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Conflict Resolution

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No. It would give you a better play through experience in that you would get the effect you wanted from each mod where they conflicted (assuming the conflicts were in ESPs and not textures, meshes and scripts). However most crashes are probably caused by scripts or textures putting too much demand on the engine and your approach would not fix these. I assume what is taking much of Neo's time is balancing visual and game play enhancements from mods against performance losses associated with scripts and textures, etc. Not that editing patches for ESPs is not important, but that alone won't get you a stable modded game.

No. It would give you a better play through experience in that you would get the effect you wanted from each mod where they conflicted (assuming the conflicts were in ESPs and not textures' date=' meshes and scripts). However most crashes are probably caused by scripts or textures putting too much demand on the engine and your approach would not fix these. I assume what is taking much of Neo's time is balancing visual and game play enhancements from mods against performance losses associated with scripts and textures, etc. Not that editing patches for ESPs is not important, but that alone won't get you a stable modded game.[/quote']

Thanks! So, as an extreme and stupid example, it would be "theoretically" possible to load all skyre and requiem modules (or equally incompatible mods), then "pick and choose" which parts look the most appealing? And this could yield a 100% stable game (assuming no other scripts and a good enough processor).


That would imply everything of interest in mods is shown in TESS5EDIT - and there are no "other" scripted bits (skse mods excluded) that could potentially conflict.


thxs again for the reply, I really like how SR:LE is looking can't wait to see it completed. I spent close to 500 hrs on console skyrim until I got tired of all the things that I wished were better and switched over to PC (I bought a decent Asus G750 and the lengendary edition)working on building a tower good enough for ultra everything) I started modding my game just by looking at what was on Nexus, then stumbled upon STEP ( great work guys , thanks again has taught me so much about everything)and from there SR (which i prefer due to inclusion of Frostfall) But I really want try to implement some other mods like CWO plus IP and EEO. Hoping I can figure out how to make it all work together. Another question I have is was SR abandoned in favor of SR:LE due to this possible 128 plugin stability ceiling or was it just time for something new? I'm trying to decide which platform to build from.

thxs again for the reply' date=' I really like how SR:LE is looking can't wait to see it completed. I spent close to 500 hrs on console skyrim until I got tired of all the things that I wished were better and switched over to PC (I bought a decent Asus G750 and the lengendary edition)working on building a tower good enough for ultra everything) I started modding my game just by looking at what was on Nexus, then stumbled upon STEP ( great work guys , thanks again has taught me so much about everything)and from there SR (which i prefer due to inclusion of Frostfall) But I really want try to implement some other mods like CWO plus IP and EEO. Hoping I can figure out how to make it all work together. Another question I have is was SR abandoned in favor of SR:LE due to this possible 128 plugin stability ceiling or was it just time for something new? I'm trying to decide which platform to build from.[/quote']


I would build from SR:LE despite it still being a WIP. It is the most up to date. As far as the 128 plugin stability ceiling, jury is still out.


Hey all!


Sorry, maybe it is a stupid question, but I have no idea what to do at the "Conflict Resolution" section. I followed the normal Skyrim Revisited guide a few months ago, but my game crashed way too often. Now I am trying the SR:LE, but I do not seem to understand the instructions. For instance: what do I have to do here:


Posted Image




Hey all!


Sorry, maybe it is a stupid question, but I have no idea what to do at the "Conflict Resolution" section. I followed the normal Skyrim Revisited guide a few months ago, but my game crashed way too often. Now I am trying the SR:LE, but I do not seem to understand the instructions. For instance: what do I have to do here:


Posted Image



As far as I know, you'd want to load Weapons & Armor Fixes Remade.esp, imp_help_dbm.esp, and your conflict resolution.esp in TES5Edit. Then in Weapons & Armor Fixes Remade.esp find the 0701CD89 DLC2ArmorChitinLightHelmet record. Select, right click and copy as override into the conflict resolution.esp. Then move Armature and BOD2 - Biped Body Template records from imp_help_dbm.esp into your conflict resolution.esp. It's just a less wordy explanation than what was in the original SR guide.

Hi, another SR Guide "graduate" here - I have Neo to thank for introducing me to MO and how to use TES5Edit, not to mention all the other must-have tools for properly modding the game.


I'm currently doing testing to select a mod lineup for a new playthrough, and currently have a working set that's about 85% the same as SR:LE, and since in it's current state, it's got both WAF-R and CCF, I'd like to ask for a little help with understanding the multitude of overriden keyword subrecords I'm seeing in TES5Edit that those two mods make changes to.


To make it easier to follow my questions are in boldface.


I see that the all the new WAF_... and SPIKE... armor/weapon keywords are "injected" into the games' keyword list.


However, the actual keyword lists for items seems to be handled differently, based on the fact that there are Keyword Count (KSIZ) subrecords for each armor/weapon. So my first question is:


Q1. Is it true that the keywords used for each armor/weapon record are determined by the normal plugin load-order override mechanism?


Then, I see that Kryptopyr, the author of WAF-R and CCF, states that she has made intentional changes some fixes to armor records make by the Unofficial Patches, and that WAF-R and CCF are designed to work with each other. So my next question is:


Q2. If the answer to question 1 above is "yes," then (as long as I'm using the BOSS recommended load order) is it safe to assume all armor/weapon keyword list subrecord conflicts between WAF-R/CCF and USKP/UDBP/UDGP can be ignored?


Finally, I notice that some keyword record/subrecord data is displayed in italics in TES5Edit.


Q3. What does italicized text mean in TES5Edit?


I also have two more questions, not about keywords, but related to WAF-R and CCF and compatibility through making a Bashed Patch.


Q4. What does the STATS tag found in WAF-R and CCF (and the Unofficial Patches) tell WB to do when it makes the Bashed Patch? I have searched all over for an answer to this, but no luck so far.


Then when looking at my Bashed Patch in TES5Edit, I notice that for the vast majority of WAF-R's Leveled Item records (with names starting LItem.../Sublist...) if there are records with the same reference name, but a different value for the level, the level value is pulled forward from Skyrim .esm, and not from WAF-R. This is because both the BOSS Masterlist and WB only recommend the STATS Bash tag for WAF-R (and I'm using the automatic tags feature of WB)


Here's a screenshot example of what happens for LItemEnchWeaponSword (record XX04B586):


Posted Image


This doesn't make sense to me, because it seems that the levels should be pulled from WAF-R. I want WAF-R's leveled list changes because that's one of it's features. So the question here is:


Q5. Should I add DELEV/RELEV tags to WAF-R, and if not, why not?


I apologize if this is not the right thread to ask those last two questions, but I figure that someone reading here may know about this or Neo himself has looked at these things before when evaluating whether to add WAF-R & CCF to the SR:LE guide.


Again, I'd like to express many thanks to Neo for helping me to "enter the matrix" through the original SR guide.


I'll be brief, as I'm at work (sadly, but being paid time-and-a-half is motivating enough) :)


1. YES

2. As far as I remember, YES, but not 100% sure

3. It means the given record is inserted. What are the implications, I do not know.

4. That's beyond my knowledge.


Q1. Is it true that the keywords used for each armor/weapon record are determined by the normal plugin load-order override mechanism?

Q2. If the answer to question 1 above is "yes," then (as long as I'm using the BOSS recommended load order) is it safe to assume all armor/weapon keyword list subrecord conflicts between WAF-R/CCF and USKP/UDBP/UDGP can be ignored?

Q3. What does italicized text mean in TES5Edit?

Q4. What does the STATS tag found in WAF-R and CCF (and the Unofficial Patches) tell WB to do when it makes the Bashed Patch? I have searched all over for an answer to this, but no luck so far.

Q5. Should I add DELEV/RELEV tags to WAF-R, and if not, why not?


A1: Yes.


A2: Generally, yes. You never know, I might disagree with a change one day! :)


A3: It means it's an "injected" record. From TES5Edit guys:


The plugin injects records into its masters. Injection is when a plugin uses a formid (master) that is not present in the master.



Master.esm records: 04xxxxxx to 04yyyyyy

Plugin.esp records: 04xxxxxx to 04yyyyyy and 04zzzzzz

04zzzzzz is injected into Master.esm


A4: The stats tag as you would expect forwards STATS from the latest plugin with the tag. So if you load a plugin later that changes said item the bashed patch will "revert" the stats to the last STAT tagged plugins version. Things such as value, damage, critical %, etc. etc. Unfortunately, it does not include Keywords or Names. (There is also a Names tag in WB that can be used also though to fix that one)


A5: My guide already states to add DELEV, RELEV, and STATS to WAF.


Ratsroot and Neo, I really appreciate the replies. Neo, thanks for sharing your knowledge on those last few questions.

A4: The stats tag as you would expect forwards STATS from the latest plugin with the tag. So if you load a plugin later that changes said item the bashed patch will "revert" the stats to the last STAT tagged plugins version. Things such as value, damage, critical %, etc. etc. Unfortunately, it does not include Keywords or Names. (There is also a Names tag in WB that can be used also though to fix that one)


A5: My guide already states to add DELEV, RELEV, and STATS to WAF.

You know, I've looked through the "official" TES5Edit documentation, and it just doesn't explain it clearly. I also searched the Unofficial Patches comments thread, but didn't glean anything. Posted once to ask about it but was ignored. However, your four sentences make it crystal clear.


It's strange though, because in TES5Edit with my entire plugin list loaded I remember seeing instances of some changed stats loaded later than WAF-R and CCF not being "reverted" in my Bashed Patch. I will have to go through the records again to double check.


My asking that last question embarrassingly reveals that I have not (recently) read through SR:LE fully. Since I retired my last (somewhat borked) savegame, I've made my baseline STEP setup, took away things I (or my older videocard) didn't like, and have been trying to be a little more independent and accountable for my own choices of mods.


That said, things like confirming whether WAF-R should have DELEV/RELEV tags added has proven to be very difficult. Kryptopyr doesn't mention it anywhere in the mod's description, and although in the Nexus comments thread one person suggested the tags should be added, there was no replies to confirm that. Also, unless I'm crazy or blind (which is possible, as I've started having to use reading glasses) I don't see a recommendation in the STEP 2.2.7 Guide to add the tags for WAF-R in WB.


In your guide, though, there it is in bright bold orange letters, under the entry for in WAF-R. I really should have read through all of SR:LE to the end! :facepalm:




EDIT: I've just rebuilt my Bashed Patch after adding the DELEV/RELEV tags to WAF-R, and when I saw the (html) generated report at the end, saw in the Import Stats section that there's nothing listed under the Modified Stats subheading. This is the same as I've seen since the Unofficial Patches as of v2.0 started being tagged with STATS, but it just reminded me of this lack of information in the report (which is the reason I went looking for an explanation on the tag in the first place.)


Neo - do you know if it's normal for WB not to include a detailed list of modified stats in bashed patch report? TIA again!


In my experience with testing the stats tag, it did not work correctly. I had problems getting mods I tagged on my own to have their stats carried to the bashed patch. Also, I had problems with the unofficial patches overwriting waf even though waf was lower.


Is there a way for me to add the RELEV/DELEV tag data directly to WAF? It would simplify things greatly for users, especially for those who might not be familiar with applying the tags themselves. I'm not sure how to do this so that the tags are saved with the mod itself.

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