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Posted (edited)

Hey, I get some warnings and I just don't know how to solve them. As mentioned some posts earliere in a few versions of DynDOLOD 3 prior Alpha 39 these warnings weren't detected/shown at all.


[00:10] <Warning: LOD model meshes\dyndolod\lod\enclandmushrooms\mushroom03_lod.nif has same CRC32 as full model Meshes\enclandmushrooms\mushroom03.nif Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh.esp EncLand_Mushroom02 [STAT:22009F09]>

	[00:10] <Warning: LOD model meshes\dyndolod\lod\enclandmushrooms\mushroom04_lod.nif has same CRC32 as full model Meshes\enclandmushrooms\mushroom04.nif Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh.esp EncLand_Mushroom01 [STAT:2200F05E]>

	[00:12] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\tundra01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01tundra_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Tundra01 [STAT:0001608F]>

	[00:15] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool01Sulfur [STAT:000DADE2]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL01:1 - L2_RockPileL01:1 - L1_RockPileL01:1": textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab01.dds in rockpilel01.nif -> textures\lod\caverocks01lod.dds in rockpilel01caverocks01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Mini atlas for replacement texture textures\dungeons\caves\caverocks01.dds appears to be different to mini atlas for textures\landscape\mountains\mountainslab01.dds for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockPileL01:9": textures\landscape\rocks01.dds in rockpilel01.nif -> textures\lod\cavebaseground01lod.dds in rockpilel01caverocks01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockPileL01CaveDirt [STAT:00091B2A]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\reachgrass01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01reach_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Reachmoss [STAT:0001ECEB]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateauc_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateauCSulfur [STAT:000897D0]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool02Sulfur [STAT:000897CC]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau02 [STAT:00086789]>

	[00:17] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateauc_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateauC [STAT:00081396]>

	[00:18] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool02 [STAT:0007D44F]>

	[00:18] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau01 [STAT:0007D448]>

	[00:20] <Warning: Textures do not match for "RockAnimalDen01:0 - L2_RockAnimalDen:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in rockanimalden01.nif -> textures\lod\tundrarocks01lod.dds in rockanimalden01tundrarocks_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm RockAnimalDenTundraRocks01 [STAT:000C3953]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\coastbeach01lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01coast_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01Coast01 [STAT:00017CD1]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicSteamPool01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicsteampool01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicsteampool01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicSteamPool01 [STAT:000713C6]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau01Sulfur [STAT:000998CC]>

	[00:22] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm VolcanicPlateau02Sulfur [STAT:000998C8]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateaucscdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau03SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:020058A1]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau02scdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau02SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:0200589F]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt02lod.dds in volcanicplateau01scdirt2_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau01SoulCairnDirt02 [STAT:0200589D]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateauC:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateauc.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateaucscdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau03SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:02005890]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateau02scdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau02SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:0200588F]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc01\lod\dlc01soulcairndirt01lod.dds in volcanicplateau01scdirt1_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm DLC01Plateau01SoulCairnDirt01 [STAT:0200588E]>

	[00:23] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\volcanictundradirt02lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01volcanic_lod_0.nif for Dawnguard.esm TundraStreamStraight01VolcanicTundra01 [STAT:02004A8E]>

	[00:24] <Warning: Textures do not match for "TundraStreamStraight01:0": textures\landscape\dirt02.dds in tundrastreamstraight01.nif -> textures\lod\pineforest02lod.dds in tundrastreamstraight01green_lod_0.nif for Skyrim.esm TundraStreamStraight01PineForest02 [STAT:0005957B]>

	[00:25] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau01:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau01.nif -> textures\dlc02\lod\volcanic_ash_03lod.dds in volcanicplateau01volcanicash_lod_0.nif for Dragonborn.esm VolcanicPlateau01VolcanicAsh01 [STAT:04017E9F]>

	[00:25] <Warning: Textures do not match for "VolcanicPlateau02:0": textures\landscape\volcanictundradirt01.dds in volcanicplateau02.nif -> textures\dlc02\lod\volcanic_ash_03lod.dds in volcanicplateau02volcanicash_lod_0.nif for Dragonborn.esm VolcanicPlateau02VolcanicAsh01 [STAT:04017E9D]>[/CODE][/SPOILER]


Here are the DynDOLOD_SSE.log and DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug.log: Logs.rar

Hopefully someone could help me with these kind of errors, especially the 'Textures do not match' ones. I don't exactly know yet, if these would cause some odd behaviors ingame.

Edited by PRieST
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1 hour ago, PRieST said:

Hey, I get some warnings and I just don't know how to solve them. As mentioned some posts earliere in a few versions of DynDOLOD 3 prior Alpha 39 these warnings weren't detected/shown at all.

  Reveal hidden contents

Here are the DynDOLOD_SSE.log and DynDOLOD_SSE_Debug.log: Logs.rar

Hopefully someone could help me with these kind of errors, especially the 'Textures do not match' ones. I don't exactly know yet, if these would cause some odd behaviors ingame.

..DynDOLOD\docs\help\LogMessages.html explains:

LOD model * has same CRC32 as full model
A full model was copied 1:1 to a LOD model filename instead of using the recommended and easier mesh rules.

A mod author was lazy and didn't really create a dedicated LOD model and also didn't use a mesh rule to simply define the full model for LOD.
It will work but is not ideal in terms of compatibility and future proofing the mod.


Textures do not match for *: *.dds in *.nif -> *.dds in *.nif
There are outdated LOD resources in the load order. Install the latest DynDOLOD Resources. Check if 3rd party LOD resources for mods have versions specficially for DynDOLOD 3 and install them instead of older versions.

In particular, make sure to install the MM LOD pack for DynDOLOD 3 as explained in ..\DynDOLOD\docs\DynDOLOD_Manual_SSE.html.
If you already did that (and also removed the old LODpack for DynDOLOD 2), the mentioned LOD meshes might be from another mod and I'd like to know which one.

Message about the minitatlas will have the same reason as textures not matching.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
47 minutes ago, sheson said:

..DynDOLOD\docs\help\LogMessages.html explains:

LOD model * has same CRC32 as full model
A full model was copied 1:1 to a LOD model filename instead of using the recommended and easier mesh rules.

A mod author was lazy and didn't really create a dedicated LOD model.


Ok, will have to take a look into how to create mesh rules again, to solve these two positions, thanks for the headsup (they are from Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh)


Textures do not match for *: *.dds in *.nif -> *.dds in *.nif
There are outdated LOD resources in the load order. Install the latest DynDOLOD Resources. Check if 3rd party LOD resources for mods have versions specficially for DynDOLOD 3 and install them instead of older versions.

In particular, make sure to install the MM LOD pack for DynDOLOD 3 as explained in ..\DynDOLOD\docs\DynDOLOD_Manual_SSE.html.
If you already did that (and also removed the old LODpack for DynDOLOD 2), the mentioned LOD meshes might be from another mod and I'd like to know which one.

Ah, I used the old LODpack and had it just overwritten with the new MM LOD pack for DynDOLOD 3, so maybe there are still some old files left, I'll check this again. DynDOLOD Resources are installed in version 11 (old ones deleted and replaced completely).

Edit: Oh, and the 'VolcanicPlateau' ones were created by myself to better fit for a personal edit of 'Better Dirt Cliffs and Alphas', so I think these won't fit anymore together with DynDOLOD 3.
I even created a plugin for the use of the textures and it worked well ingame (with DynDOLOD 2), I post a screenshot of it for the moment:


Ok, the MiniAtlas and the tundra/rock entries are solved after I redownloaded the DynDOLOD Resources and MM LOD Pack (removed the old files this time).
What's left now are my own lod meshes for the 'Volcanic Plateaus'.
What do I have to do, to make these work together with DynDOLOD 3?

Here is the plugin and my 'lod' creations: FileUpload

Edited by PRieST
  • 0
9 hours ago, PRieST said:

Ok, will have to take a look into how to create mesh rules again, to solve these two positions, thanks for the headsup (they are from Enhanced Landscapes - Dead Marsh)

Ah, I used the old LODpack and had it just overwritten with the new MM LOD pack for DynDOLOD 3, so maybe there are still some old files left, I'll check this again. DynDOLOD Resources are installed in version 11 (old ones deleted and replaced completely).

Edit: Oh, and the 'VolcanicPlateau' ones were created by myself to better fit for a personal edit of 'Better Dirt Cliffs and Alphas', so I think these won't fit anymore together with DynDOLOD 3.
I even created a plugin for the use of the textures and it worked well ingame (with DynDOLOD 2), I post a screenshot of it for the moment:


Ok, the MiniAtlas and the tundra/rock entries are solved after I redownloaded the DynDOLOD Resources and MM LOD Pack (removed the old files this time).
What's left now are my own lod meshes for the 'Volcanic Plateaus'.
What do I have to do, to make these work together with DynDOLOD 3?

Here is the plugin and my 'lod' creations: FileUpload

If you made those LOD models by copying existing one and then replaced the stitched object LOD textures with new stitched object LOD textures you can just delete the LOD models, so the ones from DynDOLOD Resources 3 take over again.

The updated LOD models in DynDOLOD Resources define the full textures just as its corresponding full model. When LOD is generated the full textures are replaced with the stitched object LOD textures on the fly. 
If the stitched object LOD texture does not exist because the full texture are being replaced on the record, the required stitched object LOD texture will automatically be created by DynDOLOD before it creates the object LOD atlas.
If there are already TexGen rules for the new stitched object LOD textures, make sure the miniatlas (e.g. 2x2, 4x4 etc.) for the replacement textures match with the miniatlas for the full textures.

If the 3D shape is different in those LOD models from the ones in DynDOLOD Resources let me know for further explanations.

  • 0
Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, sheson said:

If you made those LOD models by copying existing one and then replaced the stitched object LOD textures with new stitched object LOD textures you can just delete the LOD models, so the ones from DynDOLOD Resources 3 take over again.

The updated LOD models in DynDOLOD Resources define the full textures just as its corresponding full model. When LOD is generated the full textures are replaced with the stitched object LOD textures on the fly. 
If the stitched object LOD texture does not exist because the full texture are being replaced on the record, the required stitched object LOD texture will automatically be created by DynDOLOD before it creates the object LOD atlas.
If there are already TexGen rules for the new stitched object LOD textures, make sure the miniatlas (e.g. 2x2, 4x4 etc.) for the replacement textures match with the miniatlas for the full textures.

If the 3D shape is different in those LOD models from the ones in DynDOLOD Resources let me know for further explanations.

I thinkt I haven't understood everything in detail, but let the files from DynDOLOD Resources win the conflict solves the 'issue'.

I even changed the correspinding textures from 'dirtcliff01' to 'volcanictundradirt01' and the warning doesn't pops up, so I think this wil work? The full model has infact the same textures applied in my case.

So, is the plugin I created long time ago obsolete? I even have no clue anymore, why I did this. I think I know, why I created this, but I don't know if I sill need the lod files like 'meshes\lod\volcanic\sulfur\volcanicplateau01sulfur_lod_0.nif' which were part of DynDOLOD Resources some versions ago or from DynDOLOD 2, I don't know, maybe these are obsolete with DynDOLOD 3?

For the two 'mushroom' warnings were the full model = LOD model, I created following rules

LODGen40=EncLand_Mushroom02,Static LOD4,Static LOD8,Static LOD16,Far LOD,Unchanged,1

LODGen41=EncLand_Mushroom01,Static LOD4,Static LOD8,Static LOD16,Far LOD,Unchanged,1

 which I copied from

LODGen35=mushroomtree,Static LOD4,Static LOD8,Static LOD16,Far LOD,Unchanged,1

as these are no tree records, but static.
I also edited the lod files 'Enhanced Landscapes\meshes\dyndolod\lod\enclandmushrooms\mushroom03_lod' and '...\mushroom04_lod' to use some smaller LOD textures (256x256), deleted the BSX file inside the mesh and changed it do 'default' instead of using a 'glowmap'. I am not able to do mesh optimizations, as I have no clue on how to do this. 

The warnings from DynDOLOD are gone, but was it correct what I did there or will these edits cause any problems in future?

Edited by PRieST
  • 0
54 minutes ago, PRieST said:

I thinkt I haven't understood everything in detail, but let the files from DynDOLOD Resources win the conflict solves the 'issue'.

I even changed the correspinding textures from 'dirtcliff01' to 'volcanictundradirt01' and the warning doesn't pops up, so I think this wil work? The full model has infact the same textures applied in my case.

So, is the plugin I created long time ago obsolete? I even have no clue anymore, why I did this. I think I know, why I created this, but I don't know if I sill need the lod files like 'meshes\lod\volcanic\sulfur\volcanicplateau01sulfur_lod_0.nif' which were part of DynDOLOD Resources some versions ago or from DynDOLOD 2, I don't know, maybe these are obsolete with DynDOLOD 3?

This just recently changed with DynDOLOD 3 alpha 34. The texture specific LOD model files are obsolete now for all LOD models that are made of only stitched object LOD textures. That is all automatic now. You can remove those and it should still work with the texture replacements now done automatically with main LOD model file that matches the full model filename.

  • 0

Hello again, being trying to solve some issues. The current one is a ton of "Warning: Textures do not match for"  in Majestic Mountains , Skyrim and a few others (almost all of them related to rocks or caverocks). I tried moving mods around in my load order and found out that if Dyndolod Resources overwrites Cathedral Landscapes the problem goes away but that means I have to overwrite Majestic Mountains's LOD resources  and  thats a bad practice, right? Texgen ran without issues and already tried reinstalling , everything is up to date.

Modwatch: https://modwat.ch/u/nardo68/modlist

Logs: https://mega.nz/file/gSAjVa6a#X2rke5REgiFwTb1cuIfcYn48Anv4yAbxePI8QG8dd7I

  • 0
25 minutes ago, nardo68 said:

Hello again, being trying to solve some issues. The current one is a ton of "Warning: Textures do not match for"  in Majestic Mountains , Skyrim and a few others (almost all of them related to rocks or caverocks). I tried moving mods around in my load order and found out that if Dyndolod Resources overwrites Cathedral Landscapes the problem goes away but that means I have to overwrite Majestic Mountains's LOD resources  and  thats a bad practice, right? Texgen ran without issues and already tried reinstalling , everything is up to date.

Modwatch: https://modwat.ch/u/nardo68/modlist

Logs: https://mega.nz/file/gSAjVa6a#X2rke5REgiFwTb1cuIfcYn48Anv4yAbxePI8QG8dd7I

From ..\DynDOLOD\docs\help\LogMessages.html
Textures do not match for *: *.dds in *.nif -> *.dds in *.nif
There are outdated LOD resources in the load order. Install the latest DynDOLOD Resources. Check if 3rd party LOD resources for mods have versions specifically for DynDOLOD 3 and install them instead of older versions.

Make sure to read the first post "Requirements" and/or ..\DynDOLOD\docs\DynDOLOD_Manual_SSE.html "Compatibility - Some Assembly Required".

Especially the part about Majestic Mountains and making sure there are no old resources installed.

  • 0
3 hours ago, sheson said:

From ..\DynDOLOD\docs\help\LogMessages.html
Textures do not match for *: *.dds in *.nif -> *.dds in *.nif
There are outdated LOD resources in the load order. Install the latest DynDOLOD Resources. Check if 3rd party LOD resources for mods have versions specifically for DynDOLOD 3 and install them instead of older versions.

Make sure to read the first post "Requirements" and/or ..\DynDOLOD\docs\DynDOLOD_Manual_SSE.html "Compatibility - Some Assembly Required".

Especially the part about Majestic Mountains and making sure there are no old resources installed.

Reinstalled the MM lod pack and MM itself and no luck , I have to owerwrite them with Dyndolod Resources to fix it. No other mod has updated billbords or lod resources. And the logs keep pointing to textures\landscape\dirt02.dds 

Fresh logs:dyndolod debug Dyndolod log

  • 0
11 minutes ago, nardo68 said:

Reinstalled the MM lod pack and MM itself and no luck , I have to owerwrite them with Dyndolod Resources to fix it. No other mod has updated billbords or lod resources. And the logs keep pointing to textures\landscape\dirt02.dds 

Fresh logs:dyndolod debug Dyndolod log

Check which mod is supplying the outdated meshes from the warning message, like rockcaveentrance01cobble_lod_0.nif, rockpilel04cobble_lod_0.nif, rockcliff01fall_lod_1.nif etc.

  • 0
On 9/11/2022 at 11:24 AM, saaaaty said:

Even though I installed the majestic mountains 3.0 LOD, dyndolod still reports textures do not match.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

You did not ask a question. Read  https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Textures-Do-Not-Match

As explained, DynDOLOD Resources SE or 3rd party LOD resource made specifically for DynDOLOD 3 are probably being overwritten by other mods.

  • 0
7 hours ago, sheson said:


你没有问一个问题。阅读  https:// dyndolod .info/Messages/Textures-Do-Not-Match

如前所述,DynDOLOD资源 SE 或专为DynDOLOD 3 制作的第 3 方 LOD 资源可能会被其他模组覆盖。

Here is log


I also got grey snow in lod. i'm using majestic mountain and simplicity of snow



  • 0
On 9/11/2022 at 8:29 PM, saaaaty said:

Here is log


I also got grey snow in lod. i'm using majestic mountain and simplicity of snow



Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum#Post-Logs which entire session of the log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Mods/Majestic-Mountains
Explains that DynDOLOD V3.0 LOD needs to overwrite DynDOLOD Resources SE.

The mod manager should be able to tell you which files of a mod (DynDOLOD Resources SE or DynDOLOD V3.0 LOD) are being overwritten.
It is also possible that none of the files are being overwritten by a mod. In that case there is nothing else to do, as "Outdated LOD resources might still work fine in many cases..." applies.

Read https://dyndolod.info/Help/Snow-Ash-LOD-Shader.

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