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Hey, I get some warnings and I just don't know how to solve them. As mentioned some posts earliere in a few versions of DynDOLOD 3 prior Alpha 39 these warnings weren't detected/shown at all.


[00:10] <Warning: LOD model meshes\dyndolod\lod\enclandmushrooms\mushroom03_lod.nif has same CRC32 as full model Meshes\enclandmushrooms\mushroom03.nif Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh.esp EncLand_Mushroom02 [STAT:22009F09]>

	[00:10] <Warning: LOD model meshes\dyndolod\lod\enclandmushrooms\mushroom04_lod.nif has same CRC32 as full model Meshes\enclandmushrooms\mushroom04.nif Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh.esp EncLand_Mushroom01 [STAT:2200F05E]>

	[00:12] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\tundra01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01tundra_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Tundra01 [STAT:0001608F]>

	[00:15] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool01Sulfur [STAT:000DADE2]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL01:1 - L2_RockPileL01:1 - L1_RockPileL01:1": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab01.dds in rockpilel01.nif -> textures\lod\caverocks01lod.dds in rockpilel01caverocks01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Mini atlas for replacement texture textures\dungeons\caves\caverocks01.dds appears to be different to mini atlas for textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab01.dds for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL01:9": textures\landscape\rocks01.dds in rockpilel01.nif -> textures\lod\cavebaseground01lod.dds in rockpilel01caverocks01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\reachgrass01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01reach_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Reachmoss [STAT:0001ECEB]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateauc_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateauCSulfur [STAT:000897D0]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool02Sulfur [STAT:000897CC]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau02 [STAT:00086789]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateauc_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateauC [STAT:00081396]>

	[00:18] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool02 [STAT:0007D44F]>

	[00:18] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau01 [STAT:0007D448]>

	[00:20] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockAnimalDen01:0 - L2_RockAnimalDen:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockanimalden01.nif -> textures\lod\tundrarocks01lod.dds in rockanimalden01tundrarocks_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockAnimalDenTundraRocks01 [STAT:000C3953]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\coastbeach01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01coast_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Coast01 [STAT:00017CD1]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool01 [STAT:000713C6]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau01Sulfur [STAT:000998CC]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau02Sulfur [STAT:000998C8]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateaucscdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau03SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:020058A1]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02scdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau02SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:0200589F]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01scdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau01SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:0200589D]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateaucscdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau03SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:02005890]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateau02scdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau02SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:0200588F]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateau01scdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau01SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:0200588E]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01volcanic_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm TundraStreamStraight01VolcanicTundra01 [STAT:02004A8E]>

	[00:24] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\pineforest02lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01green_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01PineForest02 [STAT:0005957B]>

	[00:25] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc02\lod\volcanic_ash_03lod.dds in volcanicplateau01volcanicash_lod_0.nif for Dragonborn.esm VolcanicPlateau01VolcanicAsh01 [STAT:04017E9F]>

	[00:25] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc02\lod\volcanic_ash_03lod.dds in volcanicplateau02volcanicash_lod_0.nif for Dragonborn.esm VolcanicPlateau02VolcanicAsh01 [STAT:04017E9D]>[/CODE][/SPOILER]


Here are the DynDOLOD_SSE.log and DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug.log: Logs.rar

Hopefully someone could help me with these kind of errors, especially the 'Textures do not match' ones. I don't exactly know yet, if these would cause some odd behaviors ingame.

Edited by PRieST
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1 hour ago, DoubleYou said:

Of note, Simplygon will no longer offer its free tier after March 31st.

35k/year...holy... that's kind of a statement...

OK I guess that's it then. Glad I just finished this and a few other things earlier.

  • 0

Hi sheson,

I am trying really hard to understand the error messages and make fixes where I can, but I keep getting error messages and I am really lost. I've cleaned plugins with xedit, I've double-checked requirements, everything is up-to-date (as far as I'm aware...). 

https://ufile.io/fuy92bc4 (I hope I did that right). 

Let me know if I'm missing any logs. Appreciate the help.

  • 0
3 hours ago, ImReadyToBingo said:

Hi sheson,

I am trying really hard to understand the error messages and make fixes where I can, but I keep getting error messages and I am really lost. I've cleaned plugins with xedit, I've double-checked requirements, everything is up-to-date (as far as I'm aware...). 

https://ufile.io/fuy92bc4 (I hope I did that right). 

Let me know if I'm missing any logs. Appreciate the help.

The DynDOLOD log shows that the last session generated the LOD patch sucessfully.

You did not say which of the two error messages you are referring and did not ask a specific questions what you need further help with beyond the given explanations and solutions.

<Error: Invalid script scripts\cwhcm_setchangeonquestprog_03.pex>
See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Invalid-Script

<Error: File not found scripts\cwitelescopescript.pex CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp [REFR:1E32C9F3] (places CWIStrotiTelescope [STAT:1E0428E8] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of [CELL:00000D74] (in Tamriel "Skyrim" [WRLD:0000003C]) at 20,3)>
See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/File-Not-Found-Scripts

Ask specific questions if further help is needed.

  • 0

The DynDOLOD log shows that the last session generated the LOD patch sucessfully.

You did not say which of the two error messages you are referring and did not ask a specific questions what you need further help with beyond the given explanations and solutions.

You’re absolutely right, apologies.

My main concern is with Textures do not match – this is overwhelmingly for my landscape mod Atlantean Landscapes. Example Warning: Textures do not match for "MountainTrim01:4": textures\landscape\blend\snow01.dds in mountaintrim01.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in mountaintrim01_lod_0.nif for Atlantean Landscape.esp ALSand_MountainTrim01CoastBeach01 [STAT:FE167845]. I have the latest DynDOLOD Resources. I checked the DynDOLOD Model Library, and the mod is not listed. I have placed the mod in the load order where the mod author instructs. Additionally, someone else reported under “bugs” very similar DynDOLOD error messages that I received, and the mod author told them that it was a problem with either how they installed the mod or a load order issue.

I worry that a landscape mod has so many error messages.

  • 0
2 hours ago, ImReadyToBingo said:

You’re absolutely right, apologies.

My main concern is with Textures do not match – this is overwhelmingly for my landscape mod Atlantean Landscapes. Example Warning: Textures do not match for "MountainTrim01:4": textures\landscape\blend\snow01.dds in mountaintrim01.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in mountaintrim01_lod_0.nif for Atlantean Landscape.esp ALSand_MountainTrim01CoastBeach01 [STAT:FE167845]. I have the latest DynDOLOD Resources. I checked the DynDOLOD Model Library, and the mod is not listed. I have placed the mod in the load order where the mod author instructs. Additionally, someone else reported under “bugs” very similar DynDOLOD error messages that I received, and the mod author told them that it was a problem with either how they installed the mod or a load order issue.

I worry that a landscape mod has so many error messages.

The message "Textures do not match" is warning message.

See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Textures-Do-Not-Match:
There are outdated LOD models in the load order or full models have been replaced without providing updated LOD models.
If and only if there are obvious differences of the textures between full models and LOD models, the log messages can aid in quickly finding the reason.
If this is reported for LOD models included in latest version of DynDOLOD Resources and because the full model has been replaced by a mod, check the log for messages about LOD textures being created on-demand for the reported full texture or if the texture was part of the TexGen generation. Check if the LOD representation for the full model has matching textures to the full model in the game.

The mod/install options install full meshes that have different texture paths to the vanilla full meshes among other changes.
The found LOD meshes (from DynDOLOD Resources) were made to match the vanilla full meshes. The warning message notes the change/difference.

The log also shows that Majestic Mountains is installed, so we might assume you used a corresponding option in the installation option of the mod.
See https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Majestic-Mountains and make sure to install its LOD resources if you did.

However, it is possible that the warning message still shows. In that case the last paragraph from https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Textures-Do-Not-Match still applies even though you are using 3rd party LOD resources from MM:
If this is reported for LOD models included in latest version of DynDOLOD Resources and because the full model has been replaced by a mod, check the log for messages about LOD textures being created on-demand for the reported full texture or if the texture was part of the TexGen generation. Check if the LOD representation for the full model has matching textures to the full model in the game. In case there are visual discrepancies, make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum to request updated LOD models for the mod. In addition to the usual logs, provide the name and link of the mod and install options if applicable.

If there are visual issues it could be because the Atlanteen Landscape mod makes a common mistake of reusing existing filenames in different subfolders for different variants of assets instead of unique filenames like Bethesda does. This creates problems with automatic processes, like automatically replacing LOD textures on the fly.

  • 0

Hi, I've gone through learning how to use xlodgen, texgen and dyndolod and am very happy with the results, except for 1 tree that is very blocky at a distance.
The tree is: TreePineForest05.nif
It's being changed by the Blubbos Synergy Trees mod.
It looks like this up close:
And here's what it looks like from a distance (the brown blocky one):

My DynDOLOD log files are here:

Unfortunately I can't click on the tree to get the reference because in my Skyrim VR the object I'm looking at/clicking on doesn't line up with what is selected but I know the tree name and the mod that's affecting it. If you absolutely need the reference I'll see if I can get someone else to try it and get it.

How do I fix it? Every other tree appears to be fine.

  • 0
1 hour ago, Peanut said:

Hi, I've gone through learning how to use xlodgen, texgen and dyndolod and am very happy with the results, except for 1 tree that is very blocky at a distance.
The tree is: TreePineForest05.nif
It's being changed by the Blubbos Synergy Trees mod.
It looks like this up close:
And here's what it looks like from a distance (the brown blocky one):

My DynDOLOD log files are here:

Unfortunately I can't click on the tree to get the reference because in my Skyrim VR the object I'm looking at/clicking on doesn't line up with what is selected but I know the tree name and the mod that's affecting it. If you absolutely need the reference I'll see if I can get someone else to try it and get it.

How do I fix it? Every other tree appears to be fine.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#In-Game-Screenshots how to provide useful screenshots with more informative console or provider the reference form ID and base record form ID, so we do not troubleshoot blindly. If clicking an object selects a different object in front of it, use the mouse wheel to cycle through objects or type disable in console to remove the unwanted objects and then click the desired object again. Also make a close up screenshot of the LOD model as explained, so there is no confusion which tree LOD model we are supposed to look at.

Provide a link to where the mentioned "Blubbos Synergy Trees mod" can be downloaded.

You can see in the DynDOLOD log that there are bad 3D tree LOD models assets that have different textures to their CRC32 matching full models, for example:

Warning: Textures do not match for "Scene Root:0": textures\architecture\farmhouse\ivy01.dds in treepineforest05.nif -> textures\cgbookcase.com_textures\bark\bark02_4k_basecolor2.dds in treepineforest05_7e87919dpassthru_lod.nif for Blubbo Synergy Trees - Quality.esp TreePineForest05 [TREE:00051126]

If 3D tree LOD models define a full texture for a shape name, it should match the full texture of the full model for the same shape name. Frankly, based on all the other error and warning messages, the tree mod is a mess that needs fixing.

  • 0

Hello. I have a long modlist among which I use Majestic Mountains, Simplicity of Snow, and wizkid's Snowy Surfaces Sound Collision and Aesthetics. When I run DynDoLOD I see lots of warning messages about wizkid's mod, like this:

[00:30] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockAnimalDen01:0 - L2_RockAnimalDen:0": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in rockanimalden01.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockanimalden01_lod_0.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_RockAnimalDenSnow01_HeavySN [STAT:FE0E1830]>
[00:30] <Warning: Textures do not match for "MountainTrim03:4": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in mountaintrim03.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in mountaintrim03_lod_0.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_MountainTrim03_LightSN [STAT:FE0E1834]>
[00:30] <Warning: Textures do not match for "MountainTrim03:4": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in mountaintrim03.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in mountaintrim03_lod_1.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_MountainTrim03_LightSN [STAT:FE0E1834]>
[00:30] <Warning: Textures do not match for "MountainTrim03:4": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in mountaintrim03.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in mountaintrim03_lod_2.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_MountainTrim03_LightSN [STAT:FE0E1834]>
[00:30] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL04:0": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in rockpilel04.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockpilel04_lod_0.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_RockPileL04DirtSnowPath [STAT:FE0E183C]>
[00:31] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockCliff02:0": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in rockcliff02.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockcliff02_lod_1.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_RockCliff02Snow01 [STAT:FE0E180F]>

I'm not sure I understand what this means (the mod is using a dirt texture instead of the right one?). It is harmless or should I uninstall that mod?

  • 0
36 minutes ago, kaymr said:

Hello. I have a long modlist among which I use Majestic Mountains, Simplicity of Snow, and wizkid's Snowy Surfaces Sound Collision and Aesthetics. When I run DynDoLOD I see lots of warning messages about wizkid's mod, like this:

[00:30] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockAnimalDen01:0 - L2_RockAnimalDen:0": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in rockanimalden01.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockanimalden01_lod_0.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_RockAnimalDenSnow01_HeavySN [STAT:FE0E1830]>
[00:30] <Warning: Textures do not match for "MountainTrim03:4": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in mountaintrim03.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in mountaintrim03_lod_0.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_MountainTrim03_LightSN [STAT:FE0E1834]>
[00:30] <Warning: Textures do not match for "MountainTrim03:4": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in mountaintrim03.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in mountaintrim03_lod_1.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_MountainTrim03_LightSN [STAT:FE0E1834]>
[00:30] <Warning: Textures do not match for "MountainTrim03:4": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in mountaintrim03.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in mountaintrim03_lod_2.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_MountainTrim03_LightSN [STAT:FE0E1834]>
[00:30] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL04:0": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in rockpilel04.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockpilel04_lod_0.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_RockPileL04DirtSnowPath [STAT:FE0E183C]>
[00:31] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockCliff02:0": textures\landscape\snow01.dds in rockcliff02.nif -> textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockcliff02_lod_1.nif for WIZ_FoscsF.esp WIZ_RockCliff02Snow01 [STAT:FE0E180F]>

I'm not sure I understand what this means (the mod is using a dirt texture instead of the right one?). It is harmless or should I uninstall that mod?

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which entire DynDOLOD log and debug log to upload when making posts.

See https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Textures-Do-Not-Match
There are outdated LOD models in the load order or full models have been replaced without providing updated LOD models.
Outdated or not properly made LOD models might still work fine in many cases ...
If and only if there are obvious differences of the textures between full models and LOD models, the log messages can aid in quickly finding the reason...  If there are no obvious differences of the textures between full models and LOD models, then nothing else needs to be done.

Also see https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Majestic-Mountains

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