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  On 12/17/2022 at 7:12 PM, Asmodeus said:

Take a loke :) : 





Moved to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha tread. Read the first which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Do not post screenshots of messages, use the "Copy message to clipboard" link and paste the text instead as explained on the first post.
Record [FURN:FE5428AE] in file InnBath.esp is being overridden by record [ACTI:FE5428AE] in file Water for ENB Patch Simple Inn Bath.esp

Use the "Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message" to open https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Record-Is-Being-Overridden as explained on the first post.

No links to the involved mods were provided

The patch was probably made for a different version of the plugin or vice versa.

Edit: According to Water for ENB bug report you installed the wrong patch.

  On 12/17/2022 at 7:29 PM, sheson said:


Moved to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha tread. Read the first which log and debug log to upload when making posts.

Do not post screenshots of messages, use the "Copy message to clipboard" link and paste the text instead as explained on the first post.

Use the "Click on this link for additional explanations and help for this message" to open https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Record-Is-Being-Overridden as explained on the first post.

No links to the involved mods were provided. Edit: According to Water For ENB bug reports https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/37061?tab=bugs you installed the wrong patch. 

The patch was probably made for a different version of the plugin or vice versa.


Thanks Iam new here sorry

Posted (edited)

Ok.  This time I have pictures and logs.  I also have to report that this problem has gotten worse since I started playing through the various versions of DyndoLOD.  I have been "finishing"  a load order in my spare time (not a lot since September) since June.  In June through August, when running Dyndolod, I have gotten the occasional plus shaped object in certain areas of Tamriel.  Just a few (I only remember seeing 3 near Winterhold).  Last time I reported 4-5 between Riverwood and Whiterun which was after a rebuild in November.  As you can see from the pictures, that has changed with later versions of DyndoLOD (up from 95 to 106).  The only thing that has changed since my previous post (in November which was apparently deleted) was the DyndoLOD version and me switching from Sunhelm to Last Seed. Plus one or two other minor mods that looked interesting.  Nothing to merit the changes you see in the pictures.  Before that, back in September, I added a bunch of patch mods to fix some major issues around Morthal and Dawnstar caused by Cities of the North mods.  I may have added a few more patch mods but little else. Before that I had ZERO tall plus shaped objects between Riverwood and Whiterun.  So something has changed with DyndoLOD to cause these issues.  As mentioned earlier, in the original build (with zero in this scene) the only plusses I ever saw in the game that far back were 2-3 of them near Winterhold.  That is all.  Now as I look over the Whiterun Valley from the path from Riverwood, this is what I see (two different runs of DyndoLOD.  The first one without HQ trees, the second with.)



The log can be downloaded here.




Edited by primem0ver

Hey guys,

Before using the latest version of dyndolod 3 (alpha 106) i was using alpha 87. A thing i noticed is the size of bto files almost doubled for the same load order with the same settings. I know using HD grass, it will increase the size but i set ForceComplexGrass=0 and did not select hd grass. But the size is still way bigger.

Any ideas why?

Thank you in advance for your help

  On 12/19/2022 at 7:46 AM, vektor9999 said:

Hey guys,

Before using the latest version of dyndolod 3 (alpha 106) i was using alpha 87. A thing i noticed is the size of bto files almost doubled for the same load order with the same settings. I know using HD grass, it will increase the size but i set ForceComplexGrass=0 and did not select hd grass. But the size is still way bigger.

Any ideas why?

Thank you in advance for your help


No. Read the first post.


The mesh DynDOLOD_flat_3x2_lod.nif has 3 planes intersecting at 60 degree angles and allows for 3 different textures. [...] Generating HD tree LOD billboards with TexGen creates a front and side view texture.


How would one use Billboard3 DynDOLOD_flat_3x2_lod.nif which has 3 textures (_1, _2, _3) with TexGen which generates only front and side textures (_1, _2)?

  • External billboards in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE].ini

Are DynDOLOD_flat_2x2alt_lod.nif and DynDOLOD_flat_4x2alt_lod.nif located in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD available for use by end-users? If so, how are they intended to be used, for what purpose, in which circumstances?

  • Temporary references setting in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE].ini
; Set to 1 to add activators as temporary references if possible.
; Will result in more plugins used as masters and larger plugin
; size because of additional CELL data that needs to be copied to the DynDOLOD plugin

I'd like to use this feature: Temporary=1. More masters and larger plugin(s) notwithstanding, are there other reasons you would recommend against it? E.g. experimental, not fully tested, not up to date with default (persistent references).

Thank you.

  On 12/19/2022 at 11:15 AM, Mousetick said:

How would one use Billboard3 DynDOLOD_flat_3x2_lod.nif which has 3 textures (_1, _2, _3) with TexGen which generates only front and side textures (_1, _2)?

  • External billboards in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE].ini

Are DynDOLOD_flat_2x2alt_lod.nif and DynDOLOD_flat_4x2alt_lod.nif located in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD available for use by end-users? If so, how are they intended to be used, for what purpose, in which circumstances?

  • Temporary references setting in ..\DynDOLOD\Edit Scripts\DynDOLOD\DynDOLOD_[GAME MODE].ini
; Set to 1 to add activators as temporary references if possible.
; Will result in more plugins used as masters and larger plugin
; size because of additional CELL data that needs to be copied to the DynDOLOD plugin

I'd like to use this feature: Temporary=1. More masters and larger plugin(s) notwithstanding, are there other reasons you would recommend against it? E.g. experimental, not fully tested, not up to date with default (persistent references).

Thank you.


It is supposed to use _1 texture if there is no _3 texture. Might be defunct.

The "alt" are used for grass LOD with GrassBillboardX=

Temporary=1 seemed to work for the couple users with the "overmodding symptoms" at the time before Skyrim SE was out and before we knew about the ref handle cap. Knowing what we know now temporary/persistent should make no difference for ESP, but it helped those users anyways.

  • Thanks 1
  On 12/19/2022 at 7:27 AM, primem0ver said:

Ok.  This time I have pictures and logs.  I also have to report that this problem has gotten worse since I started playing through the various versions of DyndoLOD.  I have been "finishing"  a load order in my spare time (not a lot since September) since June.  In June through August, when running Dyndolod, I have gotten the occasional plus shaped object in certain areas of Tamriel.  Just a few (I only remember seeing 3 near Winterhold).  Last time I reported 4-5 between Riverwood and Whiterun which was after a rebuild in November.  As you can see from the pictures, that has changed with later versions of DyndoLOD (up from 95 to 106).  The only thing that has changed since my previous post (in November which was apparently deleted) was the DyndoLOD version and me switching from Sunhelm to Last Seed. Plus one or two other minor mods that looked interesting.  Nothing to merit the changes you see in the pictures.  Before that, back in September, I added a bunch of patch mods to fix some major issues around Morthal and Dawnstar caused by Cities of the North mods.  I may have added a few more patch mods but little else. Before that I had ZERO tall plus shaped objects between Riverwood and Whiterun.  So something has changed with DyndoLOD to cause these issues.  As mentioned earlier, in the original build (with zero in this scene) the only plusses I ever saw in the game that far back were 2-3 of them near Winterhold.  That is all.  Now as I look over the Whiterun Valley from the path from Riverwood, this is what I see (two different runs of DyndoLOD.  The first one without HQ trees, the second with.)



The log can be downloaded here.


Moved to the DynDOLOD 3 Alpha thread.

The screenshot seems to show billboard tree LOD in object LOD using the wrong object LOD atlas texture. Make sure that absolutely nothing whatsoever overwrites any of the DynDOLOD output files. Make sure the output folder is empty when generating LOD from scratch, so there are no old files preventing creation of newer files.

Do not use object LOD output from LODGens that did not complete successfully. Fix the file not found error reported in LODGen_SSE_MSWorld_log.txt
The mentioned BSA is probably corrupt.

Do not install any 3rd party tree LOD billboards. Use TexGen to generate all desired LOD billboards.

Do not install 3rd party LOD billboards. Use TexGen to generate them.

For mipmap generation, textures should have resolutions that are divisible by 4, which is also a requirement of the newer compression formats like BC7.
In case there are 3rd party LOD billboards listed in the message (textures\terrain\LODGen\*), remove all 3rd party LOD billboards and instead use TexGen to generate all the desired LOD billboards. See TexGen Configuration for more.

The mentioned plugin(s) needs to be cleaned. Pay attention to similar LOOT messages.

Reread what I wrote here https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/17510-dyndolod-300-alpha-106/page/345/#comment-262975 
CoreLocationsStandard.esp and HybridLocationMerge.esp seem to intentionally trigger as many large reference bugs as possible. Maybe turn the large reference system off and set IgnoreLargeReferences=1.

  On 12/19/2022 at 11:52 AM, sheson said:

Temporary=1 seemed to work for the couple users with the "overmodding symptoms" at the time before Skyrim SE was out and before we knew about the ref handle cap. Knowing what we know now temporary/persistent should make no difference for ESP, but it helped those users anyways.


Oh right, I forgot the references were added to DynDOLOD.esp, so no difference and more like a placebo.



  On 12/19/2022 at 1:14 PM, Mousetick said:

Oh right, I forgot the references were added to DynDOLOD.esp, so no difference and more like a placebo.


It might be that things work different in Skyrim. It did help the users with their problem which seemed like it was what we now believe is the ref handle cap.


@sheson.  Thanks for your input.  Found one problem: my new merge mod to settle the Cities of the North problem had a higher mod priority so was overwriting some of the textures.  That was my bad.  I should have thought of it. That solved the issues around Riverwood and Whiterun.  Will check into the other issues as I play.


Has anyone had any problems with the Celtic Music in Skyrim - SE mod in the latest Dyndolod? It appears to be causing a LODGen Failed To Generate Object LOD problem for me. I'm getting an error message in my Tamriel and Tamriel AUT/SPR/SUM logs. Each process seemed to get stuck at that point forcing me to manually close the window so the process would continue. What I don't understand is, why is Dyndolod interacting with a music mod? Does this mod do something I didn't expect?

From my log file:

Error reading H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE.bsa The output char buffer is too small to contain the decoded characters, encoding 'Unicode (UTF-8)' fallback 'System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback'. (Parameter 'chars') file not found meshes\sess_lod\rocks\rockl04_lod_1.nif




I'll add my debug file here once the upload completes.

  On 12/20/2022 at 3:46 AM, ThorM465 said:

Has anyone had any problems with the Celtic Music in Skyrim - SE mod in the latest Dyndolod? It appears to be causing a LODGen Failed To Generate Object LOD problem for me. I'm getting an error message in my Tamriel and Tamriel AUT/SPR/SUM logs. Each process seemed to get stuck at that point forcing me to manually close the window so the process would continue. What I don't understand is, why is Dyndolod interacting with a music mod? Does this mod do something I didn't expect?

From my log file:

Error reading H:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\Celtic_Music_In_Skyrim_SE.bsa The output char buffer is too small to contain the decoded characters, encoding 'Unicode (UTF-8)' fallback 'System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback'. (Parameter 'chars') file not found meshes\sess_lod\rocks\rockl04_lod_1.nif




I'll add my debug file here once the upload completes.


Read the first post which debug log to upload.

The BSA seems to be corrupt or contain unexpected data. In order to know what files are in an archive, the archive needs to be opened and looked at.
Are you just assuming it does not contain relevant files or did you actually check? Same principle.

The actual error is the message "file not found meshes\sess_lod\rocks\rockl04_lod_1.nif" in LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt

The DynDOLOD log also shows 
[04:53] <Warning: File not found meshes\sess_lod\rocks\rockl04_lod_1.nif Solitude Exterior Sovngarde Statue Set V.esp SESSV_RockL04 [STAT:FE8D2805]>

SSE-Terrain-Tamriel-Full-Extend.esm should only be active when generating terrain LOD.

Posted (edited)

Here's my debug file. Sorry it was 1GB and took a while to upload to the share site. https://ufile.io/9qt0eitz I think this is the one asked for in the OP.

No I haven't checked it yet. I know how to open BSAs, but I don't really know what I'm looking at when I do. haha Should I open it and upload those files to the share site and post here?

Yea, I forgot to disable the SSE-Terrain-Tamriel-Full-Extended.esm plugin. I reran my xlodgen yesterday to correct some other missing world space issues and forgot to disable that plugin.

I ran Dyndolod again last night without that plugin or the Celtic plugins and I'm still getting the file not found meshes\sess_lod\rocks\rockl04_lod_1.nif.

Anything else I can provide that would be helpful?

Edit: I extracted the BSA and it's nothing but .xwm files.


Edited by ThorM465
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