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  On 3/25/2023 at 10:33 AM, sheson said:

It is unclear what issue was solved which is most likely something with the drivers or crapware etc.

For LODGenx64Win.exe used by DynDOLOD to generate object LOD meshes it should be fine to only install the latest .NET Runtime 7.x x64 as it is backwards compatible.


Well no changes to drivers or bloatware were made so I dont know Sheson...

My issues were with TexGenx64.exe (and Texconvx64.exe) process not DynDOLODx64.exe (which functions fine)

The only change made was literally installing x64 .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.15 package over x64 .NET Runtime 6.0.15 package and rebooting and TexGenx64.exe did its thing just fine. Not sure why but Texconvx64.exe (which is what seems I was having an issue with) does not like the x64 .NET Runtime 6.0.15 package.

So I dont know. Im just reporting that single change that fixed TexGenx64.exe to work for me :D


NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.15-1.png

  On 3/25/2023 at 10:45 AM, RainingTacco said:

Ahh great that's why it's not working, another counterintuitive thing...

Why are there separate settings file, and why i can't just use dyndolod_sse.ini master file if i choose so?

Great, split settings into thousand files that overwrite the default file...is there a switch for default file to be a master file and stop with the annoyances like these? 

Also why does DynDOLOD can't run with screen turned off, it seems it can't handle forcing gpu to work when the screen is disbled? I usually turn off my screen when im not at pc, and just run some computation. 


DynDOLOD is a modified version of xLODGen. xLODGen generates an export file for LODGen to generate object LOD meshes. The settings in the DynDOLOD INI are added to the header of the export file for LODGen when the LOD patch is generated. If you want to change certain settings of object LOD meshes generation without having to generate a new export file, you need to edit the settings in the export file before executing LODGen again. This is all explained in the documentation and the links and quotes I recently posted. It does not matter how things actually work, the instructions need to be read and followed either way.

There obviously is no such thing as a default or master export file. It is created for the current load order with the current options and settings when the LOD patch is generated.

  On 3/25/2023 at 10:48 AM, Dersh said:

Well no changes to drivers or bloatware were made so I dont know Sheson...

My issues were with TexGenx64.exe (and Texconvx64.exe) process not DynDOLODx64.exe (which functions fine)

The only change made was literally installing x64 .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.15 package over x64 .NET Runtime 6.0.15 package and rebooting and TexGenx64.exe did its thing just fine. Not sure why but Texconvx64.exe (which is what seems I was having an issue with) does not like the x64 .NET Runtime 6.0.15 package.

So I dont know. Im just reporting that single change that fixed TexGenx64.exe to work for me :D



TexGenx64.exe is a delphi compiled Windows program and does not use .NET
Texconvx64.exe is a c++ compiled Windows program and should not be using .NET either. It requires the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

Try uninstalling all .NET and then run TexGen to see if it still works.

Unfortunately you are not letting us know which OS, driver, crapware, etc. you have installed that is interfering and started working after updating something that neither TexGen/Texconv use or require.

Posted (edited)

Is it possible for chunk creation to feed it specific matrix list of coordinates? like [8,-5][6,-3] and it would create lod for the square between coordinates 8,-5 and 6,-3?

Is coordinate system used by dyndolod same as on this map?


Im asking because i enter cell coordinate from this map, execute lodgen and get empty folder, whereas i know that there should be lod there. 

Ok its the same coordinate system, but why it generate empty lod then? Hmmm. It works fine when i just generate lod4, but when i try some chunks like 8,-5 i get empty folder. 

Edited by RainingTacco
  On 3/25/2023 at 12:26 PM, RainingTacco said:

Is it possible for chunk creation to feed it specific matrix list of coordinates? like [8,-5][6,-3] and it would create lod for the square between coordinates 8,-5 and 6,-3?

Is coordinate system used by dyndolod same as on this map?


Im asking because i enter cell coordinate from this map, execute lodgen and get empty folder, whereas i know that there should be lod there. 

Ok its the same coordinate system, but why it generate empty lod then? Hmmm. It works fine when i just generate lod4, but when i try some chunks like 8,-5 i get empty folder. 


As explained, the specific chunk settings can be used to generate a LOD level and/or a specific BTO file.
As explained use the DynDOLOD SkyUI MCM - You Are Here to know the coordinates of a specific BTO file. 
Leaving the LOD Level or a drop down empty means "any"

There is no LOD file with the WS coordinates 8,-5. If this is Tamriel, then the cell 8,-5 is part of the LOD file Tamriel.4.8.-8.bto

The cell coordinates are defined by the data in the plugins. The game and tools derive the coordinates of a LOD file by the SW origin set in the lodsettings file for the worldspace and the LOD Level.

Posted (edited)

How there is no 8,-5 cell, when these are the coordinates that dyndolod tells me when i look it in dyndolod mcm ingame? So what the heck i have to put in dyndolod chunk settings to get that 8,-5 cell lod generated[it's the coc whiterun cell]? What is a lodsettings file and where it is located? Why can't cell coordinates of 8,-5 translate to lod files named 8,-5, but you tell me it's 8,-8?  

Edited by RainingTacco
  On 3/25/2023 at 12:57 PM, RainingTacco said:

How there is no 8,-5 cell, when these are the coordinates that dyndolod tells me when i look it in dyndolod mcm ingame? So what the heck i have to put in dyndolod chunk settings to get that 8,-5 cell lod generated[it's the coc whiterun cell]? What is a lodsettings file and where it is located? Why can't cell coordinates of 8,-5 translate to lod files named 8,-5, but you tell me it's 8,-8?  


As explained at https://dyndolod.info/How-LOD-Works and https://dyndolod.info/Help/Object-LOD The nearest LOD level is 4, which means 4x4 cells are combined into a single (terrain, object, tree) LOD mesh. The LOD files use the WS cell for the filename for the area the LOD level covers.

Nobody said that there is no cell 8,-5. In Tamriel there is no LOD file with those coordinates. The LOD level 4 file that contains the LOD for the cell 8,-5 has the coordinates level = 4, W = 8, S = -8 -> Tamriel.4.8.-8.bto

The instructions and earlier replies explain what values to use for the drop downs and how to get them.

Posted (edited)

Ahhh sweet, it's bethesda idiosyncrasies time. They just couldn't make it sane lol

Would it be possible for dyndolod to take cell reference like i said 8.-5 and then produce applicable LODs containing this cell, without the need for some crossreferencing with external program? That would make the life easier for end user. 

Edited by RainingTacco
  On 3/25/2023 at 1:12 PM, RainingTacco said:

Ahhh sweet, it's bethesda idiosyncrasies time. They just couldn't make it sane lol

Would it be possible for dyndolod to take cell reference like i said 8.-5 and then produce applicable LODs containing this cell, without the need for some crossreferencing with external program? That would make the life easier for end user. 


If you know cell coordinates you should be able to do the simple math for the west/south cell of the LOD level 4 file that covers that cell. The coordinate steps of the LOD files are 4 in each direction. Cells 0,0 to 3,3 are in file 4.0.0, hence cell 4,0 is in file 4.4.0 etc.

https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45057/ "LOD Meshes and exact localization on the map" look at the file "Tamriel.4.x.y.png"

  On 3/24/2023 at 12:41 PM, sheson said:

Read the first p[osy which logs and debug logs to upload when making posts. Read https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum

Dynamic Distant Objects LOD (DynDOLOD) is the advanced and easier version of xLODGen to generate a comprehensive LOD mod for the entire load order of the different Skyrim and Enderal game versions for drastically enhanced and better matching tree LOD and object LOD plus optional dynamic LOD (hence the name), glow LOD, grass LOD, occlusion data and terrain underside in a few simple steps.

Read https://dyndolod.info/How-LOD-Works for a basic explanation of how standard LOD works in the game. DynDOLOD does not change how LOD works. E.g. there is always a switch between LOD and full model at some point.

See answers for Billboard tree LOD does not match close-up full model trees https://dyndolod.info/FAQ
If tree LOD does not match full trees, then you have no followed the generation instructions https://dyndolod.info/Generation-Instructions and may have still 3rd party billboards installed.

Consider generating HD tree LOD billboards and to use https://dyndolod.info/Help/Ultra-Tree-LOD with the HD Billboards and/or 3D tree LOD models. 3D tree LOD resources are often an extra download or mod for tree mods.



I meticulously studied dyndolod.info for days and read all the pages you posted more than once. I couldnt get EVT or HLT to run smoothly unfortunatly. I have very satisfying results with just SBT though. The transition is almost not visible in a normal gaming session (not starring at the trees all the time).

I am pretty sure I have no third party billboards installed. I should see them in the lod folder in my MO2 data tab right?

The last thing i am fighting is visually distracting terrain and mountain lod popping. But thats another story. Anyways, thank you for this awesome piece of software and your seemingly neverending support for dummy users like me! Great job!


Not sure if this is the right place for this but I can't seem to get DynDOLOD/occlusion.esp to keep the changed records from Unique Region Names SE. This results in kind of an inconsistent experience with that mod. (i,e some savegames/doors show the improper name, or just 'Skyrim' when it should say something else)

I've downloaded any other available patches for that mod so I'm reasonably sure this is one of the only major things left that could be affecting it, but not 100%, but just thought I'd ask anyway.

  On 3/25/2023 at 9:08 PM, trancybrat said:

Not sure if this is the right place for this but I can't seem to get DynDOLOD/occlusion.esp to keep the changed records from Unique Region Names SE. This results in kind of an inconsistent experience with that mod. (i,e some savegames/doors show the improper name, or just 'Skyrim' when it should say something else)

I've downloaded any other available patches for that mod so I'm reasonably sure this is one of the only major things left that could be affecting it, but not 100%, but just thought I'd ask anyway.


Read the first post which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Finalize the load order. Install mods and their requirements. Sort and resolve conflicts.

When the plugins are generated, records from the last plugin that is the winning overwrite are copied to create the DynDOLOD plugins and Occlusion.esp. Sort and finalize the load order before generating the LOD patch. If any other plugins are added later consider to generate new output from scratch again.

As explained, the plugins are generated by copying records from the winning plugins. Records in the generated plugins do not change after generation unless you edit them or run other tools afterwards.

  On 3/25/2023 at 8:57 PM, schmurftdurft said:


I meticulously studied dyndolod.info for days and read all the pages you posted more than once. I couldnt get EVT or HLT to run smoothly unfortunatly. I have very satisfying results with just SBT though. The transition is almost not visible in a normal gaming session (not starring at the trees all the time).

I am pretty sure I have no third party billboards installed. I should see them in the lod folder in my MO2 data tab right?

The last thing i am fighting is visually distracting terrain and mountain lod popping. But thats another story. Anyways, thank you for this awesome piece of software and your seemingly neverending support for dummy users like me! Great job!


I can not speak to the matching quality of 3rd party billboards or 3D tree LOD models to their full model counter parts, if that is what you mean by "to run smoothly". If you believe there is a problem, double check with the mod author of the 3rd party assets that you have the expected results and/or make a report if there is an issue with the billboards generated by TexGen https://dyndolod.info/Official-DynDOLOD-Support-Forum.

All LOD billboards files are in ..\Textures\Terrain\LODGen\*.*.
That folder can be checked in MO2 right window data tab.

Typically generate terrain LOD meshes and textures with xLODGen before generating the LOD mod with DynDOLOD, as the terrain LOD meshes are used to optimize object LOD meshes.



The updates to DynDOLOD 3 Alpha-121 and DynDOLOD DLL NG and Scripts 3 Alpha-5 should hopefully fix all the problems you reported in the past week. In case there are still uses, upload new set of logs as usual.

  • Like 2

Thanks for the update, one small question (can't provide you logs, so will add them late if needed).

I made a new install of DynDOLOD and the corresponding resources. From the changelog you didn't changed anything TexGen related, but are there different ini settings with 121?
I'm asking because TexGen with 120 was running about 3 minutes untill it finished and with 121 it lasted over 10 minutes - without any other changes of any mods. TexGen Logs
As now DynDOLOD is running it also seems to be way slower, that's why I can't give you the logs right now.

From start to the message '[08:19] [Tamriel] Generating object LOD' as you can see it were over 8 minutes - this was way faster with my last run with 120.

Again, I am just asking because I think there is something different, maybe I'll have to change a ini setting which had I set before or was at a different value due to the standard installation.

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