looks Good" message. Then you simply click to install the mod.


You can also move files around by dragging and dropping them where needed. You'll have to do this to install Skyrim Redesigned properly; unless you restructure it outside of MO before you install it.

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