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Conflict Resolution

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The entire record; i.e. everything from CRF.


Right panel in TES5Edit -> right click on the column header named Cutting Room Floor.esp -> Copy as override into... -> and you choose SR Conflict Resolution.esp. Done! :)


Other than just seeing if you can find it in a clean install... I'm not sure, cause I have that record. You're sure that if you copy and paste 000D5E9B into the FormID box in tes5edit, it doesn't find anything?


If I try this step:


XX01AE24 OBISFaction

XX = Index of OBIS.esp
Conflict Resolution: Use record from OBIS.esp then right-click on the Relations line and click Add. Right-click the newly created Faction entry and select Edit. Paste "ARTHLALBanditVampireFaction [FACT:YY0189E8]" where YY = Index of Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp and click [OK]. Right-click the newly created Group Combat Reaction entry and select Edit. Type "Ally" then click [OK].
Problem Resolved: Organized Bandits In Skyrim added bandits attacked the player if using the bandit alternate start.


it says "FormID [990189E8] references a master which is not available in file [9E] SR Conflict Resolution.esp."


Do I need to make Alternate Start a master of SR Conflict Resolution?

  On 6/18/2015 at 9:25 PM, triptonite said:

I didn't think of thaty. I have not been using the form id but the mod itself. Came up with form id (but not through the mod search - go figure)

Yeah, it's usually easier to just do it with the the form id.


  On 6/19/2015 at 10:49 AM, triptonite said:

If I try this step:


XX01AE24 OBISFaction

XX = Index of OBIS.esp

Conflict Resolution: Use record from OBIS.esp then right-click on the Relations line and click Add. Right-click the newly created Faction entry and select Edit. Paste "ARTHLALBanditVampireFaction [FACT:YY0189E8]" where YY = Index of Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp and click [OK]. Right-click the newly created Group Combat Reaction entry and select Edit. Type "Ally" then click [OK].

Problem Resolved: Organized Bandits In Skyrim added bandits attacked the player if using the bandit alternate start.


it says "FormID [990189E8] references a master which is not available in file [9E] SR Conflict Resolution.esp."


Do I need to make Alternate Start a master of SR Conflict Resolution?

Yeah, though I don't remember having to do it manually... Maybe I've just forgotten.


Via the "Add Masters" menu when you right click SR Conflict Resolution.esp in the left pane.

After you finish do not forget to utilize the "Sort Masters" menu.


Sorry to be such a pain with these questions. Is there a reason why I cannot see the aMidianborn_Content_Addon.esp when I do this step?


00000EEF SublistArmorBootsDaedricBest05

Conflict Resolution: Use record from Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp then move the added AMB items from aMidianborn_ContentAddon.esp.
Problem Resolved: Leveled list conflict between Immersive Armors and aMidianBorn Book of Silence needed to be properly merged.

Posted (edited)

It should be there. Can you try re-installing AMB content addon and look again?


For double checking...can you see aMidianborn_Content_Addon.esp using this formID: 00000EF3 SublistArmorCuirassDaedricBest05 ? This is also part of the conflict resolution guide.


If you cannot see the FormID I am asking above in amidianborn plugin then something fishy is going on. Have you, by any chance, accidentally made aMidianborn_Content_Addon.esp hidden in TES5Edit? Right click on this esp in the left pane and see if the menu "Hidden" is ticked.

Edited by Astakos
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