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DynDOLOD 3.00 Alpha 182


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1 hour ago, aazz said:

Delete all old log files in the log folder.

Restore to the default DynDOLOD_SSE.ini from the download archive.
Then change LODGenThreadSplit=6 and run DynDOLOD to see if it makes a difference. You might only select one of the affected worldspaces for the test.

Upload new DynDOLOD and LODGen logs if problem persists.


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1 hour ago, sheson said:

로그 폴더에 있는 모든 오래된 로그 파일을 삭제합니다.

다운로드 보관소에서 기본 DynDOLOD_SSE.ini로 복원합니다.
그런 다음 LODGenThreadSplit=6을 변경하고 DynDOLOD를 실행하여 차이가 있는지 확인합니다. 영향을 받는 세계 공간 중 하나만 테스트를 위해 선택할 수 있습니다.

문제가 지속되면 새로운 DynDOLOD 및 LODGen 로그를 업로드하세요.






I changed the DynDOLOD_SSE.ini file to the original, modified it to LODGenThreadSplit=6, and tried again, but it had no effect.
As you said, I only selected falskaar and tamriel worlds and proceeded. 
Waiting for LODGenx64Win.exe generating object LOD for Falskaar.
Since the phrase appeared, I kept watching with the lodgenx64 window at the top, and it said that about 6 lines were completed in 5 minutes. I watched for about an hour after that, but there was no change. Is there any way to find a problem in the log?

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1 hour ago, aazz said:





I changed the DynDOLOD_SSE.ini file to the original, modified it to LODGenThreadSplit=6, and tried again, but it had no effect.
As you said, I only selected falskaar and tamriel worlds and proceeded. 
Waiting for LODGenx64Win.exe generating object LOD for Falskaar.
Since the phrase appeared, I kept watching with the lodgenx64 window at the top, and it said that about 6 lines were completed in 5 minutes. I watched for about an hour after that, but there was no change. Is there any way to find a problem in the log?

There are really a lot of errors reported for the load order that you should look into.

The game is installed to Program Files, which can cause  issues with the OS, UAC, Antivir etc. preventing file access.

Test if there is a difference if not selecting ultra tree LOD and/or grass LOD.

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Hi Sheson, I believe so, does this last modification date sound right for Alpha 53.1? 

Yes, I can change uLargeRefLODGridSize, is this only changed in Skyrimprefs.ini or do I need to do anything anywhere else with this setting? Thanks for the support on this!

Screenshot 2024-10-14 110032.jpg

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3 hours ago, sheson said:

실제로 적재 순서와 관련해 보고된 오류가 많으므로 살펴봐야 합니다.

이 게임은 Program Files에 설치되는데, 이로 인해 OS, UAC , Antivir 등과 관련된 문제가 발생하여 파일 접근이 방해받을 수 있습니다.

울트라 트리 LOD 및/또는 그래스 LOD를 선택하지 않으면 차이가 있는지 테스트합니다 .

I unchecked grass lod and ran it, and it succeeded!
Is there a way to find out what the problem is with the grass by looking at the log?

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18 hours ago, D1Z4STR said:

Hi Sheson, I believe so, does this last modification date sound right for Alpha 53.1? 

Yes, I can change uLargeRefLODGridSize, is this only changed in Skyrimprefs.ini or do I need to do anything anywhere else with this setting? Thanks for the support on this!

Screenshot 2024-10-14 110032.jpg

Yes those look correct.
See what happens if you replace fxwaterfallbodyslope_AA06506B_dyndolod_lod.nif in its folder and then just start the game as is.
If there the animated waterfall is not (properly visible) or there is texture flicker because of the 2 models, then also replace fxwaterfallbodyslope_AA06506Bpassthru_lod.nif in its folder and Execute LODGen in Expert Mode to generated updated object LOD meshes. See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Expert-Mode

Let me know the results. In case there are any other waterfall models having a similar issue provide their base record form ID.

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20 hours ago, aazz said:

I unchecked grass lod and ran it, and it succeeded!
Is there a way to find out what the problem is with the grass by looking at the log?

While probably not directly the cause of the issue, there are a lot of warnings like https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Billboard-For-Model-Does-Not-Contain-Texture:
<Warning: Billboard for model Meshes\landscape\grass\aegopodiumflowerdrj_d.nif does not contain texture matches Freak's Floral Fields.esp AegopodiumFlowerDrJ_D [GRAS:78000844]>

You should run TexGen for the current load order before running DynDOLOD. See https://dyndolod.info/Generation-Instructions#1-Generate-The-Required-LOD-Assets-with-TexGen

What is the size of the grass cache folder? What is the file size of the largest *.cgid file?

Set Verbose=1 in DynDOLOD_SSE.ini and then start DynDOLOD in Expert Mode (see https://dyndolod.info/Help/Expert-Mode), select only Tamriel or only Falskaar and then click the Execute LODGen button to start LODGen. Bring the white on black command prompt Window to the front to check, if nothing seems to happen for 20 to 30 minutes anymore, stop it and upload the new LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt or LODGen_SSE_Falskaar_log.txt

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1 hour ago, sheson said:

Yes those look correct.
See what happens if you replace fxwaterfallbodyslope_AA06506B_dyndolod_lod.nif in its folder and then just start the game as is.
If there the animated waterfall is not (properly visible) or there is texture flicker because of the 2 models, then also replace fxwaterfallbodyslope_AA06506Bpassthru_lod.niffxwaterfallbodyslope_AA06506Bpassthru_lod.nif in its folder and Execute LODGen in Expert Mode to generated updated object LOD meshes. See https://dyndolod.info/Help/Expert-Mode

Let me know the results. In case there are any other waterfall models having a similar issue provide their base record form ID.

I have placed the first mesh you provided overwriting the one from DynDOLOD Resources SE 3. I will check in game like you mentioned and all my generations are always done with Expert mode on.

Ok, the mesh worked showing the animated waterfall from my original screenshot location but only when I backed up further a bit further. At the exact location it was static and now is static for longer while approaching the waterfall versus the last mesh. 

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Sorry we are branching into to multiple steps here. Should I replace the last 2 meshes in DynDOLOD Resources and re-run it? Is fxwaterfallbody the mesh reference am I looking for? Could I also just set level 4 and level 8 to 'Full'? Or even change the flag to 'None' for /fxwaterfallbody  and fxwaterfallbody?

Lastly, you said it is easiest to just change uLargeRefLODGridSize to a larger number, I am going to try that to see if there is any change, but the waterfall might not be a large reference.


489830_14.jpg even closer with this shot, the new mesh it is static (when moving to almost half the distance closer then, it animates again)


Update - I tested booting the vanilla game through Steam and that waterfall never became static as far as I could see, and I like it. How do I get these waterfalls to be more like the vanilla game? Never thought I would say that. I think the answer is to set the rules to 'None'. Is this correct?

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13 hours ago, D1Z4STR said:

I have placed the first mesh you provided overwriting the one from DynDOLOD Resources SE 3. I will check in game like you mentioned and all my generations are always done with Expert mode on.

Ok, the mesh worked showing the animated waterfall from my original screenshot location but only when I backed up further a bit further. At the exact location it was static and now is static for longer while approaching the waterfall versus the last mesh. 

What is the "exact" location?

You seem to be reporting that close up the waterfall is static and when moving away it becomes animated?

The waterfall 0001CCDA should have these states:
The full model fxwaterfallbodyslope.nif defined by the base record 000FC85F in the active 5x5 cells and the large reference area around them.
Beyond the large reference distance in the LOD area there should be an animated LOD model. It has a reference and base record in the DynDOLOD plugins and uses fxwaterfallbodyslope_AA06506B_dyndolod_lod.nif. It can be disabled/enabled via console. Typically the dynamic LOD model is active to the edge of the Far Grid.
Underneath the dynamic LOD model should be the static LOD model, which uses fxwaterfallbodyslope_AA06506Bpassthru_lod.nif for all static LOD levels. It can be toggled with all LOD with the tll command in console.

12 hours ago, D1Z4STR said:

Sorry we are branching into to multiple steps here. Should I replace the last 2 meshes in DynDOLOD Resources and re-run it? Is fxwaterfallbody the mesh reference am I looking for? Could I also just set level 4 and level 8 to 'Full'? Or even change the flag to 'None' for /fxwaterfallbody  and fxwaterfallbody?

Lastly, you said it is easiest to just change uLargeRefLODGridSize to a larger number, I am going to try that to see if there is any change, but the waterfall might not be a large reference.


489830_14.jpg even closer with this shot, the new mesh it is static (when moving to almost half the distance closer then, it animates again)


Update - I tested booting the vanilla game through Steam and that waterfall never became static as far as I could see, and I like it. How do I get these waterfalls to be more like the vanilla game? Never thought I would say that. I think the answer is to set the rules to 'None'. Is this correct?

You should replace the files with the same filenames in their respective folders in the DynDOLOD Resources with the ones I uploaded.

The reference and base record that are shown in the screenshot with more informative console uses fxwaterfallbodyslope.nif for the full model.
There typically is no fxwaterfallbody.nif but there are also fxwaterfallbodytall.nif and fxwaterfallbodytall02.nif

Static LOD does not support animation and transparency, so using the full model for LOD is not going to have good visual results. That is why a dedicated dynamic LOD model and a dedicated static LOD model exist and should be used usually.

The reference 0001CCDA is a large reference.

The vanilla game shows the full model waterfalls to the edge of the large reference grid and then switches them to static LOD. That is why the dynamic LOD with the Near and Far Grid exists; to show the animated LOD further than the vanilla game does. If you see an animated waterfall for the reference 0001CCDA further than the large reference distance, then something that is not vanilla/default is causing that change.

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16 hours ago, sheson said:

아마도 문제의 원인일 것이지만 https://dyndolod.info/Messages/Billboard-For-Model-Does-Not-Contain-Texture :
<경고: Meshes\landscape\grass\aegopodiumflowerdrj_d.nif 모델의 Billboard에 Freak's Floral Fields.esp AegopodiumFlowerDrJ_D [GRAS:78000844]와 일치하는 텍스처가 없습니다.>와 같은 경고가 많이 있습니다 .

DynDOLOD를 실행하기 전에 현재 로드 순서에 대해 TexGen을 실행해야 합니다 https://dyndolod.info/Generation-Instructions#1-Generate-The-Required- LOD -Assets- with -TexGen을 참조 하세요.

Grass 캐시 폴더의 크기는 얼마입니까? 큰 *.cgid 파일의 파일 크기는 얼마입니까?

DynDOLOD_SSE.ini에서 Verbose=1을 설정한 다음 DynDOLOD를 전문가 모드로 시작합니다(  https://dyndolod.info/Help/Expert-Mode 참조 ). Tamriel만 선택하거나 Falskaar만 선택한 다음 Execute LODGen 버튼을 클릭하여 LODGen을 시작합니다. 흰색에서 검은색 명령 프롬프트 창을 앞으로 가져와서 확인합니다. 20~30분 동안 아무 일도 일어나지 않는 것 같으면 창을 멈추고 새 LODGen_SSE_Tamriel_log.txt 또는 LODGen_SSE_Falskaar_log.txt를 업로드합니다.

After confirming that the grass was the problem, I deleted all grass-related modes, reinstalled NGIO, re-cached, and tried it, and it worked perfectly!
Perhaps my ngio settings were the problem.
Before caching, the size of the grass folder was 17GB, but after restarting, it was reduced to 800MB. I think maybe this was the problem.
Thank you so much for helping me solve my problem.

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1 hour ago, aazz said:

After confirming that the grass was the problem, I deleted all grass-related modes, reinstalled NGIO, re-cached, and tried it, and it worked perfectly!
Perhaps my ngio settings were the problem.
Before caching, the size of the grass folder was 17GB, but after restarting, it was reduced to 800MB. I think maybe this was the problem.
Thank you so much for helping me solve my problem.

17GB sure is huge. Most likely too high of a density setting and/or the Super-dense-grass setting of NGIO. It might work with setting the density in DynDOLOD to <10% but might still take ages to generate LOD with that.

In any case 800MB is much more reasonable.

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