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Alright sorry for taking so long, was generating seasons also. But the generation succeeded, thank you so much. The failed object LOD worldspace is Spring Valley from an outdated mod, "The World of Rudra". I'll upload those logs too just in case you need.

Here's the logs: Ufile.io - 1693767421.


  On 9/3/2023 at 6:58 PM, Ylikollikas said:

The active season was Winter. The same issue happens with forcing winter in po3 seasons ini file or just using console command set gamemonth to enter any of the winter months. If I disable seasons from seasons of skyrim mod completely then the issue doesn't appear either.


Mods that overwrite DynDOLOD Resources SE:

Sorry forgot to answer to this in my initial reply. But yes I did.


If you force no season or any other season the issue goes away as well?

Upload DynDOLOD_SSE_ModelsUsed_Tamriel*.txt
What is the total file size of all *WIN.BTO compared to the default *.BTO in ..\meshes\terrain\tamriel\objects\?

Does using tll in console to disable all LOD make a difference?

DynDOLOD Resources SE should overwrite
Beyond Skyrim - Bruma SE
Spice of Life - Orc Strongholds SE
Mrf's Markarth
Water for ENB

Uninstall LOD for DYNDOLOD Experimental Need Test. Those are not LOD models but full models. See if it makes a difference.
Seasonal Landscapes - Unfrozen.esp also includes LOD models that are just renamed full models, hide them. They might only be used at summer season, you could cross check with the log file above it they are used in winter.

  On 9/3/2023 at 8:54 PM, sheson said:

If you force no season or any other season the issue goes away as well?




  On 9/3/2023 at 8:54 PM, sheson said:

What is the total file size of all *WIN.BTO compared to the default *.BTO in ..\meshes\terrain\tamriel\objects\?


My latest run was winter only just for quick test if removing the Bright Waterfall Fix for ENB Dyndolod would've fixed the issue (it didn't), so I don't have default BTOs currently. I will do default + winter season run next and report back. I will also hide/remove the files you mentioned.

  On 9/3/2023 at 8:54 PM, sheson said:

Does using tll in console to disable all LOD make a difference?


Yup, seems like the freezes don't happen at all if I do this.


  On 9/3/2023 at 9:14 PM, Ylikollikas said:

My latest run was winter only just for quick test if removing the Bright Waterfall Fix for ENB Dyndolod would've fixed the issue (it didn't), so I don't have default BTOs currently. I will do default + winter season run next and report back. I will also hide/remove the files you mentioned.


Update on this. The freezing issue was not resolved with these steps. Size for WIN.BTO files is 6.59GB and default .BTO files 6.34GB.


Same Error as Gratis_monsta:

[Window Title]

[Main Instruction]
Error: Plugin load order too high to copy record into DynDOLOD.esm TSR_TeldrynSerious.esp [CELL:4E944051] (in TSRVampWorldspace "Shattered Crypt" [WRLD:4E939A2E])


Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message

For qualified help and advice or to report a problem make a post on the official DynDOLOD support forum.

[Exit DynDOLOD]

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  On 9/3/2023 at 9:14 PM, Ylikollikas said:



My latest run was winter only just for quick test if removing the Bright Waterfall Fix for ENB Dyndolod would've fixed the issue (it didn't), so I don't have default BTOs currently. I will do default + winter season run next and report back. I will also hide/remove the files you mentioned.

Yup, seems like the freezes don't happen at all if I do this.


Do a binary search with the *WIN.BTO then.
Hide an entire LOD levels (first number after Tamriel). If it does not change anything put it back and remove another until you only have the files of a LOD lvel that contribute to the problem.
Hide half the remaining files. If problem goes a way, unhide them and hide the other half.
Repeat until you only have one file or maybe a couple files left.

Upload the problematic file


Skyrim SE / DynDOLOD 3a142 / Resources 3a42 / DLL NG + Scripts 3a12

The dynamic LOD of the Icerunner ship from Save the Icerunner docked in Solitude harbor is visible when viewed from Tamriel worldspace, but not when viewed from the Solitude worldspace.

https://dyndolod.info/Help/Child-Parent-Worldspace-Copies addresses references with object LOD, but doesn't mention dynamic LOD. So I'm assuming they're not supported. I'd appreciate it if you could clarify this point and hint at whether this is something you might try to address in the future.

This report is provided for your information and asking for your thoughts. Thanks in advance.


The Legacy of the Dragonborn museum in Solitude has 2 exterior balconies: 1 on the first floor, in Tamriel; and the other 1 on the second floor, in SolitudeWorld.

View from Tamriel balcony | Harbor with Icerunner | LODs off


View from Solitude balcony | Harbor with missing Icerunner | LODs off


Dynamic LOD in Tamriel | Full Model*


* By the way, do you know why the console shows the original ship [REFR:2E000C3A] is defined by DynDOLOD.esm? It's actually defined by SaveTheIcerunner.esp:

image.png ???

The Icerunner ship is located in cell -16,22 which is part of SolitudeWorld and has been processed by DynDOLOD for Parent > Child copies:


Full logs here https://drive.google.com/file/d/13ztLnWFIIBlL459vnhVIwrB4B32ywMF-/view



  On 9/4/2023 at 10:33 AM, Mousetick said:

https://dyndolod.info/Help/Child-Parent-Worldspace-Copies addresses references with object LOD, but doesn't mention dynamic LOD. So I'm assuming they're not supported. I'd appreciate it if you could clarify this point and hint at whether this is something you might try to address in the future.


Never mind, I don't know how to read:


Individual Child Worldspace Configuration

NoDynamicLOD - this setting disables showing any dynamic LOD from the parent worldspace when the player is in the child worldspace.


It's set to zero in DynDOLOD_SSE_childworld_SolitudeWorld.ini:

; set to 1 to not enable dynamic LOD in this child worldspace

So maybe there's a bug, or I'm not understanding what the effect of this setting is supposed to be.

  On 9/4/2023 at 8:55 AM, Jackal99 said:

I strongly recommend testing before releasing any new version. sorry this reply but this is my feedback.


I strongly recommend reading before posting.

From the first post: This is an ALPHA version to test things and iron out bugs. Certain things may be incomplete, not work as expected or change considerably between versions.

This website and DynDOLOD 3 are currently an ALPHA version to test things and iron out bugs.
Certain things may be incomplete, not work as expected or change considerably between versions.
Using the latest version and providing feedback or reporting problems is a requirement to participate in the alpha test.

DynDOLOD 3 is currently an ALPHA version to test things and to iron out bugs. Certain things may be incomplete, not work as expected or change considerably between versions. Report problems or ask question on the official DynDOLOD support forum. Use DynDOLOD 2 to not participate in the alpha test.

DynDOLOD is shared with the public for free specifically for the purpose of people testing it and to report bugs in order to improve it.

New versions are tested with a vanilla game setup and whatever mods are relevant for the current problem reports.

Either provide a problem report as explained in the first post and/or https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum and or provide constructive feedback by actually defining what specifically should be tested before releasing a new version. 

  • +1 1

Alright this WIN.BTO causes a freeze consistently in a specific spot. If I remove the BTO, the freezes stop. There are many other spots as well that had a freezes, but for purposes of this half-half testing I tested with one specific spot to get consistent results. The spot is near sleeping tree camp. Regardless, after removing this file I wasn't able to find any spot with freezes no matter how much I ran around so I suspect this was only this BTO file causing it.


Screenshot of the spot in-game

Spot in the map


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